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Young minds being manipulated by liberal point of view
Union Leader ^ | Sep 05 2001 | Cal Thomas

Posted on 09/05/2001 2:22:33 AM PDT by 2Trievers

THE BEGINNING of another school year affords opportunities for politicians to complain that not enough money is being spent on education and for others to observe the disappointing results from the record amounts of money that have already been spent on our public schools. Occasionally, one sees evidence of how young minds are being manipulated in these institutions to accept a certain point of view about politics and the world.

One such example is found in a publication called, “Editorial Cartoons by Kids—2001,” published by News Currents of Madison, Wis., which describes itself as “a weekly current events discussion program (with print and Internet components) ... (covering) important and interesting news and feature stories for students in a radically old-fashioned way ... “

They have the radical part right, although by that they mean, “we rely on the skill of teachers and the curiosity of motivated kids.”

Looking at the editorial cartoons drawn by children from kindergarten to high school reveals an ideology that’s mostly liberal.

Jake Zingler, a fourth grader in Albuquerque, N.M., won second place in the contest for his cartoon of three pigs — labeled “rich,” “GOP Congress” and “big business” — eating at a trough. A sign over the trough reads, “Bush Tax Cut.”

Keenan Fernandez, a sixth grader from Albany, N.Y., has a man standing in front of George W. Bush. The man says, “I think, therefore I am.” In the next panel, President Bush evaporates. The point seems to be that Bush doesn’t think, therefore he isn’t.

Natasha Bax, a Los Angeles fifth grader, has drawn two restroom doors. One has a male symbol and is labeled (Attorney General) “John Ashcroft’s Office.” The other has a female symbol and is labeled “Out of Order.”

It doesn’t get any better in junior high. Breanne Sullivan, a seventh grader from Wilmington, Del., has drawn figures representing President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney. They stand on a “yellow brick road.” The cartoon is titled, “The Wizard of Oz Party” and is subtitled, “1 doesn’t have a brain. 1 doesn’t have a heart.”

Amelia Quist, of Watertown, Wis., depicts President Bush violating church-state separation by destroying the Constitution. Several entries take the Democrats’ view that Bush stole the election, and that Republicans are polluters and don’t care about the poor. Will Hubbard, a 12th grader in North Palm Beach, Fla., has drawn a cartoon featuring a chess board. The king is topped with a dollar sign and the queen with a cross. The rooks are the GOP elephant symbol, the bishops are Cheney and Ashcroft, and the pawn is President Bush. Hubbard won first place in the “senior level” competition.

Mike Luckovich, editorial cartoonist for the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, praises the work: “The kids are not only aware of what’s going on in the country and the world, they also have the intelligence to comment on issues in a cogent and often funny way,” he states on the back of the publication.

It is good that children are thinking about their world, but that they mostly reflect a single point of view is the stuff of nations that indoctrinate children.

Woodrow Wilson, one of our most idealistic Presidents, said, “The great melting-pot of America, the place where we are all made Americans of, is the public school, where men of every race, and of every origin, and of every station of life send their children, or ought to send their children, and where, being mixed together, they are all infused with the American spirit and developed into the American man and the American woman.”

Not anymore.

If these editorial cartoons accurately depict what’s going into and coming out of young American minds, public education, which increasingly fails the nation in too many categories, is succeeding in churning out more young people made in the liberal image. This imposition of liberalism is being accomplished with the tax dollars of many people who do not share a liberal point of view. No wonder liberals oppose freedom of school choice for parents.

Cal Thomas is a political columnist based in Virginia and a commentator on FOX News Channel.

TOPICS: Culture/Society; Editorial
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1 posted on 12/31/1969 4:00:00 PM PST by 2Trievers
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To: 2Trievers
No wonder liberals oppose freedom of school choice for parents

Yeah...because the "choice" in many cases is a Catholic school...

Our Founding Fathers may have missed the boat on the First Amendment. They forgot "Freedom from Propaganda."

John Stossel had a recent hour special on the environment....he asked kids questions and they got the wrong answer - on the facts - but got the right answer for the teachers.

2 posted on 12/31/1969 4:00:00 PM PST by The Raven
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To: 2Trievers, ohioWfan
No wonder liberals oppose freedom of school choice for parents.

UH-oh, Ohio, more evidence to favor my argument!

3 posted on 12/31/1969 4:00:00 PM PST by .30Carbine (I am trying to be good, but they keep feeding the fire, lol)
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To: 2Trievers
Ronald Reagan was right back in 1983 when he said that if a foreign power had been responsible for the failures in our public school system it would be considered an act of war against our country. Nearly 20 years later it's only worse. We now have a deeply ingrained radical Political-Industrial Education Complex and these "cartoons" prove it.
4 posted on 12/31/1969 4:00:00 PM PST by Oldeconomybuyer
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To: The Raven
"but got the right answer for the teachers."

Then all is working according to plan ... right on schedule.

5 posted on 12/31/1969 4:00:00 PM PST by 2Trievers
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To: 2Trievers
I was listening to the radio on my way to work yesterday morning and the DJ was talking about a recent survey of high school graduates and their views on homosexuality. About 70% supported gay marriage, job benefits, etc. Their views followed the liberal party line to a T.

The DJ was astounded that the youth of America was so "open minded", but in reality they were just parroting what their teachers had told them--same thing with these cartoons.

6 posted on 12/31/1969 4:00:00 PM PST by randog
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To: 2Trievers
It couldn't be that these children are simply acting on what they hear at their homes could it? No! It must be the education system that is solely to blame!!
7 posted on 12/31/1969 4:00:00 PM PST by tal hajus
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To: .30Carbine
UH-oh, Ohio, more evidence to favor my argument!

Don't worry, .30, I agree with everything Cal Thomas said here. The problem of liberal brainwashing in the vast majority of public schools is severe, as it is in almost all colleges and Universities. The truth of that doesn't change the fact that there are exceptions.

Many kids who are completely sheltered from reality implode when they first encounter it. And sometimes kids who are armed with the truth and infused with confidence grow strong, and end up more conservative than their parents.... Right there in those nasty old public schools. :o)

8 posted on 12/31/1969 4:00:00 PM PST by ohioWfan
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To: 2Trievers
Jake Zingler, a fourth grader in Albuquerque, N.M., won second place in the contest for his cartoon of three pigs — labeled “rich,” “GOP Congress” and “big business” — eating at a trough. A sign over the trough reads, “Bush Tax Cut.”

No doubt Jake told his mom and dad to send their $600.00 refund straight back to the IRS instead of buying him a new skateboard, Nintendo, and the latest Nikes because if they didn't, that would make Jake awfully "piggish".

9 posted on 12/31/1969 4:00:00 PM PST by FrdmLvr
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To: tal hajus
If they were reacting on what they learned at home, it would seem to me that the mix of cartoons would be closer to 50/50 and not so dominated by a liberal point of view. Of course, there could have been many fine 'conservative' cartoons submitted, but the liberal education establishment didnt pick them for publication. That would not surprise me either. But government schools are clearly liberal indoctrination centers. Especially this new wave of "community property" nonsense that is spreading across the country. If you don't know what that is, that is when on the 1st day of school the teacher has all the students in the class put all of the school supplies their parents bought them into a pile and the class is to share all the supplies. The stated reason... because not every parent can afford to buy the supplies that some of the other parents can. It is pure, unadulterated Karl Marx. From each...
10 posted on 12/31/1969 4:00:00 PM PST by Phantom Lord
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To: Phantom Lord
...on the 1st day of school the teacher has all the students in the class put all of the school supplies their parents bought them into a pile and the class is to share all the supplies.

If I had a kid and that happened at his/her school, I'd send them to school with pencil nubs and teach them (and their classmates) the "there's a sucker born every minute" and "a fool and his money are soon parted" lessons.

11 posted on 09/05/2001 10:45:06 AM PDT by randog
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To: randog
If i knew it was going to happen at my kids school (i dont have kids so it is all speculation) I would send them with no supplies. Hell, let him get the free ones! Better than me sending him to school with good stuff for the others to take.
12 posted on 09/05/2001 10:54:11 AM PDT by Phantom Lord
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To: 2Trievers
News Currents of Madison, Wis...

So who are these guys, anyway? Remember, these cartoons don't necessarily reflect the ones sent in, they reflect the ones for which these "News Currents" folks have decided to award the prizes. And if they're anything like their Madison environment, they think Trotsky was middle-of-the-road.

13 posted on 09/05/2001 11:03:28 AM PDT by Billthedrill
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To: 2Trievers
I found a couple of local examples of this. I live in a fairly conservative state. I was amazed as I listened to local news reporting this past year of the mock elections being held in local grade schools. Although our state went solidly for Bush, the grade school results were upwards of 90% for Gore. Nope, no "molding of young minds" there. /sarcasm

Shortly after that I received a copy of the propaganda newsletter the local school district publishes with my tax dollars. They had published a group of top essays on government. I almost gagged. Although the words were different, every essay said essentially the same thing. It was an ultraliberal position on an issue. No, certainly the high school teacher wasn't foisting her own political positions off on her students. /sarcasm again

The schools today are propaganda machines and training centers for the left. If you care about your children -- even a little bit -- homeschool!

14 posted on 09/05/2001 11:26:22 AM PDT by Exigence
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To: ohioWfan
The problem of liberal brainwashing in the vast majority of public schools is severe, as it is in almost all colleges and Universities.

Absolutely right. The saddest thing is that this includes most Christian universities today too. The liberal institutions are the creators of most PhDs, even those who teach at conservative Christian schools.

15 posted on 09/05/2001 11:30:39 AM PDT by Exigence
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To: Exigence, .30Carbine
Absolutely right. The saddest thing is that this includes most Christian universities today too. The liberal institutions are the creators of most PhDs, even those who teach at conservative Christian schools.

Unfortunately, you are right that it is also true in most Christian universities. Many of today's professors are products of the 60's, where the ideology, either implied (in Christian schools) or spoken (in secular Universities), was that all educated people were liberal. I think this was particularly true in the areas of Political Science and History.

Now all those mind-numbed, brainwashed students are professors who are feeding the same garbage to the next generation, and now, as then, only the strong survive with their values intact.

16 posted on 09/05/2001 11:55:31 AM PDT by ohioWfan
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To: ohioWfan
Now all those mind-numbed, brainwashed students are professors...

Sadly, some of them are pastors, too. There were something like 18 [wolves in sheep's clothing] pastors who signed a pro-homosexual-agenda petition, which they paid to run as an ad in many Vermont papers, when the Civil Unions Bill was coming around for votes in the VT House and Senate. These were not just leaders at the Universalist churches, either; they were from Methodist and Episcopalian, as well as other lesser known denominations.

Thankfully, God has set HIS pastors in key areas, even in Vermont. There were Evangelicals, Baptists, Jews, and Catholics on our side, among others.

Many Bible believing Christians were scared out of their socks (and their pews) to learn where their leaders stood on the homosexual issue. It became the line that separated the sheep from the goats.

17 posted on 09/05/2001 1:27:14 PM PDT by .30Carbine
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To: randog
"but in reality they were just parroting what their teachers had told them"

You know that to be a fact? And they couldn't be repeating what their parents have said at home?

18 posted on 09/05/2001 1:33:52 PM PDT by 2Trievers
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To: 2Trievers
Of course. Public schools are now a running joke, whereas they used to be credible once long ago. Since then they have become a platform for the transmission of leftist ideology and anti-cultural activism as well as indoctrination centers for politically correct doctrine, instead of teaching the necessary life skills to prepare young people for life in a modern world. The federal DOE should be eliminated along with state level ones as well. Monopolies not only kill competition, but breed incompetence, lethargy, and abuse on a massive scale.
19 posted on 09/05/2001 1:36:45 PM PDT by rebelsoldier
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To: 2Trievers
I don't believe that 70% of the population backs homosexual marriage, but I do believe that most public schools do promote that agenda. Odds are that they got it at school.
20 posted on 09/05/2001 1:38:53 PM PDT by randog
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