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Posts by MurphsLaw

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  • [Catholic Caucus] My Catholic Life! Joy at the Presence of the Lord - Friday, May 31, 2024 - Catholic Caucus/Devotional

    05/31/2024 7:50:06 AM PDT · 8 of 9
    MurphsLaw to fidelis
    Awesome reflection today from Dr. B.
    It's too bad some will never see the Blessed Virgin in this way.

  • Three Ways of Approaching The Trinity

    05/31/2024 5:15:31 AM PDT · 16 of 16
    MurphsLaw to BereanBrain


  • Three Ways of Approaching The Trinity

    05/30/2024 9:40:18 AM PDT · 14 of 16
    MurphsLaw to BereanBrain
    Well... not saying the translation is good or bad...its just loosely translated as your link shows. To translate "Godhead" alone from Divine aside from being anachronistic, the Trinitarian doctrine was not understood until centuries later-and even then it was disputed and is still disputed in Christianity till this day. That would develop over time in the Church.

    From the Encyclopedia:


    A. Nature and Personality.

    —The Greek Fathers approached the problem of Trinitarian doctrine in a way which differs in an important particular from that which, since the days of St. Augustine, has become traditional in Latin theology. In Latin theology thought fixed first on the Nature and only subsequently on the Persons. Personality is viewed as being, so to speak, the final complement of the Nature: the Nature is regarded as logically prior to the Personality. Hence, because God‘s Nature is one, He is known to us as One God before He can be known as Three Persons. And when theologians speak of God without special mention of a Person, they conceive Him under this aspect. This is entirely different from the Greek point of view. Greek thought fixed primarily on the Three distinct Persons: the Father, to Whom, as the source and origin of all, the name of God (theos) more especially belongs; the Son, proceeding from the Father by an eternal generation, and therefore rightly termed God also; and the Divine Spirit, proceeding from the Father through the Son. The Personality is treated as logically prior to the Nature. Just as human nature is something which the individual man possesses, and which can only be conceived as belonging to and dependent on the individual, so the Divine Nature is something which belongs to the Persons and cannot be conceived independently of Them.

    The contrast appears strikingly in regard to the question of creation. All Western theologians teach that creation, like all God‘s external works, proceeds from Him as One: the separate Personalities do not enter into consideration. The Greeks invariably speak as though, in all the Divine works, each Person exercises a separate office. Irenaeus replies to the Gnostics, who held that the world was created by a demiurge other than the supreme God, by affirming that God is the one Creator, and that He made all things by His Word and His Wisdom, the Son and the Spirit (Adv. hoer., I, xxii; II, iv, 4, 5, xxx, 9; IV, xx, 1). A formula often found among the Greek Fathers is that all things are from the Father and are effected by the Son in the Spirit (Athanasius, “Ad Serap.”, I, xxxi; Basil, “De Spiritu Sancto”, n. 38; Cyril of Alexandria, “De Trin. dial.”, VI, P.G., LXXV, 1053). Thus, too, Hippolytus (Con. Noet., x) says that God has fashioned all things by His Word and His Wisdom, creating them by His Word, adorning them by His Wisdom (panta gap ta genomena dia logou kai sophia de kosmon). The Nicene Creed still preserves for us this point of view. In it we still profess our belief “in one God the Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth… and in one Lord Jesus Christ… by Whom all things were made … and in the Holy Ghost“.

    Now as far as creation existing of three is a fun, interesting talk for children, but it is only coincdence one reads into.
    God created ONLY 2 genders... lol.. Male/Female... Night/Day
    Even the Quarkiness of quantum physics upended the generally accepted 3 atomic particle structure.
    But it is a fun thing to think about, but just coincidence.

    As far as what I consider ANY "Looseness" of translation..
    is really just trying to read back into ancient writing- in such explicit attempts-
    to define for the ancient- that which develop and become engrained over in 1900 years of Christianity- as to then imply original or different meaning.
    Our knowledge today, scriptural and traditional, offer us so much more depth than considered in those first days.

    And thats a good thing...
    Its so tempting to put our world back into that time as to feel the attachment, as if we lived then, but that is just emotion...

    In the end...
    "The best Bible translation is always the one you read.."

  • Three Ways of Approaching The Trinity

    05/29/2024 7:22:24 PM PDT · 12 of 16
    MurphsLaw to BereanBrain
    Ya... I see that what your saying...
    But bear in mind, that "hint" is only specific to that one translation...
    And loosely translated from the Greek..
    So I don't think ver. 20 can be universally understood as a NT hint for Trinitarian corroboration.

  • Three Ways of Approaching The Trinity

    05/28/2024 7:55:22 PM PDT · 6 of 16
    MurphsLaw to Jonty30
    Wow... never heard that before...
    That is awesome!!
  • Three Ways of Approaching The Trinity

    05/28/2024 7:54:02 PM PDT · 5 of 16
    MurphsLaw to BereanBrain
    Ok.. final answer:
    Rom 1:9 ?
    I think it's the only verse to include a Triune mention;
    And the roles the three personal God exists in our lives...?

    Which oddly, is the same way its analogized in the video I posted...
    though "Love" is put forth as the foundation for their relationship.


  • Three Ways of Approaching The Trinity

    05/28/2024 6:40:38 PM PDT · 1 of 16
    Any other references for a better understanding of the Trinity that can be shared,
    are most welcome, and for those wanting to learn more on this theology.
  • What More Does The Church Need To See Before They Conclude We Are Nearing Christ’s Return?

    05/23/2024 9:11:44 PM PDT · 73 of 96
    MurphsLaw to metmom
    Ok... just making sure.

  • What More Does The Church Need To See Before They Conclude We Are Nearing Christ’s Return?

    05/23/2024 8:12:05 PM PDT · 63 of 96
    MurphsLaw to metmom
    So are you saying,
    you're ready to stand on the street corner with a sign that says:

    The End is Near!" ?

  • What More Does The Church Need To See Before They Conclude We Are Nearing Christ’s Return?

    05/23/2024 6:45:07 PM PDT · 55 of 96
    MurphsLaw to metmom
    So are you saying,
    you're ready to stand on the street corner with a sign that says:

    The End is Near!" ?

  • [Catholic Caucus] Pope Francis on female deacons: ‘NO’

    05/22/2024 7:24:47 PM PDT · 13 of 31
    MurphsLaw to ebb tide
    "Better pick up that mike again,"...

    "NO"..means "NO".
    Better pick up your reading COMPREHENSION of your own citation,
    instead of buying into personal opinions.. and Society propaganda.

    From YOUR OWN citation you AND Sister Linda-should re-read:

    The Italian theologian added that
    there was “no reflection on the presbyteral ordination
    of women in the Catholic Church.”

    Sister Linda’s comments on a women’s diaconate
    appear to be at odds with Pope Francis’ own public pronouncements
    on the subject.

    Last October, in an interview for a book in Spanish,
    Francis reaffirmed the impossibility of women becoming priests, or even modern Church deacons.

    AND... You are violating the Catholic Caucus.
    Save your alinskyite Society agit-prop for your friends.
    Not my job to expose you.

  • [Catholic Caucus] Pope Francis on female deacons: ‘NO’

    05/22/2024 5:25:40 PM PDT · 4 of 31
    MurphsLaw to GrumpyOldGuy
    Love your enemy Grumpy!!

  • [Catholic Caucus] Pope Francis on female deacons: ‘NO’

    05/22/2024 5:20:44 PM PDT · 1 of 31
    In case you missed, or was censored from,
    this papal mic drop.

  • Sunday Mass Sermon - Pentecost!

    05/20/2024 5:55:12 AM PDT · 1 of 1
    John 20:19-23

    Friends, in our Gospel for today, drawn from St. John’s account, Jesus shows his disciples the wounds of his Crucifixion, and then he offers them shalom (peace). It is the juxtaposition of the wounds and the shalom that carries power. The wounds alone would leave us afraid, convinced of our sin but not of a way out. The shalom alone would leave us with cheap grace, a too-easy way out.

    And this is precisely why, immediately after uttering that word and showing those wounds, Jesus sends the disciples on a mission of forgiveness: “He breathed on them and said to them, ‘Receive the Holy Spirit. Whose sins you forgive are forgiven them, and whose sins you retain are retained.’”

    The Church receives its essential mission and identity as the bearer of the divine forgiveness. We have been entrusted with speaking the shalom of Jesus to a fallen and hopeless world. But it’s not cheap grace that we share. We participate in Jesus’ mission of showing his wounds as well. The Church refuses to explain sin away or make excuses for it or call it by another name.

  • Daily Mass Gospel Reflection- The Fact in Dying

    05/01/2024 8:56:38 PM PDT · 5 of 6
    MurphsLaw to AnAmericanMother
    RSVCE, and the DR... for me personally
    Always hankered to get a Knox.
    I think you may have just inspired me !!
    And I'm in a spot right now where I can use it!!!
  • Daily Mass Gospel Reflection- The Fact in Dying

    05/01/2024 1:34:19 PM PDT · 3 of 6
    MurphsLaw to AnAmericanMother
    Bringin it to life !!!
    Just Like in the Vine!...

    Thanks !!

  • Daily Mass Gospel Reflection- The Fact in Dying

    05/01/2024 12:42:30 PM PDT · 1 of 6
    +++Jesus said to his disciples:
    “I am the true vine, and my Father is the vine grower.
    He takes away every branch in me that does not bear fruit,
    and everyone that does he prunes so that it bears more fruit.
    You are already pruned because of the word that I spoke to you.
    Remain in me, as I remain in you.
    Just as a branch cannot bear fruit on its own
    unless it remains on the vine,
    so neither can you unless you remain in me.
    I am the vine, you are the branches.
    Whoever remains in me and I in him will bear much fruit,
    because without me you can do nothing.
    Anyone who does not remain in me
    will be thrown out like a branch and wither;
    people will gather them and throw them into a fire
    and they will be burned.
    If you remain in me and my words remain in you,
    ask for whatever you want and it will be done for you.
    By this is my Father glorified,
    that you bear much fruit and become my disciples.”+++

  • Daily Mass Gospel Reflection- Taming Worldly Fears

    04/30/2024 6:14:34 PM PDT · 1 of 1
    +++ Jesus said to his disciples:
    "Peace I leave with you;
    my peace I give to you.
    Not as the world gives
    do I give it to you.
    Do not let your hearts be
    troubled or afraid.
    You heard me tell you,
    'I am going away and
    I will come back to you.'
    If you loved me,
    you would rejoice
    that I am going to the Father;
    for the Father is greater than I.
    And now I have told you this before it happens,
    so that when it happens you may believe.
    I will no longer speak much with you,
    for the ruler of the world is coming.
    He has no power over me,
    but the world must know that I love the Father
    and that I do just as the Father has commanded me."

  • Daily Mass Gospel Reflection- Who Do You Serve

    04/26/2024 9:14:35 PM PDT · 1 of 3
    +++Jesus said to his disciples: “Do not let your hearts be troubled. You have faith in God; have faith also in me. In my Father’s house there are many dwelling places. If there were not, would I have told you that I am going to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back again and take you to myself, so that where I am you also may be. Where I am going you know the way.” Thomas said to him, “Master, we do not know where you are going; how can we know the way?” Jesus said to him,
    “I am the way and the truth and the life.
    No one comes to the Father except through me.”

  • Daily Mass Gospel Reflection - The King On His Throne

    04/25/2024 1:38:59 PM PDT · 1 of 1
    +++ Jesus appeared to the Eleven and said to them:
    “Go into the whole world
    and proclaim the Gospel to every creature.
    Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved;
    whoever does not believe will be condemned.
    These signs will accompany those who believe:
    in my name they will drive out demons,
    they will speak new languages.
    They will pick up serpents with their hands,
    and if they drink any deadly thing, it will not harm them.
    They will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.”

    Then the Lord Jesus, after he spoke to them,
    was taken up into heaven
    and took his seat at the right hand of God.
    But they went forth and preached everywhere,
    while the Lord worked with them
    and confirmed the word through accompanying signs.+++