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Posts by scottiewottie

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  • A Cordial Discussion of LDS History and Beliefs<P>White Mountain & P-Marlowe

    09/17/2002 4:13:40 PM PDT · 32 of 70
    scottiewottie to RnMomof7; All
    I have said sincerely that some of my favorite freepers are LDS...But I was simply an aquaintance that could be invited for a missionary dinner..nothing more So pleasssse do not lecture me on honesty If I offended you I am sorry..I really am...

    LOL!! Well, well, well, here he is your favorite, and now most dishonest freeper!!

    Shall we make this abundantly clear here? On August 5th, I made the following rather stinging and according to Terry, dishonest remark in a personal e-mail to her:

    Your invectives toward the LDS faith are very pointed in this post.

    The post I was refering to is this one, The Deadly Dangers of Moralism...........morality damns just like immorality.

    Included in this post, after the fact supposedly unknown to Terry, were these rather blunt and unfriendly remarks:

    "You might be the most moral Pharisee in Israel; you might be the most moral Rabbi; you might be the most moral cleric. You can take it from there; the most moral, self-righteous, clean-living Mormon. And you're going to hell with the prostitutes, unless you've been reconciled to God through His son Jesus Christ."

    "This cultural morality -- and this is a very important one -- creates unholy unions in which the unbelieving and enemies of the gospel are welcomed. You can find a lot of non-Christians to agree that we ought to have a more moral country, right? You could get the Muslims in on that one. You could certainly get the Mormons in; there's a lot of that."

    "You get with other people who are anti-abortion, anti-homosexual, anti-euthanasia, who are against pornography. And you get all together and you're going to accomplish this with these co-belligerents. And something immediately happens, and that is this: The gospel is eclipsed."

    "This effort at cultural morality leads to acceptance of inclusivism. And what I mean by that is it starts to stretch the boundaries of the kingdom of God to embrace these people who are not in Christ. And we've been through that, haven't we, over the last couple of years? You have people saying oh, you know, I -- certainly there's going to be well-intentioned Jews in heaven, and there are going to be people in the Catholic church in heaven, and there are going to be Mormons in heaven."

    Well, well, well! Of course I was the dishonest one!! Suddenly I was a hypocrite! What was my crime? That I posted to her that her article speaking about the dangers of moralism strongly condemns association with Latter-day Saints!! Even in moral matters, where we most certainly agree!

    Terry then responded by saying that she was "very angry" with me that I saw any anti-mormon bias in the article at all! I am sorry, all I do is read. I usually believe that if someone posts something, that they read it first. It does not matter that you take the quotes above as factual, what matters is that in such light, even casual aquaintences that are Mormon come into question. Obviously, since we as Latter-day Saints really cannot be "friends" with you, you did not even see a single injurious statement in your post. REAL friends would notice.

    Sorry Terry, your personal faith and promises that I am "going to hell with the prostitutes" does not offend me. Niether do I consider such "factual" remarks an enemy to me. What does become rather clear is that your "friendship" was in fact non-existant. It was pretended friendship.

    Notice the careful choice of words:

    I have not "pretended interest." I have a real interest in understanding the LDS doctrine..but I never said I was interested in conversion. I am interested in doctrine and how it is formed...

    So very careful you are Terry... "interested in our doctrine and how it is formed". Admittedly never interested in conversion, what then could be the motivation of this genuine interest??

    I, for one, have answered that question to my fullest satifaction. The most recent feeble attempts to show us how bad you REALLY could be are finally, HONEST. But I knew that long before. I had hoped that you Terry really had friendship as a gospel principle, but I am now convicingly removed from such delusion. I stated such in my personal e-mail to you on August 5th:

    Your invectives toward the LDS faith are very pointed in this post.

    The very sad part about it is that we as Latter-day Saints, understand that Zion will be built upon obedience to the Gospel of Christ and not by a theocracy forced against our will.(Contrary to the filthy lies that you choose to believe as truth.)

    What is so very sad is that the very thing you express in Matthew chapter five about "salt and light" and how we are to conduct ourselves as Christians is 100% spot on. I love the sermon on the mount, it is my favorite scripture. I have found no church on this earth that so fully understands what is spoken therein other than The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

    Your hatred toward my faith is totally understandable. If I piled manure on my head, over time I might get used to the stench. Basically, by reading the filthy lies about my faith, written by those who deliberately "lie for Jesus", and seek to destroy the path that may pursuade you to investigate my church, these people are feeding you manure, pileing manure on your head, and telling you that we are devils. You have been brainwashed.

    You have blind guides that you put your trust in. You see them quite often LIE quite deliberately about our faith and you know that these very same claim to be servants of Christ. Talk about doubleminded!! You know they lie here, but accept their lies elswhere. Is that not doubleminded?

    Your faith about my church comes from man. It is men that tell you what we believe. Why do you entertain guests that toss manure? Is that the gospel of Christ?

    "10 ¶ Who is among you that feareth the LORD, that obeyeth the voice of his servant, that walketh in darkness, and hath no light? let him trust in the name of the LORD, and stay upon his God.

    11 Behold, all ye that kindle a fire, that compass yourselves about with sparks: walk in the light of your fire, and in the sparks that ye have kindled. This shall ye have of mine hand; ye shall lie down in sorrow."(Isa. 50)

    One of the Biblical proofs for me that I cannot give you any credibility is that you quite often come at faiths with a wrecking ball, which after the fire dies down, will leave you with great sorrow. Why would you employ such servants?

    It is quite inspiring to me that when my son goes on his two year mission, that he goes with scripture, and a small amount of teaching material that speaks about scripture. He will not devote months to studying about other faiths and why they are wrong. He is told to avoid argumentation with other faiths. He does not have a library of books telling about the personal of licenteousness of Luther, the political morality of Calvin and Wesley, or the failed papacy of Catholicism. In other words, wrecking balls are left at home, and are not constructed while on a mission. I know, I speak from experience.

    The net result is simple, even if your wrecking ball was effective and you somehow were able to wrest me from my faith, I certainly would not follow you because the same stunt with the same efficacy could be done about your faith. Since you do not preach the gospel to me, I will not follow. If you knew the gospel, your manner of preaching would show it.

    It does not!

    Are you condemned to hell because you embrace for God the teachings of men? The wrecking ball of men?

    No, there is no hell for ignorance. All people will be judged and glorified based upon that knowledge of God that you obtain(including the sovereignty of grace), and what you do with that grace of knowledge given to you.

    Can you be saved in ignorance? Yes, salvation is given freely to all, especially the ignorant. But, if you are to be like God, knowing good and evil, then you will realize that at some point, if you are to be like Christ, you too must know good and evil. Time and place will be given you, and you will be saved by the grace of God in ignorance until such time that you are prepared to be taught.

    The glory of God is intelligence, or in other words, Light and Truth. Death comes to those that not only reject light and truth, but also to those that stand in it and cannot comprehend it.

    Many of my good Christian friends stand in that light. Love it's warmth. Are sustained by it, and love it. Some are drawn irresistably to it like a moth to light in darkness. They know the light is good, but they bother not to understand it or comprehend it. They see Christ, and know that the light is good. Very few among them will reject that light or that truth for they know enough that the light is good.

    But do they comprehend it? God does, are we not told to be like him? Where not Adam and Eve in the garden told they were now as gods knowing good and evil? Adam comprehended that light and raised up seven remarkable patriarchs very much like himself. Eve who in life bore many sorrows, comprehended that same light, and experienced joy.

    My suggestion to you Terry is this, do not bear a false witness. Do not speak about what men have taught you as though it were truth. Search, ponder, and pray, and realize that God only can teach you light and truth.

    I thank you for enduring me. I thank you for your patience. I know so very often that I do not what I ought to do. Please recognize my weakness. I wish that I had a tongue of angels and could speak clearly what I know. But I cannot, neither can any man.

    friend always,

    God only can teach you light and truth. I cannot. Neither can any man. Even the most cordial dialog between us is still vanity and flattery that we esteem ourselves somehow superior for our understanding. Contending for your faith is not done with boasting, it is done by serving God and none else.

    What on earth are you doing for heaven's sake?

    31 ¶ When the Son of man shall come in his glory, and all the holy angels with him, then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory:

    32 And before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats:

    33 And he shall set the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on the left.

    34 Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world:

    35 For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in:

    36 Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me.

    37 Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, and fed thee? or thirsty, and gave thee drink?

    38 When saw we thee a stranger, and took thee in? or naked, and clothed thee?

    39 Or when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came unto thee?

    40 And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.

    41 Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels:

    42 For I was an hungred, and ye gave me no meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me no drink:

    43 I was a stranger, and ye took me not in: naked, and ye clothed me not: sick, and in prison, and ye visited me not.

    44 Then shall they also answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, or athirst, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not minister unto thee?

    45 Then shall he answer them, saying, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the least of these, ye did it not to me.

    46 And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal.

    With this final post I say goodbye to all friends and enemies. I do love you all. I pray that God will be just and merciful for all that we claim in Him.

  • P-Marlowe vs Scottie Wottie: The LDS Faith, true or false?

    09/17/2002 9:02:27 AM PDT · 97 of 164
    scottiewottie to drstevej
    Running does seem to be quite accurate! Running into an entirely new job description at work, running quite literally with soccer, and running to the gym with my wife in preparation for surgery.

    Steve, I know you mean me no harm. I know you have my personal interest at heart. Continue to pray for me, as I continue to pray for you. Love of Christ is the key.

    I will miss you,

    now, BBL, really.
  • P-Marlowe vs Scottie Wottie: The LDS Faith, true or false?

    09/17/2002 8:53:58 AM PDT · 96 of 164
    scottiewottie to Elsie
    You are so painfully close here in understanding the Book of Abraham that it hurts!!

    Hint: the three facsimilies found in the book of breathings scroll, are from the book of breathings scroll, NOT an Abraham scroll, or even an untranslated Joseph scroll.

    Not only are the three facsimilies not related to the Book of Abraham, the interpretations of them are not true translations at all. Smith looked upon them as the record of corrupted writings of a false religion in Horus, and sought to find hidden meaning in them of a once greater time when true religion was beholden to the Egyptians. Thus even the Smith interpretations of them, were of truths that even the original transcribers, who copied these for centuries, were not familiar with.
  • P-Marlowe vs Scottie Wottie: The LDS Faith, true or false?

    09/17/2002 8:33:21 AM PDT · 94 of 164
    scottiewottie to drstevej
    Today is officially my last day.

    Everything that I post is a "raise a point or two and then run and hide tactic"!! I raise a point or two, nobody takes time to refute it, so I am done. Here, for example, the point is simple, the papyri mentioned by you are exactly what Smith said they were and are not the basis for the Book of Abraham. But, your "Strong Delusion Department" in the "Lies for Jesus" Seminary, can take a few half truths, add some fragmented quotations, stir with expert opinion, and bake in the "heartburn oven" a number of treats that many are all to eager to consume.

    "Run and hide" of course is in the eye of the beholder. Today I run and hide for the last time.

    BBL(see! hiding again!)
  • P-Marlowe vs Scottie Wottie: The LDS Faith, true or false?

    09/16/2002 4:31:18 PM PDT · 81 of 164
    scottiewottie to drstevej
    Likewise, If Joseph Smith claims to be a prophet of God and claims that an egyptian papyri that he purchased was written by Abraham and contains The Book of Abraham AND this papyri is examined by egyptologists and proven to be a funeral document totally contrary to the representation of Joseph Smith -- then Joseph Smith is a false prophet and faith in his teachings is bankrupt.

    LOL!! Before you get all excited here that you have a winning argument here I would like you to see a few things!

    Above you have a BYU Professor that has translated the papyri that you are talking about. Why do you think he would do that? Don't you think a church operated university would have the foresight to nip this little project? After all wouldn't this prove Smith was a fraud?

    Hint: Maybe your anti-mormon sources fell asleep in "lies for Jesus" class.

    Oh, but of course the BYU professor is a fraud, right? Try again. Exactly what his contemporaries say is there, is there. Here's an appetizer:>

    If you believe that you can take your arms and fly by TRUSTING in the ignorance of others about the history of those papyri, please jump! Why do you trust the same liars proven as frauds before?

  • P-Marlowe vs Scottie Wottie: The LDS Faith, true or false?

    09/16/2002 2:25:34 PM PDT · 75 of 164
    scottiewottie to JesseShurun
    LOL! I am a contender. This year six of my friends have joined the LDS church and two more have returned from years of inactivity. Oh, and this was a slow year.
  • P-Marlowe vs Scottie Wottie: The LDS Faith, true or false?

    09/16/2002 2:18:27 PM PDT · 72 of 164
    scottiewottie to Elsie

    I often wonder about the 'netizens' and how they seem to be omnipresent 24/7. I don't think that would be something for me. Even when I was dying, could not work, and could scarsely tolerate a ride in a car, I still had enough to do at home that browsing the internet, wasn't really a desire.

    But you do meet some really great people on the 'net. Best of everything to you and your family. Should our paths cross again, you will be remembered as a friend.

  • P-Marlowe vs Scottie Wottie: The LDS Faith, true or false?

    09/16/2002 1:35:53 PM PDT · 68 of 164
    scottiewottie to Kevin Curry
    I thank you for your kind words.
  • P-Marlowe vs Scottie Wottie: The LDS Faith, true or false?

    09/16/2002 1:31:36 PM PDT · 67 of 164
    scottiewottie to P-Marlowe
    What's the REAL reason?

    The REAL reason is that I have many lives. While at work I have had time to look and post here at FreeRepublic. My new job will not afford me that opportunity. At home though I do have three computers, two linked to modems, I do not have time for FreeRepublic.

    Neither do I want to make time for FreeRepublic.

    I have a very large family, nine kids and three adults at home. I have four families that are very close friends of ours that we do activities with weekly. Both my wife and I are very busy with church callings that demand more than just showing up on Sunday. My wife and I are on a local soccer club board of directors. I have seven children on four different soccer teams currently. I coach one team and assist on one other. I referee soccer. I will play on an indoor competitive soccer team in about two months. I will be working out every other day with my wife's preparation for and rehabilitation from surgery scheduled before the end of this year. I have one friend that wants me to be on our city council, if I had time I would do so, maybe in a few years. I really do love vacations and go on at least six of them in a year.

    I am sure I could find time to post a thing or two here, but I don't want to. If I had more time, all the above would be a greater priority than posting here.

    That's the REAL reason.

  • P-Marlowe vs Scottie Wottie: The LDS Faith, true or false?

    09/13/2002 1:17:31 PM PDT · 40 of 164
    scottiewottie to Kevin Curry
    Kevin you and I have had our political differences. In fact, we have been rather blunt with each other in the past. I never once called your faith into question. I thank you for your words here on this thread.

    My faith is genuine, I did and do pray blessings upon P-Marlowe. See #31 last paragraph.
  • P-Marlowe vs Scottie Wottie: The LDS Faith, true or false?

    09/13/2002 1:05:18 PM PDT · 39 of 164
    scottiewottie to P-Marlowe; drstevej
    How many times do I have to say NO?!

    I will officially be seen nowhere on Freerepublic after September 17th. I was in meetings all day today. I will be transitioning to my new assignments much faster than scheduled, I will not be here. My new job is very exciting and financial growth there will be immediate and often. My family again has been richly blessed. I will have more time for them and more money to spend.
  • P-Marlowe vs Scottie Wottie: The LDS Faith, true or false?

    09/12/2002 3:25:47 PM PDT · 31 of 164
    scottiewottie to P-Marlowe
    Of course in this debate, from the very beginning you would have the advantage, since you really have no religious home.

    I can't pick at a single thing because your foundation is picked out of the Bible like you were furnishing your house out of a Sears Catalog.

    What you need to do is continue your study of the anti-mormon filth out there on the internet, find the LDS counterpoints that also exist and suffer bi-polar disorder by sorting it out!

    Never, ever, pray about it! Always stay logical in your thesis that in that pile of manure(anti-mormon literature), there has to be a horse somewhere. Ask some of these tools of the devil, what they believe. I don't think they bought the same furniture, perhaps not even the same catalog!!

    But thanks again. I am sure some of our dialog would have been civil. I mean you no harm and it appears that you do not intend me harm.

    I pray that God will prosper all your good works with which you are graced, and will sincerely chasen you as you conduct the devil's business. I pray that you wish the same upon me, for truth is extremely scarce because few are willing to go thru the effort to obtain it.

  • P-Marlowe vs Scottie Wottie: The LDS Faith, true or false?

    09/12/2002 3:01:54 PM PDT · 26 of 164
    scottiewottie to drstevej
    Hey steve, really I am leaving!! I really will have a new job in about two weeks. I really do have to assist in a smooth transition.

    No, I can't play. I would be tempted to play, since researching the anti-mormon garbage is a "hobby", But in the end nothing is really gained from it.

    Oh and back off Cubicle Guy! I have hidden behind him many times! LOL!
  • LDS Russians rejoice in visit

    09/11/2002 1:28:02 PM PDT · 4 of 8
    scottiewottie to Utah Girl
  • Remembering 9-11: How Best For Religious Americans to Memorialize?

    09/11/2002 1:03:23 PM PDT · 69 of 72
    scottiewottie to Frumanchu
  • Remembering 9-11: How Best For Religious Americans to Memorialize?

    09/11/2002 1:02:02 PM PDT · 68 of 72
    scottiewottie to xzins
  • Remembering 9-11: How Best For Religious Americans to Memorialize?

    09/11/2002 12:54:47 PM PDT · 67 of 72
    scottiewottie to attagirl
  • Remembering 9-11: How Best For Religious Americans to Memorialize?

    09/11/2002 12:53:13 PM PDT · 66 of 72
    scottiewottie to Salvation
    A referee for eight years. Coach for ten years. Player four years.
  • Remembering 9-11: How Best For Religious Americans to Memorialize?

    09/10/2002 11:44:17 AM PDT · 28 of 72
    scottiewottie to Salvation
    For me the tears flowed at the beginning of a soccer game. The Saturday following 9-11, I was the center referee for the first soccer game. It was U-19 girls. Some girls on both teams suggested to me that we have a moment of silence before the game. Players, coaches, referees, and some parents joined together in the center of the field.

    I said something like, "It has been requested that we have a moment of silence in consideration of the tragedy and sacrifice shown just a few days ago. Join me now in a moment of silence as we reflect upon these events and let us remember that though we compete this day, that we all are on the same team and united to the same fight."

    As the moment of silence began, first sniffles from tears were heard, then as more joined in, open weeping and crying. After a moment of silence that went on for nearly three minutes, as you looked around, handshakes became hugs, and not a dry eye could be found.

  • Poetry puts joy, power in scriptures

    09/10/2002 10:29:59 AM PDT · 81 of 81
    scottiewottie to Elsie
    To make this easier for you when pasting from "LDS Scriptures" click on "Display Options" on the page toolbar at the top and unclick the check boxes to all HTML links. That should make your job easier.

    Good job though, well worth the effort.