Since Dec 22, 2000

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A Carter County conservative since birth-
A well-kept Gen-X Wife to hard-working, non-union, former Marine, manly man.
Mother to 4 beautiful, bright and talented children ages 12, 8, 2 and 9 months . I have many interests, but kids pretty much consume my time as it takes much work to raise children to be upstanding Christians possessing common sense and the ability to contribute to our great capitalist society. I enjoy reading (southern fiction and political non-fiction), riding horses, bluegrass music and tolepainting. I am very proud to have been born and raised in flyover Kentucky. Anyone who chooses to insult me for being from Appalachia will be ignored, as it will say more about your insecurities than my residence. I am happily blooming where I have been planted. We aren't all ignorant, penniless, shoeless, toothless, etc. I have been to college, my husband provides so well, I don't have to work outside our home, I own so many shoes that it's shameful, and I haven't lost a single tooth. Judging from the Bush Country map, I suppose there are ignorant people in every state in the union- concentrated in the urban areas. At least Bush carried Kentucky.

Many thanks go out to all these folks who shaped me into the conservative that I am today.

1. 8 years old, November 1979 - The Iran Hostages
My Dad watched the news every night, and nightly they counted the days of your captivity. This was my first memory of politics and world affairs, and of Carter, the president who failed you misreably.

2. 9-17 years old, 1980-1988 - Ronald Reagan
Mornings in America were never brighter, than during the years you led us so gallantly.

3. 13 years old, Nov., 1984 - My Dear Old Grandma
While watching Election night coverage at Grandma's house, I innocently expressed my happiness that Reagan won, because he would take care of the Russians and he opposed abortion. Grandma suddenly became a foaming, raving madwoman. "It's no one business if a woman wants an abortion!" she spouted. How shocked I was to find out that my dear sweet Grandma thought it was okay to kill unborn babies. Grandma, I still love you, but abortion is murder. Sorry 'bout Mondale. Heh-heh.

4. 16 years old, Summer, 1987- Oliver North and Fawn Hall
We lived out in the country and had 2 channels on our television, The Iran-Contra Hearings were on all day long. It took no time for me to figure out who the good guys were.
Oliver North was nothing but dashing, and I wanted to be Fawn Hall- how cool that she hid secret documents in her zippered boots. I was 16 after all.

5. 1992-present, Hillary Clinton
Just what is so wrong about baking cookies? Just why did you stand by your man after that kind of humiliation? To hell with your village, I will raise my kids.
You are not my role model. BTW, after 1992 I never wore hairbands again.

7. 1992-present, William Clinton
World Trade Center Bombing 1993, African Embassies, USS Cole. The terrorists were screaming to be dealt with, were you deaf or did you have cigars in your ears?
Did they yell, "Lights, camera, action!" when you made that stone cross on the beach? Did you hire someone to kill Buddy because he was of no use to you anymore?
If you truly were America's first black president, then why did your administration have few blacks in high level positions, and why was Harlem your last choice for locating your office? Enquiring minds still want to know.

8. 2000, My cranky father-in-law
He flatly told me that a republican would never help little people like us get ahead. Funny, I'd never felt like a little person before then. My husband and I still voted Bush, and the taxcuts returned more of what my husband had actually earned. Gore would have, likely, increased our taxes. I still don't feel like a little person.

9. 2000, Dr Laura
Who helped me understand that staying home and raising them are the best thing you can do for your children. "Don't have'em if you won't rais'em."

10. Sept 11, 2001 George W Bush
One day, my own children will look back and I hope Sept 11, will be a strong influence on their childhood, that they WILL NOT FORGET, will not tire, will not falter, or fail.