Since Nov 16, 2001

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Ask JLA all about me; I'm sure he'll be happy to tell ye. ROLL TIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm an unapologetic 'feminine' feminist, who loves cooking, lipstick, and equal rights (note; that doesn't mean 'special', it means 'equal'). I used to be a real liberal-type, but now I quantify myself as more of a conservative-friendly centrist progressive, if you want to get wordy about it.
I'm married to a blue-collar Irish guy (so Cead Mile Failte to my profile!), work for the gubmint in the sciences, and drive JLA crazy with my leftover liberal tendencies. He loves it that I believe in a flat tax and my own understanding of 'personal responsibility' (can't afford six kids? Don't have 'em!), but he hates that I am anti-capital punishment and think Big Evil Corporations are sucking the lifeblood out of our great nation. I'm a multiculturalist and really, my watchwords are Live and Let Live, To Each Their Own, and The More The Merrier. I like to build bridges, not burn them.
Recently I considered registering Libertarian, but checked Independent instead, though I find Libertarianism interesting. I guess I'm a recovering Democrat, though I never really did like them, either. I am a Catholic-in-Training, but still retain lots of pagan flavor. I went to Mills College (don't diss it or I'll have to give you a cyber beat-down, dawg) but I'm the antithesis of politically correct. Basically, I'm a bundle of contradicitions. Deal with it.