Since Dec 20, 2005

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Grandmother, 2 sons, one in the military. He served in Gulf War 1 from Aug. 1990 to April 1991 with an airborne tank unit. In early September,2006, he returned from 8 months in Afghanistan, again in 2013, and in 2020 from the middle east. Two grandsons have or are serving and a third is enlisting (2023). My late husband served three years in Korea during the worst of it.

I feel we face some very tough times ahead which will require a maximum of cooperation, creativity, entrepreneurship, and faith. I hope to transmit and originate ideas and knowledge that will facilitate the above. I want to find the best and most useful ideas of others to pass along.

Background includes education and/or experience in natural sciences, political action, small business entrepreneurship, Latin American development, and arts and crafts creation and sales.

I am currently collecting information and writing historical novels on early American terrorists and several different natural disasters involving volcanoes and earthquakes. I also have a strong interest in the long term influence of supervolcanoes and asteroid/comet strikes on humans and earlier life forms.

Posted FR threads:

9/11: A Memorial Poem for Those Who Died & Those Who Survive. (9/10/06)

Front Line Views on Iraq/Afghanistan War Situation (3/12/06)

Front Line Views on Iraq/Afghanistan War Situation, No.2 (4/5/06)

Possible link between eurasian bird flu and destruction of Iraq Marshes (1/12/06)

Iran admits sanctions hurting oil investment: Foreign banks had 'decreased their cooperation', Financial Times (London) (12/21/06)

Fear of instability after death of eccentric Turkmen leader, Financial Times (London) (12/22/06)
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