Since Jan 2, 2007

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What shame how this great country has decayed over the last 20 years. Easy to see how it started; no longer can we take the 'slippery slope' as meaningless. I have lived in any areas of the country and had the opportunity to re-habitate in those areas 20 years apart. Even the most conservative of areas have degraded. I am struggling as well to determine what should I do about it? Working 70 hours a week and meeting the commitments I have take most of my time; same for so many others. I still struggle. Faith in our Lord and Savior and knowing His determination for how this is resolved puts me at peace. I still want to DO SOMETHING! Words mean something. I measure the character of a person from the "fruit of the Spirit" they produce; if it can be determined.
Otherwise, compare their words to their actions. What do you find?

Be careful, you may not like what you find (especially if you look in the mirror when evaluating those actions)! Indiana, Wisconsin, Georgia, Kansas, Texas, Virginia, back to Georgia, back to Kansas, back to Texas, Arizona
visited 41 states (82%)
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