Tattooed Soul
Since Jun 4, 2001

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All of my buddies have Tattoos (Male and Female alike). They can be found adorning various portions of their anatomy. Some are interesting and some are not (The tattoos not the places). Some are colorful and intricate, some are drab and poorly drawn. Some tattoos commemorate a military station or branch. Some tattoos honor a loved one or person. Some emblazon an organization or some tribal affiliation. Some are just pretty or witty. Perhaps some are meant as a form of mating plumage. Some are just plain grotesque.

When asked, “why would you do that to yourself ?”
They invariably respond with something to the effect of,
“This one marks the day that”,
“I got this tattoo when”,
“I’ll always love Her or Him",
"I never shoulda married that $#@!%*"
followed by
“It’s my body” and “you only live once”.

Several of my friends have suggested that I too may benefit from permanently dying my skin with exotic oils and inks. I have even gone so far as to visit the galleries and to watch friends and others undergo the process.
During one such session where a very beautiful young lady was having a series of roses placed on her breast I came to the conclusion that (besides wondering why she would try to improve something that was nearly perfect already) these people are marking events and people that have affected them in that time of their life. It’s kind of like making a note in your journal or making a scrapbook of sorts.

Allthough I understand the motivation and the need to do these things, I have never had the courage to do them. I have never felt the need to make these entries on the journal of my skin. I have found that life itself has a tendency to make indelible impressions on my soul with the ink of my memories.
In fact, I find countless tattoos are bound to my soul, chronicling the journey of my life. All of them more intricate than any hand could draw, more colorful than any ink could hue.

If you too look deeply enough inside, you will find a beautiful, vibrant and telling, Tattooed Soul.

-Tattooed Soul 2001