Since Sep 20, 1998

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I'm one of the many here who first found a link to FR from Drudge's site. I'm a 52 yr old Grandmother of 2, married to the same man for almost 30 years. I won't bore you with all my past, except to say my Dad, (now deceased), instilled in me from the time I was very young to NEVER miss an opportunity to vote! He was a WWII veteran, who voluntarily served his country, and I never forgot his words about the brave men who died so that I could exercise that right. At the present time, I am a board member with our local Humane Society, and am struggling with a new business. FR is, and has been, a source of hope, joy, information, education, and at times, entertainment! My thanks to Jim et al for all they do.

UPDATE 2000!! After a long time away from the internet (and FR, unfortunatly) I'm finally back. Won't bore you all with details of a somewhat rocky period in my life, but things are looking up for me AND the country after this week's wonderful sweep of the elections!! EAGLE'S UP!!!

UPDATE 2004. Wow! I can hardly believe I've been a member for over 6 years now. I lurked for quite a while before I actually joined FR.

Just an update to say I am in a part of Fl. that received some of 3 of the 4 hurricanes this year. Thankfully, only minor damage. Could have been much worse! Worst part was no power for almost a week!

FR is still a source of joy, enlightenment, humor, information and fellowship with right-minded individuals. Bless this site and it's founder, Jim, whose "mustard seed" of faith has grown into a mighty mountain.