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When They Come For Your Guns, You Will Turn Them Over
The Daily Reckoning ^ | Aug 13, 2012 | Jim Karger

Posted on 01/30/2013 7:33:48 AM PST by KeyLargo

When They Come For Your Guns, You Will Turn Them Over

Posted By Jim Karger On August 13, 2012

In Featured,international living,Legislation,The Daily Reckoning

“When they come for my gun, they will have to pry it out of my cold, dead hands,” is a common refrain I often hear from the Neo-Cons when there is a threat, credible or otherwise, that the US government is going to take their firearms.

And, when I hear this crazy talk, I agree with them openly. “You are right. They will pry your gun from your cold dead hands,” which I often follow with the question, “And where will that leave you except face down in a pool of your own blood [in] the middle of the street, just another dead fool resisting the State?”

This is not a question they are comfortable with, if only because the intent of their saber-rattling was to imply they would fight to keep their weapons, and win.

Nice fantasy. It’s not happening.

If the federal government decides to disarm the public, and when the increasingly-militarized rolls down your street after a not-so-subtle request that you kindly turn over your firearms and ammunition “for the common good,” it will be nothing less than suicide by cop to do anything other than what you are told.

The militarization of US police forces is ongoing and escalating. Many cities and towns now own tanks, armed personnel carriers, even attack helicopters, and almost all are outfitted with military weapons not available to the general public.

And, it is not just your hometown cops who are getting new boy-toys. The military itself is buying up weaponry not just for use in the current or next scheduled war, but to deal with the likes of you, ..

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

TOPICS: Chit/Chat; Government; Military/Veterans; Politics
KEYWORDS: 10thamendment; banglist; cw2; efad; guncontrol; molonlabe; secondamendment; shtf; statesrights; styg
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To: KeyLargo

In a hypothetical world where a tyranical space alien political party casts aside the Constitution, the key is not to fight them when they come for your guns, but rather to begin fighting when they come for you neighbors’ guns, and don’t stop fighting.

An organized and alerted populace would make every road a shooting gallery for these aliens and their followers. And where is the green zone for these gun-confiscators? Helicopters must land, vehicles must park, alien agents must sleep. There is no time-out, no after-5 time, no taking off the badge.

The only hope that these alien creatures would have, would be to cower Americans one house at a time.

41 posted on 01/30/2013 8:03:23 AM PST by SampleMan (Feral Humans are the refuse of socialism.)
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To: Jack Hydrazine

San Diego Police Chief: We Can Disarm Americans Within a Generation

Jan 28, 2013

San Diego Police Chief William Lansdowne is fully supportive of the Obama/Feinstein gun grab, and says if lawmakers play it right Americans can be completely disarmed within “a generation.”

42 posted on 01/30/2013 8:03:36 AM PST by KeyLargo
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To: varmintman

Where I live you can sell guns and ammo over the internet classifieds. It means they don’t know who still has the gun they registered and who now owns it. Without a search warrant, how do they “find” the guns of a person who says he sold them years ago?

43 posted on 01/30/2013 8:04:33 AM PST by cuban leaf (Were doomed! Details at eleven.)
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To: KeyLargo

And I see a whole army of my countrymen, here in defiance of tyranny. You’ve come to fight as free men... and free men you are. What will you do with that freedom? Will you fight? Aye, fight and you may die. Run, and you’ll live... at least a while. And dying in your beds, many years from now, would you be willin’ to trade ALL the days, from this day to that, for one chance, just one chance, to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they’ll never take... OUR FREEDOM!

44 posted on 01/30/2013 8:05:57 AM PST by OKC Patriot ("Never Forget"!)
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To: KeyLargo

I have already decided MY course of action. I will KILL at LEAST 3 of their “agents” before they will kill me. My order of Killing:
1. ANY Federal Agent
2. ANY City “Policeman(hireling)
3. ANY US/UN “Military””Officer”
4. ANY US/UN “Military””NCO/Petty Officer(they SHOULD know better)”
who will I NOT shoot:
1. ANY Junior Enlisted
2. ANY County Sherriffs/Deputies

45 posted on 01/30/2013 8:09:06 AM PST by US Navy Vet (Go Packers! Go Rockies! Go Boston Bruins! See, I'm "Diverse"!)
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To: Nachum

Your comment reminded me of the John Adams comment about not risking your life, but risking your “comfort”. And americans have a LOT of comfort to risk. Thing is, if they EVER required that everyone turn in all their guns by a certain date, a large portion of gun owners would realize that the next step would be to take away their comfort anyway, so they would, basically have nothing to lose.

And it would make this statement from “101 things to do before the revolution” obsolete:

“America is at that awkward stage where it is too late to work within the system and too early to shoot the bast**ds.”

46 posted on 01/30/2013 8:09:25 AM PST by cuban leaf (Were doomed! Details at eleven.)
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To: Nachum
But what of your family? What about your friends? Would you be willing to accept the loss of their lives too for your freedom?

So you think the government doesn't have plans for after they have taken the guns?

They want the guns so you can't stop them when they implement the next phase of creating a Walden paradise for themselves, free of excess and unnecessary peasants.

47 posted on 01/30/2013 8:09:29 AM PST by E. Pluribus Unum (TYRANNY: When the people fear the politicians. LIBERTY: When the politicians fear the people.)
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To: KeyLargo

No question, they will take them one way or the other. I continue to submit that many will be forced to give them up after having heavy fines imposed for non-compliance and the govt has the ability to electronically remove fines from your security accounts.

48 posted on 01/30/2013 8:10:08 AM PST by Neoliberalnot (Marxism works well only with the uneducated and the unarmed.)
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To: broken_arrow1

Lies and the State

by Elizabeth Cameron

I know there are some honorable people in government. I have even met some. This article is not about them. It is about those politicians, hereinafter referred to as “the government”, who aid and abet the proliferation of politically expedient lies in a thousand sneaky ways. They would appear to be the majority, or things would be better than they are.

I often hear questions like these: Why doesn’t the government address the issue of the link between psychotropic drugs and mass shootings? Why do they talk only about gun control as a means to “stop the violence”? Why don’t they get it? Why are they so dumb?

Listen: They are not dumb. They know exactly what they are doing. And when it comes to mass shootings, despite all the sympathetic things they say, they actually find such crises useful. “Problem-reaction-solution” is the traditional tool used by authoritarian regimes to expand their grip. This was once affirmed by Rahm Emmanuel, Obama’s former White House Chief of Staff, when he said, in a rare moment of candor, “You never want a serious crisis to go to waste. And what I mean by that it’s an opportunity to do things that you think you could not do before.”

49 posted on 01/30/2013 8:10:23 AM PST by KeyLargo
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To: KeyLargo

Interesting point -

If you are facing a situation where a heavily armed squad is at your door - demanding a search/turn-in of any “contraband.” There is only one choice - give them anything that you have there. and survive.

However -

If you learn that such sweeps are happening, you can take measures before the squad arrives at your door.

- don’t be there when they knock
- have no contraband there when they knock
- take the fight to them, at their homes, and their bosses homes, more importantly, at a time of your choosing.

The author is right about one thing - you do not want a firefight with a heavily armed squad at your own house.

50 posted on 01/30/2013 8:10:52 AM PST by Triple (Socialism denies people the right to the fruits of their labor, and is as abhorrent as slavery)
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To: Nachum

“But what of your family? What about your friends? Would you be willing to accept the loss of their lives too for your freedom?”

You’re mistaken. If they die, it won’t be for HIS freedom, it would be for OUR freedom. Friends and family are not exempted from liberty’s occasional tax collection, unfortunately.

51 posted on 01/30/2013 8:11:09 AM PST by Boogieman
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I second your MOLON LABE and make a motion that we assign the following keywords to this thread: molon labe, styg, cw2, and efad. All in favor? The Molon Labes have it!

What can I say? I love keywords! (But I hate tyrants!)

52 posted on 01/30/2013 8:11:45 AM PST by Perseverando (Gun control? It's really not about gun control is it? It's really about PEOPLE CONTROL!)
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To: Cletus.D.Yokel

This ass sits in seclusison in Mexico and lectures us about American freedom, a freedom he actively sought to reject starting in 2001.

Sounds to me like he didn’t reject fredom but, rather, found more of it. As the US has become more and more fascist over the last few decades, it has become easier and easier to do.

Heck, I did it and was able to stay in the US. I just moved from Seattle to rural central KY.

53 posted on 01/30/2013 8:11:45 AM PST by cuban leaf (Were doomed! Details at eleven.)
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To: so_real

For many modern Americans, there is no comprehension of the meaning of the term, “Give me liberty, or give me death.”

54 posted on 01/30/2013 8:12:33 AM PST by cuban leaf (Were doomed! Details at eleven.)
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To: IMR 4350

When the left tells you they will exterminate 25 million people that can’t be reeducated you better believe them.””

These soulless monsters have proven themselves fully capable and willing to use mass killings to consolidate their greed for power and property. Bo is the head snake and he hates American Patriots with a passion. Moochie has the same attitude and they now hold the power.

55 posted on 01/30/2013 8:12:48 AM PST by Neoliberalnot (Marxism works well only with the uneducated and the unarmed.)
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To: KeyLargo
it will be nothing less than suicide by cop to do anything other than what you are told.

So, we are expected to simply answer the door for the nice JBTs? Sorry, When they come, it will not be a surprise and a great many LEOs will die. There will be a great many people who will ambush those representing "The State" and they will kill a great many such representatives before being terminated. Bank on it. Does Jim Karger think armed citizens are fools?

56 posted on 01/30/2013 8:14:29 AM PST by Bloody Sam Roberts (Here once the embattled farmers stood... And fired the shot heard round the world.)
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To: Sirius Lee

People that turn their guns in before they go door to door for confiscation, are deemed as reeducated.

People that turn in all their guns when they knock on their door will be deemed as reeducated.

When they come search your house to confirm you are reeducated after you tell them you have turned over all your guns, and they find a gun you didn’t turn in, it will be declared you cannot be reeducated.

Turning in your guns doesn’t stop a damn thing.

Examples will have to be made and you never know if you have been chosen to be the example.

It’s the people that turn in their guns it will start with, not the people that don’t turn in their guns.

57 posted on 01/30/2013 8:14:51 AM PST by IMR 4350
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To: tomkat

Birth is invariably fatal . . better a gunfight than a gulag””

Agreed. Pick your targets carefully.

58 posted on 01/30/2013 8:16:21 AM PST by Neoliberalnot (Marxism works well only with the uneducated and the unarmed.)
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To: KeyLargo

I need to save this on Word just to refute these loonbags, but here goes. Assuming we could get 1 million troops locked, loaded, and motivated here are the stats:

- Not prorated for population, 1 million troops equals 20K per state. My state, Iowa, has 99 counties. That’s 200 troops per county not prorated by population density or square miles. My county has 35,000 people in it and is considered very rural.

- My county has 15K households in it. Assuming those 200 troops went door to door and lost only one man per 50 doors, all those troops would be gone before they got done. Even adding all the cops in our county, there still would be none left.

- Walmart corporation employs around 1M people in the U.S. Tell me, from your perspective, how viable of a force would those employees be in your locale and region if completely locked, loaded, and trained, v. the current population of your locale/region? In my area they’d be overwhelmed.

- The Census estimates approximately 2M veterans living in the U.S. Only 9.2M are estimated to be over 65. Only 5.4M are considered peacetime only.

- Estimates are between 400-500M guns in the hands of U.S. citizens. Rounds possessed are estimated in the billions.

- Not accounted here are the millions of non-veteran hunters, and range target shooters capable of hitting targets accurately to 200 yards.

- Not accounted for are millions of police officers who are subject to state, not federal law in terms of how they are chartered and organized.

- Not accounted for are federal govt police and what their decisions may be.

- Not accounted for are the nearly 500K National Guard troops who, though technically federalized, in reality serve the governors of their respective states. The actions and decision of those governors, including any order to form and organize a militia, are not accounted for.

- Also not accounted for is the effect captured military equipment will have on any battle scenario, or the fact that there are many veterans that are familiar with this equipment. The size and terrain of the CONUS will mean that logistical supply lines will be long and vulnerable.

- All personnel and equipment have downtime, whether sleep or fueling or maintenance. Gun owners and potential opposition outnumber the theoretical million man force by several hundred to one, meaning 24 hour a day organized resistance is possible.

We know from Mogadishu and other historical conflicts that there is a point where even the best military can be simply overwhelmed. Conversely, we also know that territory can be defended with few men against many attackers. I think it can be safely said there will be no givens in any kind of gun confiscation scenario if organized resistance should arise.

59 posted on 01/30/2013 8:16:21 AM PST by Free Vulcan (Vote Republican! [You can vote Democrat when you're dead]...)
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To: elcid1970

Al Sharpton: “People Do Not Have The Right To Unregulated Rights In This Country”

January 29, 2013 By Breaking News

60 posted on 01/30/2013 8:17:15 AM PST by KeyLargo
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