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E.J. Dionne's "Harvard boutique" Liberal Gnosticism
The Washington Post ^ | 02/03/04 | E.J. Dionne

Posted on 02/04/2004 8:00:04 AM PST by HowlinglyMind-BendingAbsurdity

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Massachusett liberal Boy Wonder, E.J. Dionne, Jr., whines about the label "Massachusetts Liberals." In typical, demented, liberal fashion, this quickly spirals into wild fantasies of non-sober gnosticism and little-guy mythology. Boo hoo...
1 posted on 02/04/2004 8:00:05 AM PST by HowlinglyMind-BendingAbsurdity
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To: HowlinglyMind-BendingAbsurdity
False Headline.
2 posted on 02/04/2004 8:01:28 AM PST by BCrago66
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To: BCrago66
Smarmy liberals...
3 posted on 02/04/2004 8:02:43 AM PST by HowlinglyMind-BendingAbsurdity
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To: HowlinglyMind-BendingAbsurdity
Just caught a few words from Kerry last night. He said someting about undoing the "tax breaks for the wealthy."

Well, he is one! What proof do we have that he has not allowed his contribution of that of his wife to the well being of the little guy be diminished by the unfair tax breaks that he might otherwise be entitled to?

Dems are lying hypocrits but here, he jas a chance to prove that his word is good. Let's see this from the other dem multimillionaires, as well.

The Mass neocommunists spout "common man" while enjoying their private clubs and Back Bay retreats. Let's see them make half-way houses out of their Martha's Vineyard properties. Not every Mass liberal, just those who have taken advantage of ANY tax break for the wealthy.

4 posted on 02/04/2004 8:07:59 AM PST by Tacis
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To: Tacis
Just caught a few words from Kerry last night. He said someting about undoing the "tax breaks for the wealthy." 4 posted on 02/04/2004 8:07:59 AM PST by Tacis

Kerry's mother...I wife...probably has most of her loot shielded in offshore trusts and phony foundation accounts. Is he taking lessons from somebody to try to sound even more sanctimonious? What's the deal here?

Dionne seems to think that killing babies and packing the Supreme Court with scular humanist socialists has something to do with Abe Lincoln and freeing the slaves. Check out the full text. This is embarrassing. Even by liberal standards. Is Woody Allen writing their scripts now?

5 posted on 02/04/2004 8:12:16 AM PST by HowlinglyMind-BendingAbsurdity
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To: HowlinglyMind-BendingAbsurdity
Does this President Bush honestly think that if he ends up facing John Kerry this fall he can just rerun his dad's campaign of 16 years ago against Michael Dukakis?

As a start, Yeah.

My state is full of cities and towns such as Fall River -- Lawrence and Pittsfield, Fitchburg and Greenfield, Worcester and New Bedford.
And Cambridge.......

The people selling this stuff should know that in my hometown, folks get punched out for being snobs.

So f'n what. It's no different here where I'm at, but at least WE DON'T VOTE TO ENABLE THEM!!!!! but because the old factory towns such as the one where I grew up remained loyal to the party of Al Smith, Franklin Roosevelt and John Kennedy.
"My dad was a democrat, his dad was a democrat....." Well, guess what. The UP is waking up. West Virginia is waking up. Minnesota is starting to.

then why are we the only state with a major league sports team called the New England Patriots?

Because the revolution started in Massachusetts, before Harvard and MIT went nuts.

The Patriots, it should be noted, believe in teamwork. They don't brag a lot, they work hard and they always come through in the final seconds

Someone should tell that to your state's buttboy, Jane Fonda Kerry, the epidomy of a Massachusetts Liberal.

6 posted on 02/04/2004 8:17:37 AM PST by Dan from Michigan ("I don’t want to get caught up in any of that Funky s**t goin’ down in the city" - Steve Miller)
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To: Dan from Michigan; Tacis
As a start, Yeah.

Apparently Boy Dionne has thin skin when it comes to facing up to the People's Republik socialism that has made Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, and...ahem...Barney Frank...four-letter words. If Dionne needs some self-esteem therapy, maybe he should try counseling sex abuse victims in the Archdiocese of Boston.

7 posted on 02/04/2004 8:21:23 AM PST by HowlinglyMind-BendingAbsurdity
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To: HowlinglyMind-BendingAbsurdity
Methinkths he doth protethst too much.

Semper Fi,
8 posted on 02/04/2004 8:23:43 AM PST by 2nd Bn, 11th Mar
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To: 2nd Bn, 11th Mar
I have wondered whether the "Live Free or Die" signs in N.H. were...warnings to socialists south of the border.
9 posted on 02/04/2004 8:26:53 AM PST by HowlinglyMind-BendingAbsurdity
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To: HowlinglyMind-BendingAbsurdity
Of course he has thin skin. Isn't Dionne a French name?
10 posted on 02/04/2004 8:32:18 AM PST by Dan from Michigan ("I don’t want to get caught up in any of that Funky s**t goin’ down in the city" - Steve Miller)
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To: Dan from Michigan
Ah, Oui... Along with Monsieur de Frankenkerry.

Maybe someone should offer them Quebec. If we have to have a president from the People's Republik, why couldn't it be Conan O'Brien?

11 posted on 02/04/2004 8:49:20 AM PST by HowlinglyMind-BendingAbsurdity
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To: Dan from Michigan
He may be of French-Canadian descent but he can't keep his stick on the ice!

Tabernac! This Dionne is a tete-carre!
12 posted on 02/04/2004 8:57:01 AM PST by headsonpikes (Spirit of '76 bttt!)
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To: HowlinglyMind-BendingAbsurdity
My blue-collar hometown of Fall River, Mass., was solidly Democratic, but as conservative in its values as you could imagine -- family, church, neighborhood, hard work and patriotism were the drill. I'm grateful I grew up in such a pro-family environment. That's why the parody of Massachusetts as an exotic, left-wing place infuriates me.

Then why do Massachusans continue to send leftists like the Kerry/Kennedies, who vote against traditional values, to Congress ?

Answer that, crybaby !

13 posted on 02/04/2004 9:10:35 AM PST by happygrl (We are Dar al-Harb* — and proud of it.)
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To: HowlinglyMind-BendingAbsurdity
I live in the People's Republic of Massachusetts, and have the misfortune, albeit a necessary one, to work in Amherst, MA, Berkeley East. This state is everything Dionne (awfully French sounding, no?) said is not true is, in fact, true.

You want to see the breeding grounds for Democrat votes? Go to the cities he names. Dumps for the most part, breeding grounds of dissatisfaction subsequently appropriated for misuse by Democrats to get votes. The cities, even though MA is Democrat controlled, never get better. Connecticut is the same way, as is Rhode Island. All their big voter concentrations are pigstyes, and the Dems keep them that way.

Yet liberals like Kerry live in their Beacon Hill estates and have fire hydrants moved so they can park in front of their brownstones. Just like the little guy. The Kennedys are worse, roaming the state (hopefully not behind the wheel) like they own it, saying "don't you know who I am?" to anyone who would dare refuse them whatever they want, and living in beachfront compounds (again, just like the little guy), and fighting against wind farms that they would impose on us for the sake of their ocean view.

They tell us we pay too few taxes, yet when Rose Kennedy died, after living in Massachusetts for ten years, they claimed that she lived in Florida, where there is no death tax, to avoid paying the punitive MA death tax.

Just like the little guy.

14 posted on 02/04/2004 9:28:29 AM PST by SpinyNorman
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To: HowlinglyMind-BendingAbsurdity
then why are we the only state with a major league sports team called the New England Patriots

He's got you there liberals definitely do not like the word "patriot".

15 posted on 02/04/2004 9:46:33 AM PST by jazzo
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To: HowlinglyMind-BendingAbsurdity
What fascinates in this otherwise typical Lib distract-rather-than-address-the-facts story is the comment that the supposed contempt for Massachusetts is proof of the further "southernization" of the Republican party.

OK, so let me get this straight: This idiot's point in writing this cry baby account is that it's just not fair to call his home state mean names. Waaahh! Waahh!

And in supporting this argument, he casaully indicates the source for this supposed libel of his state are those good for nothin' southerners who marry their cousins. By suggesting "southernization" is behind the alleged affront to his state, he is engaging in the precise behavior of labeling that he is ranting against.

Let me apply a label of mine own: What a world class bung hole.
16 posted on 02/04/2004 10:04:10 AM PST by BigTime
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To: HowlinglyMind-BendingAbsurdity
The demonization of Massachusetts is really about the southernization of the Republican Party. . . That is when so much of the Southern white vote shifted Republican because a Democrat named Lyndon B. Johnson signed the civil rights bill after Kennedy's assassination.
Whining about generalizations and demonization and generalizing and demonizing in the same article. I would say it takes brass but the truth is that people like Dionne are incapable of recognizing hypocrisy in themselves or irony in their own positions. They're too arrogant.

And here's the clincher: If we Massachusetts people are so weirdly liberal, then why are we the only state with a major league sports team called the New England Patriots? Could there be a better moment in our history to be a fan of a football squad whose colors are red, white and blue?
How stupid can you get?

When six year-old Kevin Shifflett had his throat cut in D.C. for the crime of being born white the Post immediately began lying and covering up the nature of that crime. Unfortunately for them the stink got so bad that they felt they needed to have an "ombudsman" write an editorial to spin their participation as accessories after the fact to racist child murder in a more positive light. The individual who performed that particularly nasty little task was E.J. Dionne.

17 posted on 02/04/2004 10:10:01 AM PST by jordan8
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To: jordan8
Boy Dionne: "The demonization of Massachusetts is really about the southernization of the Republican Party..."

Indeed. That's absurd sophistry. People don't like the arrogance of sanctimonious, condescending libs like Ted Kennedy, Dukakis, Barney Frank, and the Prince of Sanctimony, John Kerry. A lot of intelligent people also do not like Harvard or the ideological boutiques of the smug Ivy ultra-liberal types. That's simply a fact. These are very unpleasant people. And normal Americans don't like being bossed around by them.

Surely there are normal, nice, loving people somewhere between New Hampshire and NJ.

18 posted on 02/04/2004 11:00:13 AM PST by HowlinglyMind-BendingAbsurdity
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To: HowlinglyMind-BendingAbsurdity
Dionne's solution to demonizing Massachusetts: demonize the South.
19 posted on 02/04/2004 3:10:50 PM PST by Democratshavenobrains
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To: Democratshavenobrains
Dionne's solution to demonizing Massachusetts: demonize the South. 19 posted on 02/04/2004 3:10:50 PM PST by Democratshavenobrains

Ahaaaaah! I'm glad someone caught that. Thanks for pointing that out. A little cryptoHarvard-boutique elitism hidden in there. Way to go! You win the Kerryosophy Prize for this thread.

20 posted on 02/04/2004 4:08:44 PM PST by HowlinglyMind-BendingAbsurdity
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