The self-proclaimed black supremacist, who used his vehicle as a weapon to kill five people and injure 40 more, has his first court appearance scheduled for 2:00pm CT tomorrow (Tuesday November 23, 2021) [Details Here].

Suspect Darrell E. Brooks will have his preliminary hearing under the careful control of the U.S. Dept of Justice Community Relations Service (DOJ-CRS) who oversee all U.S. criminal cases when race is identified as the underlying motive for an attack.

Due to the high visibility of the case; and specifically because the DOJ-CRS are the primary stakeholder in the judicial proceedings {Go Deep}; the Community Relations Service has provided a court order instructing the Waukesha judiciary how they must engage/control media access.  [Media Instructions Here]  The CRS provides the template and Chief Judge Jennifer Dorow signs the order.

The primary concern for the CRS, aka ‘federal peacekeepers‘ is control over the national media narrative.  The techniques behind the court order are familiar:

(Source pdf)

Long term CTH readers have familiarity with how the peacekeepers work to tamp down issues and control criminal cases that are adverse to the interests of the federal government.

Ironically, and purposefully, the claimed need for national racial cohesiveness is the statutory justification for federal control.  Ironic, because the DOJ-CRS support the use of race for political benefit, then the CRS claims to protect national unity against the outcome from using race for political benefit.  The propaganda is thick.  I digress…

FOX6 did a great outline of the prior criminal record of Mr. Darrell Edward Brooks in one of their broadcasts.  WATCH:

FOX6 Investigators on Darrell Brooks, what we know | FOX6 News Milwaukee