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Posted on 12/09/2002 10:01:50 PM PST by Mia T

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As I document in my book, Invasion, these countless "catch and release" cases have demoralized rank-and-file INS agents and cost scores of American lives-from cops gunned down by fugitive deportees to victims of illegal border-crossing murderers, and now, quite possibly, to the innocents slaughtered in the Washington, D.C., area sniping spree. Eugene Davis, a retired deputy chief Border Patrol agent in Blaine, Wash., told me: "This is another classic example of how our catch and release policy for illegal aliens remains a danger to us all. What's it going to take for the American people to demand that we fix the system?"




Jewish World Review | 25 October 2002 | Michelle Malkin




 For aliens to obtain citizenship, federal regulations require that their application be accompanied by a complete set of determine if the applicant has a criminal or arrest record...It was in this area that Mr. Gore's pressure caused the biggest breakdown...


In the end, the White House got their one million voters and re-election. The U.S. got 75,000 new citizens who had arrest records when they applied; an additional 115,000 citizens whose fingerprints were unclassifiable and were never resubmitted; and a final 61,000 who were given citizenship without even having their fingerprints submitted so that no check was possible...


In June 1998, we undertook to again pick up the investigation of the program. Our interest intensified when we heard that a similar plan may be in the works for the 2000 presidential election. Among other things, we wanted to find out if the criminals who were given citizenship in 1996 were continuing their criminal activity in the two years since. My staff pulled out about 100 of the most violent or serious crimes that were committed by aliens prior to naturalization and documented by arrest records...


Of those 100 records, some 20% showed arrests for serious crimes after the subject was given citizenship. The charges included murder, rape and child sexual abuse. Based on those results, we resolved to ask for updates on every arrest record. Had we been given enough time to put together evidence and witnesses, Citizenship USA might even have figured in Mr. Clinton's impeachment trial.



--David Schippers, Abusing the INS, The Wall Street Journal



Voter fraud, again!

© 2000


Stop the presses! I mean it. Stop the election!


Something is going on in Washington and California that will have a great impact on tomorrow's election -- and it stinks to high heaven.


Let me start by telling you how I found out about it.


A very good friend of mine, who shall remain nameless, has a long-time live-in housekeeper from Guatemala. The housekeeper has a daughter who just turned 18. The immigration status of both mother and daughter has been pending for years. Papers have been filed with the Immigration and Naturalization Service. Hearings have been held. But they are not citizens.


This is very important: The daughter has not registered to vote.


But, a few days ago, the 18-year-old got a very attractively packaged "Dear friend" letter from Bill Clinton, paid for by the California Democratic Party.


Here's what it said (on one side in Spanish and on the other side in English): "While every election is important, the November 7th election will determine our future for the next decade, and beyond. The stakes are high for America's Latino families. And California is the critical battleground.


"That's why I'm writing. We need your help to elect a Democratic Congress.


"Despite our strong economy, many hard-working people still struggle to make ends meet. Quality, affordable health care, a world-class education, aging with dignity, and well-paid jobs are part of the American dream -- rather than an American reality -- for too many people.


"Electing a Democratic Congress is essential for our 'Families First' legislative agenda.


"Congratulations on your decision to register. Registering to vote is a basic responsibility of citizenship that far too many people ignore.


"Now that you are registered ...




"Can I count on you to vote Democratic on November 7th?




"Will you make an extra effort to elect Democrats to Congress -- and to your State Legislature -- by talking to your family, friends and neighbors?


"Remember: Your Vote is Your Voice.


"Su Voz, Es Su Voto. Make your voice heard on Election Day.


"Sincerely, President Bill Clinton"


Clinton letter in English. Click for full size.


Below that letter is a P.S. that explains: "Here is your personal Voter Identification Card. Sign your name, then detach your card. Bring your card with you to your polling place on Election Day. It will help your voting go more smoothly."


Apparently all the recipient needs to do with this Voter Identification Card is sign it to be eligible to vote. Keep in mind, this was sent to a previously unregistered voter.


Clinton letter in Spanish. Click for full size.


As my friend points out, only the U.S. government knows her age and pending residency status, and, obviously her Latino background. How did this information wind up in the partisan political hands of the California Democratic Party? And what kind of impact will a mailing like this -- obviously utilizing a government database for political purposes -- have on the California legislative races? How widespread is this fraud?


This is making my head spin. The recipient of this letter happens to live in congressional and state legislative districts that are very hotly contested in Southern California. But this appears to be a statewide mailing from the Democratic Party headquarters in Sacramento.


It's mind-boggling. The fraud is so blatant. Yet, not a peep out of the Republicans. They apparently won't even know what hit them. The polls in recent days show them making big gains in this once-invulnerable Al Gore stronghold state. A mass mailing like this effectively registering tens of thousands of potential Democratic voters days before the election is a secret weapon held back deliberately to avoid detection, scrutiny and publicity. After the election, the party will be happy to pay a fine for any illegalities involved. Clinton will be out of office and untouchable as always. There will be a new regime in at the INS. And it will all be swept under the rug.


And who knows if this technique is not being deployed by other state Democratic Party units? I don't doubt it for a minute.


This is voter fraud, pure and simple. And those responsible include the president of the United States, the Immigration and Naturalization Service, possibly the Census Bureau and certainly the California Democratic Party.


I'm outraged. Are you?

1 posted on 12/09/2002 10:01:50 PM PST by Mia T
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To: Mia T

2 posted on 12/09/2002 10:11:07 PM PST by Texaggie79
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Cover Story 12/11/00
U.S. News and World Report
Lies and statistics
Team Gore is still using fuzzy math to heist the election
By Michael Barone
As the Supreme Court ponders the Florida case, Al Gore continues to try
to hijack the election by barring the counting of legitimately cast
military ballots and manufacturing illegitimate votes out of dimpled
chads. It is important to keep in mind, as the Supreme Court mulls its
decision, that the Gore strategy is disingenuous at best, unscrupulous
at worst.
Start with the Illinois case referred to by Gore lawyer David Boies and
cited with approval by the Florida Supreme Court. Boies used it to
support the proposition that courts have required dimpled chads to be
counted as votes, and he introduced an affidavit from an Illinois lawyer
in that case saying that the dimpled chad was allowed. But that was not
true: In that case no dimpled chads were counted. The Illinois lawyer
has since withdrawn his affidavit. Ordinarily, a lawyer who has relied
on an affidavit he learns is false is obliged to confess the error to
the court.
The false affidavit and the misleading citation of Illinois law are
important, because Boies used the Illinois case to persuade the Broward
County canvassers to reverse their original decision and undertake their
hand count. It was a travesty. The two Democratic canvassers changed
the rules midcount, so that they could count dimpled chads as votes.
They counted dimpled ballots for Gore when the voter punched clean holes
for other Democratic candidates, on the theory that the voter must have
intended to vote a straight Democratic ticket. But they refrained from
counting similar dimpled chads for Bush. Eventually they counted some
1,500 votes, mostly dimpled chads, with a
567-vote net gain for Gore. This was a much higher gain for Gore than
the 188-vote net gain in Palm Beach County, where canvassers counted
dimpled chads for president only where there were dimples for other
Manufactured votes. That a dimpled chad is not a clearly intended vote
is obvious to most ordinary citizens. And, despite Gore-campaign
assertions, it turns out that dimpled chads have almost never been
counted as votes in the United States, with the exception (an
embarrassing one for George W.
Bush) of 14 counties in Texas and a special election in Massachusetts
where there was only one race and the ballots were damaged by water.
Counting dimpled chads is nothing more than manufacturing votes.
Then there are the Gore campaign assertions that thousands of ballots
have never been counted. This is simply false. All Florida ballots
have been counted and recounted by machine. The Gore team focuses only
on the 10,750 "uncounted" ballots that did not register a vote for
president in Miami-Dade County. But there is nothing remarkable about
that number. It was 1.6 percent of all ballots cast, less than the
percentage for all of Florida (2.9 percent) or for the 32 states and
Washington, D.C., where comparable statistics are available (1.9
percent). The Gore lawyers' claim that these ballots are somehow
peculiar and require hand counting is without basis. You might as well
hand count undercounted ballots in all Florida counties.
Then there is the Gore-team assertion that a complete hand count of
Miami-Dade would produce another 600 votes for Gore. This is based on
the fact that a partial hand count of 135 precincts produced a 157-vote
net gain for Gore. But those precincts were not typical of the county.
They are heavily black and Jewish precincts that voted 76 percent for
Gore. In the rest of Miami-Dade, Bush led with 52 percent of the
two-party vote. If you extrapolate from the proportion of new votes
added by the hand count to the Bush and Gore totals, you wind up giving
Bush a net gain of 461 votes in the precincts that were not hand
counted, for a 304-vote Bush gain countywide. That's just an estimate,
but it's nothing like the bonanza Gore's lawyers have been projecting.
Gore and Joe Lieberman are said to be convinced that more Floridians
went in and voted for them on Election Day or through absentee ballots.
It may be true that a plurality of those heading into the polls intended
to vote for them. But it is also plain from the numbers now in that
more legitimate votes were cast for Bush. If you ignore the votes added
to the Gore total by dimpled chad, the counts show Bush more than 1,000
votes ahead. A Gore presidency is still possible. But it would be a
dimpled-chad presidency.
Cool the rhetoric, many are urging. Say nothing that would make the
next president seem illegitimate.
But the truth cries out to be told. When one side in an election
dispute bases its case on pettifoggery and untruths, when it embarks on
a strategy that can succeed only by manufacturing votes out of dimpled
chads, when it argues in court that every dimpled chad no matter how
minimal must be counted as a vote, it should not be surprised when
people notice and object. "The campaign goes on,"
Gore Campaign Manager Bill Daley said on election night. So it does.
And it turns out to tell us more than the first part of the campaign did

about what kind of president Al Gore would have been--or will be.

3 posted on 12/09/2002 10:24:50 PM PST by Mia T
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Algore's Risky Recount Scheme: Musings

by Mia T, 11-24-00

Basically, the Gore-Daley scheme was this: (1) Manufacture spurious evidence of "error" in original machine count that would require a recount, (2) demand a MANUAL recount, (3) tamper Cook-County style with the ballots and the law to produce those "errors" (4) cure those "errors" with newly-created Gore votes. Some details:

False/Illegal predicates for hand recounting:
  • spurious statistical evidence of "error" in original machine count
    • The sample precincts selected for the machine recount to demonstrate putative county "error" in original machine count were neither random nor representative of county, but rather disproportionately pro-Gore. This is precisely the reason the actual (as opposed to the extrapolated) recount numbers are proving insufficient to flip the election to Gore without ex-post-facto relaxing of both the definition of "vote" and the law.
    • Palm Beach County's first (machine) recount, which netted Gore 750 votes (900 Gore, 150 Bush), indicates Cook-County-type Fraud that was accomplished by selectively punching "empty" or "protest" ballots before the recount.
      • Statewide, 2% of the voters deliberately chose NOT to select a presidential candidate. 2% of 45,000 Palm Beach ballots is 900, statistically equal to the 950 "votes" changed into 750 Gore votes, and 150 Bush votes during the recount.
      • Palm Beach FL had an error rate in favor of Gore more than 120 TIMES greater than any other county (NB: This has NOTHING WHATEVER to do with the butterfly ballot.)
      • It is statistically impossible (odds of over 149 million to 1) to have ONE county out of 67 change its recount votes by over 900 votes if it is counting untainted, unaltered ballots, while the other 64 counties (using legal methods) change their recounts by less than 30 votes either way!
      • In a statistically valid recount, half of the errors would favor Bush, and half favor Gore. (from The Robert A. Cook, PE analysis)
Pregnant chads and illegitimacy:
  • Illinois precedent cited by Gore/Boies/Florida Supreme Court cabal in fact disallowed indented, fully attached chads, viz., allowed for consideration only those chads "not completely dislodged," notwithstanding Boies' lies to the contrary.
Fallen chads and circular reasoning:
  • The chads littering the counting rooms, prima facie evidence of altered ballots, can only be the chads putatively punily punched by the voter, so Gore's circular reasoning goes...


After Gore statisticians determine Gore vote pickup insufficient to overtake Bush, Broward Dems Lower Standard to Give Gore more votes


Gore Keeps Picking Up Broward Votes

Associated Press Writer


PLANTATION, Fla. (AP) -- Republicans accused the Broward County canvassing board of bowing to political pressure Sunday after the board reversed a decision to disqualify ballots with dimple or one corner chads.

The board had been throwing out any ballots that did not have two corners poked out of the chad -- the tiny pieces of paper in a punch-card ballot.

''The Gore campaign now wants to lower the bar because it needs more votes,'' said Ed Pozzuoli, chairman of the county's Republican Party.

Pozzuoli said it was unfair for the board to change the rules in the middle of the recount. With 351 of the county's 609 precincts counted by Sunday evening, Gore had gained 90 votes over the official tallies sent to the secretary of state on Tuesday. It remained uncertain if any of the manually recounted votes would be added to the official totals.

''Any semblance of a standard of fairness in the hand-counting process in Broward County has been abandoned,'' said Bush campaign spokesman Ray Sullivan. ''Instead, they're going to get a subjective reading of the votes by a majority Democratic board.''

U.S. Rep. Peter Deutsch, D-Fla., whose district includes Broward, defended the canvassing board's decision to include the dimpled ballots, and he dismissed the Republican allegation the board bowed to pressure.

''They're also saying that people are eating chads in the room,'' Deutsch said. ''They're saying a lot of things that aren't going on. What's clear is the canvassing board under Florida statute is there to decide the intent of the voter.''

Since the start of the hand counting of the 588,000 ballots, the counters have set aside questionable ballots in an envelope just in case they needed to be reviewed.

The board said Sunday it would consider the ballots with dimple, pregnant chads or otherwise questionable chads after its appellate attorney, Andrew J. Meyers, said the two-corner standard would not hold up in court.

Last week, Broward County attorney Ed Dion had argued the two-corner chad rule was legal. Since then, judges in Palm Beach and Miami-Dade made separate rulings that canvassing boards should look to see if a voter's intent could be determined, even with a questionable chad.

Republicans alleged political pressure led to the change, but Dion -- a Republican -- flatly denied the charge.

''My only job is to represent the canvassing board. This is an evolving situation,'' Dion said. ''What we believed to be accurate legal advice on Monday is now changed.''

Democrats applauded the board's change of heart.

''These chad marks didn't get on the ballot by osmosis,'' said Democratic attorney Charles Lichtman, who added the voter's choice was obvious on many of the ballots that have thus far been thrown out. ''The only way they could have occurred is with a stylus in a voting booth.''

Secretary of State Katherine Harris has said she won't accept any manual recount totals, but the Florida Supreme Court ruled Friday that she cannot certify election results until it holds a hearing Monday.




"Back in Chi' in the old days, we count the votes, and we keep counting them again and again until we get what we want."--Key Largo: Johnny Rocco - Chicago mobster, explaining his rise to power, boasting about fixing elections back in Chicago


COROLLARY: Do Democrat Precincts Prefer Punch Card Over More Accurate Optical Scan Ballots PRECISELY to Enable This Type of Election Theft?

"Our strength is not in the ballot but in the counting...As long as I count the votes, what are you going to do about it?"

--Boss Tweed, November 1871



Why the Manual Recount is Unconstitutional:
Due Process, Equal Protection and Carol Roberts
"Explicit statistical evidence of massive ballot tampering in Palm Beach, Fl"

4 posted on 12/09/2002 10:32:18 PM PST by Mia T
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To: Mia T
john thune is a loser, a coward, and an effing despicible disgrace. A pusilanimous pipsqueak of the highest order. I despise him for his lack of courage and conviction. He is not a man, he is a fool. This election was more than a mere stepping stone in his political career...The stakes were far greater than one man's ambitions... We needed every seat we could get! Especially if that particular seat is controlled (in one way or the other) by the most reprehensible scoundrel ever to hold a Senate seat, tom daschle. For some reason, he had no fight in him whatsoever.

Why didn't he fight this? Would any self-respecting Freeper do what he did, and give up? Did he think it would be "beneath him"? Or did he follow orders from someone higher up IN HIS OWN PARTY, because challenging an election would go against their "New Tone?" Were they afraid of el diablo? Or are they in bed with him?

5 posted on 12/09/2002 10:47:17 PM PST by Captainpaintball
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To: Captainpaintball
Thune didn't want to pull a "gore" and come out looking like a sore loserman. Despite this loss, he is very much a young man with a viable political future in the state, and he didn't want to damage that. Conventional wisdom is that he's looking to run for Daschle's seat in 2 years, if he should resign, that's why he didn't want to rock the boat on this issue, meritous as it evidently seems to be. What happened in South Dakota is disgusting but unfortunately doesn't surprise me at all. This just goes to show that the republicans have to match the democrats at strong arming, relentless registering, and flooding tens-of-thousands of lawyers across the country cause unless we do, this kind of thing occurs and they end up winning.
6 posted on 12/09/2002 10:56:03 PM PST by gop_gene
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To: Mia T
Are we just going to keep proving that there's vote fraud, or is somebody going to finally get punished for this?
7 posted on 12/09/2002 11:18:37 PM PST by Cinnamon Girl
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To: Mia T
All well and good, and probably all true, but in the end, it's Thune's ball. If his choice was to put the ball down and concede, then that's his prerogative. Not much we can do about it. Besides, there's always the possibility that Thune was asked by higher-ups in the RNC to let this drop in return for guaranteed money-pumping into another campaign later on, or maybe a White House appointment.
8 posted on 12/09/2002 11:21:32 PM PST by Timesink
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To: gop_gene
Despite this loss, he is very much a young man with a viable political future in the state, and he didn't want to damage that.


Thune didn't want to pull a "gore" and come out looking like a sore loserman

He WOULDN'T be a sore/loserman...because he was a LEGITIMATE victim of voter fraud!!! He has the FACTS to back it up...if he wanted them, they were right in front of his pathetic face!!! Instead, he chose to give up, which sends two clear messages: 1.)the GOP is telling the democrats that they can get away with voter fraud, and 2.) thune is telling his voters that he won't fight for them...that he doesn't truly respect their wishes.

He gave up too easily, in my opinion. Which makes my "spider sense" go haywire. Although I can not prove it, I smell a backroom deal involving both parties. It has to be. They keep baby daschle in, and the Repugs get something in return.

If this wasn't what happened, the GOP is "criminally" incompetent, cowardly, and therefore, undeserving of our support. This might the most obvious example of voter fraud in the last 20 years. How could they blow this?

9 posted on 12/09/2002 11:25:58 PM PST by Captainpaintball
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To: Captainpaintball; Gail Wynand; looscannon; Lonesome in Massachussets; Freedom'sWorthIt; IVote2; ...
Is it necessary for the losing candidate to contest an election or can a third party invalidate the election by proving fraud?

Let us say an investigation by a third party proves fraud involving sufficient votes to overturn the results.

Does Johnson get booted out?
Does Thune deserve the vacated seat?
Is it a RICO conspiracy?
The slammer for Johnson, Daschle, McAuliffe, clinton, clinton and all those lawyers.?
10 posted on 12/09/2002 11:32:43 PM PST by Mia T
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To: Captainpaintball
excuse me, I meant not run, not resign.


I agree, in all likelihood if the election was completely on the up-and-up, Thune would be senator. But just because he was shafted doesn't necessarily mean he's a craven politico. Let's not blame the victim here--in an ideal world Thune would contest this tainted process and demand a full, open investigation of what went on however long it took. But this is real life, and you must admit that even though he has the evidence on his side, the public (which does not include activists, partisans etc. like me) is pretty apathetic about this sort of thing, or else not very interested in politics, and to them, they would just view Thune as an embittered loser unwilling to accept defeat. Certainly the democrats would be out full force portraying him that way, and he'd be finished in the state. Perhaps he's disappointed his supporters/base by not fighting on principle, but unfortunately you can't have a political future if you alienate independent-minded voters.

As for a backroom deal, it certainly is possible, but I don't think that's the case here, but what do I know? I figure the gop is keeping quiet about this one and are regrouping for the next round. As you probably know, a similar thing happened in St. Louis MO in 2000 (the infamous story of Ashcroft losing to a dead man) when the polls were kept open, what was it, an extra 90 minutes after they officially were supposed to be closed and busloads of people were hustled in by the democrats. Well, the gop made dang sure that didn't happen there again this time around, and I'm sure next time in S. Dakota they'll do the same. But they should have learned from the St. Louis experience to not just watch out what went on in that state, but in all others as well, then Thune wouldn't have been gyped.

11 posted on 12/09/2002 11:50:12 PM PST by gop_gene
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To: gop_gene; ALOHA RONNIE
Let's not forget the voter fraud when B-1 Bob Dornan was shafted by the DNC and Loretta Sanchez. Did the RNC go to bat for B-1 Bob? Not at all. As a matter of fact, they were more than happy to see a conservative hit the unemployment lines. He made too many waves. So now California and the House of Representatives is stuck with the Sister Act.
12 posted on 12/10/2002 12:15:38 AM PST by Diver Dave
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To: Diver Dave
I'm not from California, but I find Loretta Sanchez distasteful. Hope her sister's better than she is.
13 posted on 12/10/2002 12:26:30 AM PST by gop_gene
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To: Cinnamon Girl
Oh, boy, are you completely right. We keep reading lofty philosophical and political discussions about the virtues -- or lack of them -- of certain figures who, 20 years ago, would ALREADY have been behind bars. Sigh.
14 posted on 12/10/2002 12:31:51 AM PST by JennysCool
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To: Mia T; All
Zillions of links to vote fraud related news in many states....

15 posted on 12/10/2002 1:40:10 AM PST by backhoe
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To: Mia T
So cool of you to remind us of this article.

Al Gore has never been held accountable for this, and whaddawe get? Landrieu re-elected, Sanchez, AND her sister!

16 posted on 12/10/2002 1:41:12 AM PST by YaYa123
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To: YaYa123
I remember that story about Gore pressuring the INS to legalize about a million illegals. Isn't it something how such an outrage never exploded into front-page scandal (liberal media anyone?). Sooooo much for Gore's much ballyhooed "popular" vote win.
17 posted on 12/10/2002 2:04:38 AM PST by gop_gene
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To: Captainpaintball
Democrats, traitors to the Constitution, one and all.
18 posted on 12/10/2002 2:35:33 AM PST by Leisler
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To: Mia T
Good morning Mia

The slammer for Johnson, Daschle, McAuliffe, clinton, clinton and all those lawyers.?

all i want for Christmas....ooops sorry wrong song....

Hope you have a nice day (-:
19 posted on 12/10/2002 3:07:50 AM PST by firewalk
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To: gop_gene
Gore carried my state of Wisconsin by a few thousand votes out of more than two million cast. They caught a Dem operative from New York in Milwaukee handing out smokes to street people to get them into the voting booths. When caught she was not the least bit sorry about perpetrating her underhanded scheme. In Missouri they illegally kept the polls open later than allowed by law so prospective Dems could vote. The Dems should change their name to the Votefraud Party.
20 posted on 12/10/2002 3:35:27 AM PST by driftless
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