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Conservatives need not apply? < "stupid people are generally conservative "> ^ | Wednesday, February 11, 2004 | Editors

Posted on 02/11/2004 9:35:38 AM PST by Helms

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To: Helms
The "smart" ones make you THINK you are a little smarty, you smarmy intellectual....because the "smart" ones (conservatives) aren't stupid enough to spend time worrying about who is smart and who is not....we're busy, building businesses, a country, other countries, while you spend your time analgazing and criticizing those who MAKE THINGS HAPPEN.
61 posted on 02/11/2004 10:18:42 AM PST by goodnesswins (If you're Voting Dem/Constitution Party/Libertarian/Not - I guess it's easier than using your brain.)
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To: Helms
Total BS. To get this level of stupidity, you'd have to go to a philosophy department. Show me a scientist or engineer who has actually used his knowledge to make something (a new invention or a new business) and I'll show you a conservative. The saying used to be that with the fall of the Berlin Wall, the only marxist organization left was the Duke University English department. I guess the philosophy department deserves inclusion also.
62 posted on 02/11/2004 10:18:49 AM PST by Moosilauke
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To: skeeter

The Latin word educare, means to grow or bring forth. Education involves open inquiry, patience, experimentation, honesty, and the ability to know you don't know.

The opposite of this process is indoctrination. Indoctrination is putting in - not drawing out. It is an imposing of information, not a search for truth, it empowers the teacher not the student.

What we have here is a perfect example of inflated self-worth.

I found a study on the internet that explains soooooo much of what I have experience with some people in this world. Here is the link:

Unskilled and Unaware of It: How Difficulties in Recognizing One's Own Incompetence Lead to Inflated Self-Assessments


People tend to hold overly favorable views of their abilities in many social and intellectual domains. The authors suggest that this overestimation occurs, in part, because people who are unskilled in these domains suffer a dual burden: Not only do these people reach erroneous conclusions and make unfortunate choices, but their incompetence robs them of the metacognitive ability to realize it. Across 4 studies, the authors found that participants scoring in the bottom quartile on tests of humor, grammar, and logic grossly overestimated their test performance and ability. Although their test scores put them in the 12th percentile, they estimated themselves to be in the 62nd. Several analyses linked this miscalibration to deficits in metacognitive skill, or the capacity to distinguish accuracy from error. Paradoxically, improving the skills of participants, and thus increasing their metacognitive competence, helped them recognize the limitations of their abilities.

I have always believed this, basically, a little knowledge in a subject is always more dangerous than none. I've always had a saying for myself, the more I know about a subject, the more realized how little I really know about it. This study nails it. And probably explains 90% of of the liberal professors out there.

63 posted on 02/11/2004 10:24:13 AM PST by machman
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To: Helms
Can someone name for me the last republican/conservative who was not portrayed as, or called stupid by the liberal press, democrats, and academics? Eisenhower maybe.
64 posted on 02/11/2004 10:26:37 AM PST by Phantom Lord (Distributor of Pain, Your Loss Becomes My Gain)
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To: sirshackleton
how could he be dim enough not only to believe such an absurd notion, but to hail it publicly?

Because he lives in fantasyland, with tenure protecting him from the real world. When your only measure of success is in convincing other tenured professors to publish your articles, it's very easy (and convenient) to convince each other that they're all full of brilliant insights. In the real world, engineers, scientists, or programmers don't get to play that game. Talking a good line counts for nothing when the bridge collapses or the program crashes.

65 posted on 02/11/2004 10:27:29 AM PST by Moosilauke
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To: Helms
Members of academia tend to be a bit smarter than average.

Those who can do. Those who can't teach

66 posted on 02/11/2004 10:27:57 AM PST by Phantom Lord (Distributor of Pain, Your Loss Becomes My Gain)
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To: kevkrom
And actual surveys tend to demonstrate that Conservatives are better educated, and overwhelmingly more politically aware - in the sense that when they vote, they have some idea what the issues are, and which candidate stands for which. As example:
To: Howlin

Strangers on a Train Wreck
Here's a fascinating tidbit from this week's CNN/USA Today/Gallup poll. The following table shows the proportion of "Republicans/Republican leaners" and "Democrats/Democratic leaners" who said they'd "never heard of" each of the Democratic presidential candidates:

Candidate Reps Dems

For the most part these differences aren't huge, but it's nonetheless striking that in every case, Republicans were more likely than Democrats to have heard of the Democratic candidates--especially since Dems are in a position to vote on these guys in the next few months. It's hard to avoid the conclusion that people who are more informed about politics tend to be Republicans.

42 posted on 01/12/2004 11:35:58 AM PST by lepton

67 posted on 02/11/2004 10:28:15 AM PST by lepton
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To: Phantom Lord
G'mornin', Phantom! How's the baby? Y'all getting much sleep?

Yes, I'm still taking apart the lefties at the Metallica forums...
68 posted on 02/11/2004 10:29:23 AM PST by RandallFlagg (<a href="" target="_blank">miserable failure)
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To: HEY4QDEMS; Helms
<< Kind of flies in the face of "Conservatives think, Liberals feel", doesn't it? >>


As this pathologically-infantile member of the verbalized bowel bubbles' brigades so well demonstrates here, those who suffer the "liberal" psychosis are skilled only at verbalizing their feelings.

Which they feel are their "thoughts.
69 posted on 02/11/2004 10:29:37 AM PST by Brian Allen ("I don't belong to no organized political party -- I'm a Republykin!" - With Apologies to J Robinson)
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To: Helms
If, as John Stuart Mill said, stupid people are generally conservative, then there are lots of conservatives we will never hire."

This guys teaches Logic?

70 posted on 02/11/2004 10:31:41 AM PST by TankerKC (My life is a Country Song.)
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To: Helms
it seems to me rather ironic that this academic has not a shred of research to back up his claim.

I for one would love to see an unbiased measurement of average and median IQs for liberals and conservatives. I think we would do quite well.
71 posted on 02/11/2004 10:32:16 AM PST by Cubs Fan (Liberals have the inverse midas touch, everything they get a hold of turns to S&*%)
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To: sauropod; hellinahandcart
"Mill's analysis may go some way towards explaining the power of the Republican party in our society and the relative scarcity of Republicans in academia. Players in the NBA tend to be taller than average. There is a good reason for this. Members of academia tend to be a bit smarter than average. There is a good reason for this too."

Maybe this picknose (thanks for the new word, 'pod!) can explain why many NBA players are Republicans and why most in the military seem to be conservative...

Oh, and having been through prep school, a Seven Sisters college and an MBA program, I can't say I agree totally about members of academia being "smarter than average." I'm not saying that they're stupid, just that they tend to be navel-gazers.

72 posted on 02/11/2004 10:32:42 AM PST by NYC GOP Chick
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To: Helms

If you're so smart..

..why are you about to get caught in a shit storm?

Did you believe that conservatives can't read? That Republicans would not notice your inflammatory rhetoric in the Duke Chronicle.

Just wait till we start mailing copies of your article to the Alumni Department in lieu of donations.

I am so glad I'm not you.

TC Rider
73 posted on 02/11/2004 10:34:49 AM PST by TC Rider (The United States Constitution © 1791. All Rights Reserved.)
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To: AmericanVictory
Excellent response.
74 posted on 02/11/2004 10:35:48 AM PST by Helms (Liberals believe we are Crash Dummies on the hectic highway of the Cosmos)
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To: RandallFlagg
I get plenty of sleep. Though I only sleep a few hours a night. Always have. My wife could use more sleep.

Reagan sleeps, eats, pukes, farts. Kind of like a college kid!

75 posted on 02/11/2004 10:39:11 AM PST by Phantom Lord (Distributor of Pain, Your Loss Becomes My Gain)
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To: machman
I've always had a saying for myself, the more I know about a subject, the more realized how little I really know about it.

Yeah, me too. The real problem is how to avoid becoming socially & intellectually paralyzed by the cognizance of these limitations:)

76 posted on 02/11/2004 10:45:53 AM PST by skeeter
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To: skeeter
The Latin word "sinestra", the root for sinister, means "left".

Our forefathers always knew the dangers of liberalism.

77 posted on 02/11/2004 10:47:00 AM PST by JoJo Gunn (Gut and raze the NEA! ©)
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To: Helms
BTTT for later...
78 posted on 02/11/2004 10:52:37 AM PST by EdReform (Free Republic - Now more than ever! Thank you for your support!)
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To: Phantom Lord
Can someone name for me the last republican/conservative who was not portrayed as, or called stupid by the liberal press, democrats, and academics? Eisenhower maybe.

Richard M. Nixon. He was portrayed as smart but mean and paranoid. Conservatives are generally portrayed as mean, stupid, or both. William F. Buckley and Condi Rice both come to mind as breaking the stereotype.

79 posted on 02/11/2004 10:57:59 AM PST by Cooter
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To: kevkrom
People with the worst grades gravitates to Philosophy, sociology, journalism,....other liberal art crap. The smart ones go to engineering, and medical schools.
80 posted on 02/11/2004 11:06:09 AM PST by philosofy123
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