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How much is President Bush and Bushies to Blame for this Loss?
opinion | 11/7/2006 | brianbaldwin

Posted on 11/07/2006 10:19:51 PM PST by Brian_Baldwin

This loss is going to have historical consequences – how much is President Bush to blame for this loss? Is it too early to say that the blame for this loss rests squarely with President Bush and the “Bushbots”?

Bush? Or is it Bush and the RINOs? . . . And worst of all to blame, the fault of what some talk show hosts call the Harriet Myers Storm-trooper crowd of Bushbots who simply would bray like a donkey whenever conservatives brought up the obvious problems with Bush from illegal immigration, to port deals, to his globalist friends and massive spending?

Well, it isn’t going to just be me saying that President Bush and the bots wasted too many years, they had the power and blew it.

Only in the last couple weeks did Bush start to try to get the message out about the good economy, but the fact is there were many conservatives who kept saying this is a winning message for a long time, if only the Republicans would get serious about getting the message out --- and the reply from the Bushbots was “the DOW and the stock market isn’t the same as the economy”, ignoring that the important message about the economy wasn’t just the stock market but much more.

The Republicans were on a dog and pony show with the “Bushies”, of which some now call the “Bushbots”, and years were wasted with what many now say were idiots who followed someone who never was a conservative anyway. The reality might just start to sink in that Bush just used some conservative lingo to take these idiots for a ride.

Yes, the President was “on track” regarding the war on terrorism – and yes, he and everyone else were correct that this war won’t be over in one or two years. The point being – no, Bush didn’t own the adage that this will not be a short war, but will be a long war, perhaps decades long – and everyone who understood the enemy said the same, and were saying so before even Bush took office in 2000.

In fact, many of these conservatives were saying Usama bin Laden and the Islamic terrorists et all hit the Trade Center once and he was coming back to finish the job, but Bush was too busy running around with Vicente Fox talking amnesty to listen.

But don’t worry, Bush will probably get his amnesty now. No, I’m not talking about the amnesty for Iraqi “insurgents” who killed American soldiers (no amnesty for our soldiers being held for “war crimes?”), no I talking about amnesty for illegal aliens from Mexico. And one may as well say exactly what we are talking about here – this isn’t about amnesty for illegal aliens from Jamaica, nor Russians, and such – it’s all about illegal aliens from Mexico, which once given will be irreversible, America will not be the same ever again and no one will be able to turn it around once done, because it’s done.

The best hope in stopping the Bush amnesty was a Republican victory in the House in 2006, but the Bushbots sunk it for us all and now with the Democrats running the show you are going to see an amnesty bill forwarded and Bush will sign it with a smile as a “great example of bipartisan leadership”.

The funding for the war in Iraq will likely now be cut off, a front in the battle on terrorism of which Bush wasn’t fighting as a “war” against the terrorists anymore – yes, let me say that President Bush has been doing a good job regarding the war on terrorism so lets just get that out there now - but, it seemed more like he was thinking the war on that particular front was over and he was “building Democracy” and sure didn’t want to accidentally kill any Iraqi civilians in the process because it wouldn’t look good in the New York Times and CNN.

Anyway, for sure the Democrats are going to have the leverage to screw us up on that one and cut and run not just in Iraq but everywhere. If and when the Democrats get there way, which they likely now will, what that tells the world, since Vietnam, and now Iraq which really was a punch drunk easy war as far as any war goes, the message to the world will now be that America can never win another war.

And that is really bad news since a lot of Americans are going to die as a result.

What that means is Iran now runs the region. And billions and billions and billions of dinars will sponsor further terrorism as they dance in the street having defeated the great Satan – and the Islamic terrorist with a likely victory in Iraq will do exactly what they already said they are going to do: they will turn their attention to overthrowing the governments of Turkey, Egypt and Pakistan.

Pakistan already has the nuclear bomb.

The governments of Turkey, Egypt and Pakistan are next on the head-chopping list, of which the Islamic fundamentalists may likely have very good success on instigating the axe. Because, at least Bush did a good job on the war on terrorism, but you can absolutely count on it that if the Democrats are going to call the shots, the region is going to explode; the Islamic terrorist front will be global like no ones business.

The idiots have been saying the war on Iraq fomented more Islamic terrorists.

The fact is, the growth of Islamic terrorism is an historical trend of which was escalating before Iraq, was on the march and would have been as life-size now whether we invaded Iraq or not, in fact likely even more so if their march wasn’t tripped up a bit in old Babylon.

We have a great economy.

But the economy won’t be great after the terrorist hit us again. In fact, when it happens, don’t be surprised how fast you are going to lose your job.

Democrats running the House. Now just watch the war. The war isn’t over. It’s now going to get bigger than ever.

Well, I guess some are saying, with the Dems running things, they take the blame for things, too. The problem with this is, the old media will still blame everything on Bush. So, unless the American people figure out that what is about to happen to America was the fault of the Democrats, then we are in big trouble.

But we were already in big trouble with this election. And a lot of Americans didn’t understand the consequences now, and this will be the same crowd who won’t understand later when everything blows up in our face.

I suppose some are thinking that all I have been doing is the same as the Democrats – to simply blame Bush for everything.

No, I don’t blame Bush for everything. I blame myself. Because, for some reason, I didn’t get involved enough, involved with other conservatives to get the conservative message to Americans.

Thank you President Bush, you have had to deal with a lot of crap from the old media. As far as I’m concerned, I consider them an enemy of Democracy.

In fact, I consider the Democratic Party an enemy of Democracy.

And, thank you President Bush, since 911 we, America, hasn’t had another major terrorist attack on our soil. I give the President thanks for this. It has been a blessing.

I don’t think this blessing is going to last much longer. Not after tonight.

TOPICS: Your Opinion/Questions
KEYWORDS: bush; bushbots; bushies; dixiechixwin; weinerbot
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To: Brian_Baldwin
I'll throw in a partial vote for the all-around, bi-partisan appearance of incompitence - surrounding hurricaine Katrina.

I haven't heard the President talking about this, or focusing efforts. It's like the catastrophe dropped off the map. I can't but think this help sink the whole 'Pubbie side.

61 posted on 11/07/2006 10:33:17 PM PST by Yossarian (Everyday, somewhere on the globe, somebody is pushing the frontier of stupidity.)
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To: Brian_Baldwin

I've said it once, I'll said it dozens of times, I'll say it again, and maybe this time you'll believe me: Karl Rove isn't now nor ever was a genius.

62 posted on 11/07/2006 10:33:28 PM PST by L.N. Smithee (MSM cries crocodile tears about negative campaigns -- they ARE a negative campaign against the GOP!)
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To: over3Owithabrain; Arkinsaw
Spot on, folks.

Just look at all the whining going on in all the threads here: "It was Iraq!" "It was Illegals!" "It was The Economy!" "It was the President!" "It was Rove, that suddenly-not-quite-so-magnificent Bastard!"

Blah, blah, blah.

It was ALL of it and more.

The GOP candidates and party apparatus never spoke with ONE voice, like they did in 1994.

NOW, the GOP can go two ways: getting everyone singing from the same page of the hymnal or turning into a bunch of self-serving backbiters like the UK Conservatives have.

We here have a pretty good idea which way is going to work; let's get this sniping nonsense out of our systems NOW and get to work - we have a country to save!
63 posted on 11/07/2006 10:33:32 PM PST by decal (Building a wall on the border is like treating lung cancer with cough syrup.)
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To: NinoFan
Does this remotely ring a bell?

I see some have already arrived.

64 posted on 11/07/2006 10:34:14 PM PST by Howlin
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To: RFEngineer

I blame the lame brained Republican members of Congress who refused to side with the President. If we had a united front, this would not have happened.

Flame away....not really interested in your response anyway.

65 posted on 11/07/2006 10:34:16 PM PST by sissyjane (Don't be stuck on stupid!)
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To: Brian_Baldwin

This should be fun. You should draw a whole army of bots for this one.

66 posted on 11/07/2006 10:34:20 PM PST by Luke21
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To: decal
The GOP candidates and party apparatus never spoke with ONE voice, like they did in 1994.

It's a little different when you are the minority party, and don't have to deal with those pesky things, like, oh say, governing the country.

67 posted on 11/07/2006 10:35:01 PM PST by dfwgator
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To: Brian_Baldwin

To echo these sentiments, I zipped this off to Rush and other talk shows tonight:

Dear Rush,

Well, we reap what we sow - You (and I do mean you, Rush, and others) anoint a moderate buffoon to the White House (who I too voted for twice as the lesser of two evils) because of expedient politics instead of on honest Conservative values and real leadership…

Add unqualified political appointments that result in bad politically-correct military tactics and policy on the battlefield, poor politically-correct management of our borders and illegal aliens…

Add Republican empty suits in Congress, beholden to traitorous out-sourcing / open-borders big multinational corporate money, betraying the conservative revolution of Newt; Too busy enjoying being in control spending our money, while trying way too hard to be nice and bipartisan to enemies on the other side of the aisle and in their midst…

Which leads back to the main offender - The utopian moderate in the White House (nice honest guy though) which also lacked the spine and leadership, and yes – ruthlessness, to keep Congress in line (or to decisively win a war).

The Result = The Socialist (Communist) Party (PC term: Secular Progressives) now control Congress – The worst of the worst; the far left will now hold key positions.

Bravo, Rush…this country is now officially screwed. While more honest Conservatives like Sean Hannity and Michael Savage tried to warn Republicans on a whole host of important issues, you continued to narrowly parrot the official Republican line…yes, you would allude to it on occasion, but just couldn’t say Bush by name. Well continue to run your funny parodies, which I’m sure will be even more funny with Pelosi in charge now.

PS: I voted for every Republican on the SC ballot today…no problems here this time (except for when Lindsey Graham comes up for re-election, who will not have my vote).

68 posted on 11/07/2006 10:35:12 PM PST by Wisc Paul
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To: Brian_Baldwin

I take it you don't like Bush. Perhaps he and Cheney should resign and pelosi could then be President???

69 posted on 11/07/2006 10:35:45 PM PST by E=MC<sup>2</sup> (Are liberals born stupid, or do they have to work at it???)
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To: over3Owithabrain

"c'mon folks, this was an across-the-board whoopin'

It was anti-Republican - conserv, mod, lib, neo, christian, fiscal, social, whatever...

Don't let FR devolve into a cesspool of hatred and finger-pointing. Plenty of blame and defeat to go around."

Bingo. The most brilliant post of the whole night.

70 posted on 11/07/2006 10:36:01 PM PST by Luke21
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To: Brian_Baldwin

I dont want to blame Bush. I have supported him all the way. However! The Iraq situation is A) as the media portrays it or B) we are winning or C) somewhere in between. I would guess C. I think some General(s) should be fired. Haditha, Ramadi, Baquoba, areas should have been Fallujahed. Sadr's militia. I know there is a Iran-Syria component as well. We have to militarily defeat the enemy before a political settlement can be arranged. It seems we are trying the political before the military. But maybe this is all academic, since Iran is next. Bush will take them out and soon I think. Then maybe we can eliminate Sadr.

71 posted on 11/07/2006 10:36:50 PM PST by blasater1960 ( Ishmaelites...Still a wild-ass of a people....)
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To: Brian_Baldwin

George Bush did not lose this election and the Rats did not win this election, the media won this election for the Rats. When Americans are spoon-fed propaganda every day and night by a traditional media that has abandoned all sense of balance, fairness, and decency, who should be surprised at the election results.

Until the GOP takes on the media full force and starts calling these scumbags on their lies and blatant partisanship we will always be at a disadvantage. It's way past time to go after CNN, CBS, and CNN for their pathetic, disgraceful behavior.


72 posted on 11/07/2006 10:36:56 PM PST by PresidentFelon (Reuters Reporter Adam Entous beats his Mother.)
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To: Brian_Baldwin

William Kristol was just on Fox braying about the need to send many additional troops to Iraq. Ain't gonna happen, folks. Tonite was primarily, though not exclusively, the result of the Iraq war and it means that James Baker will come up with some "bipartisan" solution, whereby the US will leave semi-gracefully and things will fall apart rapidly. No Republican will want to run with Iraq in the background in 2008, given what's happened to their colleagues tonite.

73 posted on 11/07/2006 10:36:57 PM PST by laconic
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To: Brian_Baldwin

All the GOP leadership, and lack therof, is to blame. Mostly though I blame the congressional, not the White House leadership. The House has been relatively conservative on the WOT and somewhat less on immigration, two huge issues. They have been basically democrats or "moderate" on most other things.

Over in the Senate though is where the big problem lies. On judges, gitmo, NSA surveillance, and the WOT, EVERY single time the democrats painted themselves into corner, RINOs/moderates/triangulators, usually led by J.M., bailed their sorry rear ends out by co-opting their position to a degree just enough to take the all the heat off of the D-team.

Weak leadership and utter weakness in the media, some from bias and some from just being pansies, adds up to this devastating loss.

74 posted on 11/07/2006 10:36:59 PM PST by EERinOK
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To: Wisc Paul
One, define what a 'true conservative' is, with specifics please. Two, if you think what you've defined will ever get elected, you are not living in reality.
75 posted on 11/07/2006 10:37:02 PM PST by rintense (Liberals stand for nothing and are against everything- unless it benefits them.)
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To: Brian_Baldwin

Let's stop all the finger pointing...i agree with many of the things you say....but folks, we have to remember that we are considered extremely well informed just by the mere fact that we frequent this site...the average Joe doesn't know a 10th of what we know about politics....the pubs have been in charge for 6 years now and many folks don't like the direction they are going...whether us freepers like it or not.

now just stop and think about say it was the Bushbot nut huggers fault or the incessant whiners(which includes me) is not going to get us anywhere....i am going to stay positive and hope that now the pubs will get back to being pubs and eating on the dems asses on a daily they did back in the early 90's.

This may turn out to be a good thing folks...let's move forward and prepare for the many threads that takes the starch out of Pelosi's could be fun!

side note: if this pushes the pubs to the left...well then i will hang my head....also...i have to admit it to all...i voted straight pub ticket even though i swore to my wife i wouldn't.

76 posted on 11/07/2006 10:37:13 PM PST by chasio649
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To: Luke21
You should draw a whole army of bots for this one.

No matter how much you disdain them, the "bots," as you call them, have managed to do something you've never been able to do: get somebody elected.

77 posted on 11/07/2006 10:37:32 PM PST by Howlin
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To: jrooney
Those who thought things were bad before haven't seen anything yet. When Dems last ran things there were still a few of the loyal opposition around. Now we only have the extreme hard left and the extreme harder left.

My advice to all is to buy as much ammunition as you can, while you still can.

In case some morons don't know this, cut and run only means one thing to our enemies. That if we do it once, we'll keep doing it. And they'll continue to press it until there's nowhere left to run. I only hope that those wishy washy cretins on "our side" who gave this victory to the Dems/Al Queda are among the first up against the wall if things do go under.
78 posted on 11/07/2006 10:38:03 PM PST by Hillarys Gate Cult (The man who said "there's no such thing as a stupid question" has never talked to Helen Thomas.)
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To: rogue yam
” This was a moderate yet pivotal setback that we can recover from in 2008 if we act in a principled and disciplined manner.”

Not if Bush passes Amnesty.

79 posted on 11/07/2006 10:38:18 PM PST by Steve Van Doorn (*in my best Eric cartman voice* ?I love you guys?)
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To: perfect_rovian_storm
2) The media. They pulled out all the stops this election and they beat us.

You get the Nail on the Head award.
Too bad nobody understands.


80 posted on 11/07/2006 10:38:52 PM PST by MaxMax (God Bless America)
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