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To: chippewaman

Who would lead this 2010 Republican Revolution? Even if a leader appears, how will she/he get the word out. Expect the fairness doctrine to be passed in year 1 of the Obama regime so conservative talk radio will be gone by the 2010 election. Also expect laws regarding “hate speech” which will be used to censor the internet blogs. Most of the Republicans left in Congress will be Rino’s or will adapt Rino behavior to survive in the Pelosi/Reid dictatorship. Certainly, the only Republicans invited to the TV talk shows will be Rino’s. If McCain continues to be a good boy and keeps slapping down supporters at his campaign events he can continue to be a primary Republican spokesperson on the Sunday talk show circuit.

Unfortunately ideas can only win if they are published and discussed. My fear is an Obama administration backed by large leftist majorities in both houses of Congress will place shackles on freedom of the press, freedom of speech, and the free flow of ideas.

No doubt the nation will be in a grave economic crisis during Obama’s first term. For at least 2 years he will blame Bush and the Republicans everyday for the problems. Roosevelt was reelected in 1936, after 4 years of governing during the depression. With restrictions on speech and press, the voting population will only hear the anti-conservative, anti-Republican message. It is more likely the Republicans will lose more seats in the 2010 election if Obama wins in 2008. A revolution will take a strong leader and the ability to get the message out.

Reagan spent 8 years as governor of California gaining executive experience and refining his message before running for the Presidency in 1976. He had also served in the military, as well as President of the Screen Actors Guild, plus had a successful run as a B movie actor where he honed his communications skills. At this time Bobby Jindal and Sarah Palin seem to the the rising voices of conservatism in the Republican Party. Both have very limited state level executive experience. Jindal is governor of one of the most corrupt states in the union. It will be difficult for him to make it to 2010 without being tainted in some way by the corruption in Louisiana. Certainly the press and the Democrat organizations in both Alaska and Louisiana will be looking for every opportunity to bring down the potential rising stars of the Republican Party. Beyond these two, the rest of the Republican field looks like more of the same old Republican establishment.

The country desperately needs a new patriot to emerge and lead us out of the wilderness. Who can it be?

71 posted on 10/12/2008 9:47:39 AM PDT by Soul of the South (When times are tough the tough get going.)
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To: Soul of the South

The Hussein cult intend to pass hate crimes legislation....therefore our churches will be under threat of jail, as will many other of our organization and what little media our side has.

75 posted on 10/12/2008 10:21:28 AM PDT by roses of sharon (When the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of the LORD will put him to flight (Isaiah 59:19)
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