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Is this really it? (re: possible Obama's Kenyan B.C. - Attny Taitz) Click on the link ^ | 8/2/2009 | rxsid

Posted on 08/02/2009 1:35:53 AM PDT by rxsid

Edited on 08/06/2009 12:10:02 AM PDT by John Robinson. [history]

Attorney Taitz filed a NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION to Expedite authentication, MOTION for Issuance of Letters Rogatory for authenticity of Kenyan birth certificate filed by Plaintiff Alan Keyes PhD.

Barry's Kenyan B.C.??

Special Motion for leave (site has been the target of hackers, proceed with caution — John)

TOPICS: Heated Discussion
KEYWORDS: armedcitizen; article2section1; awgeez; banglist; barackhusseinobama; barackobama; barackobamasr; bc; believeanything; betrayed; bfrcolbtwawlol; bho; bho44; birthcertificate; birther; birthers; birthplace; ccw; certifigate; changeamerica; citizenship; colb; commonlaw; conman; constitution; democratssuck; devilspawn; donofrio; dreams; dreamscopyright; dreamsfrommyfather; emerdevattel; emerichdevattel; englishcommonlaw; enoughofthiscrap; fakenews; fauxbama; founders; framers; fraud; georgewashington; gottrolls; greatpretender; hailtothekenyan; hawaii; headinthesand; hermaphrodite; hoax; honolulu; honoluluflimflam; hopespringseternal; hussein; imom; indonesia; johnjay; kenya; kenyabelieveit; kenyaman; kenyan; keyes; leodonofrio; lgfequalsdailykos; lgfhateschristians; lgfracist; lorettafuddy; lucyhazfootball; m0mbasa; marxistusurper; mas; mikeshusband; muslim; naturalborn; naturallaw; nbc; nothingburger; obama; obamabio; obamanoncitizenissue; obroma; ods; openyoureyes; orly; orlytaitz; orlytaitzpatriot; philberg; polarik; potusbogus; prezzot; qanoncrowd; repository1; rkba; rosemarysbaby; stalinistusurper; suckers; taitz; texasdarlin; thekenyan; thistimeforsure; tinfoilhat; trump; ukc; unpresident; usurper; vattel; vips; wakeup; washington; zulu666
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To: Paradox
I guess its just must funner to listen to the echo's in the chamber...

I think most non-birther freepers like myself are just waiting for a smoking gun.

Then you may simply be in the agnostic camp, which is reasonable. Withholding judgment until satisfactory, iron-clad evidence is in hand, is something that is entirely your right to do.

Others have looked over the long trail of circumstantial evidence and have come to the conclusion that the likelihood of fraud is so overwhelming, based on the evidence at hand, that they're willing to assume Obama's guilt until he proves otherwise.

Yet others are in the opposite camp, and are unwilling to admit any (or very little) of the circumstantial evidence at hand, but are actively advocating for Obama's innocence, using much the same standard as the agnostic camp.

I don't personally begrudge anyone their personal viewpoint or conclusions, but it does strike me as odd that some posters expend so much time and energy attempting to shut down the entire investigation here.

4,781 posted on 08/03/2009 12:26:15 AM PDT by Windflier (To anger a conservative, tell him a lie. To anger a liberal, tell him the truth.)
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To: bgill

good one.

4,782 posted on 08/03/2009 12:26:40 AM PDT by machogirl (If Obama's handing out Pie, I like Lemon Meringue.)
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To: Plutarch
No, WND is like Hawaii, they say they have these documents, but haven't shown them. Before the cock crows tomorrow, they had best have them posted, because the whole case rests right now on finding an example of a Republic document produced between Dec 1963 and Dec 1964. If they don't have them, and nobody does, then this whole thing will be a fiasco.

Oh my goodness, someone gets it!

4,783 posted on 08/03/2009 12:26:59 AM PDT by Mount Athos (A Giant luxury mega-mansion for Gore, a Government Green EcoShack made of poo for you)
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To: Shaka

According to a relative who was there... it was not uncommon in colonial times/first half of the century for Africans to take English names. Since the only English that that saw was on signs at work or shopping they took names like Mr Ferguson Machinery or... or Mr EP Lavender (soaps).

4,784 posted on 08/03/2009 12:27:36 AM PDT by ThirdLaw (kenya birth certificate forgery)
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To: John Valentine

I like the way using the first.middle initials on the birth certificate was used, (B.H OBAMA, E.F Lavender.
) it seems very realistic for that time period in Kenya as seen in these 2 1960’s Mobassa postcards show. W.R McDOUGALL,( H.C CAFFYN ( C.U. Mack (

Very realistic, was this form of initialing something common in Kenya, or common everywhere...

4,785 posted on 08/03/2009 12:27:38 AM PDT by imagephreak
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To: rolling_stone

Look at the way the first.middle initials on the birth certificate were used, (B.H OBAMA, E.F Lavender.
) Here are some postcards from MOMBASSA 1964 + it seems very realistic for that time period in Kenya as seen in these 2 1960’s Mobassa postcards show the same stlyle of abreviating. W.R McDOUGALL,( H.C CAFFYN ( C.U. Mack (

4,786 posted on 08/03/2009 12:27:43 AM PDT by imagephreak
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more than 20 Kenyan immigration agents swooped into the hotel and arrested him

Obammbi brown shirts now doubt, I haven't heard much from Mr Corsi since then. He was probably worked over real good, they probably got him on constant surveillance now days, because he sure has been quite, wonder what he has to say about these new developments.

4,787 posted on 08/03/2009 12:27:45 AM PDT by stevejwn (Right to Life Librety and the 2nd Amendemnt)
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To: Technical Editor

I keep reading the State of Hawai’i sent announcements to the newspaper, the implication being this is the ONLY way an announcement would appear. Five points:

1. How do we know this to be true?
2. If true, is there any reason why the paper wouldn’t accept an announcement from a proud grandparent or party other than State of Hawai’i? Or that the State would accept information- even verbal from Granny Dunham and relay the information to the paper?
3. I thought there was evaluation somewhere that indicated the announcement was modified. Don’t have a link- lost.
4. If the announcement was modified, is there a way it could have been copied onto microfilm for storage or the microfilm altered/replaced?
5. Why are so many people insisting a newspaper birth announcement confirms or validates his heretofore unsubstantiated birthplace claim, in lieu the primary source document of a birth certificate?

The last point makes no sense. Why go with a newspaper account, [we KNOW how accurate they can be, lol], rather than a primary document?

I can only conclude that whatever ‘vital records’ are extant in Hawai’ian files, none are of a nature to establish Obama’s NBC bona fides.

4,788 posted on 08/03/2009 12:27:45 AM PDT by FreeStateYank
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To: Technical Editor

Ed Hale is a liar and a fraud. Don’t believe ANYTHING he says.

4,789 posted on 08/03/2009 12:27:46 AM PDT by faucetman
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To: Eye of Unk

Early reference to REPUBLIC OF KENYA.... 6 Month before “official” date


The goal of the Russians is easy to understand. If they can dominate Somalia Along the Red
Sea, and establish bases in Ethiopia
and the new REPUBLIC OF KENYA,
they can fulfill their age old
dream of making the Red Sea red.

4,790 posted on 08/03/2009 12:27:47 AM PDT by outhousepatrol
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To: sometime lurker

I’m not finding many options to fly out of that area in 1961. What I’ve found so far is BOAC and East African “Airways serving that area, and both had London - Nairobi flights. According to this, the farthest east they went at that time was Bombay.

When I look on expedia for Honolulu-Nairobi flights, the stops are all in Europe - Amsterdam, London, etc.

As for ships, I doubt there would have been any direct service from Hawaii to Nairobi. The closest I can find is 15 days from Honolulu to Manila, on a luxury liner that would have been new in 1962.”

Thanks, sometime lurker. Have any info on flights from Bombay to Mombassa?

4,791 posted on 08/03/2009 12:27:47 AM PDT by FreeStateYank
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To: rxsid

According to Constitution, Kenya called “Republic” in 1963

Regarding the controversy about the new birth certificate released on WND,

The main argument against it is that Kenya wasn’t a republic until 1964 according to wikipedia etc.

According to the Kenyan constitution, they DID call themselves a republic in 63.

4,792 posted on 08/03/2009 12:27:50 AM PDT by thislandismyland
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To: All

This is my first post on FR.

I collected stamps when I was a kid thanks to my mom giving me a stamp collecting album in 1964. When I read a post on this thread that no one had been able to locate a stamp from Kenya from the years 1963 & 1964 I remembered that album. I also thought I remembered it was given to me around that time and I knew I remembered having stamps on the page for Kenya - odd how we remember little tid bits like that years later. It took me an hour and a half to locate the album which isn’t bad considering it’s been packed, repacked and repositioned through seven moves and residences. Starting point Ohio and now located with me and Canadian husband on an island in Maritime Canada!

To get to the bottom line of the saga, the album was published in 1964 and I did indeed manage to get a hold of some stamps for my Kenyan page. The title of the page may reveal why no one has located a Kenyan stamp from that time period (I have read most of this thread but not all of it so may have missed it if someone has already discovered this).

The page title is:

THE BRITISH COMMONWEALTH OF NATIONS - KENYA AND UGANDA. Underneath the title is “ Colony and protectorate in East Africa. Kenya: 224,960 square miles; Population: 6,500,000 (1959). Uganda: 93,981 square miles; Population: 6,517,000 (1959). Since 1935, postally grouped with the trusteeship territory of Tanganyika.”

The album has squares for mounting stamps, some of which are blank and others have black and white pictures of stamps that the collector should try to obtain. I have 5 stamps on the page and there are, in addition, 13 black and white pictures of stamps I never acquired. All but two of the stamps have a picture of a Brit royal on them and all of them have three geographic names on them: Kenya, Uganda and Tanganyikja.

It appears from my album that the Brits may have been responsible for the issuance of stamps there and they chose to simplify and reduce the cost of that duty by lumping these colony countries together for the purpose of postal stamps. The 5 stamps that I have all have postmarks on them but not one is readable as to date. Pretty safe to say, though, that they are pre-1965 for the obvious reason. There’s also the fact that I was wildly enthusiastic the first year I began collecting and frequently talked my mom into buying packets of stamps issued by other countries from the hobby store and post office so it is likely that I acquired those 5 stamps in 1964.

Hope this info prevents someone from spending time searching for a Kenyan stamp from 1963-1964 as they probably shed no light on whether Kenya referred to itself officially as a republic prior to the date it officially was recognized as one in 1964.

One more thing. I’ve read FR for years because it is populated with the kind of Americans I admire, relate to and miss. I finally opened an account today to post this info despite the fact that there are probably a number of trolls with the same date of entry given the subject matter attracting all the attention.

4,793 posted on 08/03/2009 12:27:53 AM PDT by Natural Born 54
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To: machogirl

this has probably been asked and answered a hundred times but here is my question.

Barry went to high school as Barry Soetoro, so I am inferring that he was adopted by Lolo. When did he change his name to Obama?

4,794 posted on 08/03/2009 12:29:46 AM PDT by machogirl (If Obama's handing out Pie, I like Lemon Meringue.)
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To: Natural Born 54

I already did the stamp search. Queen on stamp until 1963. Then just Kenya with pictures. Some of the stamps with Uganda and some other despot country.

4,795 posted on 08/03/2009 12:31:36 AM PDT by machogirl (If Obama's handing out Pie, I like Lemon Meringue.)
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To: Mount Athos
It's hard to believe anyone in Kenya would have conceived themselves as a Republic at this time, years before they even gained independence, but I could be wrong.

Yet, that appears to be exactly how they did see themselves - as being from the Republic of Kenya.

4,796 posted on 08/03/2009 12:33:28 AM PDT by bgill (The evidence simply does not support the official position of the Obama administration)
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To: Eagles6
Either that or the records have been altered. You do know who the prime minister of kenya is don't you?

Funny how rapidly this thing is developing. I've learned so much in just the last few hours that my earlier view has to be amended.

At this point, it's known that there are multiple copies of the birth records from Coast Provincial Hospital in Kenya, and that at least two are outside of that country. Odinga might be able to pull some shenanigans with local records, but he hasn't got the reach to do so elsewhere.

Besides, the President of Kenya is no fan of Odinga (or his cousin Barry), and would likely move to stop Odie from tampering with the files.

4,797 posted on 08/03/2009 12:33:57 AM PDT by Windflier (To anger a conservative, tell him a lie. To anger a liberal, tell him the truth.)
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To: GovernmentShrinker
The Kenyan Birth Certificate in the photo looks authentic to me.
4,798 posted on 08/03/2009 12:34:28 AM PDT by Prophet in the wilderness (PSALM .53 : 1 The FOOL hath said in his heart, there is no GOD.)
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To: meadsjn

He doesn’t give diddly squat about being “fondly remembered” for anything. He is a monster.
***I see we disagree, and I can’t stand that phrase “agree to disagree”. I usually look for some anchoring point or concept that gives the lurker the ability to assess the disagreement and decide for themselves. I’m at a loss as to find the anchor point here. You think he’s a monster like Hitler who is bent on destroying the USA and I have a milder version of that disease. Either way, we both agree that he’s gotta go.

4,799 posted on 08/03/2009 12:34:38 AM PDT by Kevmo (So America gets what America deserves - the destruction of its Constitution. ~Leo Donofrio, 6/1/09)
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To: Swordmaker; All
FWIW, I was curious about the August 4th/5th disparity between the Hawaii COLB and the Kenyan Registration, so I plugged-in the numbers at and discovered that, at 7pm on August 4, 2009 at in Hawaii, it will be 8am on August the 5th in Kenya....

So, if you go to Hawaii to get your COLB for an out-of-country birth, would they record the time-of-birth in Hawaii time or in Kenyan time?

If the Kenyan Registration is a forgery, at least someone was smart enough to make the time-change calculations :-)

(I apologize to all if this has already been covered, but I was not going to make it through all 5000 comments at 3am... I'm already sorry I checked the site on my way to bed ;-)

4,800 posted on 08/03/2009 12:35:48 AM PDT by GizmosAndGadgets (If at first you don't succeed...)
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