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To: BlackElk; All

OK, you withhold vote from anybody who is not strictly conservative to your standard. Let us say you folks eventually remove them. While you are in the lengthy process of removing them, you are handing total control to the democRATS. Then what?
We are not assuming that the conservatives have no chance of success, but in the current political environment (media partnering with the democRATS, the Dems’ vote-buying powers, rampant voter fraud, plus a big portion of the voting public indoctrinated with their flawed and seemingly ‘utopian’ ideology.....), how much resources can you get to achieve your goals? Even if we all agree with your ways and withhold votes for the Rinos, the true conservative candidates still have a lengthy, uphill battle to gain control, simply because the media is working against them, and, we don’t have the resources to propel them into power. The likely result is total control and power go to the RATS - is that what we want?
We need to be strategic, using all the resources we can get - that means getting the Rep who are more on our side (especially when they are the majority working in unison with us - they will if we support them while simultaneously exerting pressure on them to stay conservative) But we need to get them in before we can pressure them and utilize their power! The last thing we want to do is to isolate ourselves and add to the enemies’ powers.

In reality, I don’t want to vote for any one who aids and abetts obumbo into power - that would be just about everyone, including Allen West, Louis Gomert, Michelle Backman, Jim DeMint, Ben Carson....(all those who remain silent on o’s ineligibility proving they are not abiding by the constitution) The only people I will vote for are Allen Keys, Orly Taitz, Cody R. Judy, Dr. Manning of NY and the others who have been working relentlessly to expose obumbo and remove him from the illegal position he is holding. If we ALL unite to expose obumbo, we might have removed him already. But many of our conservative people are NOT truly conservative because they are willing to destroy US Constitution Article 2 (the nbc requirement)!

So you folks are voting for ‘true conservatives’, with a twist - conservatives who don’t uphold US Constitution Article 2 are perfectly all right!

I see that we cannot remove the illegal ‘president’ by any legal, congressional means (we have tried!). We cannot reverse the course without electing leaders who are more on our side (remember - no one is totally on our sides!) or whom we can more easily influence to be on our side.

We are trying to secure potential resources by roping them onto our side, thus adding to our weapons that we can sharpen for better use (think the Gingrich years when Republicans and Rinos alike serving the people much better than any RATS-dominated years... yes yes, there were some less desirable measures passed. Can we ever expect perfection from the government or even from ourselves?)
you folks are trying to remove what you perceive to be your true enemies (just because they don’t agree with you 100%) even at the expense of handing control/power to the other side. Are your conservative candidates people who abide by the constitution 100%, including article 2? If not, why not?

There is no hope of voting in my ideal candidate who abides by the Constitution 100% (including article 2). I have no choice but to vote for those who have the potential to help our cause - if we don’t have the ideal conservative, we go for the second choice....
We will not drive our troops to the enemies and withhold support for them just so we can remove the less desirable troops. We will rehabilitate them by creating a suitable environment for them to stay the course.

742 posted on 10/19/2014 8:26:39 AM PDT by chrisnj
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To: chrisnj; EternalVigilance; RitaOK; Norm Lenhart; Finny

Understand that your seeming inability to distinguish between your money-grubbing and money-obsessive leftist RINOs like Myth Romney, Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski, Mark Nancyboy Kirk, LAMAR!!! Alexander, Bob Corker, and Thad Cockroach OTOH and actual full spectrum conservatives on the other like Ted Cruz, Mike Lee, Jim DeMint, Alan West and Louis Gohmert means you and I are not parts of the same movement.

Conservatism is not, whatever its enemies may hallucinate, a money-grubbing movement. There have been sooooooo many tax breaks of such magnitude showered upon the Romneyite greedheads in recent decades that freezing a floor under their current rates should be tax job #1 until the rest of us catch up.

The remainder of the tax issue should be reducing the burden shifted from Romney and from Muffie's Trust Fund to the working class kid flipping burgers at Mickey D's, putting it back where it belongs.

What self-respecting Romney gives a crap about the burger flipper? The flipper does not spend his earnings on fashionable charities, art exhibits of Mapplethorpe photos(Ooooooh! Aaaaah! Whip Crackaway!), swank fundraisers or hobnobbing down at the polo club, after all. He also does not romance some Junior League airhead.

This a bit more of a gap between normal Americans and the spoiled pigs than to be described as "not strictly conservative" to my standard. There are spoiled rich brats in BOTH parties whose policies are largely identical. As a previous elitist "GOP" Senate Leader Hugh Scott famously said: Don't listen to what we say. Watch what we do. The GOP-E proudly lying to the party base and the general public for many decades interrupted only by Reagan.

Global warming or climate change or whatever BS term applies this week? Check! Kill by abortion the babies of folks of modest means or babies who are Muffie's whoopsies? Check? If Bruce wants to marry Lance, who are these philistines to object to what Muffie's brother wants to do? AND, that marital status helps uber rich queers to be tax subsidized by the normal kid at Mickey D's! Gun grabbing! If the uber $$$$ set want guns, their dependent politician slaves will damn well provide the permits and meanwhile disarm the peasants JUST IN CASE! Check! First class medicine for the elites and death panels and big deductibles for the peasants. Check! Create Romneycare and inspire Obamacare. Same crappy care and high expense for the peasants and subsidies for that all important 1%. Both also shift the cost of employer provided health insurance to the peasants themselves. Check! Bigger and bigger PROFITS!!!! Check!

Ain't politics grand!!!! Especially when "investors" can buy the nominations of BOTH major parties and there are some people still gullible enough to think that it matters whether Elitist A defeats Elitist B or vice versa. There is really only ONE primary for both "parties" and that is the $$$$$ primary: $1 million, one vote!

Free speech is measured in dollars, don'tcha know? It is a shame that the peasants can still spoil responsible elitist planning by being able to cast their petty little votes at all. Who OWNS this damn country anyhow?

If you party hacks want to attack actual conservatives as defeatists, then it would help your credibility not to crawl into a fetal position in the corner of your cell whimpering about the alliance between the lame stream media and those demonrats whose party name is Democrat, then wrap that alliance into a shit sandwich with voter fraud (that GOP-E flees in terror from investigating lest someone call them unpleasant names), vote-buying through government (as though the GOP-E leadership in Senate and House has not PROMISED in advance to pass shamnesty if the GOP(-E) wins an electoral majority and other matters where the GOP-E is absolutely no better than the Demonrats but sure does promise a lot at election time while plunging the old stabamatic between the ribs of conservatives gullible enough to believe their crapola. But YOU "are not assuming that the conservatives have no chance of success????"

Actual conservatives (the kind who CAN distinguish between Myth Romney, John McCain, Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski, Mark Nancyboy Kirk, LAMAR!!! Alexander, Bob Corker, Thad Cockroach, Lindsay Grahamnesty, and their sorry leftist ilk on the one hand and OTOH Jim DeMint, Scott Walker, Joni Ernst, Justin Amash, Ben Sasse, Ted Cruz, Mike Lee, Ronald Reagan, Louie Gohmert, Alan West and those splendidly similar to them) are quite willing to engage in a lengthy (less lengthy than you imagine) battle to gain control, FIRST over a genuine opposition party (a completely torn down and rebuilt GOP or an entirely new party to first DESTROY today's limp-wristed sissified surrender monkey GOP) and only THEN to go after the internally contradictory Demonrat Party.

What is the limp-wristed GOP-E plan as to the Demonrats? We are just like Obozo only a smidgeon less so! Vote for the GOP-E because we will wreck the USA as surely as the Demonrats only at a more stately and dignified pace! Join the GOP-E and we will vote you into our polo club!

Wow! Feel the excitement! There ARE some wars worth driving to. Of course, the GOP-E does not know how to drive which is why they are transported by chauffer-driven limos!

Oh, did I forget how the public is also indoctrinated by our enemies? Surely the elitists have a plan for that too. They intend to continue to gag themselves lest they be vilified, or crucified or EVEN criticized (as Mayor Daley the Elder used to say). We certainly cannot expect the Myth Romneys of this world to do anything more vigorous about that indoctrination than wrongfully trusting that his fellow zillionaires at a fundraiser could be relied upon not to report to the media his embarrassing faux pas that no Republican can get the votes of the income tax free lowest 47% of taxpayers. See Myth only cares about money and Myth sees himself as Everyman. No one in HIS social set cares about babies, marriages, guns, freedom of worship and other interests that old Myth regards as too plebeian to bother noticing. No profits at the bottom line in THOSE issues. Why bother?

I will rise to your bait on one "issue"--- the natural born citizen issue. I used to live in Connecticut. I was born there. I lived there from birth to 2000. I hated Lowell Weicker there and proudly played a role in driving him from the Senate and then from public life. I was a Reagan state chair there when he challenged that gross spineless embarrassment Leslie King, errr, Gerald Ford (like William Jefferson Blythe, King was so poor that he could not afford to keep his actual name).

Imagine my reaction when I heard that LoLo, as he was known, announced that he was considering running for the Republican nomination for POTUS. We who hated him intensely were well aware that he was born in Paris, France while his parents were there on business (probably for Squibb Drug). We also had a vague awareness of the natural born citizen clause. LoLo's father was an American citizen as was LoLo's mother. He happened to be born in France. One parent holding American citizenship would suffice.

Famously, after 2008, conservatives made the same initial error. Obozo had half the credentials of Weicker at worst. Obozo's father was a British/Kenyan subject BUT his mother, a pathetic creature who was apparently further left that Obozo himself (and than Myth as well), was an American citizen by birth and therefore at the time of Obozo's arrival. That is quite sufficient. Given one parent who is an American citizen, so Obozo was a naturally born citizen. He also CLAIMS to have born in Hawaii. If so, it would not matter if both of his parents were space aliens.

Looking forward, since several dozen "birther" lawsuits on this issue were filed and dismissed by each and every court to which those actions were brought, that will serve as the precedent proving Ted Cruz's right to run, be elected and serve. Cruz was born in Canada. His father was a Cuban citizen. His mother was an American citizen. Cruz has renounced his triple citizenship status choosing American over Canadian or Cuban. I suspect that you raised this issue tongue in cheek. I certainly hope so. That "issue" is as dead as the proverbial doornail.

On the off chance that someone eager to vote for RINOs to further degenerate what little is left of what, only 26 to 34 years ago was the Republican Party is actually serious about the birther issue as opposed to the baby-killer, gun grabber, marriage-wrecking, medical system filching and ongoing sale of the nation to its financial elites, limit who you vote for as you see fit. I certainly will and I don't give a crap about the "birther" issue and more than I care for 9/11 conspiracy theories or hallucinations about international bankers' conspiracies (we have plenty of the domestic ones to worry about).

Not voting for RINOs OR voting for RINOs has the same result: Demonrats (with or without Demonrats in GOP drag) in total power. You are deluding yourself to imagine otherwise. Crush them ALL. Apply ample doses of weed killer to finish them ALL politically and then rip them ALL out roots and all.

Finally, if the bimbos of the GOP-E would like to do something useful for a change, they might start to read something other than Barron's or the daily stock market reports, something like Ludwig von Mises, Friedrich von Hayek, Milton Friedman, Robert Nozick, James I. Robertson (esp. his biography of Stonewall Jackson), Paul Johnson, James Michener (esp. Centennial, Alaska, Texas), Malachi Martin, SJ (esp. Final Conclave, Keys of This Blood, Windswept House). More available on request.

Make the Demonrats and RINOs choose between the interests of native born blacks and the Hispanic wave of immigration, between American workers and either the immigrants or folks in other countries soaking up American jobs, between single women clinging to "abortion rights" and "security moms" who are reluctant to have their children struck down by ebola and other foreign viruses or foreign recruited terrorists' bombs, between crammed classrooms with plenty of Central Americans arriving illegally and more comfortably modest numbers of children per classroom by excluding illegals. Rage against the use of not just American military but even national guard troops to "fight" (and contract) Ebola in West Africa. Add issues on most other fronts in which the coalition building Demonrats and RINOs can be struck down by internal contradictions.

756 posted on 10/19/2014 3:25:40 PM PDT by BlackElk (Dean of Discipline Tomas de Torquemada Gentlemen's Club: Rack 'em Danno!)
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