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To: Lent
It did? The Jews who came to Israel had a belief that they could build a land of prosperity (the land of their forefathers) and help the Arabs in the process.

The fact that Zionist terrorism occurred seems to be ignored in your statement. It was a fanatical movement at its inception and indeed has a hardline fringe itself that was willing to assasinate people who were in the position to hinder the Zionist movement politically.

69 posted on 01/20/2002 11:16:49 AM PST by Demidog
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To: Demidog
The fact that Zionist terrorism occurred seems to be ignored in your statement. It was a fanatical movement at its inception and indeed has a hardline fringe itself that was willing to assasinate people who were in the position to hinder the Zionist movement politically.

Your statements are false. "Zionsist terrorism". Let me remind you (although you likely had no inclination to know in the first place) that before the British came along, and in the latter part of the 19th century when the Jews were starting to make something of the land, they had to set up armed guards such as the "Hashomer" organization in their cultivated areas to protect from the roving Bedouins who were thiefs and had no respect for property rights.

Moreover, Irgun was formed in 1931, approx. ten years after the Grand Mufti had been fomenting murder and riots and particularly after the vicious 1929 Arab riots, led by the Mufti, which saw many dead and wounded Jews. Indeed, the Stern were not formed until 1940, this is not coincidental with the vicious Mufti led Arab riots from 1936-39, which had killed many moderate Arabs, Jews, and British soldiers. It would help if you knew what you were talking about so I wouldn't have to reinvent the wheel.

80 posted on 01/20/2002 11:30:58 AM PST by Lent
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