Since Nov 12, 2007

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Grew up in the Midwest, Bible believer, play guitar, banjo and golf, youngest son of WW2 Navy veteran (now deceased as of Sept. 07). Thankful to have more common sense and principled life than when I was 20. Favorite quotes: “A man in the uniform of his country is always well-dressed.” Regarding Common Sense in politics, organization, ideas and machines: “The more they over-think the plumbing the easier it is to stop up the drain.”

Parent of 2 daughters. Fervently believing that our country will have the good sense to stop the internecine political bickering and the juvenile concerns with “appearance” and “political correctnesss” and “offending someone”, so that those two girls might continue to live and grow to a ripe old age in a free country. I yearn for men and women in public and private life whose words and actions are directed by principle and not expediency, or 'good intentions' with which the road to hell is paved.