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The New Left, Cultural Marxism, and Psychopolitics Disguised as Multiculturalism
The Sierra Times ^ | Thursday August 03, 2006 | Linda Kimball

Posted on 08/03/2006 7:30:07 AM PDT by little jeremiah

There are two misconceptions held by many Americans. The first is that communism ceased to be a threat when the Soviet Union imploded. The second is that the New Left of the Sixties collapsed and disappeared as well. “The Sixties are dead,” wrote columnist George Will (Slamming the Doors, Newsweek, Mar. 25, 1991) Because the New Left lacked cohesion it fell apart as a political movement. However, its revolutionaries reorganized themselves into a multitude of single issue groups. Thus we now have for example, radical feminists, black extremists, anti-war ‘peace’ activists, animal rights groups, radical environmentalists, and ‘gay’ rights groups. All of these groups pursue their piece of the radical agenda through a complex network of subversive organizations such as the Gay Straight Lesbian Educators Network (GSLEN), the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), People for the American Way, United for Peace and Justice, Planned Parenthood, Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States (SIECUS), and Code Pink for Peace.

Both communism and the New Left are alive and thriving here in America. Code words by which they can be recognized are: tolerance, social justice, economic justice, peace, reproductive rights, sex education and safe sex, safe schools, inclusion, diversity, and sensitivity. All together, this is Cultural Marxism disguised as multiculturalism.

Birth of Multiculturalism

In anticipation of the revolutionary storm that would baptize the world in an inferno of red terror, leading to its rebirth as the promised land of social justice and proletarian equality—Frederich Engels wrote, “All the…large and small nationalities are destined to perish…in the revolutionary world storm… (A general war will) wipe out all…nations, down to their very names. The next world war will result in the disappearance from the face of the earth not only reactionary classes…but…reactionary peoples.” (The Magyar Struggle, Neue Rheinische Zeitung, Jan. 13, 1849)

By the end of WWI, socialists realized that something was amiss, for the world’s proletariat had not heeded Marx’s call to rise up in opposition to evil capitalism and to embrace communism instead. They wondered what had gone wrong.

Separately, two Marxist theorists—Antonio Gramsci of Italy and Georg Lukacs of Hungary—concluded that the Christianized West was the obstacle standing in the way of a communist new world order. The West would have to be conquered first.

Gramsci posited that because Christianity had been dominant in the West for over 2000 years, not only was it fused with Western civilization, but it had corrupted the workers class. The West would have to be de-Christianized, said Gramsci, by means of a “long march through the culture.” Additionally, a new proletariat must be created. In his “Prison Notebooks,” he suggested that the new proletariat be comprised of many criminals, women, and racial minorities.

The new battleground, reasoned Gramsci, must become the culture, starting with the traditional family and completely engulfing churches, schools, media, entertainment, civic organizations, literature, science, and history. All of these things must be radically transformed and the social and cultural order gradually turned upside-down with the new proletariat placed in power at the top.

In 1919, Georg Lukacs became Deputy Commissar for Culture in the short-lived Bolshevik Bela Kun regime in Hungary. He immediately set plans in motion to de-Christianize Hungary. Reasoning that if Christian sexual ethics could be undermined among children, then both the hated patriarchal family and the Church would be dealt a crippling blow, Lukacs--towards this end--launched a radical sex education program in the schools. Sex lectures were organized and literature handed out which graphically instructed youth in free love (promiscuity) and sexual intercourse while simultaneously encouraging them to deride and reject Christian moral ethics, monogamy, and parental and church authority. All of this was accompanied by a reign of cultural terror perpetrated against parents, priests, and dissenters.

Hungary’s youth, having been fed a steady diet of values-neutral (atheism) and radical sex education while simultaneously encouraged to rebel against all authority, easily turned into delinquents ranging from bullies and petty thieves to sex predators, murderers, and sociopaths.

Lukacs plans were the precursor to what Cultural Marxism in the guise of SIECUS, GSLEN, and the ACLU--acting as enforcer--later brought into American schools.

In 1923, the Frankfurt School—a Marxist think-tank—was founded in Weimar Germany. Among its founders were Georg Lukacs, Herbert Marcuse, and Theodor Adorno. The school was a multidisciplinary effort which included sociologists, sexologists, and psychologists.

The primary goal of the Frankfurt School was to translate Marxism from economic terms into cultural terms. Toward this end, Marcuse—who favored polymorphous perversion—expanded the ranks of Gramsci’s new proletariat by including homosexuals, lesbians, and transsexuals. Into this was spliced Lukacs radical sex education and cultural terrorism tactics. Gramsci’s ‘long march’ was added to the mix, and then all of this was wedded to Freudian psychoanalysis and psychological conditioning techniques. The end product was Cultural Marxism, known in the West as multiculturalism.

In 1950, the Frankfurt School augmented Cultural Marxism with Theodor Adorno’s idea of the ‘authoritarian personality.’ This concept is premised on the notion that Christianity, capitalism, and the traditional family create a character prone to racism and fascism. Thus, anyone who upholds America’s traditional moral values and institutions is both racist and fascist. Children raised by traditional values parents, we are told to believe, will almost certainly become racists and fascists. By extension, if fascism and racism are endemic to America’s traditional culture, then everyone raised in the traditions of God, family, patriotism, gun ownership, or free markets is in need of psychological help.

The pernicious influence of Adorno’s ‘authoritarian personality’ idea can be clearly seen in the following quote: “In Aug., 2003, the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) and the National Science Foundation (NSF) announced the results of their $1.2 million tax-payer funded study. It stated, essentially, that traditionalists are mentally disturbed. Scholars from the Universities of Maryland, California at Berkeley, and Stanford had determined that social conservatives…suffer from ‘mental rigidity,’ ‘dogmatism,’ and ‘uncertainty avoidance,’ together with associated indicators for mental illness.” ( ‘Social and Emotional Learning” Jan. 26, 2005) From this Orwellian quote we can see just how successful has been Gramsci’s ‘long march through the culture.’

The corresponding and diabolically crafted corrective idea is political correctness. The strong suggestion here is that in order for one not to be thought of as racist or fascist, then one must not only be nonjudgmental but must also embrace the ‘new’ moral absolutes: diversity, choice, sensitivity, sexual orientation, and tolerance. Political correctness is a Machiavellian psychological ‘command and control’ device. Its purpose is the imposition of uniformity in thought, speech, and behavior.

Critical theory is yet another psychological ‘command and control’ device. As stated by Daniel J. Flynn, “Critical Theory, as its name implies, criticizes. What deconstruction does to literature, Critical Theory does to societies.” (Intellectual Morons, p 15-16) Critical Theory is an ongoing and brutal assault via vicious criticism relentlessly leveled against Christians, Christmas, the Boy Scouts, Ten Commandments, our military, and all other aspects of traditional American culture and society.

Both political correctness and Critical Theory are in essence, psychological bullying. They are the psycho political battering rams by which Frankfurt School disciples such as the ACLU are forcing Americans to submit to and to obey the will and the way of the Left. These devious devices are but psychological versions of Georg Lukacs and Laventi Beria’s ‘cultural terrorism’ tactics. In the words of Beria, “Obedience is the result of force…Force is the antithesis of humanizing actions. It is so synonymous in the human mind with savageness, lawlessness, brutality, and barbarism, that it is only necessary to display an inhuman attitude toward people to be granted by those people the possessions of force.” (The Russian Manual on Psychopolitics: Obedience, by Laventi Beria, head of Soviet Secret Police and Stalin’s right-hand man)

Double-thinking ‘fence-sitters’, otherwise known as moderates, centrists, and RINOs are an obvious result of these psychological ‘obedience’ techniques. These people—afraid of incurring the wrath of name-calling obedience trainers--- have opted to straddle the fence lest they be found guilty of possessing an opinion, one way or another. At the merest hint of displeasure from the obedience-trainers, up goes the yellow flag of surrender upon which it is boldly written: “I believe in nothing and am tolerant of everything!”

The linchpin of Cultural Marxism is cultural determinism, the parent of identity politics and group solidarity. In its turn, cultural determinism was birthed by the Darwinian idea that man is but a soulless animal and therefore his identity is determined by for example, his skin color or his sexual and/or erotic preferences. This proposition rejects the concepts of the human spirit, individuality, free will, and morally informed conscience (paired with personal accountability and responsibility) because it emphatically denies the existence of the God of the Bible. Consequently, and by extension, it also rejects the first principles of our liberty enumerated in the Declaration of Independence. These are our “unalienable rights, among which are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” Cultural Marxism must reject these because these principles of liberty “are endowed by our Creator,” who made man in His image.

Cultural determinism, states David Horowitz, is “identity politics—the politics of radical feminism, queer revolution, and Afro-centrism—which is the basis of academic multiculturalism…a form of intellectual fascism and, insofar as it has any politics, of political fascism as well.” (Mussolini and Neo-Fascist Tribalism: Up from Multiculturalism, by David Horowitz, Jan. 1998)

It is said that courage is the first of the virtues because without it fear will paralyze man, thus keeping him from acting upon his moral convictions and speaking truth. Thus bringing about a general state of paralyzing fear, apathy, and submission—the chains of tyranny—is the purpose behind psychopolitical cultural terrorism, for the communist Left’s revolutionary agenda must, at all costs, be clothed in darkness.

The antidote is courage and the light of truth. If we are to win this cultural war and reclaim and rebuild America so our children and their children’s children can live in a ‘Shining City on the Hill’ where liberty, families, opportunity, free markets, and decency flourish, we must muster the courage to fearlessly expose the communist Left’s revolutionary agenda to the Light of Truth. Truth and the courage to speak it will set us free.

About the writer: Linda is a writer and author of numerous published articles and essays on culture, politics, and worldview. Her articles are published both nationally and internationally.

Additional References: Slouching Toward Gomorrah, by Robert H. Bork

Intellectual Morons, by Daniel J. Flynn

Related Articles Trotsky’s ‘Permanent Revolution’ in America Exposing America’s Enemies, Part 2: Communist Progressive Democrats Exposing America’s Enemies: the ‘Social Justice Seeking’ Communist Left

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KEYWORDS: aliens; answer; antiwar; banglist; clinton; communism; communist; culturalmarxism; diversity; fascism; fbifiles; feminism; foia; frankfurtschool; gramsci; homosexualagenda; immigrantlist; internationalanswer; kerry; kgb; kgbagents; leftist; leftisthate; leftists; lindakimball; lulacs; marxism; mdm; michaelmoore; moralabsolutes; multiculturalism; nion; pc; pentagonpapers; politicalterror; radicalleftists; ramseyclark; sds; socialism; soviettrolls; terrorsupporters; traitors; treason; ufpj; wardchurchill; wcw; weatherman; weathermen; worldcantwait
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Linda Kimball really hits it out of the part with this one. My hair's practically standing on end. If she was an army, the other side would be screaming for mercy while waving white flags.
1 posted on 08/03/2006 7:30:09 AM PDT by little jeremiah
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To: little jeremiah

yeah, but how does she look?

2 posted on 08/03/2006 7:32:31 AM PDT by the invisib1e hand (dust off the big guns.)
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To: little jeremiah

Thanks for the post... the girl's spot-on.

3 posted on 08/03/2006 7:33:44 AM PDT by johnny7 (“And what's Fonzie like? Come on Yolanda... what's Fonzie like?!”)
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To: Coleus; Tailgunner Joe


4 posted on 08/03/2006 7:34:34 AM PDT by hedgetrimmer ("I'm a millionaire thanks to the WTO and "free trade" system--Hu Jintao top 10 worst dictators)
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To: AFA-Michigan; Abathar; AggieCPA; Agitate; Alexander Rubin; AliVeritas; AllTheRage; ...

A Two-Fer of the highest order. Linda Kimball tells it like it is. People often wonder (if they have any intelligence at all) why things are going to he!! in a handbasket. This article gives us some clues.

Pass this article (and her previous related articles) on to friends and relatives who don't have a clue yet. Maybe they'll wake up from their slumber.

Ping me, DBeers, Scripter or wagglebee if you want on/off either list. Sorry I'm html impaired. Maybe in the future I'll have time to learn.

(Greetings to all new listees, and old ones!)

5 posted on 08/03/2006 7:36:05 AM PDT by little jeremiah
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To: little jeremiah

Any relation to another Roger Kimball (another of my favorites)? These two might get along great.

6 posted on 08/03/2006 7:37:58 AM PDT by PfromHoGro (Lets roll!)
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To: SuzyQue

read later

7 posted on 08/03/2006 7:41:18 AM PDT by SuzyQue (Remember to think.)
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To: little jeremiah

Excellent article, truth and more. Thanks to the Sierra Times for printing it and to you for sharing it with us.

8 posted on 08/03/2006 7:43:57 AM PDT by RicocheT
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To: little jeremiah

Where another fine kettle of fish brought to you by Totalitarians for Cultural Suicide determined to commit euthanasia on the last 2500 years of Western Civilization
graphics free for the stealing
9 posted on 08/03/2006 7:45:13 AM PDT by Knitting A Conundrum (Act Justly, Love Mercy, and Walk Humbly With God Micah 6:8)
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To: little jeremiah

Guess that covers it nicely

10 posted on 08/03/2006 7:46:46 AM PDT by SMARTY ("Stay together, pay the soldiers and forget everything else." Lucius Septimus Severus)
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To: little jeremiah

Excellent, Ping!!

Diversity, to the marxist, means we all think Exactly the same. So how is that Diverse?

11 posted on 08/03/2006 7:48:28 AM PDT by subterfuge (Call me a Jingoist, I don't care...)
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To: little jeremiah

Thanks for posting this and the ping.

If we try to explain this to our family members and friends, they just look at us like we are crazy.

I now longer try to win the war with family members and even close friends. I pick my battles and situations like the Dan Blather fiasco. Then, I use that grim reality for the moderates and liberals, whenever, I'm challenged re my other observations. I will say, "Remember when you said I was crazy when I said that Dan Blather and Mary Mapes lied and fabricated an attempted coup against our President? You will not be laughing when X (what we are discussing) shows me to be correct again.

Currently, I'm in that situation as family members and friends, priests and bishops are trying to tell us and me that the new head Episcopal Bishop, the new radical lib is not a moderate as we are being told. I cut short any conservations where they try to tell me that she is a moderate with, "Don't Pee on my leg and call it rain! She is as moderate as Hilliarly Clintoon is."

12 posted on 08/03/2006 7:51:34 AM PDT by Grampa Dave (There's a dwindling market for Marxist Homosexual Lunatic wet dreams posing as journalism)
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To: little jeremiah

Probably the most concise article I've ever read that described what's wrong with the world today and why the Left is so seriously EVIL. Bumpity-bump-bump!!!!!

13 posted on 08/03/2006 7:57:36 AM PDT by bassmaner (Hey commies: I am a white male, and I am guilty of NOTHING! Sell your 'white guilt' elsewhere.)
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To: Grampa Dave

Unfortunately some people just refuse to wake up. If someone doesn't want to see the light of truth, it's impossible to help them. Reality will just have to hit them on the head one day. Hopefully.

14 posted on 08/03/2006 7:58:33 AM PDT by little jeremiah
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To: bassmaner

Check out her previous articles if you haven't read them. I'll try to post links to them in a while, kind of busy at the moment.

15 posted on 08/03/2006 7:59:44 AM PDT by little jeremiah
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To: little jeremiah

LIke I have said before, I refuse to battle/argue with most of these people who for some reason live in an alternate world when it comes the danger of the homosexuals.

When they start some PC rant or objection to our conservative positions re the homosexual agenda, I just tell them, "Don't pee on my leg and call it rain!"

16 posted on 08/03/2006 8:21:18 AM PDT by Grampa Dave (There's a dwindling market for Marxist Homosexual Lunatic wet dreams posing as journalism)
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To: bassmaner; Grampa Dave; little jeremiah

Here's a link to the "Exposing America's Enemies" series:

17 posted on 08/03/2006 9:28:02 AM PDT by spirited irish
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To: little jeremiah

Gramsci himself was a hunchback who saw himself as a crusader for everyone 'neglected' by society. In effect, he turned Marxism into a collection of everyone, many losers, who was angry at society. The perfect material for demagogues.

He also was smart enough to reject scientific socialism, realizing that believed in the inevitability of Communist victory made you feel good, but meant nothing. For this he was attacked by the real dogmatic Communists.

At the same time, he was also a Sicilian nationalist, believing that his island had been colonized and mistreated by the mainland.

Altogether, a smart man who had an extremely distorted worldview due to his own unfortunate life.

18 posted on 08/03/2006 9:29:55 AM PDT by MalikDelosReyes ("'Wise men' often wonder while strong men die.")
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To: little jeremiah

Bumping this most excellent read!

Thanks for posting it, little jeremiah.

19 posted on 08/03/2006 9:43:22 AM PDT by mplsconservative
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To: little jeremiah
I think I have a new printed handout to add to The killing machine that is Marxism by Professor R. J. Rummel.

I'll still give that one out but this will make a grand addition for certain people with more questions!

20 posted on 08/03/2006 9:48:23 AM PDT by \/\/ayne (Give me Liberty or give me the ACLU)
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