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Millennial poll: America ‘racist,’ not ‘great,’ Obama better than Washington ^ | November 27, 2018 | Paul Bedard

Posted on 11/29/2018 4:14:50 AM PST by gattaca

Younger Americans are turning on the country and forgetting its ideals, with nearly half believing that it isn’t “great” and many eyeing the U.S. flag as “a sign of intolerance and hatred,” according to a new and disturbing survey.

Those who came of age under former President Barack Obama also have a larger-than-life view of the 44th president and feel that he had a “bigger impact” on the United States than the father of the country and leader of the Revolutionary War, former President George Washington. Screen Shot 2018-11-27 at 4.25.17 AM.png (Screenshot/YouGov)

The poll was the first “State of American Patriotism” survey conducted for the Foundation for Liberty and American Greatness. The group educates Americans, especially grades K-12, about the country’s “values and principles that make our nation exceptional.” Screen Shot 2018-11-27 at 4.15.52 AM.png (Screenshot/YouGov)

But what the poll found is that they have a lot of work to do when it comes to those 38 and younger. Just one example: Four in 10 say it is OK to burn the flag.

“Younger Americans (under 38 – Gen Z and Millennials) are becoming unmoored from the institutions, knowledge, and spirit traditionally associated with American patriotism,” the survey analysis said. Screen Shot 2018-11-27 at 4.20.59 AM.png (Screenshot/YouGov)

The highlights provided to Secrets: Half of those surveyed believe the United States is sexist (50 percent) and racist (49 percent). American exceptionalism is on the decline — 46 percent of younger Americans do not agree that “America is the greatest country in the world.” 38 percent of younger Americans do not agree that “America has a history that we should be proud of.” One in eight (14 percent) of millennials agree that “America was never a great country and it never will be.” 46 percent of younger Americans agree that “America is more racist than other countries.” 84 percent of Americans do not know the specific rights enumerated in the First Amendment. 19 percent of millennials believe that the American flag is “a sign of intolerance and hatred.” 44 percent of younger Americans believe Obama had a “bigger impact” on America than Washington, the nation’s first president. Screen Shot 2018-11-27 at 4.21.21 AM.png (Screenshot/YouGov)

On the release of the report, Nick Adams, founder of FLAG, said, “We suspected that we would find decreasing numbers of Americans well-versed in our nation’s most important principles and young people less patriotic than the generations that came before, but we were totally unprepared for what our national survey reveals: an epidemic of anti-Americanism."

He added, "That half of millennials and Gen Z believe that the country in which they live is both ‘racist’ and ‘sexist’ shows that we have a major fraction of an entire generation that has been indoctrinated by teachers starting in grade school that America is what’s wrong with the world."

TOPICS: News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: academicbias; antiamericanism; culturalmarxism; nihilism; obamajugend; obamayouth; reddupes; unamericanactivities; usefulidiots
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1 posted on 11/29/2018 4:14:50 AM PST by gattaca
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To: gattaca

They think Communism is great. Their opinion is crap and not grounded in any basis of fact.

2 posted on 11/29/2018 4:17:38 AM PST by a fool in paradise (Denounce DUAC - The Democrats Un-American Activists Committtee)
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To: gattaca

This is what you get from a thorough Stalinist publik skrool brainwashing and from the execrable big media/entertainment complex. If you love your kids, get them away from their deadly, evil clutches.

3 posted on 11/29/2018 4:20:05 AM PST by fieldmarshaldj ("It's Slappin' Time !")
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To: gattaca

It’s about having a nice smile, that’s why O’Rourke nearly won. It’s not on substance, it’s about telling people things they might want to hear.

4 posted on 11/29/2018 4:20:27 AM PST by BeadCounter
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To: gattaca
The only way this can end, is if first films are made, documenting the crimes of Obama - election finance, arms smuggling, terrorist financing, Arab spring turmoil, and FISA warrant abuse. Follow it up with indictments and convictions. He goes to Gitmo.
Otherwise, be prepared for his immaculation to continue.
5 posted on 11/29/2018 4:20:37 AM PST by mission9 (It is by the fruit ye shall know.)
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To: gattaca

The Founders knew this would happen, and warned about keeping the population well educated. It seems that the Grand Experiment, the Beacon of Light of the World, will soon be extinguished.

6 posted on 11/29/2018 4:20:37 AM PST by GingisK
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To: gattaca
The only way this can end, is if first films are made, documenting the crimes of Obama - election finance, arms smuggling, terrorist financing, Arab spring turmoil, and FISA warrant abuse. Follow it up with indictments and convictions. He goes to Gitmo.
Otherwise, be prepared for his immaculation to continue.
7 posted on 11/29/2018 4:20:38 AM PST by mission9 (It is by the fruit ye shall know.)
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To: gattaca

I just do not see the millennials having such poor attitudes about our country as expressed in this polling data. I’m certain they exist, but not to the high percentages given. But then I am in a pure red state that ran it’s last dem senator off a few weeks back.

8 posted on 11/29/2018 4:21:08 AM PST by redfreedom (.)
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To: mission9

That’s the way it will end.

9 posted on 11/29/2018 4:21:29 AM PST by DarthVader (Not by speeches & majority decisions will the great issues of today be decided but by Blood & Iron)
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To: gattaca

I knew this was going to happen once the politicians legalized drugs to keep these idiot millennials stoned all the time.

10 posted on 11/29/2018 4:24:34 AM PST by FlingWingFlyer (#NotARussianBot)
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To: redfreedom

Recently Rush had several millennials on his show who don’t have this opinion. They love our country.

11 posted on 11/29/2018 4:25:19 AM PST by gattaca ("Government's first duty is to protect the people, not run their lives." Ronald Reagan)
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To: a fool in paradise

Democrat=Communism. Now I will catch a lot of flack on that one. But the truth of the matter is, Democrats embrace communism. So who is working for Putin again??

I ask You?

12 posted on 11/29/2018 4:26:33 AM PST by realcleanguy
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To: gattaca

That is what they are taught in government schools!

13 posted on 11/29/2018 4:28:55 AM PST by Aevery_Freeman (Your Hatred for my white skin makes me a Racist how?)
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To: realcleanguy
"Democrat=Communism. Now I will catch a lot of flack on that one."

From whom ? It is. Communist-Fascist-Totalitarian.

14 posted on 11/29/2018 4:30:00 AM PST by fieldmarshaldj ("It's Slappin' Time !")
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To: gattaca
Millennial poll: America ‘racist,’ not ‘great,’ Obama better than Washington.

Unmitigated Bullshit. 🐂💩

15 posted on 11/29/2018 4:31:18 AM PST by GoldenPup
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To: GoldenPup

Our domestic enemies KNOW they are at war against America and all for which we stand.

Many on our side are unwilling to believe our countrymen can be that evil, and are eager to believe whatever Big Media excretes, as long as it’s not DIRECTLY related to politics.

16 posted on 11/29/2018 4:35:00 AM PST by treetopsandroofs
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To: gattaca
Amazing what years of indoctrination by leftists can do, isn’t it?

Who can forget the video of school kids being led by their teacher singing “Barack Hussein Obama, hmmm, hmmm, hmmm!”?

17 posted on 11/29/2018 4:35:02 AM PST by Sicon ("All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others." - G. Orwell)
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To: a fool in paradise
They think Communism is great. Their opinion is crap and not grounded in any basis of fact.

That's funny.

Every societal and fiscal disaster that America has gifted their offspring was put in place by politicians elected by Boomers and the laughably monikered "Greatest Generation" yet we blame Millennials for suffering under them.

Did Millennials vote for economic policies that closed down every factory and shipped every manufacturing job to China while importing millions of slave laborers to drive down wages for the few blue-collar jobs that remained? Did Millennials vote for policies that drove the cost of a college degree into the six figures, comparable to that of a starter home, while mandating that every job that paid over $10 an hour require one? Did Millennials create a health insurance program that resulted in bankrupting costs to treat a broken arm for the uninsured?

So, who are the dumb ones again?

Honestly, I'm surprised every Millennial isn't voting for socialism considering the giant economic turd sandwich they've been given by their parents and grandparents to eat yet mercifully, Republicans still have the edge with the white Millennial vote.

18 posted on 11/29/2018 4:36:34 AM PST by Drew68 (Twitter @TheRealDrew68 // Click my profile page for great Russian pop music videos.)
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To: gattaca

They should have a conversation with anyone who lived in a former Soviet bloc country. They were totally dependent on Moscow economically. It’s why they were so poor. No XBox for you in the Soviet u. Not enough documentaries about those people. Lots of documentaries about Jews murdered by ‘right wing’ Nazis though.

19 posted on 11/29/2018 4:36:36 AM PST by virgil (The evil that men do lives after them)
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To: gattaca

This has to be addressed definitively, and no longer can we just assume our children will be able to resist the propaganda that is thrown at them from almost every direction these days. When I was growing up I was told “The world doesn’t owe you a living.” That is no longer the message being transmitted. Youth needs to understand that it is NOT compassionate to take away people’s freedoms, ambitions, dreams, and self-determinism in exchange for ‘comfort’ and what they think will be an easier life. They should learn about the rampant alcoholism in the USSR - where there was no ambition or ability to work towards a better life.

20 posted on 11/29/2018 4:37:22 AM PST by neverevergiveup
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