Since Feb 19, 2004

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I am a conservative because I believe in smaller government that is locally focused except for the matters of interstate trade and national defense. I believe that the best defense for our country is a strong, advanced, volunteer, military.

I am conservative because I believe the Constitution is the arbiter of law in this country and that God is the arbiter of morality. I believe in the rule of the majority with the protection of the minority from the whims of the enraged masses.

I am a conservative because I believe that all men and women are created equal and that we should all enjoy the same access to opportunity, without arbitrary restriction based on race, gender, or nationality.

I am a conservative because I believe that life begins at conception and that the unborn are citizens too. I believe that life is the most sacred of rights that can be given up willingly only by those who sever their ties with the greater community.

I am a conservative because I believe that there should be a separation between church and state, not an abolition of all religion.

I am a conservative because I believe that the best environment to raise a family is in the loving nurturing home of a man and women bound together by the holy sacrament of marriage. I am furthermore a conservative because I believe the government has no business interfering in the raising of my family beyond the obvious protections of life.

I am a fiscal conservative because I know that the best way to create jobs is to create businesses and the best way to create business is to remove the fetters to free enterprise. I believe that there should be protections against corruption that do not squash the ability of a man or woman to succeed. I believe that there are things our Federal tax dollars pay for that should never, ever, be funded with “public” funds.

I am a conservative because I believe that isolationism is the path to weakness and internationalism is the path to abolition of sovereignty and free will. I believe that democratic republics are America’s gift to the world and the greatest boon to human rights and the freedom of mankind since the birth of Christ.

I am a conservative because I am a mother and I have held in my two hands the miracle of life and vowed with every sinew of my body that no harm shall come to my children.

I am a conservative because I was attacked on 9/11.

Finally, I am a conservative because I am educated enough to know bias when I see it and idealistic enough to hope that all men can work together for the betterment of the country and our world.