Mike Fieschko
Since Nov 19, 2000

view home page, enter name:

my place on the 'net

Two cheers for media bias, by J. Peter Mulhern, where the idea of the 'liberal cocoon' originated.

Images of the vandalization of North Carolina State GOP Headquarters, Nov 6, 2004

the Sidebar Moderator

the Admin Moderator

Posting, and You [Dept of Health and Human Services] [humor]

In which forum should I post a thread?

the admin lecture series

formatting images

Fifth Edition of the Lexicon of FreeRepublic * * A helpful FR dictionary for newcomers * *

The Ultimate Sidebar Management Thread

HTML Sandbox (devoted to giving you a place to practice basic HTML)

The HTML Campfire (tips, how-to's)

Phx_RC's home page: very good suggestions and info when you want to make a sign for a demonstration

The list of ping lists