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Rush Parses The Debate (Why The America Trashing Ivy League Liberal Elitist Obama Will Lose Alert)
Rush ^ | 9/29/2008 | Rush Limbaugh

Posted on 09/29/2008 3:39:11 PM PDT by goldstategop

RUSH: James in Memphis, as we go back to the phones. It's great to have you, sir, on the EIB Network. Hello.

CALLER: Yes. This is James.

RUSH: Yes.

CALLER: I was calling 'cause I wanted to let everybody know that Barack Obama really stomped McCain in the debate Friday.

RUSH: You wanted to let everybody know that Obama stomped McCain in the debate Friday?

CALLER: Yes, he did. The reason why I say that is because McCain was using the same old tired things that he had been trying to bring forth all along, and Barack Obama called him on those.

RUSH: Let me play a sound bite. Grab number 23, Mike. I want to play a sound bite that we've put together, James. I want to get your reaction to this. It is a montage of something Obama said over and over and over.


RUSH: You want to listen?

CALLER: I sure do.

RUSH: None of these are repeated. This is what Obama said.

OBAMA: And he's absolutely right.

OBAMA: John's right.

OBAMA: Senator McCain is absolutely right.

OBAMA: John, you're absolutely right.

OBAMA: Senator McCain is also right. Senator McCain is absolutely right.

OBAMA: Senator McCain and I, I think agree.

OBAMA: I give Senator McCain great credit.

OBAMA: Senator McCain and I agree for the most part on these issues.

RUSH: Okay, so where was the stomping that you were talking about.

CALLER: Okay, the stomping was, okay, first of all, Barack Obama was showing that he was a man of truth. If he agreed with him, he was going to say he agreed.

RUSH: Oh! Oh.

CALLER: But did anybody record the times that Barack Obama told McCain that he was wrong and called him a liar to his face? Did anybody record that? See, I kind of feel that --

RUSH: Yeah.

CALLER: -- the reason why McCain --

RUSH: Yeah, I have that too. He didn't call him a liar. He said, "You don't get it. I don't think you understand, Senator." CALLER: No, he did call him a liar. He said, "You're lying." (sic)

RUSH: Well, if he lied, then why not call him a liar?

CALLER: Right, okay, that's what I'm saying, but who recorded that?

RUSH: Who recorded what?

CALLER: What recorded Barack Obama disagreeing with him as well as saying he agreed? I mean, quite naturally, if he agrees with things --

RUSH: Oh, I've got it, I've got some of those, too. I've got Obama saying nobody was talking about losing the Iraq war. That was a lie. Obama was talking about losing the Iraq war. Harry Reid was talking about losing the Iraq war. Obama wanted to lose the Iraq war! Harry Reid wanted to lose the Iraq war! The whole damn Democrat Party wanted to lose the Iraq war, and Obama says, "Well, nobody's talking about losing a war here." James, I understand your support for Obama is what it is, and nobody's going to change your mind. I'm just going to tell you, if he gets elected you're going to be worse off than you are and you're going to wish someday that you had listened to me. That's James in Memphis. Since we started this, let's stick with some sound bites from the debate I promised that we would parse, and the House has voted down the bailout bill, and the Dow Jones is down 449. It was down 600, way over 600 earlier. So it's not as bad as it was.

Again, by the time we get to tomorrow and we have a chance to learn a little bit more about this while not time crunched performing the program, I guarantee you there are going to be so many political lessons to learn from this, the Democrats voting against their leader, the Democrats voting against Pelosi. The Democrats worried about their own reelection, members of the House, upset the Senate got to way to do so on a crisis emergency vote. Members of the House upset they're the ones being asked to put their necks in the noose. Ha-ha-ha! The real lesson here is Nancy Pelosi cannot control her own caucus. Nancy Pelosi needs a hammer. She needs somebody like Tom DeLay. Well, they'll do that tomorrow. They'll figure that out. They haven't had a chance to listen to what I said today on it. They'll get around to blaming me. They're blaming the Republicans, so I'm not far behind, because, of course, I am the Republicans. All right, here is a montage of McCain saying that Obama just doesn't get it while Obama spent most of the night saying yeah, I agree with John, John's right.

MCCAIN: I'm afraid Senator Obama doesn't understand the difference between a tactic and a strategy.

MCCAIN: What he doesn't understand...

MCCAIN: I don't think that Senator Obama understands.

MCCAIN: Senator Obama doesn't seem to understand.

MCCAIN: What Senator Obama doesn't seem to understand...

MCCAIN: Again, a little bit of naivete there. He doesn't understand.

MCCAIN: We seem to come full circle again. Senator Obama still doesn't quite understand, or doesn't get it.

RUSH: All right, I want to stick with the audio sound bites. We'll get to the phone call here in just a second. Fred Barnes on the Fox News Channel after the debate said this.

BARNES: Well, I can't think of a sound bite -- sound bites matter here a lot -- that was, uhnhhh, particularly striking or one that was embarrassing to either of the candidates.

RUSH: Oh, I got one, Fred. I have an Obama sound bite that we're going to make hay out of here. Let's set it up with Senator McCain telling this story.

MCCAIN: I had a town hall meeting in Wolfboro, New Hampshire, and a woman stood up and she said, "Senator McCain, I want you to do me the honor of wearing a bracelet with my son's name on it. He was 22 years old and he was killed in combat outside of Baghdad, Matthew Stanley, before Christmas last year." This was last August, a year ago. And I said, "I will wear his bracelet with honor," and then she said, "But Senator McCain, I want you to promise me one thing, that you'll do everything in your power to make sure that my son's death was not in vain." That means that that mission succeeds just like those young people who reenlisted in Baghdad, just like the mother I met at the airport the other day, whose son was killed. And they all say to me that we don't want defeat.

RUSH: How did Obama respond to this?

OBAMA: Jim, l-l-l-let me just make a point. I've got a bracelet, too, from Sergeant, uhhh, uh... From the mother of, uh, a Sergeant Ryan David Jopek, given to me in Green Bay. And she asked me, "Can you please make sure that another mother is not goin' through what I'm goin' through."

RUSH: "Hey, hey, I got a bracelet, too! I got a bracelet! Look at me, I got a bracelet. It's from -- uh -- uh -- from the -- sergeant -- oh, gee -- oh, yeah, the mother of Sergeant David... Yeah, Jopek, given in Green Bay." The story going around that the mother didn't want it used this way. I don't think it's totally true. I think she's endorsed him using the debates, but that's it beside the point. "I got a bracelet, too. I got a bracelet, too, ha-ha! I can play follow the leader. I got a bracelet, too." But here's the real indictment. McCain says the mother's ultimate point was, "Don't let my son's debt be in vein." Obama says, "Please make sure that another mother is not going through what I'm going through." That's the third time Obama spoke of defeat. Barack Obama would rather lose a war than have anyone hurting. BREAK TRANSCRIPT

RUSH: I'll tell you something else that has presidential implications, and the Drive-Bys missed this, the Drive-Bys did not report this, the Drive-Bys, they can have their polls today that show Obama up six, or Obama up eight, after his debate performance. But I want to play for you a thing that he said Friday night in the debate that a lot of people watching heard, a lot of patriotic Americans heard it. It's not the first time they've heard him say something like this. After you hear the bite, I'm going to remind you of things that have been said similar to what he said by associates of his and himself. But this is the kind of thing that Americans across this country have no patience for, they're not going to reward by making this guy their president. Here we go.

OBAMA: My father came from Kenya. That's where I get my name. And in the sixties, uh, he wrote letter after letter to come to college here in the United States because the notion was that there was no other country on earth where you could make it if you tried. The ideals and the values of the United States inspired the entire world. I don't think any of us can say that our standing in the world now, the -- the way children around the world look at the United States, is the same.

RUSH: I'll say it, senator, I'll say our standing in the US is even better. I'll say our borders are flooded with people, senator, who want to get into this country and live the American dream. I can tell you that there are companies on the east and west coasts who wish the visa laws would change so that educated, highly educated, intelligent people who want to get into this country legally could get in here. The world wants to come to America. The world sends its children to be educated here. Stupid them. But they do. I am offended by this ongoing notion of Senator Barack Obama's, this country is not what it once was. You tell me, senator man-child, when was it better? When was it more attractive to people? When was it easier to achieve the American dream? When was it easier to achieve prosperity? When was it easier to enhance one's standard of living? You tell me, sir.

I'm telling you, folks, I am one of you. We are all Americans here and this kind of rotgut garbage that always comes out of this guy's mouth, the Drive-Bys don't hear this, and if they do hear it, they agree with it. But most Americans do not view their country the way Barack Obama sees it. They don't see their country the way Jeremiah Wright sees it. They don't see their country the way William Ayers sees it. They don't see their country the way Michelle Obama sees it. They love their country. They know it's the best damn place on earth. They know it's the last best hope of earth. I think we can all agree our standing in the world now is not the same as when my father came here from Kenya? Let's go back and let's listen to Jeremiah Wright. Where does Obama get this idea?

WRIGHT (screaming): Barack knows what it means to be a black man living in a country and a culture that is controlled by rich white people! [snip] Hillary ain't never been called a nigger! [snip] Bill did us just like he did Monica Lewinsky!


WRIGHT: He was riding dirty. [snip] In white America, US of KKKA: black men turning on black men. [snip] I am sick of Negroes who just do not get it. [snip] Not God bless America, God (bleep) America! It's in the Bible. For killing innocent people, God (bleep) America! [snip] (Screaming) And now we are indignant because of stuff we have done overseas is now brought right back into our own front yards!


WRIGHT: America's chickens are coming home to roost.

RUSH: Senator Obama, most Americans don't agree with your pastor. Most Americans are repulsed by your pastor. Most Americans don't agree with you and your view of America. Don't ever include me in your indictment of this country. Don't ever include me and don't include any of the Americans I know. I don't think any of us can say that our standing in the world, any of us? You don't speak for me on this, sir. You want to speak for Jeremiah Wright and your wife and Bill Ayers, you go right ahead. Leave us out of it. I'm telling you, folks, by the time we get finished with this, everybody's going to be reminded what he said in this debate. The Drive-Bys can ignore it. The rest of the Democrats and the media can ignore it. This is the kind of thing that makes 'em wake up on Election Day and go, "What happened?" By the way, speaking of Michelle Obama, here's a little montage.

MICHELLE OBAMA: Barack knows that there's a hole in our soul.

OBAMA: I know my country has not perfected itself. MICHELLE OBAMA: It's easier to hold onto your own stereotypes and misconceptions. It makes you feel justified in your ignorance. That's America.

OBAMA: We're confronting the history and stain of slavery in this country. We're confronting those scars.

MICHELLE OBAMA: For the first time in my adult lifetime, I'm really proud of my country.

OBAMA: America is no longer what it could be, what it once was.

RUSH: Yeah? He said this in the debate. And here, by the way, is Obama in Berlin.

OBAMA: I know my country has not perfected itself. At times we've struggled to keep the promise of liberty and equality for all of our people. We've made our share of mistakes and there are times when our actions around the world have not lived up to our best intentions.

RUSH: I will guarantee you, ladies and gentlemen, there are people in the country of course who believe we need to improve things. We always have needed to improve them, we always will. We always generally do. But you don't go to Berlin and tell a bunch of people at a beer garden that your country is imperfect, and then don't come back in the first presidential debate and say every American agrees that the country is not what it once was. But he did it, and this is the kind of thing that won't show up in a poll. In fact, the Drive-Bys did their poll, "Oh, yeah, look he's up eight in the debate." As I say, this is the kind of that makes everybody wake up on Election Day and the Democrats say, "What the hell happened? What happened here?" Wellstone memorial type stuff.

Here's Danger in Perry, Georgia. Great to have you on the EIB Network. Hello.

CALLER: Hey, Rush, how are you?

RUSH: Fine.

CALLER: You had to play those clips before I got to talk to you. If there's one thing I cannot stand is to hear someone talk down about America. It breaks my patriotic little heart. I can't stand it.

RUSH: I can't either and a lot of Americans can't, and they don't understand that.

CALLER: But this is for games. In case you wanted to know, the entire debate is on YouTube. It is recorded, if he wants to go over and watch that little segment, it's on YouTube.

RUSH: He's only going to see what he wants to see.

CALLER: That's how it goes.

RUSH: Most people are that way. They're only going to say what they want to see. He's an Obama supporter, and he won't see Obama looking flummoxed and deer in the headlights. Here's the way the debate was to me. The first 35 or 40 minutes I thought Obama was in far more command than McCain because I don't think McCain understood what the hell was being discussed. McCain was hell-bent on earmarks and reforming government spending and so forth, and Obama's making the case why the Democrats need to steal the country to save it economically. But when we got to foreign policy, John McCain mopped the floor with Obama. There's no question. I'll tell you what, here's another thing. We got all the smartest people in the world out there as analysts and all these pundits. And they all came up with the same damn analysis. What are all these employers paying these guys for to come up with the same analysis and the same analysis was, "Oh, Obama went in here as an underdog on foreign policy but he really held his own here, the debate was a tie. That means he won." Who in the hell watches these things that way?

CALLER: I have no idea. I can't figure it out for anything, and it just infuriates me. But what I wanted to say was watching the debate was like watching Obama attending his first US history class taught by John McCain and he seemed clueless.

RUSH: That's an excellent way to put it. The depth of experience was on display. As soon as we got to foreign policy, the depth of experience, life experiences, Obama was clearly, yeah, you know, one L. Obama came across as professorial, elitist, smooth. Charles Krauthammer, who I love, I just have so much respect for Charles Krauthammer, I can't tell you. For every aspect of his life, he had a huge accident, he's in a wheelchair, he's just overcome it, just brilliant, he's just brilliant, but I felt so strange disagreeing with him in his analysis. He said that Obama came off as elegant. Obama's a Chicago street thug. Obama's running ads lying about everybody -- me, McCain. There's nothing elegant about Obama. Karl Rove described him accurately. He says, (paraphrasing) "You've never met this guy but you've seen him. He's the guy at the country club standing up against the wall in the corner with a cocktail and a cigarette and his gorgeous little woman with him, passing judgment on everybody that walks by, thinking he's high above 'em." Elegant is just not how I would describe Obama. But everybody wants to comment on his intellectual prowess that they've bought into and his mannerisms and so forth. But who is Obama? He's not elegant. He gets to play elegant while all the thugs are out destroying everybody that's in his way, or trying to. Anyway, I had to get that off my chest.

TOPICS: Constitution/Conservatism; Crime/Corruption; Culture/Society; Editorial; News/Current Events; Philosophy; Politics/Elections
KEYWORDS: 2008election; elitism; firstdebate; msmdrivebys; obama; polls; rush; rushlimbaugh; talkradio; transcript
Ok, why will Obama, the Ivy League America trashing liberal elitist lose in November, despite MSM/Driveby polls that show him 6-8 points up? Because he's a liberal elitist who thinks America sucks! The American people won't cotton to that no matter what any one else says. We don't like someone who thinks little of their country and has to rip it down! Take it to heart folks, since the MSM/Drivebys won't.

"Show me just what Mohammed brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached." - Manuel II Palelologus

1 posted on 09/29/2008 3:39:14 PM PDT by goldstategop
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To: goldstategop
"Well, nobody's talking about losing a war here." James, I understand your support for Obama is what it is, and nobody's going to change your mind. I'm just going to tell you, if he gets elected you're going to be worse off than you are and you're going to wish someday that you had listened to me.

I tuned in to Rush for about 10 mins today and this part was what I heard. I was truly amazed at how much respect Rush gave James from Memphis. He was very matter of fact to him, somewhat unusual for Rush.

2 posted on 09/29/2008 3:44:16 PM PDT by mlocher (USA is a sovereign state.)
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To: goldstategop
I loved this “senator man-child” rant!
3 posted on 09/29/2008 3:54:12 PM PDT by Miss Didi ("Good heavens, woman, this is a war not a garden party!" Dr. Meade, Gone with the Wind)
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To: goldstategop

Obama and his wife are souless. Almost up with the Clintons.

America doesn’t need their kind of George Soros either.

4 posted on 09/29/2008 3:57:46 PM PDT by freekitty (Give me back my conservative vote.)
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To: freekitty

Souless, clueless and useless but about to be coronated by a population who has become mesmerized by sound bites and MSM spin. We are, I believe, in the last days...

5 posted on 09/29/2008 4:04:42 PM PDT by Russ (Repeal the 17th amendment)
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To: freekitty

Souless, clueless and useless but about to be coronated by a population who has become mesmerized by sound bites and MSM spin. We are, I believe, in the last days...

6 posted on 09/29/2008 4:05:12 PM PDT by Russ (Repeal the 17th amendment)
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To: goldstategop

Common folks who still have common sense have a hard time voting for Ivy league educated elitist, Marxists. Obamanation needs common folks to elect him President.

Common sense and logic tells me Obama doesn’t pass the smell test and will be another loser like Kerry and Gore.

7 posted on 09/29/2008 4:14:22 PM PDT by Bullish ( Reality is the best cure for delusion.)
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To: goldstategop
A) Pyrrhic victory? Today the stock market lost $850-billion in value--obviously, that is more than the price tag of today's House bill.

B) Obama is going to win by 300+ electoral votes.

C) Let Obama be the BMOC when the economy crashes. To heck with saving it, like W. Bush tried, for whom everyday in the media was Good Friday and he was crucified on a regular basis.

D) Let's see if the media can spin it so that every day is Palm Sunday for Obama when the stock market looks more like 1929 than 2009.

8 posted on 09/29/2008 4:38:26 PM PDT by MHT
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To: Russ
We are, I believe, in the last days...

I'm sorry you bought into that bucket of snake-oil. Christians in America have been using last=days madness for 150 years as an excuse for doing nothing -- they preached defeat, and according to their faith, it was unto them.

9 posted on 09/29/2008 6:05:59 PM PDT by RJR_fan (Winners and lovers shape the future. Whiners and losers TRY TO PREDICT IT.)
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To: goldstategop
James reminds me that the Tennessee Public School System has a long way to go.

I write that as a graduate of the Tennessee Public School System.

10 posted on 09/29/2008 7:01:33 PM PDT by Volunteer (Just so you know, I am ashamed the Dixie Chicks make records in Nashville.)
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To: goldstategop

I don’t think America is prepared to elect a “fist-bumping” couple.

11 posted on 09/29/2008 9:55:38 PM PDT by happygrl
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To: RJR_fan
You can sneer all you want and call it a "bucket of snake-oil" I'm not asking you to believe it, am I? As for "doing nothing" I am as involved in politics here at the local level as anyone but why should that have anything to do with my belief as a Chrictian? I will fight for my conservativism until the trumpet sounds

The forces of evil are at the gates and I am afraid they are going to be let in on November 4th.

12 posted on 09/30/2008 5:16:29 AM PDT by Russ (Repeal the 17th amendment)
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To: Russ
I am as involved in politics here at the local level as anyone but why should that have anything to do with my belief as a Christian?

Well, when some folks say "Jesus is Lord," what they really mean is, "Not really, not now. For the moment, Satan is Lord. Jesus is only the personal spiritual guru for a select handful of mystics. And there is an eternal wall of separation between God's Kingdom, and politics."

Then, there is the more robust gospel that rejoices in the presently reigning King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Jesus is reigning now, directly over every breath every one of us takes, and indirectly through both His knowing and unknowing agents. Although men have always conspired to suppress the knowledge of God (see Romans 1), in the end, they provoke the Almighty to derisive laughter, and merely conspire against themselves (see Psalm 2). Since Jesus is ruling now, the wise "get with the program," and conduct themselves in such a way as to transmit maximum blessings to their great-grandchildren.

13 posted on 09/30/2008 8:44:49 AM PDT by RJR_fan (Winners and lovers shape the future. Whiners and losers TRY TO PREDICT IT.)
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