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1 posted on 09/21/2009 7:31:33 PM PDT by Awgie
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To: Awgie

It is called the “Chill Factor”.

What CIA agent in the future will dare risk court martial while defending our nation’s security?

2 posted on 09/21/2009 7:38:16 PM PDT by Safrguns
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To: Awgie
I think the former CIA heads that 'asked' the president to drop the investigation were tacitly 'warning' the president to drop the investigation.

At least, that is my fervent hope.

3 posted on 09/21/2009 7:41:23 PM PDT by Bloody Sam Roberts (An armed man is a citizen. An unarmed man is a subject.)
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To: Awgie

Who is suing whom?

4 posted on 09/21/2009 7:41:31 PM PDT by La Lydia
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To: Awgie

What exactly are you asking? What lawsuits?

5 posted on 09/21/2009 8:05:03 PM PDT by MestaMachine (One if by land, 2 if by sea, 3 if by Air Force 1.)
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To: Awgie

1)Contrary to popular belief, the attack on the CIA is not a fleeting political exercise by the Lefties.
This was and is a planned effort to destroy the CIA and also the American Military.
I firmly believe that Bill Clinton was the great White Hope of the Left. His wife Hillary was the organizer in the pair. She is now SOS. Our natural allies are being systematically dropped from the equation. The president is openly courting the “enemies” of American Values. Freedom, Religous Freedom, Freedom of Press (media) make no mistake, there will be a concerted effort to curtail the American Peoples ability to communicate with each other over the internet.

The HCR Push is not about Health Care, it is about total control of the lives (literally) of Americans.

I believe if you watch what is happening to Gen. Mc Chrystal, you will see to what lenghts they are willing to go. A closed door hearing in which the Gen made known his request for 30,000 soldiers was made public. This was to give Obama the opportunity to publically question his position as General in Charge of the theatre.

Mc Chrystals release of his request, we all know has ended his career. Obama will not approve the request and the Gen. will be forced to resign as a matter of honor.

I’m sure the CIA has a very deep archive. They should begin their research in the 60’s. We are not talking about misguided pot heads here. The people that have surfaced in this administration are the very hardcore radicals that are intent on destroying the American Constitution.

Frankly, I would have all agents go to ground. And I certainly would not provide Any information to the Democrats in Congress. It is obvious that information is being used against the U.S.

Frankly I am concerned that this administration may be planning a large loss of life in Afganistan, that will galvanize the American People to demand our troops home.
I believe our troops are in much more danger from this Administration than the enemy at this time.

Legally, I have no idea how the CIA can weather this assault. The only way to stop it is to make information available to the American People. That is where the CIA support will come from, not Wash.D.C.

I wouls also step up protection of the agency. As they have found out, by the photos taken of employees and given to the terrorists.
Again, the people that the CIA and Americans are dealing with are not your harmless garden variety leftie.

Random thoughts. For what it’s worth.

7 posted on 09/21/2009 8:12:38 PM PDT by Marty62 (former Marty60)
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To: Awgie

Obama is intentionally weakening the CIA - he’s going to publicly humiliate them. That’s a gift to someone. He wants people to quit - leave the organization. There’s information there he feels he can’t get - that he wants. He wants one of his own people on the inside. That’s my guess.

8 posted on 09/21/2009 8:16:21 PM PDT by GOPJ (When I hear "New York Times"-fair or unfair-what I hear is "New York Times Whore House"...)
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To: Awgie

Start here...

1919 : (GATHERING HELD BY ACTIVIST SOCIALIST ROGER BALDWIN LEADS TO FORMATION OF THE ACLU ; See also ELIZABETH GURLEY FUTURE HEAD OF THE COMMUNIST PARTY USA) The ACLU was created at a unique gathering held in 1919 by an activist socialist named Roger Baldwin. Others of socialist-communist leaning assisted him with input at this assembly. Some participating were Elizabeth Gurley, later to become the head of the Communist Party, USA. Also at the event were the Soviet intelligence agent Agnes Smedley and Socialist Party leader Norman Thomas.
From the beginning, Roger Baldwin instructed those involved in the ACLU movement to make sure it always looked like a very patriotic organization. He instructed them to...”steer away from making it look like a socialist enterprise. We want to look like patriots in every thing we do. We want to get a lot of flags, talk a good deal about the Constitution and what our forefathers wanted to make the country and show that we are really folks that stand by the spirit of our institutions.”
The organization then went on the attack and started its legacy of defending abortionists, pornographers, child molesters and attempting to dismantle the nation’s Judeo-Christian heritage. ——— “What Is Behind The ‘Hate Christians’ Campaign? ,” by Thomas D. Segel, GOPUSA , December 22, 2004
To: kjo The ACLU has lost it. They really have become an anti-American organization.
I can never get tired of repeating it: they have always been so. From the very start:
Roger Baldwin, the co-founder of the ACLU said: “I am for socialism, disarmament, and ultimately, for abolishing the state itself. … I seek social ownership of property, the abolition of the properties class, and sole control of those who produce wealth. Communism is the goal. I don’t regret being part of the communist tactic. I knew what I was doing. I was not an innocent liberal. I wanted what the communists wanted and I traveled the United Front road to get it.” In spite of Baldwin’s Communist leanings, President Jimmy Carter awarded him the Presidential Medal of Freedom on January 16, 1981.
Baldwin didn’t create the ACLU in a vacuum, he had plenty of help. A group of Communist Party officials, fellow travelers, anarchists and radicals joined Baldwin to found the ACLU in 1920.
18 posted on 01/16/2006 2:57:17 PM PST by Publius6961

1930s : (COMMUNIST PARTY LEGAL FRONT THE NATIONAL LAWYER’S GUILD [NLG] IS FOUNDED —see IPS) Founded in the 1930s and officially cited as a legal front group for the old Communist Party.———————”Undermining war on terror : Muslim groups weakening fed laws under guise of protecting civil liberties,” World Net Daily, March 10, 2003
Communist Party [in USA] : NCPPF (National Coalition to Protect Political Freedom) Executive Director Kit Gage is a veteran legal activist, serving also as head of the National Lawyers Guild, founded in the 1930s and officially cited as a legal front group for the old Communist Party. The NCPPF has acted as a legal-aid office of sorts for members or alleged members of a wide variety of terrorist groups, including the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, the Egyptian Islamic Jihad, Hamas, the Basque ETA separatist group of Spain, the FALN of Puerto Rico, the Provisional Irish Republican Army and the Shining Path of Peru, and for Leonard Peltier, who was convicted of the 1975 murders of FBI Special Agents Jack Coler and Ronald Williams. ———————”Undermining war on terror : Muslim groups weakening fed laws under guise of protecting civil liberties,” World Net Daily, March 10, 2003

1950 : (ANTI-INTLLIGENCE LOBBY ORGANIZES - See CPR [FORMERLY CSGS], IPS, ACLU, ADA, CNSS, FAS, NLG, NOW, CPJ, SCLC) As suggested by President Truman’s veto of the Internal Security Act of 1950, which Congress overrode, people on the Left side of the political spectrum generally opposed legislation which sought to expand intelligence and counterintelligence operations, particularly those with a domestic focus. In the 1950s an anti-intelligence lobby, supported by diverse groups and individuals, undertook efforts to curtail or eliminate certain types of intelligence functions, and questioned their overall legitimacy. . .
According to Francis J. McNamara, a former Executive Secretary of the Subversive Activities Control Board, the Campaign for Political Rights (CPR), previously known as the Campaign to Stop Government Spying, became the coordinating group for a nationwide campaign against the FBI, CIA, and other elements of the U.S. intelligence community. It described itself as “a national coalition of over 80 religious, educational, environmental, civic, women’s, black, Latino, and labor organizations” which “serves as a national information clearing-house providing materials, organizing-assistance, press and publicity advice and speaker-scheduling to organizers across the country.” This umbrella-type organization was said to have two basic aims: (1) to end all covert actions abroad, and (2) to terminate what it termed “political spying and harassment in the U.S.7
Among the CPR’s 51 member and 30 cooperating organizations were the Institute for Policy Studies (IPS), the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), the Americans for Democratic Action (ADA), the Center for National Security Studies (CNSS), the Federation of American Scientists (FAS), the National Lawyers Guild (NLG), the National Organization of Women (NOW), the Committee for Public Justice (CPJ), and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC). -——— W. Raymond Wannall, “Undermining Counterintelligence Capability”

Anas “Andy” Shallal (born March 21, 1955 in Baghdad, Iraq) is an Iraqi-American artist, activist and restaurateur best known for owning and operating Busboys and Poets in Washington, DC.
Shallal has founded or co-founded several peace movement organizations and holds leadership positions in numerous others. Most prominently, he has served as Foreign Policy in Focus Analyst at the Institute for Policy Studies.
he visited and provided catering for Cindy Sheehan and other activists at Camp Casey in Crawford, Texas [see GWOT]
Shallal is a recipient of the United Nations Human Rights Community Award and has been named Man of the Year by the Washington Peace Center.———
32 posted on Monday, November 10, 2008 3:54:38 PM by kcvl

1959 : (WORKER’S WORLD PARTY, A SPLINTER OF THE TROTSKYIST SOCIALIST WORKERS PARTY IS CREATED) ...the Workers World Party (WWP), a Stalinist organization which was created in 1959 as a splinter of the Trotskyist Socialist Workers Party. -— Who Is Behind Lynne Stewart?, , via 42 posted on 04/02/2004 10:37:30 PM PST by Fedora

1963 : (IPS IS ESTABLISHED BY RICHARD BARNETT & SOVIET COMINTERN MEMBER MARCUS RASKIN , FUNDED BY THE RUBIN FOUNDATION——— See IPS PROGRAM “TRANSNATIONAL INSTITUTE” [see TI PUBLICATION “THE ELEMENTS” (see “THE ELEMENTS” BUSINESS MANAGER SUSAN WEBER)], See FISA)...The IPS was set up in 1963 by Richard Barnet and Marcus Raskin and funded by the pro-Soviet Rubin Foundation. (Rubin was a crook and a member of the Soviet Comintern). In Raskin’s paranoid world the United States is an evil country that started the Cold War as part of a plan to “reach for the brass ring: world hegemony”. He also asserted [LATER] that the [2003] toppling of Saddam by the US military was akin to the “Nazis’ blitzkrieg” against Europe. -————Red Star Over FISA
Front Page Magazine ^ | March 6, 2006 | Gerard Jackson
At the center of the drive to capture the CIA lies the Institute for Policy Studies (IPS), a radical think-tank formed in the late 1960s. IPS co-founder and strategist Richard J. Barnet, a former US official, has written books publicly defending Marxist revolution and terrorism, and has called for the dismantling of US intelligence activities against the Communist Bloc.4 [4 See Barnet, Intervention and Revolution (1968), and Barnet, The Economy of Death (1969), as cited in Broken Seals, report of the Western Goals Foundation, Alexandria, VA, 1980, pp. 3-7, passim. ]——— via “The Plot to Hijack the CIA; Is nuclear terrorism about to emerge? ,”Published in October 1994 Inside Story: World Report
Copyright (c) 1994 by Inside Story Communications via ^
Posted on 10/21/2004 7:43:59 PM PDT by TapTheSource
In its own words: “Mission: DEVELOPING ALTERNATIVE STRATEGIES TO U.S. POLICIES. A ‘think tank’ for progressive research and action to create a more responsible society. At a time when other think tanks celebrate the virtues of unrestrained greed, unlimited wealth, and unregulated markets, IPS is striving to create a more responsible society - one built around the values of justice, nonviolence, sustainability, and decency. IPS, as I.F. Stone once said, is “an Institute for the rest of us.” —— From’s website.

1963 : (IPS IS FORMED; IT ACTS AS A FRONT FOR THE KGB - See WASHINGTON POST, WALTER PINCUS, ANTHONY LAKE, RICHARD BARNET, J W FULBRIGHT) What is particularly interesting is that [Walter] Pincus is tied in with the America-hating Marxist Institute for Policy Studies which from its inception in 1963 acted as a front for the KGB, even hosting KGB officers, until the collapse of the Soviet empire. -————— “Pincus and Milbank: the low-down on two Washington Post Bush-hating reporters”, Gerard Jackson BrookesNews.Com Monday 5 April 2004

AUGUST 1967 OR EARLIER : (FORMER NATIONAL STUDENT ASSOCIATION MEMBER MICHAEL WOOD LEAKS TO RAMPARTS ABOUT CIA ) To: Calpernia; Fedora Look at Ramparts magazine in the’60’s. Ramparts exposed the NSA [National Student Association]/CIA connection. I’m not sure of the date - 1966-67 or so.
It was before August 1967. Because it was mentioned in a Barron’s article at that time regarding the National Conference on New Politics”:

“Among the members of the National Conference for New Politics national council and executive board are: Paul Albert, California Democratic Council; Donna Allen, Women Strike for Peace; Julian Bond, Georgian State Legislature; Paul Booth, national council, Students for a Democratic Society; Reverend William Sloan Coffin, Jr., chaplain, Yale University; Victoria Gray, Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party; Dick Gregory, actor; Martin Peretz, Committee on Social Studies, Harvard University; Robert Scheer, publisher, Ramparts magazine; Monroe Wasch, American Federation State, County & Municipal Employees; Henry Wineberg, Committee for Independent Political Action, Chicago; and Michael Wood, former member of the National Student Association who leaked to Ramparts information about the operations of the Central Intelligence Agency”.

Not sure if I’ve seen Michael Wood before. We’ve seen most of the others mentioned often. Robert Scheer is now a columnist with the Los Angeles Times. Martin Peretz is currently involved in various investments in Colorado with Sam Brown (Action/VISTA).
72 posted on 11/02/2004 2:38:46 AM PST by calcowgirl

9 posted on 09/21/2009 9:00:37 PM PDT by piasa (Attitude adjustments offered here free of charge)
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To: Awgie

Interestingly enough, I came across this article today. It reminded me of when the CIA had Bin Laden in its sites and clinton would not give the order to fire.

Holder was/is/will be a clinton man. clinton is the one who has everything to lose if the CIA decides to go after someone.

Holder’s investigation isn’t to prosecute anyone. It is to use his position as AG to find whatever evidence the CIA has about Rendition, a clinton program; about Yugoslavia and the lies clinton used to destroy that country on behalf of the KLA;, the Chinese Embassy bombing; about the Sudan aspirin factory bombing; about the embassy bombings in Africa; about the USS Cole; about CLINTON deception and fraud on the American people; and destroy it, much like when he sent Sandy Berger to rob the National Archives.

They don’t care if morale in the CIA goes to hell in a handbasket. This is personal, not business.
CIA buildup in Afghanistan rivals peaks during Vietnam, Iraq wars
By Greg Miller

WASHINGTON — The Central Intelligence Agency is in the midst of a major buildup in Afghanistan, part of a broad intelligence “surge” that will make the agency’s station there among the largest in CIA history, according to U.S. officials.

When complete, the CIA’s presence in the country is expected to rival the size of its massive stations in Iraq and Vietnam at the height of those wars. Precise numbers are classified, but one U.S. official said the CIA already had nearly 700 employees in Afghanistan.

The influx of spies, analysts and paramilitary operatives parallels the U.S. military expansion, and it comes as the nation’s spy services are under pressure from Army Gen. Stanley McChrystal to improve intelligence on the Taliban and find ways to reverse a series of unsettling trends.

Among them are a twofold increase in the number of roadside bombs, a growing sophistication in the kinds of assaults aimed at coalition troops, and evidence that a Taliban group has developed an assembly line-like approach to the recruitment and grooming of suicide bombers, who then are sometimes assigned to other organizations.

The push also comes as the administration of President Barack Obama is under pressure to show progress in Afghanistan, calculating it has only until next summer before public support for the war effort collapses.

The intelligence surge goes beyond the CIA to involve every major spy service, officials said, including the National Security Agency, which intercepts calls and e-mails, as well as the Defense Intelligence Agency, which tracks military threats.

The deployments come amid fresh warnings from U.S. spy services that the insurgency in Afghanistan has continued to gain territory and strength.

“The Taliban is at its most capable level since 2001, when it was ejected from the country,” said a Defense Department official who has access to classified intelligence estimates. The official, and others, spoke on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the subject.

Overall, officials said the insurgency is believed to have 15,000 to 20,000 fighters. The estimates are imprecise, officials said, because there are loose affiliations among the groups, each of which is composed of fighters with varying commitments to the cause.

“You’re not talking about fixed formations that rely solely on full-time combatants,” a U.S. counterterrorism official said. “Numbers ebb and flow. Bands of fighters appear and vanish.”

CIA spokesman Paul Gimigliano declined to comment on the scope of the agency’s presence in Afghanistan.

10 posted on 09/21/2009 9:28:29 PM PDT by MestaMachine (One if by land, 2 if by sea, 3 if by Air Force 1.)
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To: Awgie

A few years later, Sidley Austin hired Obama on as a summer intern. Did Tom Ayers grease those skids as well?

In the educational world, if not in the legal one, the radical past of Ayers and Dohrn made them rock stars. An endorsement from Ayers would have carried real weight at Harvard. If he did help Obama get in, it would have made perfect sense for Ayers to guide his protégé through, to get him the gig at Sidley Austin, to help him write Dreams, to secure him the chair of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge (also confirmed by Diamond), and to launch his campaign for the Illinois State Senate with a fundraiser chez Ayers.

Ayers surely saw the potential. He was the wordsmith Cyrano to Obama’s winsome Christian. Although a political person like Audacity’s “older man,” Ayers could never hope to woo fair America on his own.

Given Obama’s oddly impolitic lurch to the left, David Horowitz has come to think of him as the “Manchurian Candidate.” The usually prudent Horowitz wonders out loud who has been whispering in Obama’s ear and for how long.

With his fingerprints on the 2006 Audacity of Hope, the 1995 Dreams From My Father, and quite possibly on the 1988 Harvard letter of recommendation, Prof

11 posted on 09/22/2009 4:16:29 AM PDT by GOPJ (When I hear "New York Times"-fair or unfair-what I hear is "New York Times Whore House"...)
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To: Awgie

One evening, during a trip early in 1992, the American half of our venture were invited to V. & T.’s Moscow flat as we were about to return to the States. The party went well and we had the normal dinner discussions.

As the evening wore on, T. developed a decidedly rough anti-American edge – one her husband tried to quietly rein in.

The bottom line of the tirade she started against the United States went something like this:

“You Americans always like to think that you have the perfect government and your people are always so perfect. Well then, why haven’t you had a woman president by now? You had a chance to vote for a woman vice president and you didn’t do it.”

The general response went something along the lines that you don’t vote for someone just because of their sex. Besides, you don’t vote for vice president, but the president and vice president as a ticket.

“Well, I think you are going to be surprised when you get a black president very soon.”

The consensus we expressed was that we didn’t think there was anything innately barring that. The right person at the right time and sure, America would try to vote for the right person, be he or she, black or not.

“What if I told you that you will have a black president very soon and he will be a Communist?”

The out-of-the-blue remark was met by our stares. She continued, “Well, you will; and he will be a Communist.”

It was then that the husband unsuccessfully tried to change the subject; but she was on a roll and would have nothing of it. One of us asked, “It sounds like you know something we don’t know.”

“Yes, it is true. This is not some idle talk. He is already born, and he is educated and being groomed to be president right now. You will be impressed to know that he has gone to the best schools of presidents. He is what you call ‘Ivy League.’ You don’t believe me, but he is real and I even know his name. His name is Barack. His mother is white and American and his father is black from Africa. That’s right, a chocolate baby! And he’s going to be your president.”

12 posted on 09/22/2009 4:28:24 AM PDT by GOPJ (When I hear "New York Times"-fair or unfair-what I hear is "New York Times Whore House"...)
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To: Awgie

Today Russian President V. Putin ordered U.S. Senator Barack Obama, who is also tight with MOSSAD, to be held in custody under suspicion of being a British operative illegally spying in Russia at off-limits secret facilities.

Spying with Obama, who was locked up, was U.S. Senator Richard Lugar,pro-Bush, was detained by Putin but unlike Obama, quickly released.

14 posted on 09/22/2009 8:07:32 AM PDT by GOPJ (When I hear "New York Times"-fair or unfair-what I hear is "New York Times Whore House"...)
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To: Awgie

Re; post 15

Take-over of

-healthcare (in progress)
-newspapers (in progress)
-atleast one political party (Progressive black Caucus)
-guns (in progress)
-media (in progress 90% complete)
-radio (in progress-see 0bama’s FCC communist)
-discredit/dismantle the FBI & CIA
-be on retainer for terrorists send them to Bermuda
-enact and implement fully- political correctness so when those with brains realize all of this they can be called racists.

All of the above=enemy of the state=communism

17 posted on 09/22/2009 5:46:19 PM PDT by Dubya-M-DeesWent2SyriaStupid!
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To: Awgie

Plus...0bama wants to please his left wing. Soro’s et al. (he doesn’t have a right wing or a moderate wing)
He wants to Bush bash.

This decision clearly shows one of two things...

POLITICS...His alliance with himself and his party or the safety of this nation.

He has shown his colors.

18 posted on 09/22/2009 5:51:50 PM PDT by Dubya-M-DeesWent2SyriaStupid!
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