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Bringing up boys: James Dobson shares concerns spoken recently at annual NRB convention ^ | Tuesday, March 19, 2002 | James Dobson

Posted on 03/18/2002 11:20:26 PM PST by JohnHuang2

WND Exclusive Commentary

Bringing up boys

Posted: March 19, 2002
1:00 a.m. Eastern

Editor's note: The following message is part of a speech given by Dr. James Dobson to approximately 3,500 people at the National Religious Broadcaster's annual convention, several weeks ago in Nashville, Tenn. He was speaking on the topic of his new book, "Bringing Up Boys."

Below, we begin at the point where Dr. Dobson had just finished discussing the disintegration of the family and the implications of that issue for boys. We pick up his speech as he begins focusing on the attack on both boys and girls within the culture and why Christians must act to defend them.

By Dr. James Dobson
© 2002

The world into which children are born now has become a very dangerous place. It's changed tremendously. When you and I were kids – and certainly when I was a child because I'm older than most of you here – the culture reinforced positive values and attempted to help parents raise those kids properly.

And now, the culture is at war with parents and it is very, very difficult to try to get these kids through the minefield of adolescence without major concerns. And there is an attack on childhood. There are many people out there – and I don't want to overstate this, but I don't think I can overstate it – there are many people out there today who see in children an opportunity to change the culture.

And they hate – for the most part – they hate the Judeo-Christian value system. And children are the vulnerable ones. And if they can get control of children and if they can influence children, they can change the whole culture in one generation. And there is now a tsunami coming our way. It is breathtaking to me what's taking place. I hope you're seeing it.

I sit there at my desk in Colorado Springs and I hear it every day and I wonder if you're hearing it. I wonder if anybody else is concerned about it because the children are the ones who are at risk and boys especially are in the bull's eye. They're in the cross-hairs.

I can't go back with the time that I have and give you the history of this attack on children. I'll tell you what I want to do. Let's talk about February. Let's go back to February 1st, two weeks and two days. I said this is coming like a tidal wave. What am I talking about?

Well, eight days ago, one week and one day ago, the National Education Association announced its policy, that they're disseminating to school districts all over the country, that every child in every school and every classroom in the nation should be taught homosexual – what I would call – propaganda. A child is in school for – public schools – for 13 years and we're going to start in kindergarten. You think that wouldn't happen and can't happen. California's legislature has already mandated that, and, as of September when the kids came back to school, this is what happened. Every classroom of every school of every year is being taught homosexual propaganda.

So they're teaching them that bisexuality is normal and that homosexuality and heterosexuality are morally equivalent. And they're teaching them many, many other concepts. They're bringing gays and lesbians into the school to teach them what a normal thing this is and answer their questions.

Of course, Christians can't come in and counter that. That's California. That's every school in California. Where in the world are the parents who are holding still for that? Imagine sending your little 5-year-old off to school. He's wet behind the ears. He is, to use the vernacular, "He knows nothing about nothing." He doesn't have the defenses to deal with this. And he carries his little lunch pail and he gets to school.

And can you imagine these children, 5-years old, sitting in a circle around the teacher who's telling them about adult perverse behavior? And we're not concerned about that? We shouldn't discuss that? Why are we not talking about that? That's just one aspect of this. By the way, 42 percent of the fourth-grade boys in this entire country can't read, and yet, we're going to teach them that? Well, that was eight days ago that this occurred.

On February 4th, 12 days ago, the American Academy of Pediatrics announced that gay and lesbian parents, so-called, can raise children and do raise children as effectively as stable marriages where husbands and wives are committed to each other. This is the American Academy of Pediatrics?

February 14th, two nights ago, you may have heard that Secretary of State Colin Powell went on MTV, broadcast internationally, and recommended that kids use condoms. And I'll quote for you. Listen carefully to the words he used: "Forget about taboos." Guess whose taboos are we going to forget about? "Forget about conservative ideas." Guess whose conservative ideas? "With respect to what you should tell young people about, it's lives of young people that are being put at risk by unsafe sex, and therefore, protect yourself."

What he didn't tell them is that the Centers for Disease Control, an arm of the federal government, last year issued a report that the press wouldn't report on that said, "Condoms do not protect against syphilis, gonorrhea, human papilloma virus, herpes, and most of the other sexually-transmitted diseases." And yet, here is the secretary of state on MTV, not the secretary of health and human services, the secretary of state making a statement like that. But on and on it goes.

The FDA – Food and Drug administration – issued a statement saying that the morning-after pill, that that ought to be distributed to kids without parental knowledge or approval. And two days ago, 60 women's groups and health groups endorsed that position by the FDA.

All these things are coming to your school. You don't live in California. You've got kids who go to school in Texas and Oklahoma and the mid-West and the Bible Belt and up in the Northeast. It's coming there, too, because there is a concerted effort to manipulate the minds of kids.

Now, what's going on? What's behind this? I'm sure you've heard the debate on stem-cell research. Do you understand what a stem cell is? A stem cell is a cell – in the human being at least – that in the very early stages of development it is undifferentiated. In other words, it's not yet other kinds of tissue, but it can go any direction depending on the environment that it's in.

The stem cell, if it's in the brain, develops into a nerve cell or into the substances between the nerves. Or if it's in the heart, it becomes a heart cell, or if it's in the eye, it becomes an eyeball cell. Wherever it is, it takes on the characteristic of the surrounding area.

Do you understand that children are the stem cells for the culture? The environment that you put them in is what they grow up to be. And if you can control what they hear, if you could control what they're told, if you have access to their minds … you can make them into just about whatever you want them to be.

I saw a video the other day of children in Afghanistan and they were teaching these children how they could slit the throats of Israelis. If you teach that to 6-year-old boys, you will have violent men when they grow up. That's why there is this effort to control the minds of kids.

It's what's behind the attack on the Boy Scouts. Wherever children reside, there will be a battle over the control of those kids. The Girls Scouts have already been co-opted and the Boy Scouts have resisted, but that's what's going on there.

You may be aware that there is an effort now to lower the age of accountability sexually in the various countries. Here in the United States, it's 16. That's awfully early to be allowing a full-grown man to take advantage of a 16-year-old boy. In Canada, it's 14. In Portugal, it's 14. In the U.K., it's 16. In Spain, it's 12. Is that shocking to you?

You see, there is now an effort to kind of demystify incest and the sexual abuse of children. And the American Psychological Association put an incredible article in its bulletin about 18 months ago that said sex between adults and children is not all that bad. It might even be beneficial. Children are in the crosshairs, and there is reason to be concerned about it.

We also know, and you know, there is almost a total disregard for the value of human life in some post-modern circles. Dr. Peter Singer is a bioethicist – of all things – at Princeton University. He is a tenured professor. Let me read you what he wrote. "Very often, it is not wrong at all to kill a child once it has left the womb." He said, and watch the words now, "Simply killing an infant is never equivalent to killing a person."

That is a bioethicist at Princeton University. He was granted tenure after he made these statements. Do you know that it is a $25,000 fine to kill an eagle's egg and there's no law at all against killing a child in the latter stages of development in utero?

Have you contemplated actually witnessing a partial-birth abortion? Can you imagine being invited into a women's clinic somewhere near your home – because there's probably one near you – where a 16-year-old girl comes in and she is eight-and-a-half months pregnant? You've been invited to watch the procedure, and the doctor delivers this little baby right to the top of his head.

And that baby's about three minutes from delivery and he is brimming with life. He is pink. His little hands and arms and legs are kicking. And the doctor rolls him over and inserts a canula, a tube, into the back of the head without an anesthetic and sucks the brains out of that baby and collapses that head and delivers a dead baby. And it's not illegal to do that? But you cannot kill an eagle's egg. Have we gone absolutely crazy? And yet, the procedure continues. To call that kind of outrage political, is itself an outrage.

Audience: (Applause)

Dr. Dobson: Thank you.

Audience: (Applause)

Dr. Dobson: Thank you everyone. Thank you everybody. Thank you everybody. This burns in my heart. You may remember that Barbara Boxer, the senator from California, on the floor of the Senate in debating partial-birth abortion, said that a baby is not a baby until that child is taken home from the hospital. In other words, you can kill that baby in the hospital. This is where we are headed, a complete disregard for human life.

Those of you who do feel that the church has no responsibility in the cultural area and you have tended to feel our job is to preach the Gospel and all the rest of these things will kind of fall into place, and you haven't felt it is something that you should devote yourself to because that's something somebody else is called to, let me argue with you for just a moment.

Suppose it were 1858 and you were a pastor and you lived in Raleigh, N.C., or Richmond, Va. – somewhere in the South. Would it be satisfactory for you to say about slavery, "Well, I'm not called to deal with that issue. I'm called to minister to the people in my church. Slavery is not something I have to deal with," when you know that men and women are being subjected to involuntary servitude? They can be killed. Their families can be separated. Their children can be taken away and sold like cattle. And you don't say anything? Is your argument tenable under those circumstances?

The year is 1963, and Martin Luther King is sitting in a Birmingham jail and he is released. And he goes to a church – yes, a church. And from that church, he comes out into the streets of Birmingham and marches for civil rights. Do you oppose that? Is that a violation of the separation of church and state?

What if it were 1943 and you were in Nazi Germany and you knew what Hitler was doing to the Jews and the Poles and the Gypsies and the homosexuals and to many other undesirables? You knew they were being gassed, you knew little children were lined up in the rain naked all day for their chance to go into the gas chambers. Would you say, "We're not political? That's somebody else's problem. I'm not called to address this?"

I thank God that Dietrich Bonhoeffer did not give that answer, and he was arrested by the Nazis and he was hanged in 1945, naked and alone because he said, "This is not right."

John the Baptist said the same thing to Herod. He said, "It is not lawful for you to have your brother's wife." And it cost him his head. Since when have we become timid about addressing the moral issues of our day?

Audience: (Applause)

Dr. Dobson: In 1983, I was invited to Washington, D.C., for a banquet that featured Dr. Francis Schaeffer. Thank God for Francis Schaeffer. He saw everything we're going through today. He laid it all out. He said there was a connection between abortion and infanticide and euthanasia. And on this occasion, he was talking to a very small group that was there about the Christian's involvement in the military, and especially when it involved war.

And he said, "It really comes down to this." I'll never forget this. I was a young man. I was just beginning to try to understand what was going on in the culture at large. He said, "Suppose you were walking down the right side of a street and coming down the other side of the street is a very cute little 6-year-old girl, and she's skipping along and she's alone and it's night time. And just as you got parallel to her, a big man, a six-foot man, jumped out of the bushes and grabbed her and began assaulting her and abusing her. What is your obligation to that child? Do you have any responsibility?"

He said, "I submit that you do. You should cross that street and put your life at risk, if necessary, to save that little girl. That would be your moral responsibility." And he said, "That is what we were doing in World War II. We were trying to save the little girls, the Jews, the Gypsies, the Poles, the others, and to rescue those that were living in tyranny."

I submit to you all that there are little girls in our culture. Who are the little girls that we're called to defend? The unborn child? Would Jesus' words, "Inasmuch as you do it unto the least of these, my brethren, you do it unto me," would it apply to that little helpless child who can't even speak for himself? He doesn't have a voice. Can you say, "That's political? I won't get involved. I've got to take care of my church. I'm not going to take care of that. That's not my responsibility. Others are called to that." I don't believe so.

How about the newborn? How about that little girl who's left to die on a porcelain table somewhere? What about the elementary school child who's going to be taught about homosexuality and has no one to defend him or her? What about the teenagers that Colin Powell was talking about who are going to be told, "Go ahead and have lots of really good sex, just do it in a safe way"? And more and more we see now that euthanasia is coming and as it is in Holland, involuntary euthanasia may be right around the corner. Do we have a responsibility to those little girls? I think that we do.

And this last thing. Dr. John Corts with the Billy Graham organization told a story about himself and it really grabbed me by the throat. He said when he was 16 years of age, he went to a farm with about eight of his little cousins and they couldn't wait to get there. And when they arrived, there was such excitement among all the kids. He was the eldest of them and they couldn't wait to get in the field. They wanted to go pitch hay and they thought it'd be fun to ride on the tractor and they couldn't wait to get out there.

But the grandfather wouldn't let them go. He was very reluctant to let them go and they whined and cried and begged and finally, he went to John and he said, "John, you can take those kids to the field, but don't bring them back early. You keep them out there until the end of the day. I'm telling you, I don't want you to bring them in early." And he said, "I will do that, Grandfather," and so, they all got on the hay wagon and the tractor pulled them out to the field and they began working out there.

And very, very quickly, the kids got tired and they started complaining. It was hot and it was miserable and they wanted to come back. And he said, "No, Grandfather told me to keep you out here," and they cried and they complained, but they stayed there.

And at lunch time, they were really exhausted and most of them were crying. They were very upset and they wanted to come back in. It was very hot. The sun was overhead and the hay was down their backs and it itched and they wanted to come back. And he said, "No, Grandfather told me to keep you here."

And about 3:00 in the afternoon, a big storm cloud came over, big black clouds, and the kids got scared. They really wanted to return, but he kept them there. He kept the order of the grandfather.

At about 5:00, he said, "All right, it's time to go." He got them all on the hay wagon and they went back to the house. And after they had had their baths and they got something to eat and they rested a little bit, they were all very proud of themselves for what they did.

And then, the grandfather told John why he wanted them to stay in the field. He said, "This farm has been successful for one reason. Through the years, we have stayed in the field when we felt like coming in. We've stayed out there and done what we needed to do, and I wanted those kids to have the experience of staying with something through the day."

And John made his own application for that, but you can see what it means to me. We're in that situation now. It's tough. It's hard speaking against the tide of public opinion, the media, the entertainment industry, the Congress, the libraries, the professions – all of those forces that are making fun of us. Yes, you're right. You're right. They're calling us "religious right" and "far right" and "religious extremists" and it hurts.

I can tell you at Focus on the Family, we've had bloody animal parts brought to the front door. We've had our building spray-painted. We've had lies told about us in Denver and in Colorado Springs. That's not fun. And we've been called "extremists." And the easiest thing to do would be to quit.

But God has called us to stay in the field and we will do that as long as we have breath in our bodies. And I beg those of you who are here to do the same. Thank you everybody.


Dr. Dobson's book, "Bringing Up Boys," which he mentioned at the start, and which this speech was based on, is available now from WorldNetDaily's online store!

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Tuesday, March 19, 2002

Quote of the Day by MoscowMike

1 posted on 03/18/2002 11:20:27 PM PST by JohnHuang2
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To: JohnHuang2
Dobson is correct, but short of a revolution with blood running in the streets, nothing will change.
2 posted on 03/19/2002 12:09:56 AM PST by RLK
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The Left is trying to remake America from inside out. We'll be very lucky to have a country by the time they're done.
3 posted on 03/19/2002 12:11:25 AM PST by goldstategop
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To: goldstategop
Do we have a country now. You don't have control over your kids, You hatch them whereupon the liberal establishment takes them over and converts them into mindless soulless monsters.
4 posted on 03/19/2002 12:17:38 AM PST by RLK
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To: JohnHuang2

for the early morning risers

5 posted on 03/19/2002 3:09:31 AM PST by LadyDoc
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6 posted on 03/19/2002 3:36:46 AM PST by knarf
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To: RLK;JohnHuang2
#2....Dobson is correct, but short of a revolution, with blood running in the streets, nothing will change.....

RLK, unless it affects your child or your neighbor's child or my child, you're probably right.

I once was quite the idealist, and thought a moral cause would be sufficient unto itself to make people respond & work to bring about the right results.

Dobson has been sounding the alarm for years & years.........and he will continue to do so until his dying breath, no doubt....

Many have responded to truth of what he says..........the awful, undeniable truth...... but as so often is the case..
... the same folks...
.. the same community...
... the same church...
... the same organization him ring those alarm bells.....over and over...

....and grow weary in the process.

I've often heard, as I'm sure you have, the saying..."So goes California, so goes the rest of the nation"......especially as regards to mandated school 'trends'....

Through the years I have watched these 'trends' wind their way down to our little town.....especially one particular program, where the mostly conservative folks, the church folks, parents... fought it tooth & nail.
We actually won.
It can be done, mandate or not!

We think.....sometimes I think.....all will be well, Bill Clinton is not president anymore.

I KNOW.....I know that is wishful thinking......incorrect thinking.....stupid thinking.

I know there needs to be constant vigil!

RLK, you mentioned 'revolution, and blood in the streets'......

MINUS the blood in the streets (certainly not from our side, propaganda from the other side notwithstanding!)....the Pro-life community DID try a revolution of sorts .....oh about 14 years ago.

Folks were willing to go to jail by sitting in front of the doors of an abortion clinic...(the police call it trespassing)....

Thousands of folks all over the country were willing to (and actually did) do this.

It might have might have stemmed the tide .....IF the mainline churches and the media and the rest of the folks helped create a groundswell...........instead of demonizing the protesters & causing division within the churches that supported this attempt to thwart the plans of the left....

We won some battles, but Planned Parenthood won the war.......

....AND we still have abortion....

... and the gays are still promoting their agenda for our young boys....

.... and it's getting worse.... and the slippery slope gets steeper.....

But you see, RLK, many folks didn't want to get involved..........
...cause it wasn't their child needing an abortion......and they didn't want to be embarrassed by standing out on a public sidewalk holding a sign....and the media successfully demonized Pro-lifers to such an extent, that often we were on the defense explaining we were peaceful, we only held signs, we didn't call people 'baby killers'.....and the strongest protest some had taken..... had resulted in arrest.....from trespassing.

RLK, sorry for my diatribe.

I sometimes feel the need to respond, after reading James Dobson's plaintive cry ....once more.

JohnHuang, heartfelt thanks for posting Dobson!

7 posted on 03/19/2002 3:57:12 AM PST by Guenevere
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To: JohnHuang2
I'm sending this to everyone I know.
8 posted on 03/19/2002 5:14:03 AM PST by scripter
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To: JohnHuang2
Thanks for posting this. I have children in California public schools. A friend and I have a developed the lesbian principal theory. Whenever a lesbian principal is appointed to a school, you will start to see the brainwashing commence ferociously. You will have your child come home and announce today was the "day of silence". Where the kids were told not to speak to each other to remind themselves how homosexuals can't speak. One school had a security guard checking to see if any of the kids mocked the "day of silence" and was told to report them to the principal. Then you will have assemblies, where the kids are supposed to reveal deep secrets about themselves. In these assemblies the kids will be encouraged to confess they are homosexual, so the group can learn to accept them. You will also go into classrooms and see posters that say , "if you are a boy who really really likes boys," call this number. You ask the principal, who answers the phone when this number is called? The principal will say "I don't know". You don't know if the child calling the number will get a counselor or a man in a motel room. Either way it doesn't matter to the California educators.They have already prepared your child for adult exploitation, and for a world where morality means nothing.
9 posted on 03/19/2002 5:39:57 AM PST by hedgetrimmer
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To: hedgetrimmer
"Then you will have assemblies, where the kids are supposed to reveal deep secrets about themselves. In these assemblies the kids will be encouraged to confess they are homosexual, so the group can learn to accept them."


This sort of thing is necessary for the milieu control that is necessary for thought reforming environment. Robert J. Lifton called it "the cult of confession."

People are psychologically coerced into considering passing acquaintences one's closest friends and confidants, and are further coerced into telling them things they'd only tell lifelong friends or God in private. In this way the natural order of human affection is inverted, so that the organization, and not one's relationships of natural affection, is the most important relationship in the neophyte's life.

A thought reforming organization inverts the beneficial effect of talking things over with one’s comrades. Instead, it becomes primarily an act of symbolic surrender, an expression of merging the individual with the organization. Confessions before the group helps thought reformers to totally expose organization members. Ego boundaries become blurred. The boundary between what one wishes to keep private and what one wishes to make public becomes blurred. Using this faux camaraderie, the organization can learn everything possible about the life experiences of individuals, their thoughts, their passions, their fears, and most especially, their weaknesses. A person’s psychological buttons are quickly discovered, and later are pressed incessantly to further manipulate his or her feelings and behavior. All this is explained as “sensitivity training.”

It is a common practice in totalitarian organizations and borderline psychotic religious cults, and is one reason I refer to militant homosexuals and their associates "The Cult of the Anus."

The fact that it is common in schools is cause enough to take up arms.

10 posted on 03/19/2002 6:06:25 AM PST by Mortimer Snavely
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To: JohnHuang2
The leftist agenda being pushed in public schools is just one of the many reasons that my Wife and I are going to homeschool our children. Even here in fly-over country the left is starting early with their agenda.

Having my wife stay home to take care of and teach our children mean that we are making and going to make many sacrifices. In the end, it will be worth it.

God Bless and Semper Fi!

11 posted on 03/19/2002 6:22:16 AM PST by dd5339
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To: dd5339
An "I was about to post but searched first" bump
12 posted on 03/19/2002 6:50:24 AM PST by Tribune7
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To: JohnHuang2
As the father of two young boys I am disturbed by the events of the day. However, there is a solution. Spend time with your children. Let them know in no uncertain terms what is expected of them. Be consistant and honest and by all means persistant. DO NOT depend on the schools to teach your children anything other than the three R's. Resist social programming with all your might.
13 posted on 03/19/2002 7:15:50 AM PST by AUgrad
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To: Mortimer Snavely
Your response was extremely helpful. I am not knowledgeable about brainwashing or thought reform techniques, but I suspected that this is what was happening in the assembly. I now have some information I can show the other parents to help them understand that schools are fast becoming "re-education camps". This is really really scary.
14 posted on 03/19/2002 8:14:35 PM PST by hedgetrimmer
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To: JohnHuang2
15 posted on 03/19/2002 8:15:21 PM PST by hedgetrimmer
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To: Mortimer Snavely
Here is an exercise asked in an assembly called Breaking down the Walls, by a company called Learning for Living.

cross the line (30 minutes)
Cross the line if...
Are a good kisser
Excellent friend
If you have ever let a friend down in a really big way
You have ever lied to your parents
Have snuck Out of the house without your parents knowing
If one of your parents ever let you down in a big way
Either parent is younger than 35
Either parent is older than 55
Parents are divorced
Considered teachers pet
Received straight A’s on a report card
Received an F on a report card
Received a suspension
Have ever been expelled
Immediate family member is addicted to drugs or alcohol
Ever been drunk
Ever tried an illegal drug (not age related)
If you smoke cigarettes
Have you ever come to school under the influence
Have a close friend or relative who gay or lesbian
Have ever used the term "that is so gay"
If you currently practice abstinence
If you believe we live in a violent society
Have ever been made fun of on this campus
Have ever done anything you shouldn’t have done just to fit in
Have ever made fun of someone on this campus
If you are treated differently because of the color of your skin
Believe that women are treated better in our society
Believe that men are treated better in our society
If you believe you are an attractive person
If someone you trust has told you, you are an attractive person
If you have been in the hospital for two weeks or longer
Immediate family member has had cancer
Know anyone who has attempted suicide
Know anyone who has committed suicide
If you have seriously considered committing suicide
Have ever attempted suicide
If one of your parents has passed away
Learned something about someone you did not know before today
Learned something about yourself that you did not know or that surprised you
Crossed 100% of the time when you could

From your information, it looks like they are using "confession" as a way to make kids think they are all alike, good or bad. The kids confessed by stepping over a line and showing everyone in the assembly some of their most intimate secrets
16 posted on 03/19/2002 9:01:03 PM PST by hedgetrimmer
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To: hedgetrimmer
Here's some rather technical reading that touches on the psychological mechanics of what we call "brainwashing:" Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism, Chapter 22

It's something I see frequently these days. All too many personal and organizational encounters are something out of a very bad psychotherapy session. I am convinced that the ultimate purpose is to destroy a person's capacity for self assertion, self esteem, and self respect, leaving the individual highly susceptible to psychological manipulation.

When practiced by the state sponsored school there is a very good reason indeed to be extremely apprehensive.

17 posted on 03/19/2002 9:11:25 PM PST by Mortimer Snavely
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To: JohnHuang2
I wish more people would give the schools the finger and homeschool. It's not likely they would do more damage than this crap will.
18 posted on 03/19/2002 9:11:31 PM PST by Lizavetta
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To: hedgetrimmer
They're softening the kids up for some serious thought reform later on.
19 posted on 03/19/2002 9:13:53 PM PST by Mortimer Snavely
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To: hedgetrimmer
Here's some more densely written stuff on the subject: Attitude Channeling and Brainwashing

The exercise you post asks the student to publicly discuss the sort of things you'd talk about only with intimate friends, God, or one's psychologist. The entire student population and school administration doesn't qualify for any of those positions. It's definitely preparation for thought reform.

20 posted on 03/19/2002 9:29:48 PM PST by Mortimer Snavely
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