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1 posted on 04/16/2002 8:54:13 AM PDT by history_matters
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To: Catholic_list; NYer; Lady In Blue; dansangel; EODGUY; Angelique; ventana; roachie...
FYI ping....
2 posted on 04/16/2002 8:55:07 AM PDT by history_matters
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To: history_matters
The Holy See's ambassador to the United States is His Excellency Gabriele Montalvo. Catholics wishing to be heard in this matter (especially now, before "reformers" and innovators hijack the agenda) should write him directly at:

His Excellency Gabriele Montalvo
Apostolic Nuncio to the United States
Embassy of The Holy See
3339 Massachusetts Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20008
fax 202-337-4036

The correct for of address for Archbishop Montalvo is: "The Most Rev. Gabriele Montalvo." The correct salutation is "Your Exellency;" and the complimentary close is "Asking the Your Exellency's blessing, I am, Yours respectfully, (Name)."

5 posted on 04/16/2002 9:04:49 AM PDT by Romulus
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To: history_matters
``I don't think this is anything of comparable proportions,'' he said. ``I don't think there's any great crisis in the U.S . . . It's really practically no news. To the extent it's a crisis, it's created by the news media. I suppose every individual case is terrible but it is not something peculiar to the Catholic church.''

Uh-oh. This isn't the East/West schism or the Protestant revolution, but it's much more than "practically no news."

BC's Pope called Dulles' observation ``stunning'' and said it could reflect John Paul's feelings, given the two share similar views.

I have to agree. The scandal is the cover-up. And it's an institution-wide cover-up which is what makes the scandal truly stunning.

It took several decades to wreck the American seminaries and universities. I suspect it will take decades of effort to undo the damage, and then only if there is the will to do it. Except for the current Pope, I don't see many bishops with the stomach for purging the ranks of homosexuals and modernist clergy.

6 posted on 04/16/2002 9:05:46 AM PDT by Aquinasfan
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To: history_matters
``We are encouraged that the Vatican is taking greater interest in this horrific problem,'' he said in a statement. ``It is hard to be hopeful about the meeting's outcome, however, since these same men are the ones who largely got us into this terrible situation.''

True enough...but perhaps there are several who won't be coming home. There has to be accountability...and if it means that every bishop in the country has to resign, so be it. the Bishop's Conference would fight the Holy Father on taht one but I really believe the people would be squarely with him. The American bishops have been in unannounced schism for 20 years's time to get this out in the open.

7 posted on 04/16/2002 9:06:29 AM PDT by pgkdan
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To: history_matters
[Avery Cardinal Dulles, a theologian at Fordham University in New York and one of the foremost authorities on Catholic church history,] who was elevated to cardinal last year and shares many of the pope's conservative philosophies on church teachings, said the scandal is an American media creation that does not rise to the level of historical church crises such as the Gregorian revolution in the 12th century or the Protestant reformation of the 16th century. ``I don't think this is anything of comparable proportions,'' he said. ``I don't think there's any great crisis in the U.S . . . It's really practically no news. To the extent it's a crisis, it's created by the news media. I suppose every individual case is terrible but it is not something peculiar to the Catholic church.''

[Stephen J. Pope, chairman of the theology department at Boston College,] called Dulles' observation ``stunning'' and said it could reflect John Paul's feelings, given the two share similar views. ``That is profoundly out of touch with what ordinary Catholics are thinking,'' said Pope. ``There's a very deep emotional level of anger and depression. If that's the way the Vatican is thinking, there's a very big problem.''

As much as I admire Cardinal Dulles, I concur with Stephen Pope. If Dulles is any indication, the Vatican is really out of touch with the severity of the problem.
8 posted on 04/16/2002 9:11:11 AM PDT by eastsider
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To: history_matters
Dulles, who was elevated to cardinal last year and shares many of the pope's conservative philosophies on church teachings, said the scandal is an American media creation that does not rise to the level of historical church crises such as the Gregorian revolution in the 12th century or the Protestant reformation of the 16th century.

Of course, in reality, Dulles is a theological "liberal," but to a journalist, the fact that he's also not a heretic makes him a "conservative," and also means he's indifferent to human suffering.

9 posted on 04/16/2002 9:16:23 AM PDT by Arthur McGowan
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To: history_matters; *Catholic_list; patent; notwithstanding; JMJ333; Aunt Polgara; AgThorn...
The Pope has already indicated his position on this issue, and by doing so I think he was blatantly indicating the direction he was telling the US hierarchy to take:

A spokesman for Pope John Paul II was quoted Sunday in The New York Times, reacting to child sex abuse scandals that have rocked the Roman Catholic Church in New England. The pope's spokesman, Dr. Joaquin Navarro-Valls, focused his comments on gays, saying that "people with these inclinations just cannot be ordained."

Navarro-Valls also compared a gay man becoming a priest to a gay man marrying a woman while unaware that he is gay, according to the Times article. Just as such a marriage could be annulled as invalid, the ordination of a gay priest also might be considered invalid, Navarro-Valls was quoted as saying.

Obviously, the repeated refrain from the US hierarchy has been to deny the reality of this situation.

Bishop Wilton Gregory, president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, has said that "This is not s homosexual problem."

This has been repeated by Cardinal Mahony as well as other bishops and priests across the USA, in lock-step unison with the refusal of the US media to point out the obvious, that the vast majority of these cases are cases of Chickenhawking.

I think this meeting will be to force the US hierarchy to address the root of the problem: The homosexuals in the priesthood and intransigence of the hierarchy in refusing to admit it, let alone deal with it.

From Chickens, hawks and sly old foxes

Make no mistake. What happened is a crime and justice demands to be served. What was done to these kids and their families was an attack on their humanity and a betrayal of the first order because of the cover of religion.

The men who perpetrated this abuse should burn in hell, but that's not our job. That comes later. Our responsibility is to prosecute. Find the men, prove them guilty and jail them. And by the way, that also applies to the hierarchy which in too many cases aided and abetted this criminal, homosexual abuse of children.

This isn't pedophilia – the abuse of young children – nor is it "sexual abuse" because very few girls are victims. Most of these cases involve prepubescent boys and teen-agers. No matter how you cut it, we're talking homosexual abuse.

The media are avoiding those words but you can't ignore it. The cascade of accusations and evidence is overwhelming. Religion mustn't protect crimes.

For too long, the "fox" (the hierarchy) has been guarding the "hen houses" (the parishes), protecting the "hawks" (the criminal priests).

Any farmer worth his salt, knows that's a prescription for disaster. And that's exactly what's hit the Church. God help us.

11 posted on 04/16/2002 9:34:13 AM PDT by Brian Kopp DPM
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To: history_matters
I hope the Pope bites a big chunk out of their asses!
17 posted on 04/16/2002 9:42:34 AM PDT by Destructor
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To: history_matters
Is Law going to resign? Maybe the Pope will FIRE HIM (hint, hint)!
18 posted on 04/16/2002 9:44:17 AM PDT by Saundra Duffy
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To: history_matters;Catholic_list;
This was already posted on March 29 but was not widely read. It aptly applies to this post

March 29, 2002 8:45 a.m.
The Culture of “Dissent”
A Good Friday meditation.

fter a daily diet of sexual-abuse scandals, American Catholics came into Good Friday this year with a new way of observing Lent: mortification, shame, and the bitter herbs of public humiliation.


But also with a powerful conviction that "dissent" has failed. Okay, there was a sexual revolution; okay, there is a "new morality." Problem is, had the old morality been followed, there would be no scandals, which so many now suffer from.

Child abuse comes not from celibacy nor vows of chastity. Neither women priests nor married clergy make it go away — just examine the record of churches that have gone that route.

And yet, notwithstanding those facts, every day's news brings further mortification, and shame, and reasons to trust in God's mercy, beyond human weaknesses. The knives of pain twisting in the hearts of victims, and the silent rage within their families, makes one pray that God's grace will overflow in them, in recompense.

The sexual revolution of the past generation was a rocky time. I edited the reflections of a dozen Catholic couples during the turbulence of those years in The Experience of Marriage.

I remember also some wonderful priest friends of ours discovering that they were gay in orientation. Intelligent, full of life, compassionate, intense about their work with the poor, excited for their Church, some of them have stayed faithful, chaste, celibate and fruitful in their long labors, and I salute them with gratitude and admiration.

From about 1970 many of us heard rumors of a different "lavender mafia," practicing and active homosexuals among the Catholic clergy, now in their fifties and older — even in some seminaries. According to Garry Wills, reviewing a recent book about the Jesuits, a proportion of this nation's Jesuits of that generation, now "gay and graying," may have fit those rumors. Amazingly, this pattern has been so accepted in some quarters that it has put heterosexuals on the defensive.

Over the years, we read notices of more and more priests dying of AIDS. Untimely deaths, of formerly handsome and healthy men wasting, and swiftly gone.

Men have never been angels and from time immemorial one has heard, as well, about a few priests seducing women, or being easily seduced. Yet that phenomenon has, so far, not been lately in the news.

Rather, one of the striking facts, well known among the journalists who have been covering the Catholic sexual scandal for the past three months or more, is that nearly all the victims (on the order of 95+ percent) have been teenage males. Exceedingly few are girls.

In Boston, for instance, of the 80 or so priests of whom during the past 40 years abuse has been alleged, only two or three are charged with pedophilic acts. That is not the impression that the Boston Globe trumpeted in its campaign about a "crisis of priestly pedophilia."

Nonetheless, favorable as the Globe generally is to homosexual behavior, and insistent that the Boy Scouts allow gay leaders to work with boys, it was no doubt salutary (if terribly painful) for the Globe and other media to hold the Catholic Church to a different standard, Catholic teaching. For if the erring priests had followed that teaching, there would have been no scandal.

The reason the American Church today stands accused of hypocrisy is that it has been teaching one thing (semper fidelis for two millennia), while in that deeply conflicted generation ordained during the Sixties and Seventies (hit simultaneously by Vatican II and the sexual revolution) a small but significant body of its priests including some bishops has been flagrantly violating that teaching.

That traditional teaching holds that our bodies are holy, the temples of the Holy Spirit, the physical manifestation of our personalities and of the graces poured out on us through the sacraments. We are embodied souls; every part is body, every part is soul, there is no dualism here. Our persons have been anointed. Our persons are sacramental. These teachings, exemplified in the life of Christ, are the ground of Catholic thinking both about loving sexuality in marriage and about the fire that gives celibacy its beauty, the purposive struggle for purity of heart.

To engage our bodies in sinful acts, which slap the face of God and pierce anew His wounds upon the cross, is a kind of blasphemy. It is a dreadful misuse of sanctified bodies, bodies united in the Eucharist with Christ's own. These acts wound the holiness of a partner, destroy innocence, breed contempt and anger, awaken hatred for God. They are especially horrible to contemplate when they have injured the unspoiled and trusting young.

How can people who studied long and prayed hard before taking vows turn in such a direction, in some cases habitually and nearly hardened in it, with a full-scale ideology to rationalize it? How can that happen?

It could not have happened without a culture of "dissent," especially regarding the theology of the human body. Its partisans call it "dissent," which of itself is a healthy thing within a loyal brotherhood, but in its recent American form has been a sullen, silent rebellion, a separation of the heart from the leadership of those popes that followed the greatly loved and much-misinterpreted John XXIII (d. 1963). Paul VI and John Paul II have been the butt of the progressives' ire. "I think the Church is being governed by thugs," one Jesuit is quoted as dismissing them.

That culture has at its heart a teaching of contempt for "Rome." The church, it broadcast, is an archaic medieval institution out of touch with modernity, especially in its teachings on human sexuality. On contraception, first of all, then on abortion, then its (alleged) fear and hatred of the human body, then its (alleged) misogyny, then its exclusion of women from the priesthood and its (allegedly) oppressive patriarchy. "The whole thing is rotten."

What we need, the "dissenting" ideology continued, is a more "human" church, more "expressive," more "spontaneous," more "free." More sensual. More sexual. "We dissenters are the liberators!" Those others, the foolish benighted ones, are holdovers from the medieval past, relics, doomed to disappear. They have already been discarded, although they are too dumb to know it.

So the rationalization went.

That culture has not been strong in criticizing its own premises. What other organization in history, for instance, has placed vast responsibilities in the hands of women who led far-flung international organizations (religious orders), were the chief executives of major hospitals, and ran major colleges and universities? In which other historical organization had women so many roles open to them? Or were there so many first-rate scholars, musicians, artists, heroines and doctors of the church?

This rebellion has also colored other areas of recent Catholic life.

Mass itself — mere "rubrics" — began to be treated by those hardened to a new way of life as some medieval ritual, barely to be nodded toward. Forgetting the "mumbo-jumbo," the "Real Presence," the actual corpus Christi held between the priest's fingers, the "dissenters" focused their attention on a more important thing, "fellowship," "the experience of community," the breaking down of "self-centered, ascetic individualism."

Best of all for them were "dance" and "celebration," "joy" and "fun." Pinks and blues, pastels, all around the altar. A celebration of modernity. "You are all good people. Give yourself a hand!" We understand; Rome doesn't get it. When this Polish throwback goes, the new church we have been awaiting all our lives will at last arrive.

Accusing the Church in Rome of misogyny, sins against the equality of women, patriarchy, hardness of heart, and narrowness of mind, "dissenters" felt morally superior to "conservatives."

In moral theology, their rationalization went like this: The crucial point in Christian life is to love God with all your heart, but in a pure, modern way. Individual acts are neither good nor bad. Intention makes them so. Particular acts are just steps you have to take, one by one, sometimes on a rock, sometimes in the mud. The important thing is to keep your eyes straight ahead, your will focused on the one main thing, loving God, the God of love, the Mother of us all, all-forgiving, embracing, oceanic. Rejoice! Have fun. God means us to express ourselves, be human, very human. This is the enlightened, the modern, the healthy way.

When challenged, you also need to explain to those who still dwell in the mind-games of the pre-Vatican II church that "celibacy" means "not getting married." There is no need to break your vow not to marry! Celibacy doesn't mean you should pretend to be an angel. It's all right to love your friends, and be expressive with them. That's what God wants. Love thy neighbor. It's healthy to take off your clothes, lie down with others, touch. Enjoy the bodies God gave us. Accept your own sexuality. Psychology Today replaced The Journal of Ascetical and Mystical Theology.

The ideology of infidelity has been in steady development since Vatican II. It waits there, all spelled out in articles discussing new principles of moral theology, stated of course in careful abstractions, and in relation to orthodox teachings honored for two thousand years, cleverly imitating them, cleverly showing their historical "limitations," carefully getting free of them even while seeming to modify them only slightly.

If the deeds now causing scandal are horribly evil, no one can say they have not had preparation in the literature. On the other side of the ledger, many Catholics of this generation have never heard a sermon in their lives on the meaning of celibacy or the reasons for chastity. Many central themes of the ordinary Catholic life of past generations have gone neglected. We have been living on only a fraction of our inheritance.

Even conservative bishops were bludgeoned into believing that they had to trust psychologists, psychiatrists, therapists. What you were trained to think is sexual evil, they were carefully instructed (as if they were backward pupils), is actually a matter of psychological health. Avoid the language of sin and evil. Medieval. Judgmental. Let the experts handle it.

The lawyers gave parallel advice. Plus this: Settle out of court. Whatever it costs, it will be cheaper than going to trial. Unvindicated settlement is cheaper than vindication through defense. In addition, you can save yourself the publicity. The parents of the abused children will want confidentiality, you can be sure, so that their children's future will be protected. Silence will be the pastoral thing to do.

Bad mistakes were made by bishops; the price we now pay is enormous.
In recent weeks, a new line has begun appearing in the old rationalization: "Observe boundaries." That may mean: Don't mess with underage partners. Keep it among adults.

What will happen to us now? What's next?

God chose the poor and lowly things of this earth to make His home among. We are not from families of kings, barons, dukes and other nobility. Only serfs, most of us, descended from lowly shepherds, fishermen, carpenters, tax collectors, beggars. Yet the Lord of the Cosmos takes up residence within us every day at the Eucharist. It is this wondrous choice on His part, making no worldly sense whatever, that we celebrate on Thursday of Holy Week.

He could have taken up residence among angels and archangels, and not faced such scandals as we involve Him in. Given the real world He decided to dwell in, the shame is, He cannot now choose His priests from angels. He must choose them from among weak, unstable men, such as all of us also are. Sinners all.

Three times on the very night before He died, Peter himself denied that he had ever known the Lord. On the bloody Way of the Cross, women disciples showed their faces, and two strangers (Simon the Cyrenian and Joseph of Arimathea), but not a single apostle except the youngest, John.

In recovery, we must first applaud our loyal, faithful, and hardworking priests, who have suffered great injustice.

The next step is to build a new Catholic culture on all the strengths of our inheritance. Not on liquid mush, but on the rock that Jesus chose. Human weakness is one thing; willful rebellion is another. Contempt for Rome was the starting place of the evil that befell us.

I cannot shake the conviction that some great good is about to happen to the Church during this new century. This present humiliation seems to be a kind of preparation. To show that we depend upon His mercy and His grace. And when all else fails, on that alone.

When humans fail, as regularly we do, Our Lord has never failed his people. It has been ever thus, since Judas, Peter, and the others in the first Holy Week.

Michael Novak, the George F. Jewett scholar at the American Enterprise Institute. Mr. Novak is the author, most recently, of On Two Wings: Humble Faith and Common Sense at the American Founding.

23 posted on 04/16/2002 9:51:01 AM PDT by NYer
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To: history_matters
Sources told the Herald last week that Law, the most senior prelate in the United States, offered his resignation to the pope but was rebuffed because his ouster could lead to a domino effect that would force out others.

Gee, you mean that if they let one cardinal who facilitated pedophiles go, they'll have to let other cardinals who facilitated pedophiles go too? Wow, what a great reason...
68 posted on 04/16/2002 10:57:00 AM PDT by Stone Mountain
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To: history_matters
Does anyone notice how Judiasm, Islam, and Christianity are all under attack right now? All are fighting for their survival, with Islam and Judiasm fight each other to the death. How did Christianity get tossed into the mix at this time?



70 posted on 04/16/2002 10:57:21 AM PDT by Political Junkie Too
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To: history_matters
Well maybe the Pope is going to clean house
Wonder if Law will go or just resign and say home and save himself a humiliation
78 posted on 04/16/2002 11:21:15 AM PDT by uncbob
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To: history_matters
"to restore public confidence"

nothing but a pr move. as if he hadn't heard of this before. I have, and I'm not even catholic. what a joke. I guess he has to do something, but the timing indicates pr response.

87 posted on 04/16/2002 11:41:02 AM PDT by galt-jw
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To: history_matters
Why is there a sudden increase in sexual abuse charges against the Catholic Church, and why is the media fanning this flame at this time? This issue against the Catholic Church have been formenting in the background for sometime. Why is it flaring up intensely now? Who are behind this attack, the islamic extremist, the pro abortion group or the homosexuals?
109 posted on 04/16/2002 2:36:26 PM PDT by desertcry
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To: history_matters
Of the cast of characters that will travel to Rome to see the Pope none of this group should return to the United States of America.

If Bishop Gregory thinks this is much ado about nothing and that it is a media hype,but certainly not a crises for the church,He should leave with the rest of the Cardinals.

They all seem to be operating in a parralel Universe.

These guys making the trip are directly responsibility for the Crisis our church is in.

119 posted on 04/16/2002 3:54:12 PM PDT by chatham
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