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Posted on 06/12/2002 11:27:05 AM PDT by Sir Gawain


By Devvy Kidd

June 5, 2002 


My comments here exclude those men who have stepped forward with incredible courage since 1913 to face this tyrannical government, and like our Founding Fathers, have paid an enormous price both personally and financially. People like Bill Benson, our fine gentlemen down in the great State of Tennessee and too many others to list.

Americans forget that the Founding Fathers were the "moneyed class" back then. They were farmers, merchants and men of means. They had a lot to lose, both in land and gold. Yet, they didn't hesitate to step forward against the most incredible odds to build a free nation, not just for themselves, but for their women and children.

My comments are directed at the men of this country, who over the past decades:

Sit back in their easy chair reading Newsweek or spend their time bare chested at a football game, well filled with suds to maintain those obscene beer bellies, while they have put their wives and children at risk. This nation is being invaded wholesale with illegal aliens who come into this country and kidnap, rape and murder our women and children. Some are caught, most are not. Why do the men turn a blind eye in pursuit of good times?

These same men will go vote for the same politicians, state or federal, over and over, who refuse to stop this massive invasion of our country putting their women and children at risk. These same men continue to idolize their party "leadership," while that same leadership refuses to stop this invasion of global riffraff, turning America into a third world dumping ground. These same men would rather spend time, not banding together and having a serious discussion with these politicians, but rather put on their expensive gear and go ride their bike up a mountain, see the latest Broadway show or take a day off work to stand in line to buy tickets to the new Star Wars flick. Why is this?

Today the men in this country sit around watching mindless trash like Survivor or Friends on the boob tube, instead of shouting down the roof against state and federal systems that are utterly and completely rotten beyond redemption. Systems and agencies that are putting their women and children into a state of involuntary servitude for all their lives. Instead they sit back with nary a whisper while state and federal judges to uphold this carnage against the people. Why is this?

Black robed judges continue to hand out welfare and benefits to illegal aliens who are legally entitled to nothing but deportation. Instead of holding their elected public servants accountable for this insanity, men just get up in the morning, go to work at the company store, then return home in the evening to their false sense of security. Why is this? Back in 1776, this breed of men would be called cowards.

Today men will spend endless hours with their stamp collection or at the bowling alley while Congress after Congress continues to pass unconstitutional legislation that deprives their women of their God-given rights - all because their "party" says it's good for our "democracy." Why is that?

Today men will ignore the documented truth that the state and federal governments are all in collusion to bring America into a one-world government, but they will believe any lie that comes out of the mouth of their favorite radio talk show host or TV anchorman. Today men are desperately clinging to their comfort zones while their women and children are at risk from a police state being erected around them. Why is this?

Today men will stand for hours on end feeding one-armed bandits in gambling casinos, while the Bush Administration's henchmen (Ashcroft and Mueller) continue to strip their women of their God-given rights, all in the name of "the war on terrorism."  They are putting their children at risk by not demaning this government take the necessary measures to clean out the terrorists in this country, both Chinese and middle-Eastern. Why is this?

For decades, America's men think nothing of spending spend lots of money on music CDs or plunking down big bucks to attend concerts or jazz festivals instead of protecting their own families from state predators calling themselves "child protective services." Everyone with children is now a target. Why won't they band together and surround the state capitols and demand that this evil cease? Back in 1787, the men protected their women and children to the death.

For the older men, their grand children are targets of the state. But, these men have already served their country in the military and now it's time to spend their golden years in the Winnebago, they've done their part. After all, at Christmas they can show the grand children how much they love them by buying them "things" made in foreign countries. Why is this?

Today the men of this country will allow a sleezy, morally bankrupt individual like Bill Clinton get away with treason (selling our most sensitive national defense secrets to the Communist Chinese) because Clinton supports their women's "right" to kill their unborn babies. Back in 1854, this was unthinkable. Today, their blind loyalty is to their political party now instead of what's right. Why is this?

Today men think nothing of sitting down at the local bar every night during happy hour while their women and children are put at risk by agencies like the ATF and FBI making no knock, bust down the door on the wrong house raids, killing innocents inside. It's happened and it will continue to happen. A hundred years ago, this would not have been tolerated in a constitutional Republic because the men would not have stood for it, not for a minute.

While their women and children continue to live in a state of bondage to a tyrannical government, the men simply write checks to the RNC or the DNC, thus encouraging those scoundrels to stay on the same path of the planned destruction of this Republic. By writing a check instead of storming the gates, this gives those men more time for the golf course, doing recreational cocaine or surfing the Internet for countless hours enjoying that great "adult" American pastime called pornography. Their harmless pastime does put their women and children at risk out in society, but they no longer care. Why is this?

While the IRS bleeds a family dry, forcing the woman into the workplace and leaving the children to be raised by strangers, many of whom are pedophiles, the man of the house spends his free time doing the "guy thing" at a NASCAR speedway. Why is this? Why won't these men stand up to this rogue agency called the IRS?

Over the past 40 years, the men of this country have sat back and allowed themselves to be brow beaten into submission and castrated by so-called "feminists" like Rosie O'Donnell and Hillary Clinton (although I defy anyone to show me one single feminine attribute of those females) instead of stand up and saying, "Hell No!"

Hard core feminists aren't out there for equal pay, they're out there to destroy the male and the family unit. How it must gall them that the only way lesbians can "impregnate" their female lovers is artificial insemination by a male sperm.

Over the past 40 years the men of this country have put their material objects and addictions before the well being of the women and children by kowtowing to every special interest group in this country in the name of "political correctness" or for government hand outs. Our nation was built by men who were self-reliant, independent and strong. Today they are tolerant, sensitive and genuflect at the feet of perverts called "gays." Why is this?

The men of this country have laid down their arms in favor of political correctness, declaring open season for two-legged predators on their women and children. Instead of surrounding their state capitols armed to the teeth in defiance of such unconstitutional machinations on the part of cowardly and mentally impaired politicians, instead they grovel on their knees to the likes of Diane Feinstein. This sad state of affairs was unheard of in 1905. Why this inability to resist tyranny now?

PC is a cancer on this nation that has turned a Godly nation into a moral sewer. These men have put their children in harms way via mandatory social indoctrination in the anti-God public school system. Why is this?

The men of this country will go to extraordinary lengths to find the right fishing hole, but they refuse to lift a finger to ensure that their women and children will not be forced into global citizenship under the UN. Why is this?

The men of this country will sit in front of the computer playing games while women and children in different parts of this country are being driven off the land by Nazi-style federal agencies. So what if their fellow countryman will lose his land, his wife and children thrown out into the street? After all, those families in Klamath Falls and too many other places have nothing to do with these other men's lives, so why should they give up any of their free time to stand up to the government to help them? Why is this?

Women in this country spend hundreds of millions of dollars every year on "romance books" whose pages are filled with knights in shining armor and genuine heroes coming to rescue the damsel in distress. Why do you suppose that is?

Why do you suppose the men are allowing their women and children to be put at risk in all the ways described above?

Why are the women the ones out there on the front lines battling this government tooth and nail for our children - ready and willing to die if necessary to protect our own?

Because America has lost it's manhood.

TOPICS: Constitution/Conservatism; Culture/Society; Editorial; Government
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To: tm22721
"That's why Al Qaeda gets so upset when we export our culture to their neighborhood. Arab men ARE the head of their households and don't take any sh*t off their womenfolk. "

They do talk about the American culture in a disparaging manner. And, they are not all wrong.

41 posted on 06/12/2002 3:16:26 PM PDT by Don Myers
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To: Sir Gawain
1913 the year when Congress lost control over the money,abolish the Federal Reserve which gets 24 million dollars interest per hour off US citizens,default on our international debt(rich Europeans cant even win their own wars so whos scared?)abolish NAFTA,GATT etc and tarriff every damn good entering...unfortunately bankers and the Fortune 500 run the show...1937 further compounded things constitution in name only since then...sorry but the nation is now a bunch of chemically and electronically/electromagnetically mind numbed chickens so concerned about keeping their jobs,feeding their families and collecting museums of needless crap...the choice is either step in front of a speeding frieght train holding a stop for world freedom sign or like ancient chinese sage Lao Tsu retire from the world and head to the mountains when it all goes down the S bend.

Thanks to the last 3 presidents China will be the next superpower,within 15 years the US will be a Russia,the smoke and mirrors of our financial system have no base and we only think of tommorows problems whereas the Chinese know now there next 20 years.Barbarism-Civilisation-Degredation:sorry societies tanked Ill be a man for those I love and care about Ill make sure im not in a militarised United Nations eco zone,and leave me and mine alone,Ive been taught every trick in Uncle Ho's book.

42 posted on 06/12/2002 3:17:20 PM PDT by Governor StrangeReno
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To: ganesha
While I agree the author goes too far, having serious issue with balance; I do think he makes a good point that the average person is not concerned with the gift of self governance purchased by the blood of so many truely selfless men. Indeed, you may say that self-government is a natural right granted to us by devine providence, yet I can think of not one instance that this condition was realized without the virtue nessicary to obtain it.
43 posted on 06/12/2002 3:18:05 PM PDT by mconder
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To: Sir Gawain
Because America has lost it's manhood.

Speak for yourself, Devvy...

And while you're at it, learn basic writing skills, like the proper usage of "it's" versus "its".

Today men will stand for hours on end feeding one-armed bandits in gambling casinos

Odd, whenever I'm in Vegas the great majority of rabid slot-machine players are always women. The men generally play Blackjack, Poker, and Craps.

Beer, sports, TV... If a man ever wrote an article as full of as many insulting, trite cliches about women as Kidd writes about men, he'd be lynched.

44 posted on 06/12/2002 3:43:13 PM PDT by Dan Day
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To: tpaine
The Federal Reserve was established in 1913.
45 posted on 06/12/2002 4:15:26 PM PDT by BigFisherman
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To: Sir Gawain


By Graham Strachan

Devvy Kidd charges that America has lost its manhood, by which she means men prepared to defend women and children against the advancing global tyranny [Devvy Kidd: Where Have All The Men Gone? June 5, 2002,].

"Today the men in this country," she writes, "sit around watching mindless trash like Survivor or Friends on the boob tube, instead of shouting down the roof against state and federal systems that are utterly and completely rotten beyond redemption. Systems and agencies that are putting their women and children into a state of involuntary servitude for all their lives. Instead they sit back with nary a whisper while state and federal judges to uphold this carnage against the people. Why is this??

One might have thought the answer was obvious - the predictable result of the attacks on men and masculinity that have come from the feminist movement over the past two decades, with the backing of the state, and with the acquiescence of the vast majority of Australian, and American, women. And while Ms Kidd might wonder where the men prepared to defend women have gone, one could suggest they have gone where the women prepared to defend men have gone -- into the pages of history.

While millions of men have died protecting their families (or so they believed), they have never regarded themselves as sacrificial animals. Their protection of women and children always came at a price, a price wiser women in the past understood. Men would protect women and children, provided women and children gave them something worth protecting. That needn?t be much: a little respect, love, and a home to defend. Men would stand by their women and children, so long as their women and children stood by them. Take away that mostly unstated bargain, and one is left with a social problem.

So when feminists started calling men "male chauvinist pigs", there might have been some women's voices raised in defence of men. If there were, they were few and far between. When newsagents put on sale diaries with women on the cover screaming, "All men are bastards", women might have protested at the blatant sexism. They might have demanded the diaries be withdrawn from sale. Instead they bought them to show how 'liberated' they were, thereby endorsing the claim.

When men were accused of being involved in a "vast male conspiracy to chain women to kitchen sinks" and to turn this into a "male dominated society", there might have been protests from women at this obvious absurdity, but there weren't. What about from the mothers who were training the future crop of alleged conspirators and women-enslavers - their own sons? Nothing.

When it was revealed there was a war against boys in the school system, aimed at turning them into placid little neuters, did their mothers storm Parents and Citizens meetings demanding a fair go for their sons? Hardly. Instead they believed the "teachers" who told them male aggression was a form of social psychosis requiring treatment. Toy trucks and guns should be taken away, and boys given dolls to play with.

A masculine man came to be regarded as an insensitive dolt -- "macho" was the term of abuse. The ideal man was a SNAG -- a Sensitive New Age Guy, in touch with his "feminine side". Men should be encouraged to cry often, and share their "deep inner feelings" as women supposedly do. If only men were more like women, the world would be a much better place, was the feminist mantra, and women generally stood around nodding in agreement.

When the feminists pronounced that "A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle", did real women object? No, they were doubled up with mirth. SO funny! When the feminsts proclaimed their aim was no longer to "liberate women", but to "sink the boot into the groin of the patriarchy", did any real women protest to say that wasn't what they wanted? No. And when Hollywood started actually showing women kicking men in the groin on screen as "entertainment", did women object? Did they walk out of the theatres en masse? Not at all. They made those peculiar "whoop, whoop" noises women make at male strip shows.

Why was it that women generally didn't defend men through all this? For one thing, they were too busy counting the spoils gained on their behalf by the feminists. Such as affirmative action, because they wouldn?t have to compete so hard to get a job, and could blame lack of advancement on men and "glass ceilings". And Family Law, because women were almost guaranteed three-quarters of the property and sole custody of the children most of the time, simply by pleading womanhood.

Did any women protest at the obvious injustice? Hardly any. In Australia they started embellishing their custody applications with false accusations of child abuse, so their ex-husbands would be denied the right even to visit their children, ever. Feminist studies appeared, showing fathers were not only unnecessary, but actually detrimental to childrens' upbringing. Did women rise up in defence of men over these scandalous claims? Virtually none. Nor did they object when the feminists accused men of deliberately causing wars so they could have the pleasure of being blown to pieces fighting them. Come to think of it, there is hardly an evil on earth that has not been blamed on men by women over the past 20 years, with no shortage of coverage by the major media.

Now women -- at least some of them such as Devvy Kidd - are starting to wake up that behind the feminist and other popular movements are some very ugly scheming people who want to destroy the institutions of civilisation so they can rule over the wreckage. Accordingly, Ms Kidd wants men to resume practising their traditional role as protectors of women and children, and bemoans the fact that there don?t seem to be any men like that around any more.

Well what did she expect? What did she think would be the outcome of the twenty-year war on men and masculinity? Did she think that at the end of the day there would still be men at women?s beck-and-call no matter what? Does she offer any apology for the way men have been attacked for the past two decades? Does she even ask men nicely for their protection? None of these. She launches yet another attack on men, this time for failing to do the "manly thing", and protect women and children against the coming tyranny.

"America,' she proclaims in disgust, "has lost its manhood." Really. Well if women want men's protection, they'd better start revising their attitude to men - or go learn karate.

46 posted on 06/12/2002 4:25:43 PM PDT by Nick Danger
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To: big bad easter bunny
"Explanation by the moderator"

They don't need to give you no stinking explanation.

Have you paid your fees for the privilage of having your threads yanked without a fair thee well yet?


47 posted on 06/12/2002 4:36:45 PM PDT by mercy
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To: ganesha
Devvy Kidd isn't a marxist. If you have never heard of her, you might want to read some of her work.
48 posted on 06/12/2002 5:03:33 PM PDT by Twodees
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To: ganesha
I think he means that men do these distractions instead of working politically to change the direction that conservatives are agreed the country is headed. I don't think he meant we should give up all our enjoyments. At least I hope he's not saying that.
49 posted on 06/12/2002 9:48:48 PM PDT by Polnick
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