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To: allend
Who told you we were over here? You gotta go back over to the other thread and stay ok?

Just kidding :)

Happy Easter to ya.


50 posted on 03/30/2002 9:05:39 PM PST by PayNoAttentionManBehindCurtain
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To: PayNoAttentionManBehindCurtain
Easter is fun, fun is good. Borrowing a phrase from the hoosier lottery.
76 posted on 03/31/2002 6:46:53 AM PST by Khepera
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To: PayNoAttentionManBehindCurtain; ALL


80 posted on 03/31/2002 7:28:12 AM PST by MozartLover
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To: PayNoAttentionManBehindCurtain
Hey I was just over at the Jack Chick website. I don't why he gets slammed so much over here. Some of the points he makes are quite good. :-) If I would have paid attention to the HTML Links lesson I would post the address. :-)
4,918 posted on 04/17/2002 2:39:31 PM PDT by Invincibly Ignorant
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To: PayNoAttentionManBehindCurtain
Report: Cardinal Law to take Vatican post

Hey look. He got promoted. :-)

6,403 posted on 04/26/2002 5:46:41 AM PDT by Invincibly Ignorant
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To: PayNoAttentionManBehindCurtain

Check this out. Another cardinal coverup. At least they're consistent.

6,687 posted on 04/28/2002 6:39:31 AM PDT by Invincibly Ignorant
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To: PayNoAttentionManBehindCurtain
Anti-Judiasm and the Council of Nicea -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- By Rick Aharon Chaimberlin The Council of Nicea was convened in t 325 CE (AD) by Constantine, Emperor of the Roman Empire. Constantine, a worshipper of the 'sun-god,' technically 'converted' to Christianity. His reign marked the alliance of church and state. Christians were no longer persecuted by the pagans. Instead, Christians persecuted others (including other Christians) with a zeal and a vengeance that would shock the pagans. More Christians were killed (by other Christians!) in the first century after the Council of Nicea than had been killed by pagans in the century before Nicea. Constantine, only one year after convening the Council of Nicea, had his own son (Crispus) put to death. Later he suffocated Fausta (his wife) in an overheated bath. Then he had his sister's son flogged to death and her husband strangled. (1) It was also during the reign of Constantine that the cross became a sacred symbol in Christianity, just as it had been in pagan religions.(2) Throughout his reign, Constantine treated the bishops as political aides. He agreed to enforce whatever opinion the majority of the bishops formulated. The Jewish Temple was destroyed in 70 CE by the Romans under Titus. Then Israel was totally destroyed as a nation with the defeat of Bar Kochba (a false Messiah) in 135 CE. Hundreds of thousands of Jews were massacred. Most of the survivors were dispersed into the Gamut (Diaspora or Exile), many of who were sold into slavery. The final utter defeat of Israel was seen by many Christians as a sign that Israel was rejected by her God. The "Church" was seen as the new Israel. Anti-Semitism began to take a firm hold on Christianity. By the time that Constantine called the first general church council at Nicea in 325, anti-Semitism was endemic in the "Church." The Council of Nicea was attended by 318 bishops, none of whom were of Jewish ancestry. Passover was still celebrated by the Gentile Christian church, but the Gentiles began to see a need to differentiate "their" Passover from the Jewish Passover. The bishops decided to move the Christian celebration of Passover to the first Sunday after the Jewish Passover (in most years). The Jewish Passover always falls on the 14th day of Abib (Nisan), which can fall on any day of the week. Centuries later, the very name of Passover (or Pesakh) also became distasteful to the Gentile church, and terms such as Easter (the name of a pagan goddess) were adopted by the increasingly paganized church. Occasionally, as in 1989, the Christian observance of Easter is almost a month before Passover. The first edict in favor of the 'Venerable Day of the Sun" (Sunday) was made at the Council of Nicea. Until this time, both Christian and Jew generally observed the seventh day Sabbath, according to the Biblical commandment. Civil legislation enforced the decrees of the Council of Nicea. This was a victory over the truth by civil legislation. Constantine, as emperor, presided over the entire council. The decisions of the 318 church bishops were endorsed by civil law and backed by military power. The churches which flourished in worldly wealth were the primary churches represented by this Council. The poor and humble churches could not afford to send representatives over a thousand miles away. The Catholic Encyclopedia says, "Some bishops, blinded by the splendor of the court, even went so far as to laud the emperor as an angel of God, as a sacred being, and to prophesy that he would, like the Son of God, reign in heavens (3) Nicea, with its theological anti-Judaism, laid the groundwork for anti-Semitic legislation of later church councils. The Council of Antioch (341 CE) prohibited Christians from celebrating Passover with the Jews. The Council of Laodicea in the same century forbade Christians from observing the Jewish (and biblical) Sabbath. (Some Christians had been observing both Sunday and the Sabbath.) Christians were also forbidden from receiving gifts from Jews or matzoh (4) from Jewish festivals and "impieties." (5) It wasn't all bad news in those early centuries. Judaism was not a "prohibited sect," according to the Codex Theodosianus of 438 CE. Rabbis were entitled to the same privileges as Christian clergy. Jews were not to be disturbed on their Sabbath or Feast Days. Their synagogues were not to be attacked, violated, burned, or confiscated. However, conversion was a one-way street. Jews could convert to Christianity, and were encouraged to do so. However, Christians were forbidden to convert to Judaism. Also, Jews were forbidden to own Christian slaves, but Christians could own Jewish slaves. Christians were forbidden under penalty of death to marry Jews. Jewish tribunals were considered valid only in matters purely religious. The Fiscus Judaicus (Jewish tax) from earlier centuries was maintained, a tax which only Jews were required to pay to government authorities. The few protections offered by the Codex Judaicus were relatively short-lived. It wasn't many decades until attacks on Jews and their synagogues became commonplace. The Jew was a second-class citizen, somewhat protected by law, but merely tolerated, something akin to the dhimmi status that is given to non-Moslems in Islamic countries. However, these were the "good old days" compared to the horrors that would be inflicted upon Jews in later centuries by the "Church triumphant." Rav Shaul (Paul) commanded the Christians to "provoke the Jews to jealousy" with righteous living. Unfortunately, Christians kept only half the commandment; they provoked the Jews. Considering the rampant anti-Semitism at the Council of Nicea, I am both surprised and disappointed when I see even Messianic Jews quote decisions of the Council of Nicea in support of certain theologies and creeds. The Council of Nicea (the first genuinely Roman Catholic council) was very creedal oriented. This is still very true of most of Christianity today. Creeds (what you believe) is far more important than what you believe. In Judaism, observance of the mitzvot (6) is the litmus test of a good Jew. Little emphasis is placed upon creeds. The emphasis upon creeds in the Christian church has resulted in the deaths of millions of martyrs and "heretics." Christian love and charity were sadly lacking, even to other Christians. In fact, a Jew often had much better chances of survival than a Christian who was deemed to be a heretic. I am grateful to live in a country in which honest differences of opinions can exist. Yeshua said, "This is my commandment, that you love one another, even as I have loved you." (7) This is far more important than any of the creeds formulated by any church council. I hasten to add the following comments: I know the difference between the genuine disciples of Yeshua and the pretenders. In this article, I have used the term Christian" even for those who were not born-again of the ruach (Spirit) of God. However, they called themselves Christians, and were considered as such by others, including the pagans. This article is not intended to slander the true disciples of Yeshua, whether they be Jews or Gentiles.
12,824 posted on 06/07/2002 11:01:54 AM PDT by Invincibly Ignorant
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To: All
I knew there had to be a reason "Everybody loves Raymond" is funny. This article is about Patricia Heaton (Raymond's wife) who told Bill O'Reilly she was a Chistian.

Hollywood star stands up for decency Patricia Heaton walks out of music awards because of lewd tone For "Everybody Loves Raymond" star Patricia Heaton, the last straw came when a performer at the 30th annual American Music Awards made graphic references to three-way sex. That, and, perhaps, Sharon Osbourne's joke about what she called Mariah Carey's "fake" endowments. Patricia Heaton Though the actress was at the awards show to introduce a pre-recorded retrospective of executive producer Dick Clark's annual music show, enough was enough. She walked out of the Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles, disgusted by what she called "an onslaught of lewd jokes and off-color remarks." A two-time Emmy winner for her portrayal of Debra Barone on "Everybody Loves Raymond," the sitcom star had grown increasingly upset with the raw and raunchy comments made by presenters, performers and the hosts for last Monday's show – the infamous Osbournes. "I'm no prude, but this was such a vulgar and disgusting show," Heaton told the Cleveland Plain-Dealer. Heaton marches to the beat of her own drummer in an industry not known for such politically incorrect thinking. She even boasts Rush Limbaugh among her personal friends. "I arrived a little late and was seated in the audience," Heaton said. "I was going to present what's called a video package – a look at 30 years of the American Music Awards. Well, what was passing for humor basically ranged from stupid to vulgar, and I just thought, 'I'm not going to be part of this.' So I walked out and said, 'Get me my car. I'm leaving.'" Even the show-business industry publications and reporters covering the event noted the Osbournes and other performers kept the ABC network censors working overtime. Print advertisements for the live awards event showed a roaring Ozzy Osbourne saying, "I'll be bleeped!" "The entire evening became about bleeping," said Heaton. "It was as if they were trying to become more like the MTV awards. But it's one thing if this kind of stuff is on MTV at 10 at night. It's quite another if it's on ABC at 8 o'clock. I don't know what Dick Clark was thinking." She continued: "I really didn't know what I was getting into. I mean, there was Ryan Seacrest pulling open his co-presenter's shirt, then noticing there was a 12-year-old girl in the front row. And he says, 'Don't worry, honey, you'll have a pair of these soon.' And everybody went crazy. It felt like I was in the Roman Colosseum. As far as I'm concerned, it was an affront to anyone with a shred of dignity, self-respect and intelligence." Will Heaton take heat in Hollywood for her decision? She's not expecting it. "And if there is," she said, "who cares? When I was waiting for my car, one of the security people came up to me and said, 'I just want you to know how much I admire what you're doing.' So I wasn't the only one who felt this way. The camera coordinator for the awards was our camera coordinator from 'Raymond.' And when I walked on the set the next day, he started applauding."

34,549 posted on 01/18/2003 3:26:37 PM PST by Invincibly Ignorant (Baruch atah Adonai elohenu)
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To: All
Since its slow I thought I'd post this portion of a book I'm reading.

we are told these things no longer apply under the “law of Christ” because they are not found in the New Testament. However, if we are to argue a point from the silence of the New Testament on a particular matter, we open ourselves to gross immorality which the Old Testament did not condone.

Let me give you an example: It is true that the Older Testament is much more specific than the Newer relative to various kinds of immoral sexual behavior. Are we to infer from the New Testament’s silence on a specific form of immoral sexual behavior that such practice, once specifically forbidden in the Old Testament, is now permissible under the “Law of Christ?” The New Testament laws do not specifically forbid mating with animals, as does the Old, yet, what Christian would say that such silence in the New Testament constitutes implicit consent to the allowance of such practice? Heaven forbid!

The question must be asked: “Must the New Testament be as specific as the Older about every commandment of God in order to make the commandment accepted practice in Christian circles?” Answer: “Why should it?” If God commanded it numerous times - should it not be a given that the commandment is to be obeyed whether or not it is specified in the Newer Testament?

Now, let’s examine the commandment of the seventh-day Sabbath. Nowhere in the New Testament does the exact day of the Sabbath get specified as it does in the Old Testament (and may I add, nowhere is it clearly and specifically changed to the first day of the week in the Newer, either), and there is absolutely no doubt as to which day is the Sabbath within the many passages in the Torah. By the time of the writing of the New Testament, the Jewish people had a couple thousand years of the seventh-day Sabbath to practice. Therefore, the practice was intact up to the time of Yeshua. (As you’ll note, nowhere in the writings of the Gospels did Yeshua ever argue with the religious leaders of His day as to which day was the Sabbath; it was a given!) Yet, we are told to believe that if the New Testament doesn’t mention a specific commandment practiced in the Old, we don’t have to follow it!

However, the reverse side of the coin, the New Testament doesn’t specifically mention tithing yet many pastors use the Old Testament book of Malachi (3:6-12) to encourage tithing in their churches! Again, it all boils down to a “pick and choose” mentality which permeates the Believing community. If it suits their purpose, then the Scripture apples; if it doesn’t suit their purpose, it has been “done away” with in the Old Testament. No wonder the world calls us a bunch of hypocrites!

Before going on I can already see people picking up stones and saying, “Legalist, we’re not under the Law but under grace.” I respond by saying, “True, but grace is not license to sin (Romans 6:1-2), and since sin is violation of Torah (1 John 3:4), we as believers shouldn’t be nullifying or transgressing the law of God, rather confirming it (Romans 3:31). This means, we keep it out of our love of God, and not ignore it.”

40,891 posted on 02/19/2003 10:05:01 AM PST by Invincibly Ignorant
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To: PayNoAttentionManBehindCurtain
Man I'm in a great mood. I accidently drank some of my wife's tea that contains St. Johns' wart.
45,456 posted on 03/24/2003 9:42:06 AM PST by Invincibly Ignorant
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To: PayNoAttentionManBehindCurtain
Hey Mack, you missed it. :-)

100 Show up For San Francisco 'Masturbate-a-Thon'

SAN FRANCISCO - More than 100 men and women gathered in famously liberal San Francisco this weekend for what organizers said was the city's second annual public ''Masturbate-a-Thon.''

Organizers said they have taken the event ``from the sheets to the streets,'' offering volunteers -- 18 years or older -- the opportunity to overcome their inhibitions in ``a safe environment'' and raise money for charity.

Horace Santry, 55, said the Friday night event was his first. ``I have a lot of anxiety, but doing this among a group of like-minded people does make it easier,'' he said.

51,747 posted on 05/06/2003 9:25:53 AM PDT by Invincibly Ignorant (Hows my posting? Call 1-800-Matthew 1:24 & 25.)
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To: All; RnMomof7
Hey look everybody. RnMomof7 was kind enough to send me some freepmail.

** Lol. I see my OSAS license has been revoked.**

You were never saved have been a tare looking for a field you liked.

Mat 7:21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.

Mat 7:22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?

Mat 7:23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

I love her too. :-)

57,028 posted on 06/11/2003 9:21:16 AM PDT by Invincibly Ignorant
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