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Seven_0 SS

Below is a list of the numbers and some of the words are generally connected with the respective numbers. Notice that the smaller the number, the more general the meaning. Seven completes the series and eight starts new one(new week) . Just a few observations here; the larger the number, the fewer times you will see it but is becomes more conspicuous. Seven is the most conspicuous, though it is used less. .

1 Exclusion of difference, sufficiency, power, omnipotence, independence, perpetual, eternal, identity, concord, peace, congruity, harmony, sovereignty, election, promise, grace, birth

2 Difference, division, addition, growth, increase, competent testimony, seconding, salvation, relationship, service, dependence, contradiction, seed, separation, death

3 Cubic measure, solidity, fullness, trinity, actuality, manifestation, sanctification, spirit, resurrection

4 Weakness, testing, trial, failure, experience, number of the creature

5 God in Government, responsibility,

6 Manifestation of evil, or of the enemy’s work, work day week

7 Perfection, completes the series,

8 New beginning,

                                OUTLINE OF REVELATION

DIVISION 1. (Chaps, i.-iii.) The Things that are.
   SUBDIVISION 1. (Chap, i.) The Faithful and True, in oversight of the Assemblies.
      SECTION 1. (Chap. i. 1-3.) Title and Introduction.
      SECTION 2. (Chap. i. 4-8) The address and response.
         Subsection 1. (4, 5): The greeting and benediction
         Subsection 2. (6, 7): The response of the Church.
         Subsection 3(8): The seal of God.
      SECTION 3. (Chap. i. 9-20): The Risen Priest among the golden lamps.
         Subsection 1 (9-11): The commission.
         Subsection 2 (12-16): The Priestly Judge.
         Subsection 3 (17-20): The re-assurance for the manifestation of the mystery.
   SUBDIVISION 2. (Chaps, ii., iii.) The Messages to the Churches.
      SECTION 1. (Chap, ii.) General identity and unity to Thyatira in which it is more strongly
                               asserted than ever, though division is then beginning, and a remnant
                               being separated.
         Subsection 1 (1-11): Christ's rule measurably maintained.
            Part 1 (1-7): Ephesus. First love left, and so the first works; the beginning
                               of all independency and decline.
            Part 2 (8-11): Smyrna. The open assault and secret snare of the enemy.
                                 The synagogue of Satan.
         Subsection 2 (12-29): The enemy's alliance; seduction and idolatry spreading and
		        growing more evil.
            Part 1 (12-17): Pergamos dwelling where Satan's throne is.
            Part 2 (18-29): Thyatira. The falsely pretentious teaching of the woman
                                    Jezebel. A remnant beginning to be separated.
      SECTION  2. (Chap. iii.) Further division, with freedom from the teaching of the woman.
         Subsection 1 (1-6): Sardis. The old unity in some sense maintained, but in a barren 
                                        concord of death with life.
         Subsection  2 (7-13): Philadelphia. A movement to obtain true fellowship and keep
			Christ's word.
         Subsection 3 (14-22): Laodicea. Fulness, so as to have no need of Christ; He, too,
			 seated with their false pretenses, spews them out.
DIVISION 2. (Chaps, iv.-xxii.) Things that come to pass after these. The salvation of Israel
			        and the Earth.
   SUBDIVISION 1. (Chaps, iv.-viii. 5.) The sources of power.
      SECTION  1. (Chaps, iv., v.) The opening of divine counsels by the Lion of Judah
			          in the midst of the throne.
         Subsection 1 (iv.): The throne of God in necessary righteousness but girdled
	                        with promise.
            Part 1 (1-3): The call, and the divine throne.
            Part 2 (4): Thrones In subject association with the Throne.
            Part 3 (5): Manifestations of the Throne.
            Part 4 (6-11): The four living creatures and the universal praise.
         Subsection 2 (v.): The Redeemer the opener of the seven sealed book.
            Part 1 (1-5): The Lion, the Root of David.
            Part 2 (6-7): The lamb slain.
            Part 3 (8-10): The worship of the saints.
            Part 4 (11-14): The echo of creation.
      SECTION  2. (Chaps, vi.-viii. 4.) The seals removed in the judgments coming in.
         Subsection 1 (vi.l-8): The grounds of the judgments, in the call of the cherubim.
            Part 1 (1, 2): The first seal removed the call of the lion.
            Part 2 (3. 4): The second seal removed: the call of the ox.
            Part 3 (5, 6): The third seal removed: the call of the human faced cherub.
            Part 4 (7, 8): The fourth seal removed: the call of the eagle.
         Subsection 2 (vl. 9-viil. 5): The divine side of redemption, and the differentiation
                                       which results.
            Part 1 (vi. 9-11): The fifth seal removed: the exercise of the righteous with regard to the 
                                       government of God.
            Part 2 (vi.12-17): The sixth seal removed: the overthrow of all classes, bringing the end in view.
            Part 3 (vii.): The divine realization.
               a (1-8): Israel's election of grace.
               b (9-17): The saved Gentiles brought out of the great tribulation.
            Part 4 (viii. 1-5): The seventh seal removed, initiating the change impending.
   SUBDIVISION 2. (Chaps, viii. 6-xi. 18.) The trumpets. The progress of judgment to salvation.
      SECTION  1. (Chap. viii. 6-13.) The empire under its seventh head.
         Subsection 1. (vlii.6, 7): First trumpet. A concord of contraries.
         Subsection 2. (8, 9): Second trumpet. Eruptive violence spreading death.
         Subsection 3. (10, 11): Third trumpet. A flaming meteor turns to death the sources of refreshment.
         Subsection 4. (12, 13): The fourth trumpet. Fading luminaries.
      SECTION  2. (Chaps, ix.-xi. 18.) Alliance with the enemy.
         Subsection 1. (ix. 1-12): Fifth trumpet. The lawless head of an uprising lawlessness.
         Subsection 2.(ii. l3-21): Sixth trumpet. The desolator.
         Subsection 3 (x. 1-xi. 14): The filling up of Old Testament prophecy.
            Part 1 (x.1-7): The divine claim upon the earth.
            Part 2 (8-11): Prophesying again. The little open book.
            Part 3 (xi.1-14): The sanctuary worshipers set apart to God.
               a (1,2): The election of grace all for God.
               b (3-6): The witnesses.
               c (7-14): Their death and resurrection.
            Part 4 (xi.15-18): Seventh trumpet. The world kingdom of the Lord.
   SUBDIVISION 3. (Chaps, xi. 19-xiii.) The manifestation of the wicked one, and the trinity of evil.
      SECTION  1 (xi. 19-xii.): The first promise.
         Subsection 1 (xi. 19-xii. 6): The promised Seed and the throne in covenant.
         Subsection 2 (xii.7-9): War in heaven and the enemy cast out.
         Subsection 3 (10-12): The redemption of the possession.
         Subsection 4 (3-17): The woman in the wilderness.
      SECTION  2  (xii. 1-10): The devil's delegate.
      SECTION  3 (xiii. 11-18): The signs of the false prophet.
   SUBDIVISION 4. (Chap, xiv.) The earth-change at hand.
      SECTION  1 (1-5): The King on Zion, and those identified with Him.
      SECTION  2 (6-11): The earth gospel.
         Subsection 1 (6, 7): The everlasting kingdom coming.
         Subsection 2 (8): Babylon fallen.
         Subsection 3 (9-11): The cup filled for those on whom is the sign of the beast.
      SECTION  3 (12,13): The heavenly gospel.
      SECTION  4 (14-16): The harvest.
      SECTION  5 (17-20): The vintage.
   SUBDIVISION 5. (Chaps, xv., xvi.) The bowls of the wrath of God.
      SECTION  1. (Chap, xv.): The unity of righteousness in the King of Ages.
      SECTION  2. (Chap, xvi.) The wrath poured out.
         Subsection 1 (1, 2): First bowl. The inward truth becoming knowledge.
         Subsection 2 (3): Second bowl. "As the blood of a dead man.
         Subsection 3 (4-7): Third bowl. The springs of natural satisfaction yielding death.
         Subsection 4 (8, 9): The fourth bowl. The failure of mercy.
         Subsection 5 (10,11): Fifth bowl. Retributive darkness.
         Subsection 6 (12-16): Sixth bowl. The full manifestation of evil, but with God's 
                                            hand upon it, and the coming of the Lord, its limit, nearing.
         Subsection 7 (17-21): Seventh bowl. "It is done."
   SUBDIVISION 6. (CBaps. xvii.-xx. 3.) The final victory. 
      SECTION  1. (Chap, xvii.) The rule of the harlot
      SECTION  2. (Chap, xviii.) Her judgment.
      SECTION  3. (Chap. xix. 1-10.) The Marriage of the Lamb.
      SECTION  4. (Chap. xix. 11-xx. 3.) The prostration of the world-powers.
         Subsection 1 (xix. 11-16): The King of kings with the sceptre of righteousness.
         Subsection 2 (xix. 17-21): The destruction of those who destroy the earth.
         Subsection 3 {xx. 1-3): The seal upon Satan.
   SUBDIVISION 7. (Chaps, xx. 4-xxii.) The Consummation.
      SECTION  1 (xx. 4-6): The first resurrection and reign of the saints.
      SECTION  2 (xx. 7-15): The second death.
      SECTION  3 (xil. 1-5): The tabernacle of God with men.
      SECTION  4 (1x1.6-8): The universal test.
      SECTION  5 (xxi. 9-xxii. 5): The new Jerusalem, in which is the throne of God and of the Lamb.
      SECTION  6 (xxii.6-16): The limiting guard.
      SECTION  7 (xxll. 16-21): Complete!