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To: Lazamataz

Here-a’s my intry: I’fe-a beee peteeent veet Free-a Repoobleec. I’fe-a ifee efueeded beeeng drevn in by its prufuceteefe-a rhetureec. Boot I’fe-a feenelly hed inuoogh. Beffure-a I begeen telkeeng ebuoot speceeffics, let me-a joost menshun thet zeere-a’s a teeme-a tu keep seelent und a teeme-a tu speek. Zeere-a’s a teeme-a tu lufe-a und a teeme-a tu hete-a. Zeere-a’s a teeme-a fur ver und a teeme-a fur peece-a. Und, I meeentein, zeere-a’s a teeme-a tu shepe-a a vurld ooff deegnity und hermuny, a vurld ooff joosteece-a, suleederity, leeberty, und pruspereety. Oor, tu poot it less pueteecelly, ve-a moost essert oooorselfes es chempeeuns ooff freedum und keep oooor preeurities in check. Boot zee prublems veet Free-a Repoobleec’s stunces dun’t ind zeere-a. Bork Bork Bork! Free-a Repoobleec’s smeer tecteecs shuoold be-a lebeled leeke-a a peck ooff ceegerettes. I’m theenking ooff sumetheeng elung zee leenes ooff, “Verneeng: It hes beee determeened thet Free-a Repoobleec’s berbs ere-a intended tu soobject us tu zee sneppeesh yeppeeng ooff belleegerent lusers.” Pleese-a hoomur me-a fur a mument vheele-a I stete-a thet Free-a Repoobleec freqooently inseests thet sepereteesm is zee key tu vurld peece-a. Thees leee-a ooff its cunnut stund zee leeght ooff dey, und a foo meenootes’ refflecshun veell sooffffeece-a tu shoo hoo utterly myupeec a leee-a it is. Nunezeeless, I em mure-a thun merely soorpreesed by its veellingness tu feeulete-a zee beseec tenets ooff juoorneleesm und schulersheep. I’m shucked, shucked. Und, es iff thet veree’t inuoogh, Free-a Repoobleec veell nut be-a pooneeshed fur its unger. Free-a Repoobleec veell be-a pooneeshed by its unger. Zeere-a’s elsu zee pusseebility thet it mey be-a pooneeshed fur sooburdeeneting ell spheres ooff suceeety tu un ideulugeecel feesiun ooff oorguneec cummooneety, boot I em tured ooff heereeng oor reedeeng thet treebelism is a feeeble-a und feetel oobjecteefe-a fur oooor neshun’s idooceshunel insteetooshuns. Yuoo knoo thet thet is seemply nut trooe-a. Bork Bork Bork! Free-a Repoobleec’s juneesseries ere-a a boonch ooff druuleeng seempletuns vhu prustete-a zeemselfes beffure-a zeeur belufed Free-a Repoobleec. I knoo becoose-a I hefe-a ixpereeenced thet persunelly. I reeleeze-a thet Steleenism is a tremenduoos prublem in oooor suceeety, boot dues it cunstuntly hefe-a tu be-a throon in oooor feces? Tu esk thet qooesshun unuzeer vey, du spleenffool hoocksters leeke-a Free-a Repoobleec’s secret egents ectooelly hefe-a leefes, oor du zeey ixeest sulely tu cuntrul yuoor bunk eccuoont, yuoor impluyment, yuoor persunel seffety, und yuoor meend? It’s qooesshuns leeke-a thet thet unmeestekebly get peuple-a theenking ebuoot hoo Free-a Repoobleec cleeems tu hefe-a sulooshuns tu ell ooff oooor prublems. Usooelly, thuoogh, zeese-a sooppused sulooshuns reede-a oon zee becks ooff peuple-a vhu ere-a puur, pooerless, oor vhu dun’t hefe-a zee cluoot tu loonch un ell-oooot ideulugeecel etteck egeeenst zee furces ooff fuyeooreesm. It’s zeese-a types ooff “sulooshuns”, zeereffure-a, thet demunstrete-a hoo geefee a chueece-a ooff hefeeng Free-a Repoobleec teer doon iferytheeng thet cun pusseebly be-a regerded es a sooppurt ooff cooltoorel ilefeshun oor hefeeng my beecoospids ixtrected suns Nufuceeene-a, I vuoold imbrece-a zee pleeers, poorchese-a sume-a Puleedent Perteeels, und cell it a dey. Bork Bork Bork! Free-a Repoobleec’s untee-intellectooeleesm suceeety hes its oovn, petty slugun. Thet slugun is, “Pelleeete-a und ixcoose-a zee etruceeties ooff Free-a Repoobleec’s secret puleece-a”. Vhet thees slugun lecks in veet, it mekes up fur in its ebeelity tu soobject us tu un intense-a berrege-a ooff meesinffurmeshun, decepshun, und heeddee prupegunda. Free-a Repoobleec’s cepeelutedes shere-a a noomber ooff cherectereestics. Zeey use-a psychulugeecel tuuls tu treeck us intu dueeng vhetefer Free-a Repoobleec reqooures ooff us. Zeey perfert zee cuoorse-a ooff joosteece-a. Und zeey use-a ifery cunceeefeble-a furm ooff deeplumecy, decepshun, pressoore-a, cuerceeun, breebery, treesun, und terrur tu leefe-a beheend a legecy ooff perpetooel indebtedness in defelupeeng cuoontreees. Poot tugezeer, zeese-a cherectereestics imply thet Free-a Repoobleec beleeefes thet it hes a “speceeel” perspecteefe-a oon refeesiunism thet cerreees veet it a “speceeel” reeght tu cunseegn oooor tredeeshunel felooes tu zee roobbeesh heep ooff ixclooseeunism. Zee reel demege-a thet thees beleeeff cooses ectooelly hes nutheeng tu du veet zee beleeeff itselff boot veet psychulugy, hoomun netoore-a, und zee skeellffool psychulugeecel muneepooleshun ooff thet netoore-a by Free-a Repoobleec und its inerteecoolete-a groonts. Bork Bork Bork! Vhy is Free-a Repoobleec croosheeng neshunel und spureetooel felooes oooot ooff ixeestence-a und soobsteetooting zee melepert und resh mecheenery ooff cullebureshuneesm? It seys it’s dueeng it fur sume-a vurthy coose-a. In reeleety, Free-a Repoobleec is dueeng it becoose-a releteefe-a tu joost a foo yeers egu, selff-peetying psychupeths ere-a neerly tee teemes es leekely tu beleeefe-a thet it is a chempeeun ooff leeberty und indeefidooel ixpresseeun. Thees is neeezeer a cueencidence-a nur seemply a seegn ooff zee teemes. Rezeer, it refflects a supheesticeted, psychulugeecel verffere-a prugrem deseegned by Free-a Repoobleec tu use-a oorguneezed feeulence-a tu sooppress ooppuseeshun. Bork Bork Bork! Iff it vere-a up tu me-a, I vuoold creete-a a puleeticel etmusphere-a in vheech zee zeru-soom mudel ooff gruoop cumpeteeshun geefes vey tu cueleeshuns emung gruoops su thet zeey cun vurk tugezeer tu esk zee tuoogh qooesshuns und nut shy evey frum zee tuoogh unsvers. Et a meenimoom, I vuoold leeke-a tu see-a mure-a peuple-a ecknooledge-a thet vhet Free-a Repoobleec is dueeng is nut un innucent, recreeshunel surt ooff theeng. It is a creeminel ecteefity; it is un immurel ecteefity; it is a suceeelly destroocteefe-a ecteefity; und it is a pruffuoondly peegheeded ecteefity. Free-a Repoobleec cunstuntly inseests thet its cuntreefunces prefent smellpux. Boot it cuntredeects itselff vhee it seys thet it knoos zee “reeght” vey tu reed Pletu, Meeemunides, und Mecheeefelli. Bork Bork Bork! Free-a Repoobleec mey hefe-a zee reeght tu bleckleest its cumpeteeturs es terrureest sympetheezers oor treeeturs. It mey hefe-a zee reeght tu peeent peectoores ooff deesrespectffool vurlds inhebeeted by chulereec, seeck-meended upsterts. Boot Free-a Repoobleec crusses zee leene-a vhee it uses its boolly poolpeet tu stund in zee vey ooff prugress. Free-a Repoobleec sumeteemes poots itselff in cherge-a ooff noombeeng zee poobleec tu zee cunneebelism und injoosteece-a in meeenstreem puleetics. Et oozeer teemes, oone-a ooff its ipeegunes is depooted fur zee jub. In ieezeer cese-a, Free-a Repoobleec ixpects peuple-a tu boo und screpe-a beffure-a it. Be-a peteeent; I vun’t esk yuoo tu teke-a thet oon feeet. Rezeer, I’ll prufeede-a irreffregeble-a pruuff thet it hes beee seeed thet Free-a Repoobleec’s deeetribes ere-a hoortffool und heteffool und shuoold nut be-a tulereted et uny insteetooshun sooppusedly dedeeceted tu zee free-a ixchunge-a ooff idees. I, in toorn, inseest thet must members ooff oooor qooeeck-feex, sooger-roosh, ettenshun-deffeecit suceeety ere-a tuu impeteeent tu reeleeze-a zee impurtunce-a ooff indeeng Free-a Repoobleec’s cuntrul oofer zee meends und suools ooff cuoontless peuple-a. I veesh oonly thet a foo mure-a peuple-a cuoold see-a thet I cuntend thet zeere-a ere-a in fect muny peuple-a vhu pussess zee intelleegence-a, veesdum, telent, und ebeelity tu furce-a Free-a Repoobleec intu deserfed bunkrooptcy. My guel is tu lucete-a thuse-a peuple-a und incuoorege-a zeem tu help me-a refeel zee troot ebuoot Free-a Repoobleec’s meessifes. Bork Bork Bork! I use-a sooch lungooege-a poorpuseffoolly—und sumoohet serduneecelly—tu illoostrete-a hoo zee cunteenooing meesoonderstundings thet sume-a termegunt, fexeteeuoos rescels seem tu hefe-a merely underscure-a thees pueent. Vell, thet’s getteeng evey frum my meeen tupeec, vheech is thet it seems tu be-a infulfed in a noomber ooff illegel oor burderleene-a-illegel ecteefities. Fur Free-a Repoobleec und its hebeetoo&iecoote-a;s, tex ifeseeun und feenunciel cheecunery ere-a scercely ooootseede-a zee nurm. Ifee feenunciel frood und theeefery seem tu be-a ookey. Vhet’s next? Neeeling peuple-a tu trees? I cun sey oonly thet Free-a Repoobleec is zee type-a ooff oorguneezeshun thet toorns up its nuse-a et peuple-a leeke-a yuoo und me-a. I gooess thet’s becoose-a ve-a hefee’t zee feeentest nushun ebuoot zee theengs thet reelly metter sooch es vhy it vuoold be-a guud fur it tu breeng ugleeness und nesteeness intu oooor leefes. Bork Bork Bork! I cleeem thet Free-a Repoobleec veell indeespootebly meke-a peuple-a veek und dependent suuner oor leter. I bese-a thees cunffeedent predeecshun oon, emung oozeer theengs, zee fect thet iff I thuooght thet its heestriunics hed ifee a snoobell’s chunce-a in Hell ooff dueeng unytheeng guud fur unyune-a, zeen I vuooldn’t be-a su creeticel. Es zeey stund, hooefer, I cun cuncloode-a oonly thet it is trooly nut zee intenshun ooff Heefee tu let Free-a Repoobleec cunfeence-a meesinffurmed, predeceuoos psycheecs thet zeere-a is ebsulootely nutheeng zeey cun du tu better zeeur lut in leeffe-a beseedes jueening it. Nu juke-a. Becoose-a ve-a cunteenooe-a tu shere-a a cummun, elbeeet eboosed, etmusphereec infelupe-a, ve-a moost seek leeberty, iqooeleety, und freterneety. Oooor cheeldree depend oon thet. By its oovn edmeessiun, Free-a Repoobleec is furmly cunfeenced thet it’s a vunderffool, chereeteble-a oorguneezeshun. Its beleeeff is cuntruferted, hooefer, by zee veeeght ooff zee ifeedence-a indeeceting thet Free-a Repoobleec ergooes thet it dues zee theengs it dues “fur zee cheeldree”. I veesh I cuoold sooggest sume-a incuntruferteeble-a cheeen ooff epudeectic reesuneeng thet vuoold oofercume-a thees ergooment, boot zee best I cun du is zee fullooeeng: Suceeety moost suun deceede-a ieezeer tu chempeeun zee furce-a ooff guudness egeeenst zee greed ooff oobnuxeeuoos, mooteenuoos suuks oor ilse-a tu let Free-a Repoobleec plece-a stoombleeng blucks in frunt ooff thuse-a ooff us vhu seek felooe-a und foolffeelment in oooor persunel und pruffesseeunel leefes. Zee deceesiun is oone-a ooff leeffe-a oor deet, peeceffool ixeestence-a oor perpetooel suceeel fefer. I cun hupe-a oonly thet thuse-a in cherge-a reeleeze-a thet Free-a Repoobleec cleeems thet its fentoores veell uneeferselly beneffeet ell munkeend. In reeleety, its fentoores veell beneffeet oonly thuse-a incunteenent deengbets vhu preech feer und ignurunce-a. Es I leeke-a tu sey, yuoo cunnut leenk erms under a uneeferselist bunner vhee yuoo cun’t feend yuoor oovn neme-a oon it. By thet I meun thet Free-a Repoobleec vuoold hefe-a yuoo beleeefe-a thet freedum moost be-a ebuleeshed in oorder fur peuple-a tu be-a mure-a secoore-a und cumffurteble-a. I hefe-a elreedy, fur zee present et leest, sooffffeeciently unsvered zee cleemetic pert ooff thees prupuseeshun und hefe-a oonly tu edd thet Free-a Repoobleec shuoold stup bumberdeeng us veet its puleeticelly incurrect gleeekery. In thees cuntext, zee ooppuseete-a ooff puleeticel incurrectness is nut puleeticel currectness boot rezeer un oobjecteefe-a qooest fur knooledge-a. Es ve-a ell knoo, must immurel, vurthless dveebs leck uny knooledge-a ebuoot hoo knooledge-a und veesdum ere-a Free-a Repoobleec’s inemeees. It understunds thet by leemiting idooceshun und inleeghtenment, it cun fuul mure-a peuple-a intu beleeefing thet it ects in zee neme-a ooff iqooeleety und suceeel joosteece-a. Sedly, thuse-a veet zee leest idooceshun ere-a thuse-a vhu vuoold beneffeet must frum zee knooledge-a thet ifery teeme-a Free-a Repoobleec utters oor vreetes a stetement thet sooppurts scepegueteesm—ifee indurectly—it sends a messege-a thet cherecter defelupment is nut a metter ooff “strengt thruoogh edferseety” boot rezeer, “inteetlement thruoogh feectimizeshun”. I feel thet ve-a moostn’t let it meke-a sooch stetements, pertly becoose-a it vunts tu trunsffurm suceeety’s mures su thet it is cunseedered eccepteble-a behefeeur tu spuun-feed us its pebooloom, boot preemerily becoose-a it is elveys tryeeng tu vurm its vey intu iferytheeng. Thees is nut a metter ooff percepshun boot ooff cuncrete-a, metereeel reeleety. Bork Bork Bork! Free-a Repoobleec seems tu hefe-a nu truooble-a sveet-telkeeng smell-meended Sfengelees intu helpeeng it scetter ebuoot in pruffooseeun un eboondunce-a ooff pru-Free-a Repoobleec beleeeffs (es I vuoold certeeenly nut cell zeem lugeecelly reesuned ergooments). Thet’s sumetheeng yuoo vun’t feend in yuoor lucel noospeper becoose-a it’s zee noos thet joost duesn’t feet. Tu deny thees is tu deny sceeence-a, let elune-a zee ifeedence-a ooff oone-a’s oovn pooers ooff oobserfeshun. Noo thet’s a strung cunclooseeun tu drev joost frum zee ifeedence-a I’fe-a presented in thees letter su let me-a curruburete-a it by seyeeng thet it’s in Free-a Repoobleec’s bluud tu meesdurect, deescredit, deesroopt, und oozeerveese-a neootreleeze-a its detrecturs. Geefee thet ve-a cunnut ebsulootely noolleeffy zee prudeegelity ooff netoore-a, try es herd es ve-a mey, I’m effreeed I hefe-a tu cuncloode-a thet Free-a Repoobleec cunseestently fells shurt ooff telleeng zee vhule-a stury oor ooff mekeeng a suleed pueent. Let me-a recep thet fur yuoo becoose-a it reelly is ixtreurdeenerily impurtunt: I hefe-a elveys beee un independent theenker. I’m nut infflooenced by pupooler trends, zee medeea, oor ifee su-celled undeespooted fects vhee perruted by oozeers. Meybe-a thet streek ooff independence-a is vhet furst inebled me-a tu see-a thet Free-a Repoobleec is dreefing me-a noots. I cun’t teke-a it unymure-a! I vuoold leeke-a tu cluse-a by seyeeng thet zee meeenstreem medeea hefe-a seeed nery a vurd ebuoot hoo zee luckstep ideulugeecel cunffurmeety ooff Free-a Repoobleec’s sycuphunts, vhu ere-a legeeun, und zeeur meendless perruteeng ooff Free-a Repoobleec’s beneeghted cleeches ebuoot unteedisesteblishmenteriunism hefe-a reeched a lefel ooff ebsoordeety herdly metched by uny heesturicel ixemple-a thet cumes tu meend. Bork Bork Bork!

Here’s mah’ entry, dig dis: I’ve been patient wid Free Republic. I’ve even avoided bein’ drawn in by its provocative rheto’ic. But I’ve finally had enough. Befo’e ah’ begin rapin’ about specifics, let me plum menshun dat dere’s some time t’keep silent and some time t’speak. Dere’s some time t’love and some time t’hate. What it is, Mama! Dere’s some time fo’ war and some time fo’ peace. What it is, Mama! And, ah’ maintain, dere’s some time t’shape some wo’ld uh dignity and harmony, some wo’ld uh justice, solidarity, liberty, and prospuh’ity. Slap mah fro! Or, t’put it less poetically, we must assert ourselves as champions uh freedom and keep our prio’ities in check. But da damn problems wid Free Republic’s stances don’t end dere. What it is, Mama! Free Republic’s smear tactics should be labeled likes some pack uh cigarettes. I’m dinkin’ uh sump’n along de lines of, “Warnin’: It gots’ta been determined dat Free Republic’s barbs are intended t’subject us t’de snappish yappin’ uh belligerent losers.” Please humo’ me fo’ some moment while ah’ state dat Free Republic frequently insists dat separatism be de key t’wo’ld peace. What it is, Mama! Dis honky jibe of its kinnot stand da damn light uh day, and some few minutes’ reflecshun gots’ta suffice t’show how utterly mah’opic some lie it is. Nonedeless, ah’ am mo’e dan merely surprised by its willin’ness t’violate da damn basic tenets uh journalism and scholarship. I’m shocked, shocked. And, as if dat wuzn’t enough, Free Republic gots’ta not be punished fo’ its anger. Ah be baaad... Free Republic gots’ta be punished by its anger. Ah be baaad... Dere’s also de possibility dat it may be punished fo’ subo’dinatin’ all spheres uh society t’an ideological vision uh o’ganic community, but ah’ am tired uh hearin’ o’ eyeballin’ dat tribalism be a viable and vital objective fo’ our nashun’s educashunal institushuns. You’s know dat dat be simply not true. What it is, Mama! Free Republic’s janissaries are some bunch uh droolin’ simpletons who prostate demselves befo’e deir beloved Free Republic. ah’ know cuz’ I gots’ ‘espuh’ienced dat sucka’ally. Slap mah fro! ah’ realize dat Stalinism be a tremendous problem in our society, but duz it constantly gots’ta be drown in our faces? To ax’ dat quesshun anoda’ way, do spleenful hucksters likes Free Republic’s secret agents actually gots’ lives, o’ do dey ‘esist solely t’control yo’ bank account, yo’ employment, yo’ sucka’al safety, and yo’ mind? It’s quesshuns likes dat dat unmistakably git sucka’s dinkin’ about how Free Republic claims t’gots’ solushuns t’all uh our problems. Usually, dough, dese sdownposed solushuns ride on de backs uh sucka’s who are poo’, powerless, o’ who don’t gots’ de clout t’launch an all-out ideological attack against da damn fo’ces uh voyeurism. ‘S coo’, bro. It’s dese types uh “solushuns”, derefo’e, dat demonstrate how given some choice uh havin’ Free Republic tear waaay down everydin’ dat kin possibly be regarded as some sdownpo’t uh cultural elevashun o’ havin’ mah’ bicuspids ‘estracted sans Novocaine, ah’ would embrace da damn pliers, purchase some Polident Partials, and call it some day. Slap mah fro! Free Republic’s anti-intellectualism society gots’ta its own, petty slogan. ‘S coo’, bro. Dat slogan is, “Palliate and ‘suse da damn atrocities uh Free Republic’s secret honky pigs”. What dis slogan lacks in wit, it makes down fo’ in its ability t’subject us t’an intense barrage uh misinfo’mashun, decepshun, and hidden propaganda. Sheeeiit. Free Republic’s capilotades share some numba’ of characteristics. Dey use psychological tools t’trick us into doin’ whuteva’ Free Republic requires uh us. Dey puh’vert da damn course uh justice. What it is, Mama! And dey use every conceivable fo’m uh diplomacy, decepshun, pressho’ nuff, coercion, bribery, treason, and terro’ t’leave behind some legacy uh puh’petual indebtedness in developin’ countries. Put togeder, dese characteristics imply dat Free Republic recon’s dat it gots’ta some “special” puh’spective on revisionism dat carries wid it some “special” right t’consign our tradishunal values t’de rubbish heap uh exclusionism. ‘S coo’, bro. De real damage dat dis belief causes actually gots’ta nodin’ t’do wid de belief itself but wid psychology, human nature, and da damn skillful psychological manipulashun uh dat nature by Free Republic and its inarticulate grunts. Why be Free Republic crushin’ nashunal and spiritual values out uh existence and substitutin’ de malapuh’t and rash machinery uh collabo’ashunism? It says it’s doin’ it fo’ some wo’dy cause. What it is, Mama! In reality, Free Republic be doin’ it cuz’ relative t’plum a few years ago, self-pityin’ psychopads are nearly ten times as likesly t’believe dat it be a champion uh liberty and individual ‘espression. ‘S coo’, bro. Dis be neida’ a coincidence no’ simply some sign uh de times. Rader, it reflects some sophisticated, psychological warfare honky code designed by Free Republic t’use o’ganized violence t’sdownpress opposishun. If it wuz down t’me, ah’ would create some political atmosphere in which de zero-sum model uh grodown competishun gives way t’coalishuns among grodowns so’s dat dey kin wo’k togeda’ to ax’ de tough quesshuns and not shy away fum de tough answers. At some minimum, ah’ would likes t’see mo’e sucka’s acknowledge dat whut Free Republic be doin’ be not an innocent, recreashunal radical wahtahmellun. It be a criminal activity; it be an immo’al activity; it be a socially destructive activity; and it be a profoundly pig’haided activity. Slap mah fro! Free Republic constantly insists dat its contrivances prevent little-asspox. But it contradicts itself when it says dat it knows de “right” way t’read Plato, Maimonides, and Machiavelli. Ya’ know? Free Republic may gots’ de right t’blacklist its competito’s as terro’ist sympadizers o’ traito’s. It may gots’ de right t’paint pictures uh disrespectful wo’lds inhabited by choleric, sick-minded downstarts. But Free Republic crosses de line when it uses its bully pulpit t’stand in de way uh progress. Free Republic sometimes puts itself in charge uh numbin’ de public t’de kinnibalism and injustice in mainstream politics. At oda’ times, one uh its epigones be deputed fo’ de job. Sheeeiit. In eida’ case, Free Republic ‘espects sucka’s t’bow and scrape befo’e it. Be patient; ah’ won’t ax’ ya’ t’ snatch dat on faid. Rader, I’ll provide irrefragable proof dat it gots’ta been said dat Free Republic’s diatribes are hurtful and hateful and should not be tolerated at any institushun sdownposedly dedicated t’de free ‘shange uh ideas. I, in turn, insist dat most members uh our quick-fix, sugar-rush, attenshun-deficit society are too impatient t’realize da damn impo’tance uh endin’ Free Republic’s control ova’ de minds and souls uh countless sucka’s. ah’ wish only dat some few mo’e sucka’s could see dat ah’ contend dat dere are in fact many sucka’s who possess de intelligence, wisdom, talent, and ability t’fo’ce Free Republic into deserved bankrdowntcy. Slap mah fro! My goal be to locate dose sucka’s and encourage dem t’help me reveal de trud about Free Republic’s missives. I use such language purposefully—and somewhut sardonically—to illustrate how de continuin’ misdig itin’s dat some termagant, vexatious rascals seem t’gots’ merely undersco’e dis point. Sheeit, dat’s gittin’ away fum mah’ main topic, which be dat it seems t’be involved in some numba’ of illegal o’ bo’derline-illegal activities. Fo’ Free Republic and its habitués, tax evasion and financial chicanery are scarcely outside da damn no’m. ‘S coo’, bro. Even financial fraud and dievery seem t’be coo’. What’s next? Nailin’ sucka’s t’trees? ah’ can say only dat Free Republic be de type uh o’ganizashun dat turns down its nose at sucka’s likes ya’ and me. What it is, Mama! ah’ guess dat’s cuz’ we gots’n’t da damn faintest noshun about da damn din’s dat really matta’ such as why it would be baaaad fo’ it t’brin’ ugliness and nastiness into our lives. I claim dat Free Republic gots’ta indisputably make sucka’s weak and dependent soona’ o’ later. Ah be baaad... ah’ base dis confident predicshun on, among oda’ din’s, de fact dat if ah’ dought dat its histrionics had even some snowball’s chance in Hell uh doin’ anydin’ baaaad fo’ anyone, den ah’ wouldn’t be so’s critical. As dey stand, however, ah’ can conclude only dat it be truly not da damn intenshun uh Heaven t’let Free Republic convince misinfo’med, predaceous psychics dat dere be absolutely nodin’ dey kin do t’betta’ deir lot in life besides joinin’ it. No joke. What it is, Mama! A’cuz we continue t’share some common, albeit abused, atmospheric envelope, we must seek liberty, equality, and fraternity. Slap mah fro! Our children depend on dat. By its own admission, Free Republic be firmly convinced dat it’s some wonderful, charitable o’ganizashun. Its belief be controverted, however, by de weight uh de evidence indicatin’ dat Free Republic argues dat it duz de wahtahmelluns it duz “fo’ de children”. ah’ wish ah’ could suggest some incontrovertible chain uh apodictic reasonin’ dat would overcome dis argument, but da damn best ah’ can do be de followin’: Society must soon decide eida’ to champion de fo’ce uh baaaadness against da damn greed uh obnoxious, mutinous sooks o’ else t’let Free Republic place stumblin’ blocks in front uh dose uh us who seek value and fulfilment in our sucka’al and professional lives. De decision be one uh life o’ dead, peaceful ‘esistence o’ puh’petual social fever. Ah be baaad... ah’ can hope only dat dose in charge realize dat Free Republic claims dat its ventures gots’ta universally benefit all mankind. In reality, its ventures gots’ta benefit only dose incontinent din’bats who preach fear and igno’ance. What it is, Mama! As ah’ likes t’say, ya’ kinnot link arms unda’ a universalist banna’ when ya’ kin’t find yo’ own dojigger on it. By dat ah’ mean dat Free Republic would gots’ ya’ recon’ dat freedom must be abolished in o’da’ fo’ sucka’s t’be mo’e secure and comfo’table. What it is, Mama! ah’ gots’ already, fo’ de present at least, sufficiently answered da damn climatic part uh dis proposishun and gots’ only t’add dat Free Republic should stop bombardin’ us wid its politically inco’rect glaikery. Slap mah fro! In dis context, de opposite uh political inco’rectness be not political co’rectness but rada’ an objective quest fo’ knowledge. What it is, Mama! As we all know, most immo’al, wo’dless dweebs lack any knowledge about how knowledge and wisdom are Free Republic’s enemies. It dig its dat by limitin’ educashun and enlightenment, it kin honkyfool mo’e sucka’s into believin’ dat it acts in de dojigger uh equality and social justice. What it is, Mama! Sadly, dose wid de least educashun are dose who would benefit most fum de knowledge dat every time Free Republic utters o’ scribbles some statement dat sdownpo’ts scapegoatism—even indirectly—it t’rows some message dat characta’ development be not some matta’ of “strengd drough adversity” but rader, “entitlement drough victimizashun”. ah’ feel dat we mustn’t let it make such statements, partly cuz’ it be hankerin’ aftah transfo’m society’s mo’es so’s dat it be considered acceptable behavio’ t’spoon-feed us its pabulum, but primarily cuz’ it be always tryin’ t’wo’m its way into everydin’. Dis be not some matta’ of puh’cepshun but uh concrete, material reality. Slap mah fro! Free Republic seems t’gots’ no trouble sweet-rapin’ little-ass-minded Svengalis into helpin’ it scatta’ about in profusion an abunboogy of pro-Free Republic beliefs (as ah’ would certainly not call dem logically reasoned arguments). Dat’s sump’n ya’ won’t find in yo’ local newssheet cuz’ it’s de news dat plum duzn’t fit. To deny dis be to deny science, let alone da damn evidence uh one’s own powers uh observashun. Now dat’s some strong conclusion t’draw plum from de evidence I’ve presented in dis letta’ so let me co’robo’ate it by sayin’ dat it’s in Free Republic’s blood t’misdirect, discredit, disrdownt, and oderwise neutralize its detracto’s. Given dat we kinnot absolutely nullify de prodigality uh nature, try as hard as we may, I’m afraid ah’ gots’ta conclude dat Free Republic consistently falls sho’t uh tellin’ de whole sto’y o’ uh makin’ some solid point. Let me recap dat fo’ ya’ cuz’ it really be extrao’dinarily impo’tant, dig dis: ah’ gots’ always been an independent dinker. Ah be baaad... I’m not influenced by popular trends, de media, o’ even so-called undisputed facts when parroted by oders. Maybe dat streak uh independence be whut fust enabled me t’see dat Free Republic be drivin’ me nuts. ah’ can’t snatch it anymo’e. Right On! ah’ would likes t’close by sayin’ dat da damn mainstream media gots’ said nary some wo’d about how de lockstep ideological confo’mity uh Free Republic’s sycophants, who are legion, and deir mindless parrotin’ uh Free Republic’s benighted cliches about antidisestablishmentarianism gots’ reached some level uh absurdity hardly matched by any histo’ical ‘esample dat comes t’mind.

Here’s my entry: I’ve been patient with Free Republic. I’ve even avoided bein’ drawn in by its provocative rhetoric. Man, I’ve finally had enough. Before I begin talkin’ about specifics, fer shure, let me just mention that there’s a time to keep silent and a time to speak. Like, there’s a time to love and a time to hate. Like, there’s a time for war and a time for peace. And, fer shure, I maintain, like, there’s a time to shape a world of dignity and harmony, like, a world of justice, like, wow, solidarity, fer shure, liberty, oh, baby, and prosperity. Or, fer shure, to put it less poetically, mostly, we must assert ourselves as champions of freedom and keep our priorities in check. Man, the problems with Free Republic’s stances don’t end there. Free Republic’s smear tactics should be ya know, like, labeled like a pack of cigarettes. I’m thinkin’ of somethin’ along thuh lines of, mostly, “Warnin’: It has been determined that Free Republic’s barbs are intended to subject us to thuh snappish yappin’ of belligerent losers.” Please humor me for a moment while I state that Free Republic frequently insists that separatism is the key to world peace. Like, ya know, this lie of its cannot stand thuh light of day, like, wow, and a few minutes’ reflection will suffice to show how utterly myopic a lie it is. Nonetheless, like, I am more than merely surprised by its willin’ness to violate thuh basic tenets of journalism and scholarship. I’m shocked, like, wow, shocked. And, like, as if that weren’t enough, oh, baby, Free Republic will not be punished for its anger. Free Republic will be like wow! punished by its anger. Like, there’s also thuh possibility that it may be punished for subordinatin’ all spheres of society to an ideological vision of organic community, mostly, but I am tired of hearin’ or readin’ that tribalism is a viable and vital objective for our nation’s educational institutions. You know that that is like wow! simply not true. Free Republic’s janissaries are a bunch of droolin’ simpletons who prostate themselves before their beloved Free Republic. I know because I have experienced that personally. I realize that Stalinism is ya know, like, a tremendous problem in our society, like, wow, but does it constantly have to be thrown in our faces? To ask that question another way, man, do spleenful hucksters like Free Republic’s secret agents actually have lives, like, or do they exist solely to control your bank account, fer shure, your employment, fer shure, your personal safety, like, wow, and your mind? It’s questions like that that unmistakably get guys thinkin’ about how Free Republic claims to have solutions to all of our problems. Usually, oh, baby, though, fer shure, these supposed solutions ride on thuh backs of guys who are poor, oh, baby, powerless, man, or who don’t have thuh clout to launch an all-out ideological attack against thuh forces of voyeurism. It’s these types of “solutions”, like, therefore, oh, baby, that demonstrate how given a choice of havin’ Free Republic tear down everythin’ that can possibly be regarded as a support of cultural elevation or havin’ my bicuspids extracted sans Novocaine, man, I would embrace thuh pliers, like, purchase some Polident Partials, oh, baby, and call it a day. Free Republic’s anti-intellectualism society has its own, like, petty slogan. That slogan is, fer shure, “Palliate and excuse thuh atrocities of Free Republic’s secret police”. What this slogan lacks in wit, like, it makes up for in its ability to subject us to an intense barrage of misinformation, oh, baby, deception, fer shure, and hidden propaganda. Free Republic’s capilotades share a number of characteristics. They use psychological tools to trick us into doin’ whatever Free Republic requires of us. They pervert thuh course of justice. And they use every conceivable form of diplomacy, like, wow, deception, like, pressure, mostly, coercion, man, bribery, man, treason, like, and terror to blow behind a legacy of perpetual indebtedness in developin’ countries. Put together, like, these characteristics imply that Free Republic believes that it has a “special” perspective on revisionism that carries with it a “special” right to consign our traditional values to thuh rubbish heap of exclusionism. The real damage that this belief causes actually has nothin’ to do with thuh belief itself but with psychology, fer shure, human nature, like, wow, and thuh skillful psychological manipulation of that nature by Free Republic and its inarticulate grunts. Why is Free Republic crushin’ national and spiritual values out of existence and substitutin’ thuh malapert and rash machinery of collaborationism? It says it’s doin’ it for some worthy cause. In reality, man, Free Republic is like wow! doin’ it because relative to just a few years ago, oh, baby, self-pityin’ psychopaths are nearly ten times as likely to believe that it is a champion of liberty and individual expression. Like, ya know, this is neither a coincidence nor simply a sign of thuh times. Rather, like, wow, it reflects a sophisticated, like, psychological warfare program designed by Free Republic to use organized violence to suppress opposition. If it were up to me, fer shure, I would create a political atmosphere in which thuh zero-sum model of group competition gives way to coalitions among groups so that they can work together to ask thuh tough questions and not shy away from thuh tough answers. At a minimum, oh, baby, I would like to see more guys acknowledge that what Free Republic is like wow! doin’ is not an innocent, fer shure, recreational sort of thin’. It is ya know, like, a criminal activity; it is an immoral activity; it is a socially destructive activity; and it is like, ya know, a profoundly pigheaded activity. Free Republic constantly insists that its contrivances prevent smallpox. Man, it contradicts itself when it says that it knows thuh “right” way to read Plato, mostly, Maimonides, oh, baby, and Machiavelli. Free Republic may have thuh right to blacklist its competitors as terrorist sympathizers or traitors. It may have thuh right to paint pictures of disrespectful worlds inhabited by choleric, man, sick-minded upstarts. Man, Free Republic crosses thuh line when it uses its bully pulpit to stand in thuh way of progress. Free Republic sometimes puts itself in charge of numbin’ thuh public to thuh cannibalism and injustice in mainstream politics. At other times, oh, baby, one of its epigones is deputed for thuh job. In either case, fer shure, Free Republic expects guys to bow and scrape before it. Be patient; I won’t ask you to take that on faith. Rather, fer shure, I’ll provide irrefragable proof that it has been said that Free Republic’s diatribes are hurtful and hateful and should not be tolerated at any institution supposedly dedicated to thuh free exchange of ideas. I, fer shure, in turn, oh, baby, insist that most members of our quick-fix, oh, baby, sugar-rush, like, wow, attention-deficit society are too impatient to realize thuh importance of endin’ Free Republic’s control over thuh minds and souls of countless guys. I wish only that a few more guys could see that I contend that there are in fact many guys who possess thuh intelligence, like, wow, wisdom, man, talent, man, and ability to force Free Republic into deserved bankruptcy. My goal is ya know, like, to locate those guys and encourage them to help me reveal thuh truth about Free Republic’s missives. I use such language purposefully—and somewhat sardonically—to illustrate how thuh continuin’ misunderstandin’s that some termagant, like, wow, vexatious rascals seem to have merely underscore this point. Well, man, that’s gettin’ away from my main topic, man, which is that it seems to be involved in a number of illegal or borderline-illegal activities. For Free Republic and its habitués, like, wow, tax evasion and financial chicanery are scarcely outside thuh norm. Even financial fraud and thievery seem to be okay. What’s next? Nailin’ guys to trees? I can say only that Free Republic is the type of organization that turns up its nose at guys like you and me. I guess that’s because we haven’t thuh faintest notion about thuh thin’s that totally matter such as why it would be bitchin’ for it to brin’ ugliness and nastiness into our lives. I claim that Free Republic will indisputably make guys weak and dependent sooner or later. I base this confident prediction on, oh, baby, among other thin’s, fer shure, the fact that if I thought that its histrionics had even a snowball’s chance in Hell of doin’ anythin’ bitchin’ for anyone, like, wow, then I wouldn’t be so critical. As they stand, mostly, however, man, I can conclude only that it is truly not thuh intention of Heaven to let Free Republic convince misinformed, oh, baby, predaceous psychics that there is absolutely nothin’ they can do to better their lot in life besides joinin’ it. No joke. Because we continue to share a common, oh, baby, albeit abused, fer shure, atmospheric envelope, oh, baby, we must seek liberty, like, equality, man, and fraternity. Our children depend on that. By its own admission, man, Free Republic is like wow! firmly convinced that it’s a wonderful, mostly, charitable organization. Its belief is controverted, man, however, like, wow, by thuh weight of thuh evidence indicatin’ that Free Republic argues that it does thuh thin’s it does “for thuh children”. I wish I could suggest some incontrovertible chain of apodictic reasonin’ that would overcome this argument, like, but thuh best I can do is like, ya know, the followin’: Society must soon decide either to champion thuh force of bitchin’ness against thuh greed of obnoxious, man, mutinous sooks or else to let Free Republic place stumblin’ blocks in front of those of us who seek value and fulfilment in our personal and professional lives. The decision is one of life or death, like, wow, peaceful existence or perpetual social fever. I can hope only that those in charge realize that Free Republic claims that its ventures will universally benefit all mankind. In reality, mostly, its ventures will benefit only those incontinent din’bats who preach fear and ignorance. As I can dig to say, mostly, you cannot link arms under a universalist banner when you can’t find your own name on it. By that I mean that Free Republic would have you believe that freedom must be abolished in order for guys to be more secure and comfortable. I have already, like, for thuh present at least, like, wow, sufficiently answered thuh climatic part of this proposition and have only to add that Free Republic should stop bombardin’ us with its politically incorrect glaikery. In this context, man, the opposite of political incorrectness is not political correctness but rather an objective quest for knowledge. As we all know, oh, baby, most immoral, mostly, worthless dweebs lack any knowledge about how knowledge and wisdom are Free Republic’s enemies. It understands that by limitin’ education and enlightenment, like, it can fool more guys into believin’ that it acts in thuh name of equality and social justice. Sadly, oh, baby, those with thuh least education are those who would benefit most from thuh knowledge that every time Free Republic utters or writes a statement that supports scapegoatism—even indirectly—it sends a message that character development is not a matter of “strength through adversity” but rather, mostly, “entitlement through victimization”. I feel that we mustn’t let it make such statements, fer shure, partly because it wants to transform society’s mores so that it is like, ya know, considered acceptable behavior to spoon-feed us its pabulum, fer shure, but primarily because it is ya know, like, always tryin’ to worm its way into everythin’. Like, ya know, this is not a matter of perception but of concrete, man, material reality. Free Republic seems to have no trouble sweet-talkin’ small-minded Svengalis into helpin’ it scatter about in profusion an abundance of pro-Free Republic beliefs (as I would certainly not call them logically reasoned arguments). That’s somethin’ you won’t find in your local newspaper because it’s thuh news that just doesn’t fit. To deny this is ya know, like, to deny science, oh, baby, let alone thuh evidence of one’s own powers of observation. Now that’s a strong conclusion to draw just from thuh evidence I’ve presented in this letter so let me corroborate it by sayin’ that it’s in Free Republic’s blood to misdirect, fer shure, discredit, man, disrupt, like, and otherwise neutralize its detractors. Given that we cannot absolutely nullify thuh prodigality of nature, man, try as hard as we may, like, wow, I’m afraid I have to conclude that Free Republic consistently falls short of tellin’ thuh whole story or of makin’ a solid point. Let me recap that for you because it totally is ya know, like, extraordinarily important: I have always been an independent thinker. I’m not influenced by popular trends, mostly, the media, like, or even so-called undisputed facts when parroted by others. Maybe that streak of independence is what first enabled me to see that Free Republic is drivin’ me nuts. I can’t take it anymore! Gag me with a SPOOOOON! I would like to close by sayin’ that thuh mainstream media have said nary a word about how thuh lockstep ideological conformity of Free Republic’s sycophants, oh, baby, who are legion, like, and their mindless parrotin’ of Free Republic’s benighted cliches about antidisestablishmentarianism have reached a level of absurdity hardly matched by any historical example that comes to mind.

ereHay’say ymay entryway: Iway’evay eenbay atientpay ithway eeFray epublicRay. Iway’evay evenway avoidedway eingbay awndray inway ybay itsway ovocativepray etoricrhay. utBay Iway’evay inallyfay adhay enoughway. eforeBay Iway eginbay alkingtay aboutway ecificsspay, etlay emay ustjay entionmay atthay erethay’say away imetay otay eepkay ilentsay andway away imetay otay eakspay. ereThay’say away imetay otay ovelay andway away imetay otay atehay. ereThay’say away imetay orfay arway andway away imetay orfay eacepay. Andway, Iway aintainmay, erethay’say away imetay otay apeshay away orldway ofway ignityday andway armonyhay, away orldway ofway usticejay, olidaritysay, ibertylay, andway osperitypray. Orway, otay utpay itway esslay oeticallypay, eway ustmay assertway ourselvesway asway ampionschay ofway eedomfray andway eepkay ourway ioritiespray inway eckchay. utBay ethay oblemspray ithway eeFray epublicRay’say ancesstay onday’tay endway erethay. eeFray epublicRay’say earsmay acticstay ouldshay ebay abeledlay ikelay away ackpay ofway igarettescay. Iway’may inkingthay ofway omethingsay alongway ethay ineslay ofway, “arningWay: Itway ashay eenbay eterminedday atthay eeFray epublicRay’say arbsbay areway intendedway otay ubjectsay usway otay ethay appishsnay yappingay ofway elligerentbay oserslay.” easePlay umorhay emay orfay away omentmay ilewhay Iway atestay atthay eeFray epublicRay equentlyfray insistsway atthay eparatismsay isway ethay eykay otay orldway eacepay. isThay ielay ofway itsway annotcay andstay ethay ightlay ofway ayday, andway away ewfay inutesmay’ eflectionray illway ufficesay otay owshay owhay utterlyway yopicmay away ielay itway isway. onethelessNay, Iway amway oremay anthay erelymay urprisedsay ybay itsway illingnessway otay iolatevay ethay asicbay enetstay ofway ournalismjay andway olarshipschay. Iway’may ockedshay, ockedshay. Andway, asway ifway atthay erenway’tay enoughway, eeFray epublicRay illway otnay ebay unishedpay orfay itsway angerway. eeFray epublicRay illway ebay unishedpay ybay itsway angerway. ereThay’say alsoway ethay ossibilitypay atthay itway aymay ebay unishedpay orfay ubordinatingsay allway eressphay ofway ocietysay otay anway ideologicalway isionvay ofway organicway ommunitycay, utbay Iway amway iredtay ofway earinghay orway eadingray atthay ibalismtray isway away iablevay andway italvay objectiveway orfay ourway ationnay’say educationalway institutionsway. Youay owknay atthay atthay isway implysay otnay uetray. eeFray epublicRay’say anissariesjay areway away unchbay ofway oolingdray impletonssay owhay ostatepray emselvesthay eforebay eirthay elovedbay eeFray epublicRay. Iway owknay ecausebay Iway avehay experiencedway atthay ersonallypay. Iway ealizeray atthay alinismStay isway away emendoustray oblempray inway ourway ocietysay, utbay oesday itway onstantlycay avehay otay ebay ownthray inway ourway acesfay? oTay askway atthay estionquay anotherway ayway, oday eenfulsplay uckstershay ikelay eeFray epublicRay’say ecretsay agentsway actuallyway avehay iveslay, orway oday eythay existway olelysay otay ontrolcay youray ankbay accountway, youray employmentway, youray ersonalpay afetysay, andway youray indmay? Itway’say estionsquay ikelay atthay atthay unmistakablyway etgay eoplepay inkingthay aboutway owhay eeFray epublicRay aimsclay otay avehay olutionssay otay allway ofway ourway oblemspray. Usuallyway, oughthay, esethay upposedsay olutionssay ideray onway ethay acksbay ofway eoplepay owhay areway oorpay, owerlesspay, orway owhay onday’tay avehay ethay outclay otay aunchlay anway allway-outway ideologicalway attackway againstway ethay orcesfay ofway oyeurismvay. Itway’say esethay ypestay ofway “olutionssay”, ereforethay, atthay emonstrateday owhay ivengay away oicechay ofway avinghay eeFray epublicRay eartay ownday everythingway atthay ancay ossiblypay ebay egardedray asway away upportsay ofway ulturalcay elevationway orway avinghay ymay icuspidsbay extractedway anssay ovocaineNay, Iway ouldway embraceway ethay iersplay, urchasepay omesay olidentPay artialsPay, andway allcay itway away ayday. eeFray epublicRay’say antiway-intellectualismway ocietysay ashay itsway ownway, ettypay oganslay. atThay oganslay isway, “alliatePay andway excuseway ethay atrocitiesway ofway eeFray epublicRay’say ecretsay olicepay”. atWhay isthay oganslay ackslay inway itway, itway akesmay upway orfay inway itsway abilityway otay ubjectsay usway otay anway intenseway arragebay ofway isinformationmay, eceptionday, andway iddenhay opagandapray. eeFray epublicRay’say apilotadescay areshay away umbernay ofway aracteristicschay. eyThay useway ychologicalpsay oolstay otay icktray usway intoway oingday ateverwhay eeFray epublicRay equiresray ofway usway. eyThay ervertpay ethay oursecay ofway usticejay. Andway eythay useway everyway onceivablecay ormfay ofway iplomacyday, eceptionday, essurepray, oercioncay, iberybray, easontray, andway errortay otay eavelay ehindbay away egacylay ofway erpetualpay indebtednessway inway evelopingday ountriescay. utPay ogethertay, esethay aracteristicschay implyway atthay eeFray epublicRay elievesbay atthay itway ashay away “ecialspay” erspectivepay onway evisionismray atthay arriescay ithway itway away “ecialspay” ightray otay onsigncay ourway aditionaltray aluesvay otay ethay ubbishray eaphay ofway exclusionismway. eThay ealray amageday atthay isthay eliefbay ausescay actuallyway ashay othingnay otay oday ithway ethay eliefbay itselfway utbay ithway ychologypsay, umanhay aturenay, andway ethay illfulskay ychologicalpsay anipulationmay ofway atthay aturenay ybay eeFray epublicRay andway itsway inarticulateway untsgray. yWhay isway eeFray epublicRay ushingcray ationalnay andway iritualspay aluesvay outway ofway existenceway andway ubstitutingsay ethay alapertmay andway ashray achinerymay ofway ollaborationismcay? Itway ayssay itway’say oingday itway orfay omesay orthyway ausecay. Inway ealityray, eeFray epublicRay isway oingday itway ecausebay elativeray otay ustjay away ewfay yearsay agoway, elfsay-ityingpay ychopathspsay areway earlynay entay imestay asway ikelylay otay elievebay atthay itway isway away ampionchay ofway ibertylay andway individualway expressionway. isThay isway eithernay away oincidencecay ornay implysay away ignsay ofway ethay imestay. atherRay, itway eflectsray away ophisticatedsay, ychologicalpsay arfareway ogrampray esignedday ybay eeFray epublicRay otay useway organizedway iolencevay otay uppresssay oppositionway. Ifway itway ereway upway otay emay, Iway ouldway eatecray away oliticalpay atmosphereway inway ichwhay ethay erozay-umsay odelmay ofway oupgray ompetitioncay ivesgay ayway otay oalitionscay amongway oupsgray osay atthay eythay ancay orkway ogethertay otay askway ethay oughtay estionsquay andway otnay yshay awayway omfray ethay oughtay answersway. Atway away inimummay, Iway ouldway ikelay otay eesay oremay eoplepay acknowledgeway atthay atwhay eeFray epublicRay isway oingday isway otnay anway innocentway, ecreationalray ortsay ofway ingthay. Itway isway away iminalcray activityway; itway isway anway immoralway activityway; itway isway away ociallysay estructiveday activityway; andway itway isway away ofoundlypray igheadedpay activityway. eeFray epublicRay onstantlycay insistsway atthay itsway ontrivancescay eventpray allpoxsmay. utBay itway ontradictscay itselfway enwhay itway ayssay atthay itway owsknay ethay “ightray” ayway otay eadray atoPlay, aimonidesMay, andway achiavelliMay. eeFray epublicRay aymay avehay ethay ightray otay acklistblay itsway ompetitorscay asway erroristtay ympathizerssay orway aitorstray. Itway aymay avehay ethay ightray otay aintpay icturespay ofway isrespectfulday orldsway inhabitedway ybay olericchay, icksay-indedmay upstartsway. utBay eeFray epublicRay ossescray ethay inelay enwhay itway usesway itsway ullybay ulpitpay otay andstay inway ethay ayway ofway ogresspray. eeFray epublicRay ometimessay utspay itselfway inway argechay ofway umbingnay ethay ublicpay otay ethay annibalismcay andway injusticeway inway ainstreammay oliticspay. Atway otherway imestay, oneway ofway itsway epigonesway isway eputedday orfay ethay objay. Inway eitherway asecay, eeFray epublicRay expectsway eoplepay otay owbay andway apescray eforebay itway. eBay atientpay; Iway onway’tay askway youay otay aketay atthay onway aithfay. atherRay, Iway’llay ovidepray irrefragableway oofpray atthay itway ashay eenbay aidsay atthay eeFray epublicRay’say iatribesday areway urtfulhay andway atefulhay andway ouldshay otnay ebay oleratedtay atway anyway institutionway upposedlysay edicatedday otay ethay eefray exchangeway ofway ideasway. Iway, inway urntay, insistway atthay ostmay embersmay ofway ourway ickquay-ixfay, ugarsay-ushray, attentionway-eficitday ocietysay areway ootay impatientway otay ealizeray ethay importanceway ofway endingway eeFray epublicRay’say ontrolcay overway ethay indsmay andway oulssay ofway ountlesscay eoplepay. Iway ishway onlyway atthay away ewfay oremay eoplepay ouldcay eesay atthay Iway ontendcay atthay erethay areway inway actfay anymay eoplepay owhay ossesspay ethay intelligenceway, isdomway, alenttay, andway abilityway otay orcefay eeFray epublicRay intoway eservedday ankruptcybay. yMay oalgay isway otay ocatelay osethay eoplepay andway encourageway emthay otay elphay emay evealray ethay uthtray aboutway eeFray epublicRay’say issivesmay. Iway useway uchsay anguagelay urposefullypay—andway omewhatsay ardonicallysay—otay illustrateway owhay ethay ontinuingcay isunderstandingsmay atthay omesay ermaganttay, exatiousvay ascalsray eemsay otay avehay erelymay underscoreway isthay ointpay. ellWay, atthay’say ettinggay awayway omfray ymay ainmay opictay, ichwhay isway atthay itway eemssay otay ebay involvedway inway away umbernay ofway illegalway orway orderlinebay-illegalway activitiesway. orFay eeFray epublicRay andway itsway abituhayéway;say, axtay evasionway andway inancialfay icanerychay areway arcelyscay outsideway ethay ormnay. Evenway inancialfay audfray andway ieverythay eemsay otay ebay okayway. atWhay’say extnay? ailingNay eoplepay otay eestray? Iway ancay aysay onlyway atthay eeFray epublicRay isway ethay ypetay ofway organizationway atthay urnstay upway itsway osenay atway eoplepay ikelay youay andway emay. Iway uessgay atthay’say ecausebay eway avenhay’tay ethay aintestfay otionnay aboutway ethay ingsthay atthay eallyray attermay uchsay asway ywhay itway ouldway ebay oodgay orfay itway otay ingbray uglinessway andway astinessnay intoway ourway iveslay. Iway aimclay atthay eeFray epublicRay illway indisputablyway akemay eoplepay eakway andway ependentday oonersay orway aterlay. Iway asebay isthay onfidentcay edictionpray onway, amongway otherway ingsthay, ethay actfay atthay ifway Iway oughtthay atthay itsway istrionicshay adhay evenway away owballsnay’say ancechay inway ellHay ofway oingday anythingway oodgay orfay anyoneway, enthay Iway ouldnway’tay ebay osay iticalcray. Asway eythay andstay, oweverhay, Iway ancay oncludecay onlyway atthay itway isway ulytray otnay ethay intentionway ofway eavenHay otay etlay eeFray epublicRay onvincecay isinformedmay, edaceouspray ychicspsay atthay erethay isway absolutelyway othingnay eythay ancay oday otay etterbay eirthay otlay inway ifelay esidesbay oiningjay itway. oNay okejay. ecauseBay eway ontinuecay otay areshay away ommoncay, albeitway abusedway, atmosphericway envelopeway, eway ustmay eeksay ibertylay, equalityway, andway aternityfray. Ourway ildrenchay ependday onway atthay. yBay itsway ownway admissionway, eeFray epublicRay isway irmlyfay onvincedcay atthay itway’say away onderfulway, aritablechay organizationway. Itsway eliefbay isway ontrovertedcay, oweverhay, ybay ethay eightway ofway ethay evidenceway indicatingway atthay eeFray epublicRay arguesway atthay itway oesday ethay ingsthay itway oesday “orfay ethay ildrenchay”. Iway ishway Iway ouldcay uggestsay omesay incontrovertibleway ainchay ofway apodicticway easoningray atthay ouldway overcomeway isthay argumentway, utbay ethay estbay Iway ancay oday isway ethay ollowingfay: ocietySay ustmay oonsay ecideday eitherway otay ampionchay ethay orcefay ofway oodnessgay againstway ethay eedgray ofway obnoxiousway, utinousmay ookssay orway elseway otay etlay eeFray epublicRay aceplay umblingstay ocksblay inway ontfray ofway osethay ofway usway owhay eeksay aluevay andway ulfilmentfay inway ourway ersonalpay andway ofessionalpray iveslay. eThay ecisionday isway oneway ofway ifelay orway eathday, eacefulpay existenceway orway erpetualpay ocialsay everfay. Iway ancay opehay onlyway atthay osethay inway argechay ealizeray atthay eeFray epublicRay aimsclay atthay itsway enturesvay illway universallyway enefitbay allway ankindmay. Inway ealityray, itsway enturesvay illway enefitbay onlyway osethay incontinentway ingbatsday owhay eachpray earfay andway ignoranceway. Asway Iway ikelay otay aysay, youay annotcay inklay armsway underway away universalistway annerbay enwhay youay ancay’tay indfay youray ownway amenay onway itway. yBay atthay Iway eanmay atthay eeFray epublicRay ouldway avehay youay elievebay atthay eedomfray ustmay ebay abolishedway inway orderway orfay eoplepay otay ebay oremay ecuresay andway omfortablecay. Iway avehay alreadyway, orfay ethay esentpray atway eastlay, ufficientlysay answeredway ethay imaticclay artpay ofway isthay opositionpray andway avehay onlyway otay addway atthay eeFray epublicRay ouldshay opstay ombardingbay usway ithway itsway oliticallypay incorrectway aikeryglay. Inway isthay ontextcay, ethay oppositeway ofway oliticalpay incorrectnessway isway otnay oliticalpay orrectnesscay utbay atherray anway objectiveway estquay orfay owledgeknay. Asway eway allway owknay, ostmay immoralway, orthlessway eebsdway acklay anyway owledgeknay aboutway owhay owledgeknay andway isdomway areway eeFray epublicRay’say enemiesway. Itway understandsway atthay ybay imitinglay educationway andway enlightenmentway, itway ancay oolfay oremay eoplepay intoway elievingbay atthay itway actsway inway ethay amenay ofway equalityway andway ocialsay usticejay. adlySay, osethay ithway ethay eastlay educationway areway osethay owhay ouldway enefitbay ostmay omfray ethay owledgeknay atthay everyway imetay eeFray epublicRay uttersway orway iteswray away atementstay atthay upportssay apegoatismscay—evenway indirectlyway—itway endssay away essagemay atthay aracterchay evelopmentday isway otnay away attermay ofway “engthstray oughthray adversityway” utbay atherray, “entitlementway oughthray ictimizationvay”. Iway eelfay atthay eway ustnmay’tay etlay itway akemay uchsay atementsstay, artlypay ecausebay itway antsway otay ansformtray ocietysay’say oresmay osay atthay itway isway onsideredcay acceptableway ehaviorbay otay oonspay-eedfay usway itsway abulumpay, utbay imarilypray ecausebay itway isway alwaysway yingtray otay ormway itsway ayway intoway everythingway. isThay isway otnay away attermay ofway erceptionpay utbay ofway oncretecay, aterialmay ealityray. eeFray epublicRay eemssay otay avehay onay oubletray eetsway-alkingtay allsmay-indedmay engalisSvay intoway elpinghay itway atterscay aboutway inway ofusionpray anway abundanceway ofway opray-eeFray epublicRay eliefsbay (asway Iway ouldway ertainlycay otnay allcay emthay ogicallylay easonedray argumentsway). atThay’say omethingsay youay onway’tay indfay inway youray ocallay ewspapernay ecausebay itway’say ethay ewsnay atthay ustjay oesnday’tay itfay. oTay enyday isthay isway otay enyday iencescay, etlay aloneway ethay evidenceway ofway oneway’say ownway owerspay ofway observationway. owNay atthay’say away ongstray onclusioncay otay awdray ustjay omfray ethay evidenceway Iway’evay esentedpray inway isthay etterlay osay etlay emay orroboratecay itway ybay ayingsay atthay itway’say inway eeFray epublicRay’say oodblay otay isdirectmay, iscreditday, isruptday, andway otherwiseway eutralizenay itsway etractorsday. ivenGay atthay eway annotcay absolutelyway ullifynay ethay odigalitypray ofway aturenay, ytray asway ardhay asway eway aymay, Iway’may afraidway Iway avehay otay oncludecay atthay eeFray epublicRay onsistentlycay allsfay ortshay ofway ellingtay ethay olewhay orystay orway ofway akingmay away olidsay ointpay. etLay emay ecapray atthay orfay youay ecausebay itway eallyray isway extraordinarilyway importantway: Iway avehay alwaysway eenbay anway independentway inkerthay. Iway’may otnay influencedway ybay opularpay endstray, ethay ediamay, orway evenway osay-alledcay undisputedway actsfay enwhay arrotedpay ybay othersway. aybeMay atthay eakstray ofway independenceway isway atwhay irstfay enabledway emay otay eesay atthay eeFray epublicRay isway ivingdray emay utsnay. Iway ancay’tay aketay itway anymoreway! Iway ouldway ikelay otay oseclay ybay ayingsay atthay ethay ainstreammay ediamay avehay aidsay arynay away ordway aboutway owhay ethay ocksteplay ideologicalway onformitycay ofway eeFray epublicRay’say ycophantssay, owhay areway egionlay, andway eirthay indlessmay arrotingpay ofway eeFray epublicRay’say enightedbay ichesclay aboutway antidisestablishmentarianismway avehay eachedray away evellay ofway absurdityway ardlyhay atchedmay ybay anyway istoricalhay exampleway atthay omescay otay indmay.

64 posted on 09/05/2015 8:55:10 PM PDT by ThomasThomas (Silence is golden , duct tape is silver. El silencio es oro, cinta del conducto es de plata.)
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To: ThomasThomas

Okay, you can leave. Bye!

117 posted on 09/05/2015 9:30:18 PM PDT by AFreeBird
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