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BREXIT Briefing
poster - reproduced with permission | JUL 2016 | poster

Posted on 07/24/2016 11:30:18 AM PDT by PzGr43


Prior to the vote, all indicators all seemed to be 50/50.

My money was on 50/50 with a win by a short head for 'REMAIN'. Why ? Well, 'Leave' would just have been too good to be true. It would be like Hitler waking up one morning in 1945 to find that the German Army has won the Battle of Seelow Heights and the Bolshevik Horde are in full retreat for Moskau. Not going to happen.


First results reflect my anticipations.

00:01HRS GMT on the Friday, Sterling/Dollar goes into freefall. Wild volatility with no one having a clue what is going on. Well, I am old enough to remember when Sterling nearly hit 1 for 1 with the US Dollar. It gets to be hard work when everyone around you seems to be a teenager.

On the run up to BREXIT intelligent discussion has been hard to find. The economist who can produce a water-tight cost-benefit analysis is going to win this. The case is open&shut. Furthermore, he is going to end up a billionaire over-night if he can predict the pole result. The cost-benefit case never arrived. So that left non market factors:


The cash-positive EU members, basically DE-GB-FR have to pay into the socialism fund which funds socialist projects in the basket-case EU countries which have no GDP, no market for the DE-GB-FR countries to sell their goods into, but do have cheap Labour. Greece is basically a Third World county with only tourism receipts.


Socialists have passed laws (Human Rights Act) which allow illegals to gain citizenship and benefits. Free money, free voting shares. This Gerrymanders the voting because if you receive free money and free voting shares, then you vote for the party of free money and free voting shares. This shifts the electorate to left again and again. It is Europe-wide because any law made by the EU becomes law in all member countries.

Illegals pay about USD8000 to people traffickers and they provide a boat of some kind. Once 12 miles away from the shore of Africa in international waters the illegals telephone the Greek or Italian coast guard, who, instead of towing them back to the shore of North Africa, give them a free ride to European mainland.

Problem is that some idiot socialist in the EU was not watching what he was doing when he was drafting the law and illegals have to 'apply' for asylum in the country of landfall. This is Greece or Italy. Neither of them want all these illegals and the illegals want to head for the free-money countries like Germany, UK, France, Scandinavia. So for the last twenty years Italy has had a policy of processing illegals as fast as possible then giving them their train fare to Germany or the UK. Italy and Greece are awash with DPs from the Balkans and North Africa. Anything not nailed down gets stolen.

Switzerland has all its southern borders manned 24 hours in order to make sure that they don't get any illegals.

On arriving in DE or GB or Scandinavia, the illegals get free money and free voting shares. However, nationals of these countries have to go through the mill to get money. Show lots of ID, disclosure of bank accounts, disclosure of assets, et cetera. No address no money. Their homeless would live like kings on the amount of money these countries pour down foreign drains, but their homeless are not eligible for the gold-card treatment.

This is wonderful for terrorists because you can go to Syria, come back and get a free taxpayer-funded identity change, new passport, et cetera. But... fear not. Euro-government anti-terrorism measures are so flaccid, so pathetic, so wish-washy that this particular hole in the boat is not significant when it comes to assessing how fast the boat is sinking.

For example, GB receives enough immigrants/illegals to fill the city of Liverpool, annually. Imagine the welfare bill. The left in the UK have decreed the highest welfare benefit payments in Europe and there is a huge camp of illegals on the French side of the border trying to get into the UK. All of Europe's heroin addicts have migrated to the UK because the welfare benefit payments to selected classes of 'vulnerable' people are the highest in Europe. 'Vulnerable' is a socialist code-word for member of the socialist victim-set. The only truly vulnerable people in Europe are the taxpayers.

While there seems to be one 'Human Rights Act' in EU law, the French have decided on a different 'interpretation'. The British process asylum claims while the claimant lives on taxpayers money in the UK. The Blair/Brown Labour government (Socialism 2.0) decided that deporting failed claimants was, I quote "too emotional" and so any one who arrived, regardless of their claim was given 'asylum' (free money, free voting share) - after taxpayers money had been wasted on processing their claims. The French, however, specify that asylum claimants apply for their claim while residing in their own country. A French official in Brussels was overheard to remark once 'The English are stupid. Only they follow the EU rules.'


All sorts of obfuscatory ordure has been in circulation about what would or would not happen if GB left the EU.

Media talking heads claiming that the EU has given us 70 years of peace in Europe. Well before every major war in the last two-hundred years some fool has predicted that war could never happen again because of some political or economic integration.

At this point you realise that civilisation may well be finished in any case if someone like that can be listened to by a serious audience without been laughed out of town.

Please show your working. Please demonstrate causality.

This was a slightly different form of the socialist psychopathogen which manifests itself as envy politics. What the espouser of this gambit is saying is 'lets all form a circle and hug', which is their way of dealing with the social-angst created by capitalism, rather than the measures of envy politics like high taxation or expanding the welfare burden by promoting illegal immigration.

Claiming that the EU has prevented war in Europe is like claiming that snapping your fingers keeps the elephants away. Keep snapping your fingers. See any elephants ? Nope. Told you - snapping your fingers keeps the elephants away.

All of these people will be able to form a circle and hug after the EU is dissolved. It's just they will not be able to do it at taxpayer expense.

03:00HRS GMT on the Friday. Results reflect anticipations. I am losing interest and am descending into a spiral of depression. Another good solid nail is going into the coffin of the imperialist military-industrial complex as we know it.

Some hours later...

... A win for the 'LEAVE'.

I can't believe it. Lucky I did not have any of my own money down.

Prime Minister David Cameron resigns. He has backed the 'REMAIN' camp and has been promoting socialist initiatives for some years.

For example:

The number of billions spent on foreign aid was set into a law. They have to spend that much.

He fudged the immigration issue, claiming he would control immigration, but immigration cannot be controlled while the UK is in the EU because the EU give the illegals passports and there are no restrictions on 'Germans', 'Italians', 'French'. No point claiming you will stop the boat sinking by patching up the holes at one end only.

Basically, if he had been a socialist plant, he could not have done more damage and a lot of years have been wasted which has bought the Communists time.


Well, the UK leaves the EU.

It's actually as serious for the EU as for the UK, because the EU is now badly damaged. Greece leaving was irrelevant, apart from a haircut received by any bank stupid enough to lend money to Greece. But Euro-socialism depends on cash-producing members, which is DE-GB-FR. Cost of Euro-socialism or an EU GREXIT type bailout is now born solely by DE-FR. Really, just Germany. Germans will get sick of this and the political temperature will reach boiling point.

The individual EXIT campaigns in each European country will cook-off and after each one does, the temperature in the rest will get higher. Each one of the supporting cables is a different length and the one under the most tension snaps first. This increases the tension on the remaining cables. And so on.

As the late great Margaret Thatcher said 'The trouble with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money.'

So, Bolsheviks, it looks like the remains of the working-class have had enough of Chardonnay-socialism, whether it is Euro-socialism or otherwise.


The left in the UK will play for time, drag their feet. Instead of mass deportations on the Monday following the Friday, it will be decades of amnesties because the various governments do not have a clue where these people are or if they have been given a passport, why they were given it.

Welfare should stop on the Monday for all of the illegals but I doubt any single one of them will ever be deported or stop receiving welfare.

The EU - the actual EU administration will fight to the last man because once the EU is over, they will have to get proper jobs. Prospects are not good and working for a living is going to be a lot harder than junketing for a living.


In theory, the UK will be outside the customs union. This would mean it would be back to like it was before the UK was in the EU.

Before you listen to anyone on 'what it is going to be like' ask them to describe to you what it was like before.

This would be a big economics paper and I am not sure that anyone is interested, however... I will start with the easy ones:


The City of London is one of the world's financial centers. London New York Tokyo. (The EU is now 'cut off' from the City of London). The only financial center in Europe of any significance is Frankfurt. The other bourses are tiny. Irrelevant.

Finance in Germany has been done by bank loans because the German economy is composed largely of Mittlestand - small-medium family companies which produce specialised engineering and manufacturing plant. Wherever you are in the world, whenever you buy processing plant it is always German. Raising capital via stock markets for companies this size was not economic hence the Frankfurt stock exchange was a back-water. Capital had to be raised for companies this size via bank loans and the typical German consensus-led corporatism. "We're all Germans here" works as well as "We're all Gentlemen here" - when we are all Germans here. This meant that in the pre EU world there were no Anglo-Saxon practices like hostile takeovers in Germany. Things like that just did not happen. It was the same in Japan until T. Boone Pickens and other greenmailers arrived in the mid-1980s.

In the UK there were giant industrial concerns who raised capital in the City of London. Trading companies with global reach were based in London and did the same. Large foreign firms who needed capital raised it in London. Same with insurance.

60% of the UK economy is in London.

Rust belt like the north, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland are now welfare sinks, and are cash-negative. Scotland returns almost 100% Communist political candidates. Only one UK govt in the post-war world would have been Communist if you did not count the Scottish votes. Arguments about Scottish governance revolve around who is going to decide where the English taxpayers money is spent on welfare for the Scottish.

Wales only had coal mining and steel smelting. Both of those are now closed. Coal now comes from Russia. The last deep mine in the UK closed a few years back. The UK is built on coal but it is no longer economic to mine it because of labor costs. There was a phrase - was, in common circulation that was used to describe something futile or non-sensical. It was "That's like sending coals to Newcastle". Well, last year for the first time, coals did arrive in Newcastle, from Russia. There was so little coal being produced that steam railway preservation societies had run out.

Northern Ireland had shipbuilding but that died in the 1960s & 1970s when unionisation successively increased labour rates. It's been a welfare sink ever since.

Each of these regions are slightly different but rust belt tends to vote Communist because they need the welfare. Hence they vote to remain in the EU to receive Euro-socialism.

Northern Ireland is not really one of the Chardonnay socialist countries like the Scandinavians, whom all want to form a circle and hug all the illegals. It is more a working class 1950s Marxist-Leninism. Quite unshakeably they see themselves 'respectable' but impoverished. For example there are no Gypsies left in Northern Ireland. In the rest of the EU they are everywhere because they can live on welfare and supplement their income (tax free) with begging and low-level street crime. In Northern Ireland, which has tight-knit working-class communities with a strong social identity (probably the strongest in the world), they did not want any Gypsy welfare spongers and they ran them all out of town. Nearly impossible to do that in the EU countries because they would be shouted down as a neo-Nazi. In Northern Ireland the cops only have tenuous grasp on social control of any kind. Back in the day, the respective terrorist organisations ran local security operations where anti-social elements (car thieves) were dealt with outside of the law, usually by either being killed or being knee-capped. Recidivism was nil.


Different levels of Communism exist in each European country. The German left has a long history of being on the right of the left. Lenin called them 'social fascists'. Unreliable partners when it comes to the imposition of a World Workers' Soviet. If you knew Germany from being based there in the 1970s then the old West Germany of the German Economic Miracle is gone. All that is left is the 'brand'.

France has a lot of Communists but it is Communism for French people and they are not interested in fraternal Marxist brotherhood with other Communists. Strong sense of national identity. Liberte Egality Fraternity - but for French people, not for every one. France is a socialist state with state-owned infrastructure (rail, electricity, water, gas, telephones). There is a lot of state control and 'social security'. You cannot fire anyone from their job so the French are pretty lax about doing things which would get you fired and jailed in CONUS. They have porn all over their computers and email systems. Lots of 'sick leave'. State industries (rail, electricity, water, ) are all jobs for life. Unions are strong and frequently hold the country to ransom. Government always caves.

Notice how it was OK for the French to be led by a Communist - Mitterand, without so much as a murmur, but when Austria was going to be led by a fascist - Jorg Haider, the 'international community' spat out its dummy and threw its toys out of the pram.

UK: Communists are full-blown Marxists and are despised by the European left. UK Communists (the Labour Party) sing 'The Red Flag' after their party conference. Imagine the Democrats singing 'The Red Flag' after theirs ? They'd be lynched. US Liberals tend to find themselves in the moderate center when they arrive in UK politics. In 1945 the UK Labour government compulsorily purchased all UK steel firms, railway firms, coal mines into state ownership, Communist-style, and they remained that way until Margaret Thatcher came to power.

Italy had/has a lot of theoretical Communists but a lot of things happen in theory in Italy. Like tax collection. Italy had high levels of Communists because it produced a lot of professional classes whom had no jobs to go to. (See 'Naples '44 ' by Norman Lewis for a portrait of the structure of Italian society ; See 'The Spanish Labyrinth' by Gerald Brenan for a similar portrait of Spanish society) Restrictive labor laws mean no-one can be fired and companies are reluctant to take on new staff to meet orders.

That's about it. The rest don't count. And Italy is included to make up numbers. It has a significant GDP - Italy's businesses function regardless of how hopeless the Italian state is.

Remember: 'Europe' is Germany, the UK and France. Economically and militarily. The rest just make up the numbers.

Other European countries have their own EXIT campaigns. Even France. And France was the driver behind the formation of the European Union. As back-marker in the major European powers it made sense. This is why one of the first pieces of Euro-socialism enacted was farm subsidies, because French farms were family concerns which were split between the offspring and so became smaller and smaller with every generation. Two-cow farms were not commercially viable in the post-war era, so all farm produce was subsidized by Euro-taxpayers cash.


Same as in GB

1) Uncontrolled immigration

2) Euro-socialism



With each new Eastern European country admitted into the EU, a new tide of Gypsies have been unleashed on DE-GB-FR + Scandinavia. They now have crime as far north as Bergen. Prior to this the Gypsies were stuck behind the Iron Curtain. They are racially distinct and look like Indians, dark-skinned with straight black hair. Gypsies run low-level crime and begging scams (A good pitch in a high street will bring in USD30-00/hour tax free). These two trades were a thin living in the Iron Curtain countries but are a tax-free gold mine in DE-GB-FR. One Gypsy child is worth about USD30,000 per quarter in welfare benefits. They are run by a gangmaster who takes all the benefits and the begging cash. Usually he lives back in the former Iron Curtain country where they came from because you can live like a king there and buy property, build a huge new house. Large areas of rural Romania and Bulgaria are depopulated because every one left for the cities and for Western Europe. If you fancy a little place in the country within walking distance of forests filled with Hirsche, boar and gamebirds, now is the time. England's Prince Charles has bought himself a farm there, believe it or not.


Statistically irrelevant in the BREXIT debate but politically visible. The addition of the former Warsaw Pact countries meant a crime wave for Western Europe which swept all the way to the Atlantic.


Criminals from places like Albania which had not advanced since the Ottomans arrived tended to handle petty theft. They would steal anything not nailed down. An abandoned plant pot.


Ethnically different and distributed throughout eastern Europe. Crime centered around pick-pocketing or getting children to run into shops and steal from the till when the shopkeeper was not looking.


For some reason, seem to specialise in supply bag-snatching and wallet-lifting gangs. Typically well-rehearsed and effective.


Specialise in violent crime by gangs: Kidnap, break-ins. Fortunately, the socialist government in Spain promulgated the softest laws in Europe on violent crime and the Romanian gangs all went to Spain. Typical MO was a break-in followed by offering violence to the householder unless they opened their safe or handed over valuables.


Plenty of Muslims. They dress funny and have a visible religion. This helps whip-up anti-immigration sentiment on the right so they are a lot more useful politically to EXIT than people indistinguishable from the native populations would be.

France and Germany have enough housing stock but the UK had run out of housing stock thirty years ago. With an influx the size of the City of Liverpool annually, then it is no surprise they are the first EXIT. Furthermore, the left have made sure that welfare benefits have to be paid wherever the recipient wants to live. During recessions the cost of housing in the rust-belt north of England / Scotland can drop as low a one dollar to buy a house - your own house for a dollar. Housing is cheap. London, in the South-East of England where most people live, housing is the same price as NYC. Welfare benefit tourists from Eastern Europe flock to London because crime and scams pay best there. Government has to pay astronomical rates to buy housing in London for them at taxpayer expense. Government takes money off taxpayers and bids against the taxpayers in the market for the housing stock - with their own money. Prices go up and up. No problem for the government because they can take more money off the taxpayer. And the left love it because it taxes the Kulaks, who have to work even harder in order to earn more money. Housing shortage because of this means that there is a generation of young people in their late 20s early 30s moving back in with their parents. Illegals and benefit tourists, who do not have to worry about working for a living or making enough money to pay for anything, make the situation steadily worse. UK government has responded by pretending that the problem does not exist and the cause and effect are somehow unconnected.

This is likely why the UK has been the first to vote for EXIT. (Paris is the next most expensive city but nowhere near as expensive a London. German cities are not expensive. Swiss cities can be expensive as London - Geneva is - but remember there are only six million people in Switzerland and nearly ten million in London).

Islamo-terror in Europe is only economically significant in that it affects tourism. Most European countries have had internal security / terrorism in one form or other from the 1960s onwards so it is nothing new. However, Islamo-terror is immensely useful in swinging opinion to the right. If the right were switched-on and co-ordinated then they would be running terrorist training camps in Syria right now.


With free migration of labor, all of the former Warsaw Pact countries have had a migration of labor to the EU cash generators DE-GB-FR in the West. In their own countries all of the Communist era heavy industry closed the day the wall came down because they were neither price-competitive or quality-competitive. Wage rates were low and jobs few. Thus there was a huge exodus of labor to the West.

Structural change in the Western economies has meant that all of the unskilled (factory production line) semi-skilled (maintenance) and skilled jobs (toolmakers) have disappeared. These people will be on welfare for the rest of their lives. The previous Labour (Communist) government responded by adding as many people as possible to the eligibility for extra payments to the 'disabled'. The number of 'disabled' people increased several-fold.

With left-wing governments welfare payments grew ever larger for the socialist victim-set and it was possible to make a tidy living from welfare. Welfare was so generous that having children was a gold mine with some households receiving USD50,000 per annum. In employment as basic labor (shop checkout) they could only earn minimum wage. Furthermore whatever the liabilities incurred by the welfare recipient they were picked up by the state. Everything was paid for. But for people in work, as costs rose, they got poorer.

There are even cases of welfare recipients who are too obese to work. The state pays for various aids like mobility scooters for them so they can go to the shops to buy more food. And get fatter.

With the state buying labor in the market with an infinite amount of money - taxpayers money, employers could not compete and had to buy-in cheap labor from the Warsaw Pact countries. This increased pressure on the housing stock. No problem if you were on welfare because the government took more money off the taxpayer and bought the more-expensive housing to house those on welfare - an increasing number of whom were just illegals. It was a gold mine. The left were falling over themselves to make out how wonderful these 'victims' were.

Immigrants were brought in purely for political ends, purely for Gerrymandering:

The political left - the Chardonnay socialists, actually wanted to break the hold of the dead-white-male imperialist military-industrial complex using immigration even if it meant destroying the old Marxist-Leninist working class Socialism 1.0 classes - the working classes. None of whom wanted immigrants and all of whom wanted jobs, employment, job security.

Those arriving for free money and free voting shares vote for the party which offers more free money and more voting shares. They are not going to vote for the party which tells them that the party is over and they are all going home. Thus this scam, involving 'asylum seekers' and illegals was the perfect form of Gerrymandering. The BREXIT campaign was probably the last chance to halt this Gerrymandering before it is too late and the ship will capsize.

Furthermore, in cash-positive EU economies like DE-GB-FR, all healthcare is paid for by the state. Originally, in the UK there was no system for limiting it to either the British of to UK passport holders because there was no one else in the country but them. Thre was no lock on the door. You just walked in. Fast forward to the Blair/Brown 'Free Money' government and you have welfare tourists from the EU, illegals who have crossed Europe plus anyone who can fly into the country and get passed the border guards. If you have a serious health problem and require extensive treatment (Brazilian Aids victims) then your only chance is to make it into the UK and go straight to a hospital. You then receive hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars worth of free healthcare.

Refusing to give free healthcare to the socialist victim-set is 'evil'. So none of the politicians would go near it. The British national healthcare system is the largest organisation in Europe after the Soviet Army. This is another reason why BREXIT happened first in the UK. One of David Cameron's last acts was was announce a war on tax dodgers who used offshore companies and offshore lawyers to hide their capital (like he had). It was going to become a criminal offence for bank staff to aid Kulaks in avoiding tax. However, doctors and nurses who handed out several hundred thousand dollars of free healthcare to someone who just got off a plane from Africa were morally sacrosanct.

Charity is not illegal. Anyone who wants to give free money to foreigners can do so. Anyone who does not want to does not have to. We can live in a perfect world. But the definition of socialism is that you want to achieve your own objectives with other people's money. Partly because spending other people's money is a lot more fun and makes you feel less social-angst because you make them less rich.

Under Socialism 2.0, - Chardonnay socialism, you do not round-up the Kulaks and put them up against the wall because if the Kulaks are all murdered they are unavailable to be taxed. Under Socialism 2.0 you keep them in employment and tax them to death. Under Socialism 1.0 everyone, including socialists had to work. Boring. Irksome. It was called 'The Soviet Union'. Under Socialism 2.0, only the Kulaks work, and socialists don't. They're either on welfare or in politics. At last: The socialist nirvana. The bigger the welfare bill gets, the harder the Kulaks have to work ! The dead don't suffer, so, for the left, seeing the Kulaks worked to death was a greatly superior result.

Not only were those in work facing decreasing pay in real terms, but a decreasing future, since along with the disappearance of skilled and semi-skilled jobs, employment for life had disappeared as well. Your job would have gone to China well before the time you reached retirement.


The left are lovin' it.

But they cannot believe what has happened with BREXIT. Cannot understand why the votes cast by non-socialists count. Like in Nicaragua where PJ O'Rourke saw that old hippy stumbling away after the left lost an election. The hippy mumbled

"We just can't abandon the people of Nicaragua".

Remember, that all of these features which to us are disastrous errors. Hopeless faults. To a socialist (2.0) they are attractive features. They like the idea that the Kulaks have to pay more and more tax. They like the idea that not only members of the socialist victim-set in their own country are handed free money but members of the socialist victim-set in foreign countries are recruited to receive free money at the expense of the Kulaks. What I have just described above is not a litany of horror, but a roll-call of joy. That is the socialists voted 'REMAIN'.

However, the 52% of voters whom voted for 'LEAVE' voted to leave because of

(1) Welfare benefit tourism

(2) Uncontrolled immigration via the 'Human Rights Act'

(3) Jobs going to hordes of cheap labor from the Warsaw Pact countries , 'Kruschev's Revenge'.

With (1) the 'LEAVE' camp hate the fact that the rest of Europe's bums turn up in the UK for free money and the taxpayer has to shell out.

With (2), any one from anywhere in the world who is 'in danger' from something cannot be sent back. They have to be given asylum - free money and free votes. This includes really ridiculous 'victims' like Russians who live in the Baltic states because they are the subject of discrimination by Balts. Therefore 'asylum' is offered.

With (3) the labor force in the UK see that their future has been sold from underneath them.


Same reason we cannot enforce the Second Amendment. The left's political base is too strong and ours is too weak.

Except with BREXIT people are going to realise that they can do something about it. In the long term unless they reverse the Gerrymandering by the left and deport benefit tourists, 'asylum seekers' and other illegals, and convert all working immigrants onto a Gastarbeiter visa the ascendancy of the left will be permanent. The UK could reverse some of the this by getting rid of Scotland which votes nearly 100% Communist. But that would just buy time unless they plug the hole in the boat which is immigration and Gerrymandering.


What is not going to happen is that thousands of non-British will be deported immediately.


If an EU migrant worker is in a job, then it is vital they stay in that job. This will mean being granted an indefinite/longperiod work visa. If all the EU migrant workers in the UK went home then there would not be a recession: The economy would stop dead. The UK economy partly through

1) Structural economic change

2) Attempts by the Blair/Brown Labour governments (Socialism 2.0) to put as many UK/illegals on welfare benefits as possible

no longer has enough British nationals to fill the workforce. Furthermore, it makes little sense for them to join the workforce when the only 'job' security they will be able to get is on welfare.

The EU migrant workers will be here for at least a generation. They will not be able to vote because that is one of the things that the 'LEAVE' camp voted against.


It is almost certain that benefit tourists from the EU and illegals from outside the EU will have their benefits shut off and deported. Although what happens to them after the benefits have been shut off is irrelevant by comparison. Benefit tourism is one of the things that the 'LEAVE' camp voted against.


The EU Human Rights Act means that any illegals who make it to Europe from a country where

1) there is war 2) they are a member of a minority which is discriminated against

can claim asylum, get free money, free passport and a free voting share. This means that nearly anybody can claim asylum because only Western countries have made discrimination illegal in the last forty years. There may not be any war in their country of origin but there is usually a socialist victim set of some description living in that country.

So-called 'Asylum Seekers' will have to go as it is one of the things the 'LEAVE' camp voted against. It was all part of the left's campaign of Gerrymandering, since these people vote for the party of free money. Certainly there will be no more of these people and the question remains on how flaccid will be the attempts of the government to deport anyone who entered the country under the Human Rights Act.

So to meet BREXT the UK government will have to

1) hand out work visas 2) Stop benefits to anyone who is not British 3) Stop the 'Asylum Seeking' gerrymandering of the left.

UK governments since Margaret Thatcher have specialised in prevarication, inaction and a failure to see the BREXIT train coming down the tracks toward them. Their record of ineffectiveness and commitment to pouring taxpayers money down the drain of socialism, even in foreign countries is blemish-free. It seems unlikely they will suddenly find the name of action, even now.

KEYWORDS: brexit

1 posted on 07/24/2016 11:30:18 AM PDT by PzGr43
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To: PzGr43

Trump = America’s Brexit.

2 posted on 07/24/2016 11:32:50 AM PDT by oblomov (We have passed the point where "law," properly speaking, has any further application. - C. Thomas)
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To: PzGr43
Through NATO America has been committed to defending all of
those Western European countries who have socialist/communistic
economies and are run by socialist or communistic political parties and who have no compunction about expressing their contempt for America,
the American people and American society. Their socialist societies "function" only because America is paying their defense
bills through NATO.

Trump is right. America needs to leave NATO as soon as possible. Let them defend themselves. Yes, we can still make agreements to use bases
and build facilities etc. But these agreements will be for America's benefit and to aid the defense of America. They will not be tools to prop-up
socialist/communistic governments and economies.

3 posted on 07/24/2016 2:51:15 PM PDT by StormEye
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