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The Newspaper of Wreckage
08-January-2005 | Ron Pickrell

Posted on 01/08/2005 11:16:01 AM PST by pickrell

The New York Times, once ironically known as the "Newspaper of Record", has a problem. But they aren't lonesome. The same problem threatens CBS news, and the rest of the "mainstream" media. Though Dan Rather will soon be freed from his many duties in the news manufacturing division, and thus be able to enlist the aid of O.J. Simpson in finding the real perpetrator/hoaxer, there remains to the liberal media that nagging problem.

And that is "the record".

In the past, engineered crises and hard hitting ambushes, once they had accomplished their intended purposes, could be safely laid to rest, buried utterly, where necessary, since later discoveries of fraud, misrepresention and distortion in regards to those original stories weren't deemed newsworthy. This was laughably easy to orchestrate since the authors of the original "stories" were also in a position to decide whether any subsequently discovered facts were newsworthy! And the system worked for decades.

If things got out of hand, and a Jason Blair was exposed, the blame could be laid on a few bad eggs, and swords would be fallen upon. Nothing really serious.

It was never necessary, for instance, in times past, for the media to engage in crude wet-work, such as slipping dioxin into conservative candidates' foods. Not that such a thing would be considered immoral, by persons who sneer at the concept of morality- an "evangelical affliction" in their eyes. Rather, such a thing would be considered unsophisticated, in a world where selective editing and truth embargo has always worked far more reliably and deniably for political assassination.

Also, it would be sniffed at, and looked down upon, by the country club elites whom the media adore and aspire to socialize with. Their poison is instead administered with precision timing and electronic delivery. The door prize is, that it is also totally legal! The same Constitution that is so ridiculed by the media provides the police escort for the "journalist".

And the system worked for decades.

Where the system is now breaking down, is that leaks are occurring in the embargo, and the "Newspaper of Record" no longer owns the record. This is creating anxiety that is rubbing off the carefully applied polish, and exposing the corruption underneath. The reason that the lies have become so blatant and undeniable recently, is that the Left keeps losing political power. And with each loss, salvation appears to the Liberal to lay only with ever more virulent anti-American, anti-family, anti-military, anti-conservative rhetoric.

In what has left conservatives often literally gaping open-mouthed with astonishment, the liberals openly posit that they just aren't getting their message out! That once the average voter finally understands just how totally evil America, families, childbirth, military service, personal responsibility and so many of the other things that liberals loath, really are...that the voter will then naturally respond as predicted by Goebbels and Trotsky, and burn their own homes, villages and heritage down to ashes.

After all- it's in the "little red book", the bible of collectivists, and so it is therefore axiomatic.

This has left many conservatives, though they are winning, literally flummoxed. The problem lies with the difference in the mindset between liberals and conservatives. Seldom has this fundamental difference been openly and thoroughly explored, and even though many instinctively understand it, it deserves to be probed to it's logical conclusions.

Conservatives characteristically evaluate the results of their many past decisions, as a regular and on-going part of their lives. They adjust their decision-making process accordingly, in order to do as much good and as little harm as possible. It seems so instinctive to them, as a matter of personal responsibility, that they simply cannot easily understand a mentality which doesn't avail itself of this critical tool. When a course of action proves harmful... conservatives aspire to admit the error, take their lumps and change their actions. When a public office-holder is seen to have violated rules of conduct, yea even as a Speaker of the House, he is firmly encouraged to resign, or be removed. When a policy or course of action produces more good than harm, in the constant trade-off that all of life is, they tentatively consider that it may be a good idea, and carefully, on parole, add it to that collective body of experience that spans thousands of years, and has produced the "wisdom of culture" that we consider our American Birthright, and rightly so. In short, you look at your own "record" and decide what works for you... and what you won't repeat.

Cultural norms weren't abruptly discovered when the first liberal turned sixteen in 1963, and suddenly discovered that he knew more than every adult that ever lived. These collective truths which comprise the inheritance of wisdom which we have been gifted with by our ancestors, were tried and proven, tested to destruction, where necessary, by dozens, hundreds and even thousands of years of hard experience. And, when coupled with the "controlling legal authority of the 10 rules carved into a couple of stone tablets", which cannot be "reviewed and corrected" by the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, and/or whatever other deeply held beliefs that our melting pot of a nation is gifted with, they together comprise The American Culture. In spite of the best efforts of the Left, Americans by and large still understand the difference between right and wrong, and what responsibility actually means.

In the conservative view of the world, change will be considered only when it can be demonstrated conclusively that the proposed "new order" is superior to what currently inconveniences the 16 year old, (and the older children in California). The adults know that as time passes, the 16 year old will eventually mature, learn responsibility, and become conservative. Or, in some sad cases, not.

Conservatives watched an election where 53% of the electorate slapped aside the distortions and propaganda hawked by the mainstream media, and voted to penalize the party which has opted to take what the conservatives perceive to be the wrong side of nearly every issue. Many conservatives then expected that, having heard the now undeniable roar of Vox Populi...the unspinnable, untwistable Voice of the People...the Liberals will now be forced to re-evaluate the tactics and strategies that they have pursued.

Since this apparently doesn't seem to be happening, many heads are shaking in puzzlement. "What...will it take???"

What needs to be understood more clearly by some Conservatives is the reality of the "feedback disorder" that afflicts the Left. We joke about the lack of this "feedback gene" in liberals, without realizing with sudden shock how close we may have come to putting our finger on the root problem of our time.

There Is No Controlling Feedback Mechanism In The Liberal Mind.

It can be supposed logically that....A: either it was never programmed into them by parents, teachers or other cultural influences...or B: there is a chemical, genetic or other disorder which is preventing the normal maturation of liberals, or C: some unknown mechanism has prevented it from being instinctively activated. No exploration of liberal thought has produced or even postulated a fourth possibility.

Let us be honest about what really angers the conservative. Any objective examination of the liberal agenda which honestly tallies the results of the last 40 years of liberal policy yields a harvest of failure and wreckage that has cost uncounted lives and literally destroyed the prospects of several generations.

Bill Cosby finally understands. The problem is, when it would have mattered 30 years ago, neither he, nor any other of the "acceptable voices" had much more to sell than jokes about drugs and the uptight conservatives. It is to his credit alone, apparently, that he has recently risked condemnation from the "enlightened" by trying to undo some of the damage.

Yet even as he does so, the overwhelming preponderance of scorn is heaped by the entertainment community and the elites, not upon the past architects of such cultural carnage, but rather upon the current conservative push to stop the ongoing self-immolation of a sizable portion of the nation's youth!

Does this mean that literally every "liberal policy" is or was a bad idea? No. Many of the policies ascribed to, (and with the collusion of the media is now exclusively presented as "owned by the Left"!), were in actuality ideas propounded by the Republicans and for a time successfully filibustered to a standstill by Democrats! Many of the "past glories" of the liberals were enacted by as great or even greater a percentage of Republican votes as Democratic votes!

But fact, history and matters of record are simple inconveniences to a mainstream media which remains purposefully ignorant of such things, and has the power to enforce that ignorance upon the very victims of past policy. Mention fact, history and matters of record to the mainstream "journalist" and you are often rewarded by a genuine blank stare, a face of honest puzzlement. "You mean that...history...junk...we learned in school? (At least school before the Columbia School of Journalism?). Man, what does that have to do with making things better? And that's what we DO as journalists..."

Pride or guilt does not attach from viewing the fruit of their efforts- simply because the results of their efforts are never viewed- and so never need to be admitted or atoned for. It is critical to understand the implications of this.

In effect- the liberal mind simply doesn't mature to that point. The more childlike operation of the liberal mind is that "I am such a good person for cleverly going around the mechanisms of the Constitution and bringing "help" to the unfortunate! It's all about me- not about the actual results to the unfortunate. After all, (and I speak this in whispers only to my friends), they are a sub-species of trailer trash anyway, and can only hope for my continued attention to their plight." It is a vile bigotry universal to the underlings of the Left. "Give a man a fish...and he will eat for a day. Who cares about tomorrow?"

The adult mind normally evaluates it's history, and understands the responsibility it bears for the results of it's efforts. The conservative needs to focus, however, on the key word "normally" in that last sentence.

To expect any change in the mindset of the New York Times or the junta that they carry the colors for, is itself to misunderstand the mindset of these persons. THEY CANNOT NOW ADMIT THEIR COMPLICITY IN THE POLICIES OF THE LAST 30 YEARS AND SURVIVE.

You will counter-argue that, "But they certainly cannot survive if they don't change! Their policies are self-destructive to their "constituency" and can no longer be hidden." And in this, you have a point. But take it a step further to reach a fuller understanding. In the liberal world view, there is no God, there is no accounting, and we all are doomed to oblivion, so the only thing that matters is the next few months or the next few years. After that, what can they do to us that they didn't do to Stalin?

To be sure, years after he died, the full horror of Stalin's crimes became known, despite the ferocious backing and filling by the Hollywood and New York apologists. But other than pulling his statues down, how could they hurt him? By dying, he escaped without penalty! And those on this side of the pond who enabled him have never been, and will never be, held to account for their actions.

Because, while the rest of us were building communities and lives for our families, they quietly wrapped their tendrils around the information dissemination mechanisms of the nation, as well as the education systems necessary for them to asexually reproduce. In their view, it doesn't matter that the world will inevitably, eventually know that they defended, enabled, and blatantly committed the unthinkable. That will be tomorrow, and they will be safe from the consequences. The important thing is that the power to advance the agenda remains in place, no matter the mounting damage, at least for today.

Because after their assaults upon religion, the only creed now remaining to the Leftists is "The Agenda". It is all that's "left", so to speak. This is critical for the puzzled conservatives among us to understand. History yields many illustrations. Let's briefly look at one.

In World War 2, when the German Army fought to annihilation to slow down the advance of the Soviet armies in the east, it was argued that they were expensively buying time for the Americans and the Brits to occupy Germany from the west, and thereby forestall the Russians. The fly in that that they also fought to annihilation to stop the Americans and the British in the west! If defeat was inevitable, what rational mind could prolong and thereby maximize it's own destruction? The answer is the mindset which has committed the atrocities of "the camps", and has no soul left to save.

No mea culpa, no course correction, no red-faced admission will ever occur among these people. To do so would break the only "commandments" that they know. To expect this from them... is to continue to be puzzled.

To admit that they were wrong would be to admit their willingness, nay, even their apparent eagerness to forever consign several hundred million souls behind the iron curtain. To admit they were wrong would be to admit their active work to continue in this country untold thousands of barbaric partial birth abortions each year.

Could Pol Pot have suddenly realized that the 1.2 million Cambodians that he ordered slaughtered in the onion fields weren't going to remain a secret forever? Could he suddenly admit on the Larry King Show, "Whoops! My goof! Sorrieeee!". Could Idi Amin, who polluted the waterways, and mounded impasses on the Ugandan roadways, with his uncountable murder victims suddenly appear on "Oprah" and well up in tears? Would we hear the expected sigh, and the subsequent warm forgiveness, from the studio and the television crowd?

It would be far too serious for that. It would almost be as bad as if... they smoked cigarettes.

Can the Hollywood and New England crowd, who worked so hard in the 1930's to the present, here in the United States, to debunk those "awful rumors" that Stalin was killing millions- could they now simply dismiss their guilt by breezily quipping, "Gosh, that silly guy! He fooled us!" What do you say to the inquisitors from the steps of your mansion, after the millions of bodies have been exposed to the cameras. Some crimes transcend apology.

But we need to, as conservatives, reach understanding ourselves, and realize that the only defense open to the Left is NOT denial, denial denial. The sophisticated solution of the Left has been to fiercely, at all costs, seize and retain control of the news media. Deny, deny, deny, instead became ... silence and mis-direction. Once we understand that, and cast aside any further silliness about "reaching out to the opposition" and "setting a new tone in Washington", will we commit ourselves to finally finishing this fight.

The role that Freerepublic and other information exchanges has played, in amplifying and broadcasting the evidence produced by the Swift Boats Veterans and other "reporters of fact", was crucial in foiling the latest blitzkreig of the Left. The Freepers must fully understand the psychology of the opponent in order to effectively counter him. It will not be enough to simply deplore their most recent outrages.

The Freerepublic site must continue to weld together that which the liberals desparately seek to wedge apart. For the assault upon the war effort of America will intensify on the home front by the Waffen Liberal, the operative of the modern Josef Goebbels. And each falsehood must be patiently and thoroughly dissected and exposed for what it is... and especially where it came from, and why. It is this that the Freepers excel in and why they are earning a place of honor in "The Record". We must lay the resultant wreckage of the disinformation campaign at the public doorstep of it's authors.

The New York Times has for the last couple of decades been the point source of the liberal view. The major networks structure their nightly spin from that source. But no "liberal conspiracy" exists, it is argued. The sad reality is that none is necessary. If all of the network media heads decide that "if it isn't in the Times, it isn't news...", it enables a profound laziness-read cost effectiveness- on the part of the broadcast networks. It just seems wasteful to have reporters poking around on "non-stories", like Democratic Presidential Candidates secretly meeting with the enemy in a time of war, when all of the really important stuff... is in the Times! And so, a non-conspiracy exists to amplify and disseminate the Times point of view.

And so, until the emergence of the alternative news exchanges, that "Radio Free America" triad of talk-radio, the Fox News mutineers, and especially the internet, the embargo had held. Like Brittania of the 18th century, The Times had ruled the waves.

They have led the charge to trample uncounted millions under their feet so that they could show off their new shoes. When the liberal movement would have gone wobbly, uneasy from seeing the effects of the policies that at the time made them feel so warm and fuzzy about themselves, it was the Times who proudly embargoed the feedback from the citizenry. If the horrible effects of our policies aren't seen, then politically, they don't exist. If the wreckage that they are responsible for is invisible, then, ergo sum, it doesn't exist.

Many conservatives apparently had expected that, once the Vox Populi had been unpreventably heard in the last election, the liberals would finally understand and be forced to move to correct their thought processes.

Unfortunately, this ignores the psychology of the ones who have pushed their Texas Hold'em chips all-in. When you have thrown away all pretense of journalism, all pretense of patriotism, and increasingly, all pretense of reason, there is No Way Back.

To paraphrase a courageous man, "This battle may not end in our lifetimes. But we will not falter, and we will not fail. The modern-day axis of evil- the liberals, the opportunists and the media- will not advance further if we remain steadfast. To all Americans, a choice must be made. You're either with us, or you're with the liberals."

As fascism had to be unquestionably and with absolute finality, beaten by the blood of hundreds of thousands of Americans, Brits and Australians, in order for it to be beyond dispute who had won, and who had liberalism, and the other alternate faces of leftism must be destroyed. Not checked, not fought to armistice... but destroyed. In full view of the world.

The New York Times, the "Newspaper of Wreckage" will not reform itself. To do so would require that it perform brain surgery upon itself without anesthetic. It will not happen that way. The Times must be driven from the desks of subscribers, much as the "Aryan Nation Times" would be hurriedly discarded if found there. Both publications must be anathema, and unwelcome in decent society. Any elitist seen to possess that poison must be publically humiliated exactly how anyone else would be for reading other subversive material, like the Bible or the Constitution...

Once the Times is exposed for what it is...and for what, by it's deception, that it has so ruthlessly enabled, it will no longer be able to carry the banner for those who target family, community, religion, personal responsibility, truth, accuracy and all the rest that is so anathema to the political left. And once the banner falls, the orchestration that has coordinated the news embargo must necessarily fall apart.

The Reichstag must fall, and must be seen to fall.

They made their choice, and must now scorch their yards behind them as they retreat, until their final immolation is complete. If their suiciders, their "common-kazis", wish to anihilate themselves on the way out, as Senator Barbara Boxer has done recently in front of the world with her pathetic tantrum, then so be it. The end will be the same.

It isn't our choice, you see... it is their blood oath.

It is their wreckage.


TOPICS: Editorial; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections
KEYWORDS: bias; freerepublic; freerepubliccom; goebbels; jaysonblair; liberal; liberalism; newyorkslimes; newyorktimes; nyslimes; nyt; nytimes; record; slimes; swiftboatvets; times; wreckage
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To: MeekOneGOP

this IS good. thanks!

41 posted on 01/09/2005 10:04:30 AM PST by King Prout (Halloween... not just for breakfast anymore.)
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To: pickrell

Bump for shameless plagerism. Many of my favorite ideas and such, but written readably in the king's english. An honor to steal from you, sir!

42 posted on 01/09/2005 10:07:46 AM PST by Right Winged American (Nobody ever went broke underestimating the power of human stupidity. - L.L. (R. A. Heinlein))
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To: King Prout
Thank you. Glad you liked it, too. :^)

43 posted on 01/09/2005 10:12:00 AM PST by MeekOneGOP (There is only one GOOD 'RAT: one that has been voted OUT of POWER !! Straight ticket GOP!)
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To: pickrell



44 posted on 01/09/2005 10:23:53 AM PST by Libertarian444
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To: JennysCool
"...You need to change "Jason" to "Jayson," though. -The Spelling Monitor..."

You caught me! Thanks, and good eyes!

45 posted on 01/09/2005 11:34:18 AM PST by pickrell (Old dog, new trick...sort of)
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To: Right Winged American
"...Bump for shameless plagerism. Many of my favorite ideas and such, but written readably in the king's english. An honor to steal from you, sir!..."

And you're welcome to it, sir, since I merely stole all of the ideas that we all have had, and simply fled before the alarms went off!

46 posted on 01/09/2005 11:37:15 AM PST by pickrell (Old dog, new trick...sort of)
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To: MeekOneGOP
You find some great stuff, and I'm not shy. Please keep me ON your ping list.

Please let me know if you want ON or OFF my General Interest ping list!. . .don't be shy.

47 posted on 01/09/2005 6:31:10 PM PST by GOPJ
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Thank you. Will do. :^D

48 posted on 01/09/2005 7:36:39 PM PST by MeekOneGOP (There is only one GOOD 'RAT: one that has been voted OUT of POWER !! Straight ticket GOP!)
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To: pickrell

Excellent. Thanks for sharing.

49 posted on 01/09/2005 9:28:48 PM PST by PA Engineer (Liberalism is a Hate Crime-Liberate America from the occupation media!)
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To: SunTzuWu

Thanks for the comments, and you are welcome to pass it around.

50 posted on 01/09/2005 10:28:15 PM PST by pickrell (Old dog, new trick...sort of)
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51 posted on 01/14/2005 11:04:16 PM PST by Ouachita
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