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Far Left moonbats blame their illnesses & mental distress on Katrina response
9/6/05 | From the fevered minds of deluded libs

Posted on 09/06/2005 4:26:06 PM PDT by dukeman

When you're a Far Left lib you really feel everything:

nashville_brook (1000+ posts) Tue Sep-06-05 10:51 AM
Original message

wondering if anyone else is getting literally SICK from all this

i've had a migraine for days. my aunt is sick with one. i had a minor emotional breakdown yesterday reminiscent of the last episode of the second season of Millennium. Patti Smith's Four Horsemen if you know what i mean.

anyone else getting physically ill from the inhumanity?

god i wish my doc would call back with some damn Axert!

wildeyed (1000+ posts) Tue Sep-06-05 10:57 AM
Response to Original message

2. I was having headaches and bad dreams.

And that was just from watching the coverage. I don't even know anyone from NO or Mississippi. What people must be going through who experienced it or have friends and relatives from the area, I can't even imagine.

nashville_brook (1000+ posts) Tue Sep-06-05 11:00 AM
Response to Reply #2

4. my dog, Trouble, even woke with sleep terrors night before last.

who knows what was going on in his little dog mind, but he was inconsolable. screaming, shaking. it was pitiful.

nashville_brook (1000+ posts) Tue Sep-06-05 11:01 AM
Response to Reply #4

6. oh, and we don't even have cable, so he hasn't been watching ANY of this.

pitohui (856 posts) Tue Sep-06-05 01:58 PM
Response to Reply #4

32. oh poor thing

my pets are actually clueless

they just think we're on vacation

i've taught them to be good travelers just in case of these evacuations tho

GreenPartyVoter (1000+ posts) Tue Sep-06-05 11:01 AM
Response to Original message

5. Yes. My colitis is kicking in and I have your headache too. :^(

nashville_brook (1000+ posts) Tue Sep-06-05 11:03 AM
Response to Reply #5

7. stress goes straight to the tummy, doesn't it?

i haven't been able to eat any more than a piece of fruit here and there. finally, last nite my hubby made some burgers and i realized i was famished.

nashville_brook (1000+ posts) Tue Sep-06-05 02:58 PM Response to Reply #20 55. husband is a stress eater -- i'm a stess faster....he went thru so much popcorn this weekend it wasn't funny. and the cool thing is he really perfected his technique in popping it. it was the best popcorn i think i've ever had.
[Wait! You sit and eat popcorn while you watch the misery in New Orleans? That's like eating a basket of nachos while watching "The Passion of the Christ."]

buff2 (1000+ posts) Tue Sep-06-05 11:03 AM
Response to Original message

8. I've been sick since this happened

I have had diarrhea,my stomach has been in knots and my heart aches. I've cried everyday and have been pissed more than I can express in words.My heart goes out to the victims of the horrifying situation they are in NEEDLESSLY. If we had real LEADERSHIP,the suffering wouldn't have been so long after the hurricane was over.I think of all the dead,the animals that have suffered,all the grief and then I see that sneering bastard on tv joking and laughing,talking about how much "fun" he used to have in Houston,like all the suffering and dying didn't mean a damn thing.I want to see Karma....I want to see HIM suffer.I am tired of everyone else going through hell and his life is just one big long picnic. I am sick of it.

nashville_brook (1000+ posts) Tue Sep-06-05 01:39 PM
Response to Reply #8

23. i keep thinking that i *should* get away from the news, but honestly i think i feel better working thru this in words.

i was having quite an episode yesterday -- hearing Broussard's clip over and over -- and went inside to cry. i looked out the window and saw a guy driving by in a new convertible mustang, seemingly without a care in the world, and just lost it. the words that came out of my mouth were, "you bastards." it was a generic curse.

you bastards who have been given the joy of and responsibility of living on this planet -- you have let "us" down. have your joy, but dammit, take some responsibility.

MojoXN (562 posts) Tue Sep-06-05 11:05 AM
Response to Original message

9. I am.

I can't sleep at night, I feel like **** during the day, and I can't concentrate on ANYTHING. My mind keeps going back to my people, suffering, dying... Nothing can make it stop.

MojoXN (562 posts) Tue Sep-06-05 01:57 PM
Response to Reply #24

30. I've been drinking heavily.

I find that if I pass out wasted, the dreams aren't so bad.

nashville_brook (1000+ posts) Tue Sep-06-05 02:46 PM
Response to Reply #30

52. that IS a benefit. i don't drink to calm myself but i have been drinking to commisarate and in quantities that isn't usual or good for me. i'm usually pretty allergic to a certain quantity of drink, and i haven't had one hangover or episode -- but i've had constant headaches, nausea otherwise. come to think of it, the head pain and the nausea go away when i have a glass of wine at nite. i'm opposite of how i "should" be.

donsu (1000+ posts) Tue Sep-06-05 11:09 AM
Response to Original message

10. I've had chronic anger since the 2000 Coup d'etat

sleeping 8 hrs. a nite went out the window long ago

ramapo (1000+ posts) Tue Sep-06-05 11:22 AM
Response to Reply #10

12. I've had a relapse

I also suffered chronic anger resulting from the coup. After last year's election I decided to take a caring break. Basically I said to self, "your fellow Americans elected (more or less) this ***hole once again so **** it, let them reap the results. Go find other pursuits to occupy your mind".

I did real well until last Tuesday. Now I'm seething at Bush and company, the Bush apologists, and sick about the immense human tragedy and the flippant remarks that I'm beginning to hear about soem of the victims.

WiseButAngrySara (498 posts) Tue Sep-06-05 11:18 AM
Response to Original message

11. Last Monday morning (3:00am or so) I took one of the TV's to the bedroom which I haven't done since 9/11 (I've never watched TV in bed, except in hotels) so I could watch the flood coverage. I'd lived in NOLA for a year and worked at Tulane Medical Center and rotated through Charity Hospital. I was watching MSNBC interview a VP from Tulane Medical Center, and she reported the first news of one of the levees breaking. She said that they would probably have to evacuate the patients! I couldn't believe it. They had 'missed' the big hit, and now the levees broke annyway! She said that the police (sheriff?) had told her that it was 2 blocks in length, and she could literally see whitecaps on Canal Blvd...I used to take canal blvd (from Lake Ponchartrain where I lived in Lakeside) to canal street every morning for a year. Needless to say, I didn't sleep that night, and ended up with a sore throat, and now a bad cold (which I invariably get only when I'm really stressed. I'm almost never sick.) All week, I've watched this human tragedy play out in front of my eyes, while I screamed in horror, threw things in rage (my mouse, my remotes etc), and cried uncontrollably at times.

I'm still sick. Physically and emotionally. I'm sick at this country and I absolutely despise this current administration. I have never hated any US president until 2000. And my hate seems boundless, and I suffer guilt from that! And he doesn't seem to feel anything.

nashville_brook (1000+ posts) Tue Sep-06-05 01:52 PM
Response to Reply #11

26. i started this thread b/c i know my household is suffering, as are our extended family. i've fielded calls from my girlfriends needing to talk. it seems to be epidemic and is manifesting in many different ways.

when i was a teenager i learned to have "meaningful" cries. you know, let it ALL out. listen to your sadness. let your body express, cleanse.

yesterday was a BIG one for me. luckily my husband went on a motorcycle ride. he was a little miffed that i didn't want to go, but i needed the alone time. i've had a sinus headache since this damn thing started (i was GLUED to monitoring the satellite images). for a week i've battled the damn sinus headache with sudaphed and lots of tea. finally, when i just 'LET IT ALL OUT' it broke up the congestion in my head. headache gone. i felt so much better and really experienced a lot of mental connections. had the feeling that the world is weeping. that i cry b/c that's what "mary/isis/katrina" wants. she needs us to experience her pain with her. we have to give life to her anger and outrage.

it's oddly empowering to know we are sensitive to this. that we are affected by the world. we are the alienated masses we thought we were. we are human and to be so means quantum emotions.

pointblank (430 posts) Tue Sep-06-05 11:27 AM Response to Original message 13. I am getting depressed... I can't explain it. I feel constantly in the verge of tears.

I tried to drink my sorrows away this weekend and even that didn't work.

What is going on????????

smurfygirl (854 posts) Tue Sep-06-05 11:29 AM
Response to Original message

14. yes, I have been physically sick since wednesday and mentally since about thursday morning. I have had a headache for so long that it seems almost normal now. My stomach is in knots. Yesterday I started doing this rocking motion when I finally slowed down and had a chance to rest, it was quite weird, almost like a pendulum swinging. it has stopped now.

I have really been affected by all of this and many people I know who never gave a **** before are really upset and almost traumatized by this.

If we are sickened imagine how the evacuees will be. Even my dogs know something is up and are not happy right now. Storm threw up today after crying for 2 hours straight. We have tried to comfort him and take him hiking to get his mind on something but I truly believe he is picking up the sadness in the world. We have opted to not turn on the tv while I am working with the red cross for now. I have to deal with evacuees feelings and cannot let the media influence my attitude for the day. I have decided the only way I will get my news is through the web. Better to turn it off than tune it out.

nashville_brook (1000+ posts) Tue Sep-06-05 03:16 PM
Response to Reply #14

61. the "normal headache" that's how i am feeling. if you get a chance, look up tremors. that might be what the rocking is. stress by any other name.

as someone who spends all her time alone at the house, it is so good to "reality check" on this. a part of me has felt really guilty about feeling sick all week. i'm not operating at 100 percent. but, it's just not possible right now. thank god we don't have cable.

derby378 (1000+ posts) Tue Sep-06-05 11:31 AM
Response to Original message

15. My blood pressure's been elevated a bit...

...and I'm a little depressed.

We sent lots of supplies to Camp Casey, and now I understand they're being used to help Katrina victims. This helps me feel a little better, but I can't help but feel sadness whenever I think about what the NOLA refugees are going through. And I know some folks don't want the term refugees used on NOLA taxpayers, but I'm still coming to terms with the magnitude of this catastrophe. There is a halfway-decent chance that New Orleans may never recover, and that deeply disturbs me.

Iris (1000+ posts) Tue Sep-06-05 11:32 AM
Response to Original message

16. Haven't slept through the night for a week.

anarchy1999 (1000+ posts) Tue Sep-06-05 11:35 AM
Response to Original message

17. Running on fumes here, barely able to hang in. My ADD is kicking in big time.

Intense month dealing with Peace House, was actually looking forward to the end of the month and W's return to DC so we all could finally get a little rest!

Damned it all!!

The stories coming out this am have swamped me.

gollygee (1000+ posts) Tue Sep-06-05 11:38 AM
Response to Original message

19. 2nd day of migraine for me

mine started when I first talked to my parents about everything and they had a racist take on the whole situation.

nashville_brook (1000+ posts) Tue Sep-06-05 02:26 PM
Response to Reply #19

46. i come from a family of migraine sufferers... email from one...

I had a migraine. First time in a couple of years. The pain wasn't so bad, it's the brain thing that messed me up: words and spelling goofy. Like a stroke. Started I think because I couldn't get Bush's comment that we will "come out stronger from this experience" off my mind. Mother's having made it through the 1928 hurricane with nothing but the clothes she was wearing and having her house washed away didn't make her stronger. It contributed to the poverty that led to her and her siblings being put in separate foster homes. It led to the fear and distrust of life itself that she passed on to me and from which I have worked so hard to overcome. Yes, like a nuclear bomb.

thoughts are things, aren't they? i woke with a migraine today after getting rid of a sinus headache. it is helping to force myself work with words, even tho i'm having to use the delete key quite a bit.

caffeine is helping too. and DU

global1 (466 posts) Tue Sep-06-05 11:39 AM
Response to Original message

21. The * Administration Is Making Us Sick. How Much More Can....

we take. From the coup d etat in 2000 when they put the country through weeks of indecision - to 911 and its aftermath - pushing the commission not to play the blame game and the thought many of us have in the backs of our minds about LIHOP or MIHOP and not wanting to believe that your government would be party to that. To the pressures of money - everything going up in price (not only gas) except your wages. Not knowing how one is going to make it from paycheck to paycheck. Worrying about healthcare and its costs. Worrying about terrorists attacking us at will. Worrying about whether or not you'll be able to retire. Worrying about getting into financial trouble with the new bankruptcy law. Having your employer work you more hours for less money and saying if you don't we have other people standing in line for your job. Not having a job or having to settle for something less just to salvage your dignity. Should I go on anymore. How about the Iraq War, Axis of Evil and potential for * attacking other countries. Global Warming and the hurricane's and other weather conditions it will bring.

Hurricane Katrina and the loss of NO is just a small part of why we're all sick. I just hope that some of those that voted for these despicable criminals that are running our country are now finally getting sick too.

Even when this *Admin is gone - the country will suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome Disease.

anarch (320 posts) Tue Sep-06-05 01:54 PM
Response to Original message

27. yes...headaches are almost unbearable, feel like I'm going crazy...

I hadn't thought to blame it on watching the world end right in front of my eyes, but now that you mention it...

The stress just seems to keep building, in my own personal life (financial woes, being priced out of almost everything, etc.) as well as for, as it seems, the entire world.

graywarrior (1000+ posts) Tue Sep-06-05 01:58 PM
Response to Original message

31. Just got over a 3 day migraine. Bush's fault.

Bouncy Ball (1000+ posts) Tue Sep-06-05 02:00 PM
Response to Original message

34. Except for the nightmares, insomnia, and constant stomachache,

this week is better than last week. Last week, add in a fierce, blinding headache that lasted from Monday through Friday and crying constantly.

This past weekend I tried to rest more, because I am no good to the displaced families being such a mess. I'm no good to myself or my own family like that.

So the headache is gone. The stomach is recovering. But the's getting so I don't WANT to sleep. They're awful.

Oh and my husband normally never has insomnia--falls asleep immediately. He's been tossing and turning until 2 am every night, and he gets up at 5. He's tried watching fluffy **** on TV, reading, walking around the house. I've not ever really seen him like this. He said he just can't get it out of his head, the horror of the government just turning their backs on those people.

leftchick (1000+ posts) Tue Sep-06-05 02:02 PM
Response to Original message

35. Thank God I had some Xanax left
I need it right now.

blonndee (429 posts) Tue Sep-06-05 02:02 PM
Response to Original message

37. Yep. Nauseous, heartsick, headaches, insomnia.

genevat (1000+ posts) Tue Sep-06-05 02:06 PM
Response to Original message

38. i am!! i was SO angry last week that...

i came down with a cold over the weekend. by thursday, i was feeling a little out of it, and when i finally had some down time saturday afternoon, i just fell apart. i did not go to work all weekend, but instead slept and drank tea.

DaytonOHDem (4 posts) Tue Sep-06-05 02:35 PM
Response to Original message

48. Making me sick

Dimwit has been making me sick since the day he was given the presidency. I am having trouble sleeping, but I always have trouble sleeping. I am a Tylenol PM junkie. I have been dragging for the last week, I just do not have any energy. When I was giving my 5 cats, sheepdog and lovebird fresh, clean water last week all I could think about was the people in New Orleans who did not have any. I felt so guilty because my pets were given better care then the people in NO were. I am pissed off, and the first person who tries to defend that dumb ass in front of me is going to get it.

Emit (554 posts) Tue Sep-06-05 03:03 PM
Response to Original message

57. I AM! Here's what happened to me...

Friday night I was SO upset, I was rushing around the house trying to get kids to bed, listen to the news, be on line, talk with relatives in NOLA and elsewhere--that I tripped and fell down the stairs and broke my fibula bone at the ankle! Since then, I'm running a fever and have no appetite.

Not seeking sympathy here folks. I shrugged off the injury until I couldn't bear it any longer, thinking if these folks in NOLA can put up with the pain and misery then I can put up with a twisted ankle, and finally went to a walk-in clinic yesterday.

What really got me, is that yesterday, I couldn't fight back the tears while waiting at the clinic. When I first walked in, knowing I'd have a wait ahead of me, I was relieved to see they had TV with cable, thinking I could at least watch some coverage of NOLA (and other related stuff). Lo and behold, they had reruns of Bonanza, over and over, and the fifteen to twenty people sitting around me were like zombies, glued to these reruns with such interest and intent! Granted, some people in a clinic are miserable, in pain, etc., but I wanted to jump up and scream, "Why are you watching this crap?! Do you even know what's going on down south?!"

The only saving grace from the hypnotic state of those around me was the triage nurse. I mentioned to her that she must be feeling for the nurses and other med folks down south who were working their butts off, suffering themselves, with all of the horrors of the medical facilities being flooded, etc.. She started ranting about how it was all Bush & Co.'s fault, and we both had a good rant until I teared up with frustration.

Lastly, when they called my name, an attendant came and picked me up in a wheelchair, despite the fact that I had walked in and insisted I could handle the walk. She was so attentive and gentle, I just couldn't stand it---the stark difference here that I was experiencing in this clean, quiet, well-equipped, sanitary facility compared to the horror that had unfolded before my vary eyes in the preceding days was maddening.

I felt ashamed to have been given appropriate and prompt medical attention! Just ashamed.

titoresque (606 posts) Tue Sep-06-05 03:13 PM
Response to Original message

59. I'm 32 and I got shingles

last year around election time from all the stress. I was told that I'll have to "watch it" for the rest of my life...could come back.

This past week I've been extremely tired and have had migranes on two occasions where I felt sick to my stomach and had to go to bed.

Am hoping I never get shingles again!

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To: roses of sharon
This is one of my favorite DU posts ever. It's from their Mental Health forum, but it fits in here quite nicely:

Der Blaue Engel (1000+ posts) Tue Jul-05-05 09:10 PM
Original message

Does this place depress the hell out of anybody else? I mean DU.

I feel like I have an addiction to an abusive spouse or something sometimes. I can't stop coming here, but something, every day, makes me feel like ****, whether it's an individual person's nasty post, or an administrative decision that doesn't make sense, or just the general state of the world that I'm confronted with by staying informed.

Is it just me having a downward spiral? Is DU particularly dysfunctional or is it just the way of all things?

I hate it when my safe haven makes me cry.

21 posted on 09/06/2005 6:11:03 PM PDT by dukeman
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To: dukeman

I can understand this feeling, for the mentally ill and one with no moral rudder.

Rant on/

The MSM has done more to depress and demoralize America and smear our image at home and abroad than Katrina ever could. Nothing from the MSM 24 and 7 but negativity, ineptness and a uncaring federal government for the victims has been forthcoming from them. The MSM & left wing kooks could only not wait until the dead were buried before their sky is falling scream. They could not even wait for living to be rescued and helped or the dead to be found and counted.

The MSM has lost all sense of reality and rational thought. Either they have not grasped, or worse yet, are ignoring, the sheer scope and enormity of this disaster. They would pick out whatever was within their limited camera range and that became "their" world as they saw it. Then inserting their slanted, uinformed, all is bad verbalization, to then be transmitted for viewing around the real world.

It is impossible to seek out each victim, give them individual care, comfort and make their lives right again, within a matter of hours. In a disaster of this magnitude, it takes time, not in hours, but in days, to mobilize and move massive human assets and material resources forward, and then to put those entities into effective action where required.

Governor Blanco of Louisiana, under the constitution, is responsible for recognizing the problems and implementing their in place plans of action. If Bush had told her, go to hell, he was federalizing the operation. The same ones yelling the loudest about inaction, would now be screaming that by taking such action, he had usurped the powers from duly elected LA and NO state & local authorities. Bush was in a MSM catch 22 from the get go, damned if he did, and damned if he didn't.

The chattering class is in a wet cat tither about FEMA for not doing anything soon enough. FEMA does not have armed troops or security forces (those are for the governor to call up) nor helicopters, nor do they have a rescue mission. FEMA exists for arriving on scene after the shti has hit the fan, they can be awaiting in the wings, but they are not first responders. That is the role of the state and local officials to assess and identify problems, then to direct FEMA (national guard and other federal assets) to those most urgent areas where required.

This entire New Orleans nightmare could have been prevented with a firm, no nonsense order, do it now, preventive action evacuation of New Orleans by the state and local authorities, whom did absolutely nothing to take and implement any such action in that regard.

Rant off\

22 posted on 09/06/2005 6:17:08 PM PDT by Ursus arctos horribilis ("It is better to die on your feet than to live on your knees!" Emiliano Zapata 1879-1919)
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To: dukeman
nashville_brook (1000+ posts) Tue Sep-06-05 11:00 AM Response to Reply #2 4. my dog, Trouble, even woke with sleep terrors night before last. who knows what was going on in his little dog mind, but he was inconsolable. screaming, shaking. it was pitiful. nashville_brook (1000+ posts) Tue Sep-06-05 11:01 AM Response to Reply #4 6. oh, and we don't even have cable, so he hasn't been watching ANY of this.

This can't be real...if it is...HAHAHAHAHAHA...

23 posted on 09/06/2005 6:17:29 PM PDT by gate2wire (We Honor Those Who Serve---WE REMEMBER--Thank you)
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To: gitmo; nightowl_jg; No Longer Free State; kublia khan; Cheburashka; CFC__VRWC; dead; ...

The moonbats are back and they're sick!

24 posted on 09/06/2005 6:19:04 PM PDT by dukeman
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To: dukeman
Good God. I can hear it already -

"Where's my emotional disaster aid"?

25 posted on 09/06/2005 6:23:04 PM PDT by CFC__VRWC ("Anytime a liberal squeals in outrage, an angel gets its wings!" - gidget7)
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To: dukeman


They LOVE their aches and pains and meds over there.

26 posted on 09/06/2005 6:24:21 PM PDT by Shazbot29 (muhammed was the most evil person ever to live. May he burn in hell forever)
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To: dukeman

What a bunch of daisies!

Yeah, we ALL feel bad about this...I'm having bad dreams...
But that's life.

Suck it up or just exit...cuz it only gets worse as you get older.

27 posted on 09/06/2005 6:26:51 PM PDT by najida (I'm ashamed to share the same chromosomes with Blanco.)
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To: Horatio Gates

"I'm 32 and I got shingles
I'm 40 and I lost some off my roof in a bad wind storm once."


28 posted on 09/06/2005 6:27:52 PM PDT by gate2wire (We Honor Those Who Serve---WE REMEMBER--Thank you)
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To: dukeman
Bouncy Ball (1000+ posts) Tue Sep-06-05 02:00 PM Response to Original message 34. Except for the nightmares, insomnia, and constant stomachache, this week is better than last week.

But I have some good news... I saved a lot of money on my car insurance...

29 posted on 09/06/2005 6:37:40 PM PDT by gate2wire (We Honor Those Who Serve---WE REMEMBER--Thank you)
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To: gate2wire
This can't be real...if it is...HAHAHAHAHAHA

Yep, it's absolutely real. Nobody could make up stuff so consistently funny as exists on DU! Kinda makes you wonder whether they ever go back and re-read their ravings and try to do better next time.

30 posted on 09/06/2005 6:40:19 PM PDT by dukeman
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To: dukeman

"Yep, it's absolutely real."

Well, I hate to repeat myself, but, HAHAHAHAHA...

Thanks Dukeman, I was in a bad mood before. Not any longer. :-)

31 posted on 09/06/2005 6:44:38 PM PDT by gate2wire (We Honor Those Who Serve---WE REMEMBER--Thank you)
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To: gate2wire

LOL! The DUers' endless symptoms also reminded me of TV drug commercials which tell you how great the product is, but then list side-effects like blurred vision, blood from the ears, dizziness, insomnia, itching, 4-hour erections, B.O., weakness in the arms and legs, loss of hair, etc.....

32 posted on 09/06/2005 7:23:53 PM PDT by dukeman
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To: dukeman

The problem is, they can vote. On the bright side, they abhor firearms.

If they were dogs someone would have put them down a long time ago.


33 posted on 09/06/2005 8:37:41 PM PDT by 43north (If you're not liberal at 20 you have no heart. If you're still liberal at 40 you have no brain.)
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To: 43north
Believe it or not, I have seen a minority sentiment expressed on DU to the effect of "I now have a new appreciation for the 2nd amendment." Of course, these are the ones who are hunkering down because they believe they're living in 1930's Germany as Hitler rises to power.

They are definitely nuts.

34 posted on 09/07/2005 10:56:18 AM PDT by dukeman
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To: dukeman

DUmmy Funnies bump

35 posted on 09/07/2005 11:23:05 AM PDT by GeorgiaYankee (ABCNNBCBS: News for people who can't do a Google Search!)
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