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To: NOBO2012; All

I really hate to tell folks this, but the only way you’re going to “stop Google” is to use the power of government to break its monopoly. This is anathema to many folks, but it’s really the only way.

Google (and other outlets that also have monopolies on the flow of information, like Youtube [owned by Google], Facebook, Twitter, etc.) need to be at least minimally regulated to bring them under the First Amendment.

Will many FReepers like this idea? No.

Will many FReepers haul out the tired argument of “it’s their private property, they can do what they want with it!” Yes.

But it’s bogus.

Let’s face it, Google is not “fixable” otherwise. Google is thoroughly, completely, 100% converged as an entity. They fired a guy for simply pointing out that men and women are different, for criminy’s sake.

Google, as well as the major social media outlets, have a monopoly on the flow of information in this country. This automatically places them outside the purview of protection by the “private property” argument.

Google can swing elections. Twitter can swing elections.

Why do you think that Twitter has been implementing such strict rules recently, and banning people on the Right? Why did Twitter ban Parkland survivor Colton Haab, who opposes gun control and was getting vocal about it?

It’s because social media has a massive impact on the narrative and the flow of information in this country, whether many FReepers like it or not. It’s not enough to simply sit there and “Huh huh, Twitterz fer reeeetardz.” It’s a viable medium, and it’s being used against the Right in this country.

Google controls what you see when you do searches.

Youtube controls what you see by censoring videos that go against the Left’s narrative.

Twitter played a great role in getting Trump elected b/c it allowed him to get around the MSM media blockade in 2016. That caught the lefties by surprise, but they have adapted their strategies, which is why they are now allowing the SPLC, the ADL, and the EU to dictate their censorship policies and ban conservatives.

It’s not simply a matter of “Well, go make your own platform!” The Left has controls in place to essentially prevent this from happening. You CAN’T simply “Go make another Google. Handing the internet over to the “international community” coupled with Google’s deeply-embedded public-private relationship with various alphabet agencies means that no competitor to Google will ever really get off the ground.

Google, Youtube, Twitter, Facebook, and other social media outlets need to be treated as public utilities for the purposes of the First Amendment and brought under it’s purview. Your phone company isn’t allowed to deny you service even if you’re saying things or engaging in political activism that it would disagree with. there’s no reason that the holders of information monopoly should be allowed to either.

3 posted on 03/06/2018 7:00:35 AM PST by Yashcheritsiy (Bring back lords and kings)
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To: Yashcheritsiy
Very well written. 👏👏👏
7 posted on 03/06/2018 10:05:25 AM PST by raybbr (That progressive bumper sticker on your car might just as well say, "Yes, I'm THAT stupid!")
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