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There Won't be any Gridlock because Bush will Give the Dems What They Want
tirade | 11-11-2006 | brianbaldwin

Posted on 11/11/2006 3:21:12 PM PST by Brian_Baldwin

We are told a lot about how Bush, while Governor of Texas, worked with Democrats. Of course, in Texas the Democrats didn’t exactly have San Francisco values which are the hard-left values of the current Democratic leadership that now controls Congress.

The reasons Bush worked with Democrats really had less to do with agreement then with his personality. Republican and conservative are not synonymous. Bush was then, and is now, in the vein of a Governor Schwarzenegger of California today, and working with the Democrats was really about giving the Democrats what they want – when faced with an opposition which has actual power as is currently the case for both Bush and Schwarzenegger, they blame the principles of the Republican party and conservatives for the problems because neither politician was ever a conservative anyway, and they show their personal values and give the Democrats what they want to be “centrist”.

For example in Texas while Governor, instead of his promise to revamp the Texas tax code, Bush decided he didn’t want a confrontation with the Democrats, so he allowed the liberals to rewrite the plan which would have brought more tax burdens to everyone, and the only thing that stopped it was Republican opposition over raising taxes.

Republican principles stopped it at that time.

Of course today, Republicans have lost the Congress. The geographic footprint of the Republicans is shrinking, because many of the Red State areas include the Southwest which is being overrun by illegal aliens from Mexico which are Democratic Party constituency. The Bush administration not only did nothing about stopping the invasion, he supported it and this outraged those who wanted the Republican Party to go back to it’s principles, principles of which include less government and less spending, and Bush is a big government, big spending globalist.

Conservatives and Republicans are now saying that the GOP lost in 2006 because Republicans strayed from their principles. And that the key to regaining the Congress is to return to these principles. Bush, Arlen Specter, Schwarzenegger, they say the key to regaining the Congress is to accelerate running away from these principles as fast a possible and to work with the Democrats.

Both are wrong – yes, too many Republicans stayed home and Republicans lost because they strayed from their principles. But the real reason they lost is because the Republican Party was under the thumb of Bushbots and Bushies who said Bush is a conservative and a Christian and that no one is allowed to criticize Bush because we are at war.

That is why Republicans lost – because of Bushies. That is why Republicans strayed from their principles – because of Bushbots and because the President is de-facto the leader of the Republican Party in this case, and this leader in question was not, and is not, a conservative.

And, the Schwarzenegger crowd is wrong as well. If the Republicans run away from their principles, they will accelerate the spread of Blue State dominance.

What will bring America back to the Republican Party will be the Democratic Party itself.

The Democratic Party will overplay their hand, their leftist politics will cost Americans their economy and their very lives, and if the Republican Party goes back to their principles then they will regain power.

Unfortunately, and typically, this swing from one side to the other usually takes about nine years – and American doesn’t have nine years.

If the Republican Party does not go back to their principles, there will arise a new Third party, but this Party will likely not gain enough power in ample time to turn the United States around from long term disastrous consequences.

When Bush says he wants to work in a bipartisan manner, that means he is going to give the Democrats what they want. Steve Forbes was right. It will not be gridlock. Not with Bush as President.

Bush has already decided the direction he wants to take the Republican Party, a Party of which he really doesn’t much care about anymore. He’s thinking about his posterity – and how he is going to build his legacy. And, he’s got it wrong.

He will give the Democrats more big government which is what they want. He will sign on to more spending then ever, more debt for the United States. He will continue being a globalist. Very soon, cars made in India will be arriving into the U.S. market along with those from communist China.

Amnesty is a done deal, and Bush will lead the way.

There will be a Palestinian State. It will be a terrorist state with an army, air force, and navy, and it will have weapons of mass destruction given to them from Iran, and both Iran and Palestine will attack Israel.

Israel cannot absorb a first strike.

If Israel, the size of the San Francisco Bay Area, is hit with even a small nuclear device, that is the end of the nation of Israel.

The Jews will not simply go into the gas chambers again. Period. Not this time.

Even if it means they will all die in the process, they will strike Iran, Syria et all, and they will hit them with everything they got. It will be the “long bomb” of American football – they will do this because they love their children and would rather die than get on those trains and go into the ovens again. Before that first strike comes, which is coming fast and strong now under the Democrats, they will act, and will act even if they all die and knowingly so, they won’t let someone take the hand of their little ones and tear them away to go to the gas chambers again because they know that at least in fighting back, even if they all die, in their own hearts they will know that they will kill some of them in return in the process.

That is the reality of humanity now. There are some things that a people remember. So you see, that is really how it is and will be.

And by the way, India, there is something to be said to you as well.

Indians are leaving their own country. They are going to America, to England, now even to Japan. To Africa. All over the world. Their best scientists, engineers, mathematicians, they are dispersing all over the world, and leaving their country.

They are also, in one way, becoming Jews. Jews before the Second World War.

After so many pogroms, being burned, and eventually the gas chambers, the Jews realized that maybe it isn’t a good idea to be a Bedouin. That perhaps, there is a place for a nation.

No, Indians haven’t been dispersed like the Jews, not yet. There are still good scientists, engineers, and mathematicians, in India.

And soon, India is going to need it’s best scientists, engineers, mathematicians.

In Afghanistan, under the Taliban, the Islamic fascists made it a requirement that all Hindus, as well as Jews, wear a special yellow tag on their clothing. To identify them as non-Muslims. Just like the National Socialist German Workers Party did in Germany to the Jews, when they made the Jews wear the yellow star, before they next took the Jews away in trains and the gas chambers started really puffing out the smoke stacks.

When Iran takes over the region, India is going to see one horrific bombing, and weapons of mass destruction attack after another. India will be attacked by the Islamic fascists.

They want to put all Hindus into the gas chambers. Because, you are all idol worshippers.

The rhetoric of the Islamic fascists is all about “Death to Israel, Death to America, Death to the Christian Crusaders”.

But to them, there is only one thing worse than a Christian and still lower than a Jew.

That’s you. The Hindu.

The Democrats, the hard-left that now runs the Democratic Party and which marches in the streets arm-in-arm with the “Palestinians” (the Islamic terrorists) and the enemies of America, they are the new National Socialists of our time, they are against Israel and on the side of those who are going to initiate this world war.

The Democrats are going to cut and run, this will turn the region of the three rivers over to Iran and the Islamic fascist government, and with Islamic terrorist victory in Iraq the Islamic terrorist network OBL et all will turn to their next objective which is the overthrow of the governments of Turkey, Egypt and Pakistan.

The west will not need to declare this world war, the West will simply be attacked.

So called “experts” tell us that the war on terrorism is a very different war than “conventional warfare” against a specific nation with national boundaries and an official government.

And that this is what makes this war on terrorism so different and so difficult – the enemy wears no uniforms. They are not any official government with official nation boundaries. That it is not like World War II, in which specific nations and governments were the enemies of Democracy, such as Japan and Nazi Germany.

That is all true. Currently, it is true. The war which we are engaged in is against the Islamic terrorists who have no specific national boundaries, no specific government, and that it is not like attacking Germany for example.

But under the Democrats, that is going to change.

America will pull out of Iraq, telling the entire world that America can never win another war. America surrenders after only losing 3,000 troops and it is clear that America is a paper tiger.

Under the Democrats, the war that the Islamic terrorists are waging on us will accelerate into its historical trends at a much more rapid pace; Americans and Europeans, Hindus, Pilipinos, Australians, so many will die.

In addition, America will be attacked by specific governments, attacked by nations with national boundaries and specific governments.

America and the West will be attacked by both types of war – by terrorists who wear no uniform, and by armies which do.

We have a huge nuclear arsenal. When was the last time we tested it?

Does it even work?

Bush agrees with a lot of what the Democrats want, because Bush isn’t a conservative. In fact, he doesn’t even like conservatives, and this dislike has grown much more since he blames them for his failures. We are told he is a Christian - when he had failures in his life in regards to alcohol and drugs he turned for help to them which they did give him, and typically very successful in turning a life around to the positive.

Bush’s Christianity isn’t going to save the Republicans from his betrayal. The “resignation” of Donald Rumsfeld doesn’t mean Bush is changing the course in Iraq, nor does Rumsfeld’s replacement indicate a new plan for victory in Iraq.

It means Bush is throwing conservatives under the train.

John Bolton is next. You think Bush is going to stand up for Bolton. But, what he is likely to do is cave into the Democrats on this as well.

Actually, Rumsfeld is probably relieved. Because, the Democrats are running their presidential campaign for 2008, and they are going to spend all their time in investigations. Of which Rumsfeld has had enough of.

As for the Democrats and their investigations, these will not be investigations of terrorists or the enemy network, but of Americans, looking for a Republican under every bed. As a result, the enemies of America will swiftly advance, Bush will be besieged with investigations, and in fact even though the Democrats who hate him will do exactly what everyone said they would do, Bush will not blame the Democrats but hold his grudges against conservative Republicans and Republican principles, and will compromise with the Democrats.

He will delude himself that he is setting a new direction for Republicans in the Schwarzenegger model.

If there is another Supreme Court vacancy, Bush will give us another Harriet Miers only this Harriet will be approved by the ACLU. A reformed drunk perhaps.

Bush will sign a Democratic amnesty plan approved by the Senate and the RINOs, and which will open the gates to 60 million illegal aliens from Mexico, which will do nothing to control the current invasion, and will cause staggering and irreversible detriment to American and the Balkanization of the United States of America.

The timeline for undertaking damage control in regards to this open border invasion from Mexico was during his administration, and with the signing of the amnesty bill to come, this will accelerate the issue whereby it will be irreversible and permanently change the landscape of California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas.

Sixty to 100 million foreigners from Mexico “perhaps” could be absorbed into a nation of 300 million. That would be unlikely, but possible.

But the fact is, this invasion of a foreign population will not be evenly distributed among the 50 States. The Southwest will predominately take the population, and control over several of these states will belong to the power of these foreigners in no short time.

It’s called Democracy. The majority rules. They will make the laws.

The new law will be that everyone from Mexico can come, and all of their relatives.

Ironically, the new law will not be to welcome all illegals. No. It will be racial. Illegals from Jamaicans will not be welcome under this new rule of the Southwest. Not the Chinese. Not Hindus from India. Not the Dutch running from their nation as the Islamists burn down their windmills. It will be for those who do the work that Americans won’t do – which means it’s for the Hispanics, and no one else. You don’t think so?

Within ten years, there will be schools in Los Angeles which will declare that from this time onwards, instruction in the school will only be made in Spanish.

You don’t think so?

Ironically, Texas was a state of which he was once Governor. This one act alone will bring Texas the greatest harm it has experienced since it’s foundation as an official political entity, on the par and perhaps worse than the Civil War.

The greatest danger to Republican principles is Bush, not the Democrats. Bush is going down the Schwarzenegger path, and this is going to cause the Republican Party to fracture completely. This will be Bush’s legacy.

Republicans and conservatives are not synonymous. That is true. But if conservatives want the Republican Party to go back to it’s principles, then they need to purge the Republican Party of the Bushies. Which, with a standing President in Chief of the Schwarzenegger wing of the Party running the White House for two more years isn’t going to be easy to do.

Because, there is a bigger war coming. And Bush is going green. And, you can’t run fighter planes on solar power and windmills. You can’t run the military machine on soy beans. When a big war comes, like World War II, Americans have to make sacrifices. Because, even with all of America’s oil reserves and steel, and weapons, we saw from the last great war that it wasn’t enough. And during the last great war, Americans had to sacrifice 30% of everything they owned to give the military what it needed. Japan, they only had so much oil, so much fuel. So Japan invaded China, and then Dutch East India et all to get more of the oil they needed.

We have oil right here, domestically. We don’t need to get our oil from the Islamic enemy.

But Bush is going green. Bush is on the phone with Arnold.

And that is real bad news.

Once the drilling starts, it takes two more years before such domestic oil becomes fuel for our military. But in the next great war, America may not have two years to wait.

The Bushies call concerned Americans such as myself the problem, they don’t like what Republicans such as Newt Gingrich have had to say of Bush in the last few days, nor what many talk show hosts are now saying - they simply demand that we all pray for Bush and shut up, stop the “tirades”, become good Bushbots like them.

Some of these come from the “fundamentalist Christian” wing.

Of course, there are many “evangelist” type Christians who want the Republicans to return to their principles as well. But there are some of them, which I think I am beginning to have a real big problem with. Wing nuts.

I am going to pray that Dick Cheney steps up to the office during the next two years. That is what I will pray for. I am going to pray that Bush doesn’t go down the path of “negotiations” with Iran and Syria regarding Iraq – this is the signal that Bush is going to cut and run and turn the region over to Iran.

I am going to pray that Americans come to realize what they have done. Because, even if it was a small margin, they are also to blame. Michael Savage is constantly disparaged by other “conservatives” and “Republicans” and “independents” for his egocentric manias and his tirades.

But one thing looks like he got right. That America isn’t going to wake up until a nuclear device blows up and kills 100,000 people in San Francisco. Europe won’t wake up until the Islamic fascists are burning down the windmills in Holland. Islamic fascists tear down thousands year old Buddhist statues, but artists won’t wake up until they take Michelangelo’s nude statue of David in Florence and break it up with hammers.

The hammers will be “Made in China”.

TOPICS: Chit/Chat; Miscellaneous
KEYWORDS: deathby1000vanities; tirade
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To: Brian_Baldwin
artists won’t wake up until they take Michelangelo’s nude statue of David in Florence and break it up with hammers

I don't think even that would wake them up. If Europe stays on it present course, there are many there who would cheer that on. Right now, you would probably find three-quarters of the people on DU, Kos, or HuffPo would make apologies for anyone who would destroy that art and claim it was because we misunderstood them. Remember how the communists and their lefties here in the West cheered on the Red Guards when they smashed all the old art and artifacts from the past in China?

21 posted on 11/11/2006 3:40:46 PM PST by FreedomCalls (It's the "Statue of Liberty," not the "Statue of Security.")
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To: Brian_Baldwin

BTTT....the headline needs to be fixed though.

22 posted on 11/11/2006 3:42:45 PM PST by indcons
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To: Brian_Baldwin


23 posted on 11/11/2006 3:51:25 PM PST by Chi-townChief
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To: Lancey Howard

you are closer to the truth then all of the rants before yours

24 posted on 11/11/2006 3:54:03 PM PST by camas
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To: kmmcgra
I'll give the Dems one thing. They stand by their own right or wrong.

You didn't hear about Lieberman?

I'm not all that big on standing by anyone wrong. Right? I'll go to the wall for them.

25 posted on 11/11/2006 3:56:35 PM PST by Cagey
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To: kmmcgra
I'll give the Dems one thing. They stand by their own right or wrong.

Two words: Joe Lieberman.

26 posted on 11/11/2006 4:38:10 PM PST by L.N. Smithee (Magnificent? NO. Bastard? YES!)
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