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To: himno hero


You think “... I also understand,..that radical Islamists are not going away in 2012, and that we still need to be capable of walking and chewing gum at the same time in our foreign policy...” is inspiring? You think this is inspiring?

“...We need to defend America and her interests and values while also engaging with “Three Cups of Tea” (or as many as are necessary) around the world...” is this inspirational in a campaign speech? And what the Hell is this about tea?

We’re not talking about tea or Obama here. The subject is OUR candidate for President and whether he is up to the task of being President. There is a lot more to it than abortion and contraceptives - much, much more. No better time exists than BEFORE a polticial convention to get the facts out about whether this candidate, or any other, is going to be able to enter the oval office on day one and start to work.

We already have a ‘learning on the job’ President; we do not need another and this time, a Republican.

I want a leader who understands the choices before this nation and speaks truth to facts. A man with a plan. Our survival relies on much more than this compromise nonsense.

13 posted on 03/06/2012 8:44:04 AM PST by SatinDoll (No Foreign Nationals as our President!)
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To: SatinDoll

What we need is to get Netanyahu running. If we can have a alien - culturally and a total alien - we should be able to get a MAN in there whose values are more aligned to western thinking.

14 posted on 03/06/2012 9:27:00 AM PST by himno hero (Obamas theme...Death to America...The crusaders will pay!)
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