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*PLEASE NOTE: Cobbeldick is running against Herman and Smith for the March 2 Primary!

WHY VOTE FOR BRUCE COBBELDICK? It boils down to maturity, business leadership and being a family man! WHO DOES NE OHIO REALLY WANT TO SEE BE THEIR CONGRESSMAN? Someone 29 and single? No!

As a Moderate, I am able to come off to both conservatives and middle of the road voters of both parties as a REASONABLE alternative to the incumbent. It is how Reagan got elected. It is how Bush got elected ... and so on. However, I am not so "LIBERAL" as Herman is that I sound like merely a Pro-War Democrat.

WHEN I stand for Congress to take the oath, I'll be taking it to represent ALL the people of my state, not just Republicans. While I am not in favor of Gay Marriage, that is not to say I would ever endorse the concept of all men being equal under the eyes of the law, and all people deserving equal protection under the law. I just think that the institution of marriage is a sacred thing and is intended for the relationship between one man and one woman. Same with abortion, I am against it, personally.

I do know that this race will be about engendering enthusiasm and trust from my core electorate and those who are in the "buffeting" zone of political independence (which captures the majority of voters, irrespective of party affiliation) is the only path to election against a strong incumbent. When you think of your targets, I think of: financially conservative, socially liberal, ideologically a passionate advocate libertarian principles (but not the 'party'). I want for Greater Cleveland a smaller, more efficient government that is less in my face, less in my wallet, less in my business, less in my faith, less in my bedroom, less in my relationship with my children, etc. Unfortunately, the extremes of both parties are advocating exactly the opposite. I am the majority of Americans ... go figure how we end up with a government that is increasingly about more control. To sound as if I am aligned with either is political death, or will be as it begins to sound more and more like "1984" all over again. I am no Rush Limbaugh and no Dennis Kucinich and for the Primary on March 2, I offer a heck of a lot more than either Smith or Herman! Voters in this District need to compare and contrast the experience levels, maturity and PLATFORMS!!!

I am my own man, and I want to see to it that the only special interest group that grabs my attention is our citizens and taxpayers!

My name is Bruce Cobbeldick and I am asking for your vote come March 2nd and again in November. Thank you! "A Conservative News Forum" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Click to scroll to commentary.

Bruce Cobbeldick RIGHT Choice for Greater Cleveland Speech Delivered to GOP Central Committee and Executive Committee ^ | 1-17-2004 | Bruce Cobbeldick

Posted on 01/19/2004 5:47:33 AM PST by bruce_cobbeldick_for_congress

Press Release (Art Available, Actual Petition Available Also)

SLUG: "Herman Finds Cobbeldick Well Qualified to Perform Duties as Congressman"

POC: Mike Pierce 440.835.0178 dtd. 18 Jan 2004

Bay Village, OH - - Ed Herman, who received the Republican nomination for the March 2nd Primary stated in writing that in his opinion, Cobbeldick, the #2 seated Candidate, is well qualified to perform the duties of the office of Congressman for the 10th District. "I appreciate Ed's opinion. When Ed came to me, I could not say the same, as I felt that his lack of Foreign Policy and skinny Domestic Policy were serious issues. In signing my petition, I wonder if Ed even realized that his opinion would show his in experience. As a Candidate, I sure did not sign his petition, when it came to me, I passed it back, said Cobbeldick, 40. But it gets better...

On Herman's website, he states that Kucinich has flip-flopped on Abortion and on DoD Spending. No, that's not correct, Ed. Kucinich has never flip-flopped on his stances against the military or the DoD. Kucinich has consistently voted against them. We appreciate Ed's opinion that Bruce Cobbeldick is well-qualified. A key to Bruce's qualifications is knowing the issues. Ed's Slogan is "Get Ready For Eddie!"

"Some Republicans feel that Ed is a Johnny Come Lately, who may need a little more time to get ready himself, as with no Foreign Policy and a mere 3-4 issues mentioned on his website, some people in Greater Cleveland may wonder what is going through his head if he is stating his closest opponent in this race is well-qualified and he does not know the issues better than he does," said Michael Pierce of Bay Village. "A Liberal Republican? That's stupid!" said Pierce, a former Navy sailor. Pierce questions why Republicans would want a person who appeals to the Democrats and has such a Democratic following make it to U.S. Congress. "Of course", said Pierce, 51, "the Republican Party did endorse a registered Democrat Saturday over a Republican at their own Executive and Central Committee Endorsement Meeting!"

According to Pierce, he just left the event, scratching his head, how Liberals got on the Nominating Committee and why a Registered Democrat could get their endorsement. Doesn't ones politics matter? Isn't a political party's main focus ones ideologies when nominating someone for Public Office? You don't see the Democrats endorsing someone who opposes Gay Rights, is fiscally conservative, against big government and anti-union, right? Wrong! Or should I say Left? Bottom line: I think Bruce Cobbeldick is the Right choice for Congressman. And best of all, Ed Herman thinks Cobbeldick is is well-qualified too!"

-Michael Pierce Bay Village, OH 440-835-0178

I knew that was going to be a rough crowd in that room when I saw a Policy Committee made up of mostly liberals. But that's OK. I'm reminded of the movie Braveheart, where William Wallace's Lieutenants asked him after a setback, "so what should we do now?" Wallace replied: Just be yourselves. And that's all I ask of you here today - to just be yourselves. Think with your minds and your hearts and just be yourselves. I plan to be myself and let the chips fall where they may. My background is not one of privilege - my father, a fine parent, with a wonderful smile, was a commissioned salesman. As a family, we all used to feel that he supported the territory more than the territory supported him. There was plenty of times when bills came before commission checks.

Believe me. But my Parents were good Republicans, good citizens and loyal to each other. I lost my father at the age of 18. We were shoveling snow when he died from a sudden heart attack - without insurance and without a will. To help my mom with finances and to get an education, I joined the U.S. Marines, and as a combat correspondent, I served all over the world in some 12 different countries, serving my country and it was there that I discovered the value of education.

After the Marines, I put myself through night school and earned a Bachelors Degree in Management. I soon found myself at Ernst & Young at their e-learning division and today I am a mortgage banker at the 2nd fastest growing corporation in the nation, American Home Mortgage.

So, I know education is our ticket for making Greater Cleveland Great Again, as we move from a manufacturing economy to a Knowledge Economy. And clearly, my business background and knowledge of finance is vitally important to holding a Congressional Seat.

I have been married for 13 years to a wonderful Spanish lady named Monica with four kids ages 5 to 16, and there is something to be said for that. It shows responsibility and commitment. It also brings to the table maturity and empathy for what today's families in NE Ohio are going through. I am sure that voters feel better about backing a family man.

The hard and truthful question is who will the voters likely support come election time? Someone who is 41 with experience and a family man or someone who is 29 years old and single? I ask you to simply be yourselves and think like the voters will think. Think maturity and experience. These things matter quite a bit to voters.

I would ask that you don't pin your hopes to mere enthusiasm. Go for experience and enthusiasm. As a person who's worked at Ernst & Young on some 16 different engagements with their Performance Solutions Environment, and working with Blue Chip Companies like Saks 5th Avenue, I understand how CEO's and CFO's think. I have the kind of business acumen and consulting experience where I can have productive dialogues with today's Captains of Industry, where they will listen and connect with me. My opponents cannot say that.

In terms of being a Veteran, my opponent has a good military record and I applaud him for serving his country for the year he spent on active duty, but I was an active duty Marine for six years, then went on to also earn Honorable Discharges in both the Army Reserves and the National Guard. I have some 14 years of military service. As a civilian, I served as Chairman for the American Legion's Citizens for Soldiers fundraiser, here in NE Ohio this past Spring and Summer.

It's not enough to do what my opponents have done and simply bash away at Kucinich and claim to be Veterans.

At Ernst & Young, I specialized in Strategy and Vision Workshops. And from a Strategic standpoint, I tell you it has been a mistake for them to pin their hopes mostly on being Veterans and and simply being critical of Dennis Kucinich. That is so obvious - he is a wacko. Sure. But the people, the voters do not hear from my opponents the kind of experience and skills it will take to make their lives better. They hear only enthusiasm. The people are more concerned what a candidate will do if elected to office, and that is key - not stating the obvious that Kucinich is a wacko - we all know that. What voters want is to feel secure that they will be in better hands - to have a Congressman who is mature, capable and qualified. Greater Cleveland needs experience - not mere enthusiasm. Congress is not for cutting ones teeth.

I am by far the best suited to bring business to Cleveland, bring home the bacon and re-ignite our Local Economy. I worked in the .com and Information and Technology arenas, as a senior project manager for a 650 million dollar consultancy, Veridian Companies.

THAT is the kind of experience and business leadership Greater Clevelanders want and need - not merely "enthusiasm." In order to unite the people voting in November, it is going to take someone who can awaken the Sleeping Republicans and Independents who has the depth and breadth of a cogent, professional Foreign Policy and a Domestic Platform that shows preparedness.

People of the Executive and Central Committee, the idea of electability must be a cornerstone theme to this process here today!

It's great to see enthusiasm, but the fact is my opponent began his race in mid-September. I have been campaigning since May of 2003 and as the Republican Club Presidents and Ward Leaders here know, my candidacy is by far the most consistent and hard-run by far. In fact, I earned the vote of Confidence from the Parma Republican President, back in September because I had already built up enough momentum to earn her personal endorsement, where she made a motion for me to receive an early nomination way back in September.

To the people here today, on the floor, to the members of the Central and Executive Committee, I stand before you calm and confident, because many of you know me, have seen me out there in your neighborhoods, clubs and church events since this past Spring.

And what this Party needs is someone who has been an aggressive campaigner, a family man, a person with significant business experience and someone who has already built up that magic "M" word: MOMENTUM. The best indicator of how well someone will campaign is how much substance and credibility do they bring to the table. And how has their energy level and stamina to campaign been? It takes self discipline to get out there and do this right. I have. I have gotten out there and people here know I campaign hard.

Look, I understood the dynamics of that Policy Committee interview - there was a large representation of Liberal Republicans in the room. That's fine.

But here today, on the floor, this is where the heart and soul of this Party is entrusted -- with you sitting in those seats here this morning. Am I thrown by their decision? No. In my heart I know that I have worked hard to earn the trust and backing of people here these past eight months since May of 2003.

This race is too important to not take a close look at the politics behind the politics here. The nice thing about the truth is that it is simple and straight-forward.

We need a candidate who is highly electable. Getting elected will require the candidate to be mature, have extensive business experience, hopefully be a family man that the voters can relate to and trust that Family Values and their needs will be represented, as well as tackling today's tough issues such as Jobs, Health-care, Tort Reform and looking out for our Veterans and supporting our military.

But as I stated, the truth is something that is obvious, and in making the decision today as to who will best represent the interests of the Republican Party of Cuyahoga County, I ask that you put yourselves in the place of the voters out there. And newspapers like the Sun Herald and Cleveland Plain Dealer. They are going to be looking at experience. And my opponents cannot dodge that bullet.

Voters are going to want someone who has the kind of business leadership and skills that can Make Greater Cleveland Great Again! And if all the Republican Party can muster is enthusiasm, we will fall short of our goal. We cannot pin our hopes to being a default option to Dennis Kucinich. The people must see that we offer a better, wiser candidate.

As a Marine Corps Honor Graduate from Parris Island, I place my military record up against any of my opponents. No other candidate here today was at the Muni Parking lot, participating in their Ceremony, this past Fall, addressing the Veterans, showing them I deeply care.

It was that day that the Vietnam Vets pledged their support to me, as I was the only politician or candidate that took the time to attend that Rally for House Bill 50.

I will fight for a fair flat tax.

I will introduce legislation that will put Congressmen on the same Social Security System for retirement that the rest of America is on. How long do you think it will take for them to fix Social Security and make it right once they are on it too instead of the Golden Fleecing they are committing on taxpayers, totally unaware of what reality is all about.

I am for balancing the budget, demanding accountability and seeking reform - especially Tort Reform which is Health-care's biggest issue.

Get a solid Domestic platform and a well thought out Foreign Policy that supports the President and the War on Terrorism, and helps keep American lives safe and secure. And let's care for our Veterans!

So, let's show Dennis the Door in 2004! If you pin your hopes on me, you won't be playing pin the tail on the donkey, that being Mr. Kucinich!

Is it time to make a stand? Or is it politics as usual? Is it time to renew our strength? Or is it politics as usual? You, each and every one of you have the power to change. We're all here for the same purpose.

You have the power to take a Congressional Seat - and straighten the wheels - on a Republican Road. The opportunity is here now in 2004 to make that change. To put a forthright American with solid, family values in Congress. My name is Bruce Cobbeldick. I am asking for your vote today, on March 2 and in November. I am not looking for a job. I am looking to serve the people, to restore Family Values and fight for the GOP Platform.

So, with that Committee members, vote for experience and enthusiasm - not just enthusiasm. To you Faithful Republicans I say, Let us return dignity and professionalism to the 10th District Seat. But we need to straighten the wheels here today - on a Republican Road! Let's put the people of this great nation back in the drivers seat, I will be happy to ride in the back, traveling "coach." I think leaders are best when they eat last and see to it that their people are taken care of first. I will lead that way. And I will do so, totally aware that whatever the Republican Party is morphing towards, I am willing to set my own course towards Fiscal Conservatism, Leadership and Family Values - not just be part of some "machine" that gets people elected. Ideology and ones politics ought to mean something!

Cobbeldick Residence 440-808-8926


My BA degree is an indication of my ability to finish what I start. The completion of my degree (Bachelors of Arts in Management) is relevant becuase the college curriculum focused on Human Resources (HR) and Change Management. Resolving Conflict and Managing Change is at the heart of what leadership is all about.

As a Marine, I graduated with crossed rifles on my sleeve as my Platoon's and Company's Honor Graduate, an achievement realized by one in every two-thousand Marines from Parris Island's Marine Corps Recruit Depot. The Leatherneck Board of Governors' "Honor Man" Award is a strong indicator of my drive, professionalism, integrity and leadership. It's one thing to serve in the Marines. It's another thing to earn an honorable discharge. But to be an honor grad, a Marine must truly be dedicated and prove to ones Drill Instructors ones worthiness, attributes and traits that are in keeping with the highest traditions of the Corps.

The School of Hard Knocks is a great educator. I was 18 years old when my father died. By the time I was 22, I had two cars and a new house, as a corporal in the service. There were plenty of times when I was ale to see and witness the best and worst in leadership and management, as a soldier and as a civilian. To be a great leader, one has to appreciate the tough times that people sometimes have to face. Getting back up, dusting yourself off and rising to the occasion is what life is all about. If elected, I would have the kind of wisdom, empathy and grace that can only come from adversity and struggle. Constituents want a person they can relate to. In me, you would have a Congressman who truly cares. I'm in this race to help people. And it's my sincere belief that I can lead in a caring way far better than my opponents.


Kucinich is no political powerhouse…. The nation came to know Kucinich as the ‘boy mayor’ of Cleveland, but forgot his name after he was forced from office after one controversial term…. [Kucinich] creates annoying static, best tuned out.” (Columnist Marie Cocco, “Democratic Leaders Abdicate On War Policy,” Newsday [New York, N.Y.], 9/26/02)

High Taxes Are Causing Us Too Much (Grief) Lack of Support for Our Military Personnel Lack of Support for Our Veterans A Health-care System That's Broke Tort Reform Weak and/or Inefficient Education and Training Programs Economic Recovery Representation In Congress That Reflects Constituents Values A Representative That Is Working for the District A Representative That Doesn't See Seat as a Stepping Stone or Need a "Job" Give Parents Choices With Charter Schools Tax Code Simplified and Made Equitable for All Americans Statesman Needed - Not a Career Politician Tap Greater Cleveland's Vast Potential Help the Plight of the Working Poor Fight Efforts to Increase the Size of Government Encourage Privatization of Services If More Efficient Fight for Legislation That Will Help NE Ohio Families Battle Waste, Fraud and Abuse Be a Voice for Common Sense, Values and Moderation Uphold Freedoms, Liberties and Rights of Our Citizens Offer a Voice for Pro-Life Offer a Voice for 2nd Amendment Rights Protect, Serve and Support the Needy, Elderly, Children Look out for Consumers Rights Fight Greed Work Toward Solutions That are Liveable, Doable Be Realistic, Sincere and Tireless Look Out for the Needs of Americans Above Foreign Aid Expect Better Negotiations and Treaties Ensure This Nation is Safe From Terrorism and Violence Return America to an Era of Values and Honor Turn the Ship Around for Cleveland, Clevelanders Offer Representation That Will Make Voters Satisfied Involve Constituents, Inform Voters of What is at Stake Use of the Internet and Website to Educate, Inform


Agenda Protecting taxpayers and reforming the system:

Republicans believe that the current tax system takes too much time, is too complicated and is unfair for American families. To address these issues and fix the problem, the House Republican leadership brought up three major pieces of legislation to reform the system and protect taxpayers in Ohio and across the nation.

Two of these three bills (Tax Limitation and Tax Code Replacement) have been passed in the House and referred to the Senate in previous sessions of congress. The Taxpayer Bill of Rights is new legislation that was passed in committee by a voice vote.

Taxes are too high, too complicated and unfair.

Taxes are unquestionably too high: If the government withheld all the money from every American’s paycheck starting Jan. 1, 1999, it would not stop collecting until May 3 to fund government at all levels. (Tax Freedom Day). Taxes now claim a greater share of the median two-income family’s income (39%) than food (9%), clothing (4%), housing (16%) and transportation (7%) combined. In 1900 families paid 3% of their income to taxes; by 1998 it rose to 24%. Under President Clinton, tax revenues have jumped by more than $100 billion annually.

Taxes are too complex: The internal revenue code has a total of 1.3 million words, twice the length of War and Peace. Our current tax system requires more than 700 tax forms and 17,000 pages of rules and regulations. There are 101,295 pages of IRS laws and regulations. Even the simplest form, the 1040EZ, has a 32-page instruction booklet. Since 1986, more than 6,000 changes have taken place to the tax code.

Tax system is unfair: So-called targeted taxes and progressive income taxes are designed to "sock it to the wealthy." Too often, however, these taxes fall on middle-class American families. Examples include the marriage penalty, the death tax, the capital gains tax and the alternative minimum wage tax. Why is it that the death tax, a tax Ohioans must cope with, hurts family farmers but leaves the ultra-wealthy virtually untouched? Consider the case of Paul McCartney, former Beatles star, whose personal fortune was estimated at $800 million. His wife, Linda, hired Manhattan legal eagles, set up a trust and somehow avoided all taxes, according to the New York Daily News on March 13. Big-government, liberal groups like the Center for Budget Priorities releases studies which seem to suggest that flat-tax plans and other tax reforms disproportionately favor the rich. But they never tell you about stories like the one involving the McCartneys, now do they?

As Republicans we must remain committed to seeking ways to lessen the tax burden on Ohio’s working families, small business owners and family farmers. Income tax reform is one substantive way in which to accomplish this.

1 posted on 01/23/2004 10:51:33 AM PST by bruce_cobbeldick_for_congress
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To: bruce_cobbeldick_for_congress; patj

What is Ed Herman's position on abortion? On gay rights?
2 posted on 01/31/2004 2:01:06 PM PST by Diago
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