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To: joanie-f; ForGod'sSake; FBD; Mudboy Slim; BraveMan
"I didn’t plan to write this on the public threads, for fear of being unanimously tarred and feathered (Not that I am averse to criticism, but I am violently allergic to feathers."

Yea well since I'm a fella, it's that ride on the *rail* that'd scare me most.
Must hurt like hell.

"It appears that FReepers will be celebrating today’s victory for days and weeks to come."

Yea, and why not.
I mean, just for today?

"As is the case with most of you, I will personally continue to work in every way possible to reclaim our republic’s greatness (that is always, always a given). But..."

Of course you will, but then there's that "but."

"...with that said...please bear with me here. I will be repeating things I have said over the past few weeks, but I truly believe they desperately need repetition. I am not attempting to rain on anyone’s parade, but I simply want us all to put this election in its proper perspective."

A proper perspective is *wise* -- & most elusive -- with anything, joanie.

"There are those (many here on this forum) who claim that the advent of the internet has lessened the power of the biased mainstream media, and that, as a result, the average American citizen will more and more have access to, and embrace, the truth."

Which anyone with any sense knows is baloney.
What're those same people going to say when the quisling lamestream turn their attention to the WWW & begin buying up and/or forcing websites to shut down, hmmmm?
They've tried silencing FR and have come pretty close to doing so.

"For the last three weeks, I (and thousands of others across this country) put most of my other personal responsibilities on hold and hit the streets in an attempt to get a feel for what the American electorate (at least here in Pennsylvania) was thinking..."

Yes, your journey's well known by those of us who love you and have followed your writings detailing the strange trip.
But aren't you supposed to be in bed, isn't Mr.f supposed to be catering to you today?
{~you didn't think I'd swallow that line, I hope.}

"...and to ‘educate’ those who did not seem to comprehend the scope or content of the issues."

Nonsense, I don't buy it.
People know all they want to know and all the *education* in the world won't make a gnat's ass worth of difference, my friend.
You, I, and every other person on this forum has attempted to reason with minions of the Liberal-Socialist left; and, we even "loved" some of the dimwits.
But to no avail.
As it was once sung, "A man hears what he wants to hear, and disregards the rest."
That's why -- at times -- it appears humanity's backsliding & our evolution took a turn somewhere.
More than just the way it is joanie, it's the way it's always been.

"Although the receptiveness of those with whom I spoke was deeply gratifying..."

Sure, and that gratification comes in one of two main ways:
1) If they already were conservatives, you enjoyed relating more information than they might've already had.
2) If they were Liberal-Socialists they were just being *polite*, and if that's the case? Than be grateful because politeness is not, was not & never has been one of the left's strong suites.

"I was equally discouraged by the overpowering amount of citizen ignorance, and the willingness to swallow whole anything that is wrapped in a glib, attractively-wrapped formatted package."

But why?
Why *surprised* & more importantly why *discouraged*?
Dolts are not a manifestation of Y2K, my friend.
In fact if you didn't know it before you know it now, America's Liberal-Socialist Party's existence is wholely dependent on dolts & doltism.

"I used to say that the apathy and ignorance of the American citizenry can only increase because:
(1) the upcoming generations will become ever further removed from a knowledge of, and respect for, their glorious historic roots, and will become less and less able to perform effective critical thinking, what with the increasingly leftist-bent in what passes for American ‘public education’ and the overpowering Marxist influence in what passes for American institutions of ‘higher education’."

OK, first point.
1) More & more people are home schooling their brats. Can see what's going down & are taking things into their own hands. Will their numbers be enough have an effect? Maybe not now, but their numbers aren't getting any smaller, either. So ya never know *when* the numbers of kids brought up away from the public indoctinator's influence will show up in the damnedest places, & with them they'll bring a changing influence. Watch.

"Combine those two prominent mind-molding factors with the fact that each succeeding generation of American parents abdicates to ‘outside influences’ (primarily the education establishment in particular, and government in general) more and more of their parental responsibility to direct their young child’s path, and the future American electorate promises to be more left-leaning with each year."

While you're damned sharp and I respect your judgement, there're *other* possible scenarios, too.
Some even better than the *one* you posited, joanie.

"(2) No one – conservative or leftist – is making a serious effort to stem the massive numbers of illegal immigrants who are streaming across our borders."

But that's a drama still being played-out.
There's absolutely no doubt *if* the immigration problem will become a major issue, it's when. What'll trigger the public's outrage & demand for action.

"And then there's the media (that’s all that needs to be said on this forum)..."

Yea, and then there's the quisling mediots.
What of 'em?
They're scum, so what?
You seeing anything any different outa that ilk we haven't seen before?
I don't.

"Other than through Divine intervention, I also used to believe that the one thing that would open the eyes of the American electorate would be a major national tragedy – it would cause America to stop worshipping affluence and reveling in ignorance, and start recognizing that we must become more informed and collectively focused on the historically unprecedented threats against our lives and liberties that exist in this world."

I agree.
But you [almost] sound as if you're ruling out Devine intervention, too.
I'm not.
But that's just my *living* my faith, is all.

"Nothing has occurred to stem the persistent degradation that (1) and (2) above continue to cause."


"But we have experienced the kind of major national tragedy that should have awakened the populace and should have marked at least the beginning of a turnaround in our collective ignorance and apathy. It happened on September 11, 20001."

What's more the *one* man came to the aid of a city in its time of need was kicked in the nuts for his act.
Ingratitude, the *one* unforgivable sin. Shame on you, New York. Shame.
Still, there could be and in all likelyhood will be something that'll make 911 look like child's play.
Almost inevitable.

"It has been three years since that tragic, watershed event. In those three years, our President has responded to the terrorists of the world with strength, wisdom, and qualities of wartime leadership that elevate him, in true historical standards, far above that which many of us had expected him capable. He has faced-down, or hunted-down, countless madmen … and disarmed countless others."

Yea, and insodoing he PROVED he would put the safety & security of America & her citizens over the opinions of miscreants like the French & Germans.
Didn't he?

"I am not attempting to take the sweet taste of victory out of our mouths (far from it)."

-raising left eyebrow & loooking over my glasses at'chu-

"But, over the next four years, we need to remember, and constantly reflect on, the following:
Yesterday a man who, his entire public life, has demonstrated unmistakable allegiance to Marxist doctrine, who places his own political ambitions, and the leftist political agenda, above the lives, liberties and reputations of the American people (and genuine American war heroes, in particular), who bears an allegiance to global entities and would be entirely willing to place America’s safety and sovereignty in their hands, came within three percentage points of assuming the reins in Washington."

Very true, and with people the likes of New Jersey's voters, who voted for the 'Rat candidateS in spite of the indescribable corruption revealed recently?
It's a tough uphill battle.
If I were you, I'd hunker-down & rest-up for the next fight looming just over the horizon.

"Although he did not, someone like him soon will. Because a loud and deadly warning shot penetrated our ship of state three years ago, we have chosen to effectively ignore it, and the generation that follows will be even harder of hearing."

Who the hell's this "we" joanie.
Your first sentence, "Although he did NOT" [get elected] says all we need to know for right *now*.
Each election doesn't establish what the political scene's going to be forever, just for the next X number of years.
You need to think in the present tense my friend, the *future's* my domain.

"Considering the completely diametrical resumes (in terms of faith, honesty, character, and allegiance to this country) of the two presidential contenders, and the historically unprecedented precarious state of the world, the closeness of today’s election – no matter the outcome – is terribly, terribly ominous."

Was terribly, terribly ominous.
The Liberal-Socialists & their constiuency of orks have for the moment been whipped.

"I am probably one of only a handful (if that) of FReepers who is not unequivocally celebrating the relatively narrow Bush victory."

Yes, so it seems.
And that bothers me *infinitely* more than the close-call we all had with sKerry.
Know that?

"To me, it is also a sad commentary on the myopia of the American electorate … and will simply postpone the inevitable."

Yea well joanie, since I might drop dead in the next few hours, days, weeks etc I hope you don't mind too much if I enjoy the moment, today.
*That* is how I put all this in its proper perspective.

"Yes, we have good reason to celebrate the fact that, barring media fabrication of an ‘impeachable offense,’ we can enjoy four more years of effective national leadership, where the war on terror (the most important issue of our, or any, time) is concerned."

I for one am not going to be "enjoying" anything.
I for one will be watching the filthy leftist lice try to do everything in their power to impede the man *I* & 3 million other of my neighbors chose to lead us.
In fact, I'm almost counting on it.

"We also have a President in office who will nominate conservative judges to the Supreme Court..."


"...and a senate that will most likely confirm them (provided the head of the Judiciary Committee, the dishonorable Arlen Specter, is not successful in scuttling those nominations). I see both of the above as reasons to heave an enormous sigh of relief."


"But, in the results of today’s election, we have simply dodged a bullet."

Yea and we're getting damned good at it too, aren't we?

"The media, and mainstream academia, have no doubt already begun planning their assaults on this lame duck administration."

They'd disappoint me if they changed, I'll tell you that much.

"Every American death in Iraq or Afghanistan will be laid on this President’s shoulders."

It already is, and it hasn't worked.

"Every lost job..."

It already is, and it hasn't worked.

"...and every minor downturn in the economy, will be magnified beyond recognition."

It already has, and that hasn't worked either.

"The fact that all Americans do not enjoy government-provided healthcare will be painted as a heartless failure of this administration’s policies."

It already is, and it hasn't worked.

"When the next terrorist attack is successful, the administration will be portrayed with more blood on its hands than the terrorists who committed the atrocity (and the many terrorist activities that will surely be thwarted by our military/intelligence forces will go relatively unreported)."

That quisling media, tough ones to anticipate eh?

"People suffering from debilitating or terminal illnesses will be trotted out as evidence that the President’s refusal to federally fund stem cell research renders him incapable of leading a compassionate society..."

It already is & has been, and it hasn't worked.

"...and on and on, ad infinitum."

It already is, and it hasn't worked. It already is, and it hasn't worked. It already is, and it hasn't...

"And all of the above (and more) will serve the singular purpose of seeing to it that a (female) Marxist (this time, from New York) obtains the White House in 2008."

Bring the bitch on.

"By 2008, apathy, ignorance, and self-absorbed special interest, will be proportionately higher-represented in the American electorate."

Yea and you & I 4 years older, too.

"More ‘educationally’ indoctrinated young people, and aliens (many, although not all, of whom have no concept of the proud heritage of this republic), will be casting a vote for a candidate who seems to commiserate with their left-leaning indoctrination, or self-serving social/economic leanings."

You have no faith, no faith in your God, no faith in your children, and no faith in me.
Yet, we all know you to be a [great] woman of faith.

"Reflecting on the relative closeness of Tuesday’s race, the only thing that can prevent a Clinton victory in 2008 is an increase in voter awareness of, and education about, the truth of the issues and the candidates’ stands on them."

We will see.
You don't mind if I prefer to *wait* & fight the bitch if and/or when she makes the scene, do you?
Not to worry, you can get behind me. :o)

"Each of us needs to decide how optimistic we are now about that occurring, and what dramatic changes would be needed in order to bring it about."

Optimism myass.
The Left's NOT getting their hands on the reigns of this nation.
Not as long as I've a breath left in me they won't, and joanie?
I'm not alone in my feelings, y'know.

"I am not an inveterate pessimist. Not by a long shot."

HA!! {wink-wink}
You're a "realist."
You're also a tireless worker & proponent of freedom, liberty & justice and that's the of it.
Annnnnnd, you'll be right out there again swinging, punching, biting & scratching -- if need be -- next go around when the demon Left presents another as of yet nameless abomination they'd have us believe would be POTUS.
You know it, I know it, your kids know it, and I'd damned well bet every Liberal-Socialist within a 50 mile radius of where you're sitting right now knows it, too.

"In spite of the media’s hatred of Ronald Reagan, I spent the eight Reagan years walking six inches off the ground. I thought that America had not only dodged a bullet, but that we were well on the way to winning the war."

You were wrong!
The kind of war we're fighting will never end, ever.

"But those were very different times – because the electorate was still capable of sufficient critical thought to see between the lines of media and academic smokescreens, and because Ronald Reagan was Ronald Reagan."

Just as you are you, and, I've another *flash* for you, also.
Ronald Reagan *lives* in YOU, so don't let him & his memory down because he's watching you. And so am I, for that matter.

"We have our work cut out for us. And, believe me, just like most of you, I intend to work every bit as hard as I ever have to awaken the sleeping. I simply believe that we cannot rest on our laurels as a result of this close election."

Sage advise; and, yes we've a long row to hoe.

"Those laurels are thin, fragile and under constant attack, and must be defended daily by patriots who place realism above perceived successes, whose enemies are forever scheming to take them from us."

Yup, that is our 250 year old heritage.

"(No response necessary. But, if you must, please use flames. Feathers would render me allergically unable to respond."


C'mon young Lady admit it, you can, won't kill ya. It's "OK".
You're relieved, aren'tcha.

OBTW, I *know* you watch sKerry's concession speech so lemm ask ask you, did you notice his *tie*??

It was *pink*.

...a Fruedian slip? :o)

96 posted on 11/03/2004 12:08:40 PM PST by Landru (Indulgences: 2 for a buck.)
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