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To: Freedom Dignity n Honor
My point about organ donors is that when an organ becomes available, it's human beings who decide, for a myriad of reasons, who should get the organ, thus live, and who won't. That decision can be based on lifestyle choices. So if it isn't right, why then even have the system? Just give the organ to the next on the list. Is that fair that someone decides that someone else should die because he smokes or drinks? My point is that life and death issues are made every day by human beings. And the law has been followed in this case. You may not agree with the result, but you cannot say this case hasn't been tried fairly. You just don't like the result. Maybe you don't even like the law. So why don't you work to change it.

And you sidestepped the soldier issue. We send young people to die. That's a fact. If it's not right that Doctors and Administrators can do it, why should the government make that decision?

1,749 posted on 03/20/2005 10:44:38 AM PST by Hildy
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To: Hildy
Every time a person decides to gets into his car can be a life or death decision that is made... at the most elemental level.

The law has NOT been followed in the case of Terri Schiavo.

I have not addressed your question about our military because, I reieterate, you are comparing apples to oranges.

What you are doing is called moral equivelancy in regards to comparing our military with Terri's situation.

Abortion is legal but that doesn't make it right.

Slavery *was* legal but that doesn't make it right.

If these hospital admins and doctors choose to commit murder they should be brought up on charges and sued in civil court. Just because they murder people intentionally doesn't make it right to do so.

At least we have given the government the right to represent us. I doubt all of the patients that were murdered at the hands doctors or hospitals were asked their preference on the matter and I'm sure that they weren't given the right to represent them or their interests.

If a person *wants* to die, all power to them. It's between them and God, as long as they don't ask the doctors or friends or family to become murderers.

1,763 posted on 03/20/2005 10:59:16 AM PST by Freedom Dignity n Honor
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