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To: tiredoflaundry

I don’t know when but it’s relatively clear to me that he did know.

71 posted on 08/30/2007 3:16:06 PM PDT by Fudd Fan (
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To: Fudd Fan

Hmmmmmmmm, listening to this , that annoying twinge is starting in my neck........ hmmmmmmmm

75 posted on 08/30/2007 3:17:55 PM PDT by tiredoflaundry (Bill O'Reilly is a pinhead.)
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To: Fudd Fan

hiya fuddy...more of this Craig crap..

77 posted on 08/30/2007 3:18:03 PM PDT by sofaman ("Whatever you do, do it with strength" King Solomon (Ecclesiastes 9:10))
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To: Fudd Fan

I can see it know...

She was running in Central Park and the bouncing of her breasts said she wanted sex.

82 posted on 08/30/2007 3:19:13 PM PDT by AliVeritas (Today's stolen graphics courtesy of:
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To: Fudd Fan

I can see it know...

She was running in Central Park and the bouncing of her breasts said she wanted sex.

“I expect this from the hood” (paging Rev. Al).
I didn’t vote for you (sp?).

89 posted on 08/30/2007 3:21:19 PM PDT by AliVeritas (Today's stolen graphics courtesy of:
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To: holdonnow

I think everyone on the hill should be investigated.

They’re responsible for running our country.

What do they do as far as screening on the hill?

Does the ethics re: republicans cite conduct unbecoming period or misdemeanors/felonies?

I think it’s a shame that the libs and media can hold on to something like this then drive the news... where’s their responsibility to the ‘common good’?

Don’t get me wrong, I thank the left for bringing it out (even though after Foley and before that Studds and Franks, we should have made sure our own house was clean).

What if this were a guy that didn’t do it? What of his family and career? A stop has to be put to the socialist tactics of the left. For the Idaho Statesmen to investigate him for months? Come on.

100 posted on 08/30/2007 3:28:07 PM PDT by AliVeritas (Today's stolen graphics courtesy of:
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To: Fudd Fan

Must Read Stuff:

Korean Hostages are freed! Bonus, email or call Taliban spokesman and amazing links:

Megahed and friend linked to another plot?

Hiz Indiscriminately Attacked Civilians (no shit)

Britons held by Shiite Zarqawi?


101 posted on 08/30/2007 3:28:28 PM PDT by AliVeritas (Today's stolen graphics courtesy of:
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To: Fudd Fan

Moments in History (Not PC, just need to know):

Vietnam and Iraq – IBD channels CDR Salamander

General Order 11
As we get to the end of August - letÂ’s look to our own past for a second, and just pick from our own Civil War for some perspective.

104 posted on 08/30/2007 3:28:57 PM PDT by AliVeritas (Today's stolen graphics courtesy of:
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To: Fudd Fan

Joe’s fleas
From Sandy “Stuffy Socks” Berger, to the German-American Bund, to the Chinese Clinton Comintern.


Sens. Edward Kennedy and John Kerry, both of Massachusetts, also planned to turn over Hsu’s contributions to charity. Sens. Barbara Boxer and Dianne Feinstein of California; Al Franken, a Senate candidate in Minnesota; Reps. Michael Honda and Doris Matsui of California; and Rep. Joe Sestak of Pennsylvania also said they would divest Hsu’s contributions.

105 posted on 08/30/2007 3:29:15 PM PDT by AliVeritas (Today's stolen graphics courtesy of:
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To: Fudd Fan

Bad health care, bad reporting

From the BBC-

Japan’s health minister has pledged to address the shortage of doctors in the country after a woman in labour was turned away by eight hospitals.

A ninth hospital refused to admit her even after she miscarried in an ambulance and her baby died.

The woman, who was in the sixth month of her pregnancy, lived just three minutes away from a hospital.

But she was forced to travel 70km (45 miles) by ambulance looking for a facility that would admit her.

The woman, who lives in the countryside, called an ambulance in the middle of the night because she was suffering from stomach pains and bleeding.

For more than an hour the ambulance crew tried to find a hospital to accept her. Eight refused.

Then on the way to a ninth hospital the ambulance crashed and the woman miscarried. The hospital then changed its mind and refused to admit her.

An official told ambulance staff that treatment would be difficult and they were already busy with an emergency operation.

Eventually, almost three hours after they first arrived to pick her up, the ambulance crew found a hospital that would take her.
What a tragedy has to die when there is health care available but no one willing to act. There is nothing worse for a parent than to lose a child.

I’m not going to use this episode to hammer national healthcare, because I’m well aware of fiascos in countries like the US which has private medicine. The trouble with national healthcare, is that medicine has to be rationed. There are only so many dollars for care, doctors, hospitals, for the government is either running people’s healthcare services directly or indirectly. As someone whose worked in the healthcare industry and being a cancer, I know the many faults US care has. National healthcare isn’t the answer.

Also note, the above article says the mother was in the sixth month and had a miscarriage. That is too late for a miscarriage, which take place no later than 20 weeks, which is part way through the fifth month(or fourth depending on how its counted by doctor and mother). Either the Reuters reporter or the source of his information needs to brush up on pregnancy.

(BTW, pray for Florida Masochist, his cancer has returned)

106 posted on 08/30/2007 3:29:38 PM PDT by AliVeritas (Today's stolen graphics courtesy of:
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To: Fudd Fan

From earlier.

First the good news... kidding:

Iraq WMD Found - At UN Headquarters

Ok, so that’s a bit over the top compared to the actual facts, but I got your attention, didn’t I?

The story is just being reported:,2933,295238,00.html

Vials of dangerous chemicals believed originating from Iraq were discovered Thursday in the world headquarters of the United Nations in the heart of New York City.

No evacuations were ordered, and there was no immediate danger to the public, according to a U.N. spokesman.

Hazardous materials personnel were reported at the United Nations Monitoring, Verification and Inspection Commission offices at 48th Street and 1st Avenue in Manhattan.

1010 WINS in NY has additional information:

Authorities said the nerve gas phosgene was believed to have been discovered in Iraq and manufactured prior to 1991. Former U.N. weapons inspectors told that vials of phosgene had also been used by inspectors in Iraq to help calibrate air sampling instruments.

The remaining vials were supposed to have been destroyed, according to former inspectors. “If it is properly sealed, it should not pose much of a threat unless it is dropped,” said former New York City emergency services director Jerry Hauer.
“They need to get it out of there and put it in a safe canister,” Hauer said.

More if there is any further development.

Note: Don’t get me started on Jerry Hauer though.

More on the UN vials:

Chemical Weapons Souvenirs At The UN

Haditha Charges Fail
And yet neither the press nor the anti-war lynch mob led by John Murtha have offered a peep of apology now that it has been definitively shown that the “cold-blooded murders” violated not a single law.

Last December, when the Marine Corps charged four infantrymen with killing Iraqi civilians in Haditha, Iraq, in 2005, the allegation was as dark as it was devastating: after a roadside bomb had killed their buddy, a group of marines rampaged through nearby homes, massacring 24 innocent people.
In Iraq and in the United States, the killings were viewed as cold-blooded vengeance. After a perfunctory military investigation, Haditha was brushed aside, but once the details were disclosed, the killings became an ugly symbol of a difficult, demoralizing war. After a fuller investigation, the Marines promised to punish the guilty.

But now, the prosecutions have faltered. Since May, charges against two infantrymen and a Marine officer have been dismissed, and dismissal has been recommended for murder charges against a third infantryman. Prosecutors were not able to prove even that the killings violated the American military code of justice.

Now their final attempt to get a murder conviction is set to begin, with a military court hearing on Thursday for Staff Sgt. Frank D. Wuterich, the last marine still facing that charge. He is accused of killing 18 Iraqis, including several women and children, after the attack on his convoy.

If the legal problems that have thwarted the prosecutors in other cases are repeated this time, there is a possibility that no marine will be convicted for what happened in Haditha.

Could it be that what we had was a rush to judgment by the MSM and the cut-and-runners? Will the press look at that possibility?

No, they will instead continue to besmirch the names of heroes and wonder aloud about how the military justice system is broken, rather than consider that the media reporting was flawed and that the war’s opponents have such low regard for the truth that they acted as a high-tech lynch mob that convicted these men before the charges were even brought.

After all, that story wouldn’t fit the template that they are using to cover the war.

Democrats Split Over Terrorism

When Exactly Did Art Die?
At least the latest travesty in the art world comes Down Under rather than the US, but that only shows how global the collapse of art from a meaningful form to an anti-Christian realm of bigots has become. The latest examples are entrants in the Blake Prize competition in Australia, which features a statue of the Virgin Mary in a burqa and a holographic image of Jesus that transforms into ... Osama bin Laden:

TTLF: Virginia To Be A Target Of The Open Borders Crowd

Texas Governor Commutes Kenneth Foster Death Sentence

Texas Governor Rick Perry today commuted to a life sentence the death sentence of Kenneth Foster, whose pending execution was recently discussed by Beldar, Steve Verdon, and Radley Balko as noted in this Patterico post.

In case you missed it (on the MSM that is)

Huang v. Hsu — 1996 v. 2008: Question — Will Hillary’s Rivals Attack Her While Her Husband Got a Pass?
Filed under: General — WLS @ 6:00 pm
[Posted by WLS]

The blogosphere is starting to buzz a little bit over Hillary’s “John Huang”. Articles in yesterday’s WSJ, a follow-up today, and even a piece in the LAT have got to have the Clinton camp worried about what to say about Norman Hsu.,1,5355884.story?coll=la-headlines-nation

John Fund at the WSJ has now posted a entry at the sites Political Diary that he made available to Powerline.

As a refresher, recall from 1996:

Bill Clinton benefitted from the political largesse of the Lippo Group, owned by the ruling Riady and Suharto families from Indonesia.

John Huang was a formerly the head of US Operations for the Lippo Group, controlled by the Riady family of Indonesia, before being named a mid-level Commerce Dept. official in the Clinton Admin. He enjoyed enormous access to the WH for such a mid-level employee. As a DNC fundraiser in 1996, he raised $3.4 million for the party and the Clinton re-election effort — mostly from the Aisan-American community. Huang had been hired in the early 1980s by the Riady Family-owned “Worthern Banking Group” in Little Rock.

Huang took a 50% pay cut to join the Clinton Admin in 1993, but the blow was softened by a $750,000 severance package from the Lippo Group. Among the dubious contributions obtained by Mr. Huang was $200,000 donated by an Indonesian gardner, who later had to return to Indonesia to avoid testifying in the Senate investigation into 1996 fundraising practices. Charlie Trie was the Arkansas restaurantuer and generous financial contributor who received wire transfers of hundreds of thousands of dollars from the Bank of China, but mysteriously relocated to Bejing when subpoenas started to roll out.

Now Hillary has the ubiquitous Mr. Hsu.

As reported by the WSJ, Mr. Hsu — a wanted felon and fugitive from justice for a fraud conviction in California — has raised more than $1 million already for Hillary’s campaign, including more than $45,000 from the Paw family in San Francisco, who have contributed more than $200,000 to various Democrat candidates and organizations through Mr. Hsu.

Mr. Paw is a mail carrier, earning $49,000 a year. He donated $4600.

His wife is a homemaker. She donated $4600.

Their four adult children have various occupations — one is an executive at a mutual fund, while another is a local high school “attendance liason”. All donated $4600.

The recently refinanced their 1200 square foot house near SF Airport for $270,000.

What else they all have in common is that their contributions closely track the contributions made by Mr. Hsu to the same candidates and organizations.

The question is whether Hillary’s rivals on the Demo crowd will want to make an issue of this.

Bill got a pass in 1996 because he had no challenger, and the key facts didn’t come out until after the 1996 election.

Now such pass for Hillary.

I predict many days of deep discomfort as they try to figure out what to do about this.

Rough water ahead.

Via mewzilla:

Hillary Answers Hsu Questions, Spitzer Helps
And Spitzer and Cuomo got Hsu money, too....

H&I Fires

From the Multi-National Force-Iraq news desk...

- Iraqi doctors, medics treat fellow Iraqis during medical engagement

- Attacks down, economic development up in Iraq

- Commander says Iraqi citizens turning against insurgents

- American cops teach Iraqi Police to ‘serve and protect’

Video worth watching, pass it on
One American’s Thank You to Our Troops

Ohio Democrats Protect Racial Segregation

Bush’s Led Zeppelin is taking off

Infantry Combat: Young Man’s Work

First victim of 24/7 news cycle dies at 44
Posted by: McQ

That’s how I saw Richard Jewell characterized on another site. And I don’t necessarily disagree. His case was a shameful example of poor law enforcement and poor journalism combining into a circus which all but convicted the wrong man of the Atlanta Olympic bombing in the court of public opinion.

First lauded as a hero and then as the primary suspect, Jewell was hounded by the media and as I recall, some pretty nasty stuff was said/reported about the man, his family and his background. Later it was determined the bomber was Eric Robert Rudolph.
The FBI cleared Jewell of any wrongdoing. He was never charged with a crime.


After he was cleared, Jewell sued the AJC and other media outlets for libel, arguing that their reports defamed him. Several news organizations settled, including NBC and CNN.
Jewell had recently developed some very severe health problems:
He said Jewell had been diagnosed with diabetes in February and had a couple of toes amputated. “He had been going downhill ever since,” Worley said.
It is believed he finally died of kidney failure.

Jewell was a security guard for the Centennial Olympic games in Atlanta and working at the time the bomb there went off on a hot July night in 1996.
Whitlock described Jewell as “a good officer. A go-getter.”

“You know how they say people live their work. Richard ate and drank his job. He loved it,” Whitlock said.
But his life turned into a living hell when, for some reason, he became the primary suspect in the bombings. Living in Atlanta, I remember being bombarded by the local media with Richard Jewell stories and remember vividly the poor man trying to escape the media’s intrusive scrutiny. He had a hunted look in his eyes. It was awful.

Recently and thankfully, Georgia’s Governor, Sonny Perdue, made an effort to set things right:
A year ago this month, Jewell was commended by Gov. Sonny Perdue at an event marking the 10th anniversary of the bombing.

“The bottom line is this: His actions saved lives that day,” said Perdue. “Mr. Jewell, on behalf of Georgia, we want to thank you for keeping Georgians safe and doing your job during the course of those Games.”

Jewell, his voice choked with emotion, responded:

“I never sought to be a hero. I have always viewed myself as just one of the many trained professionals who simply did his or her job that tragic night. I wish I could have done more.”

RIP, Richard Jewell.

Siggy, always excellent:

Check out China:
Communist Repression is the Solution to Global Warming

and other stuff.

109 posted on 08/30/2007 3:30:43 PM PDT by AliVeritas (Today's stolen graphics courtesy of:
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