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Orly Taitz: Obama Birther Fined $20,000
RightPundits ^ | 10/15/09 | Bryan McAffee

Posted on 10/15/2009 8:44:33 AM PDT by steve-b

Okay okay, one final birther story. Unfortunately for the true believers your leader, Orly Taitz, was fined $20,000 for mis-use of the legal system. Justice Clay Land wrote a 43 page order railing against Ms. Taitz and warned her against misusing the court system to push purely political agendas. You can read the order here (it's pretty scathing).

For any who are not familiar with Orly Taitz, she is one of the leaders of the so-called birther movement who has sought to have the legitimacy of President Obama's election over-turned through the claim that he never provided a true birth certificate and that he was actually not born in Hawaii, but in Kenya (or some variation on that general theory).

Not one to give up, Taitz has kept her fight up to this day, filing lawsuits and generally hectoring Obama with these claims in any way she can. Judge Land just had enough apparently. He said the $20,000 fine is "a deterrent to prevent future misconduct and to protect the integrity of the court."

Here's the thing, basically the first thing they taught us in law school was Rule 11 of the Rules of Civil Procedure. Under Rule 11 lawyers may not engage in frivolous actions, waste the courts time or mis- use legal proceedings simply to annoy people. I think it was arguable that after the first birther suit got thrown out of court before Obama was even nominated the question was settled. To have kept up in this manner for nearly a year after he was elected is just beyond crazy.

Hey Taitz, you lost, move on! You can't go around accusing Presidents of not being citizens without some real proof, and that's exactly what you have, a lack of proof. Move on with your life!

Of course she won't. The birthers are the Right's version of the truthers on the left. These people don't know the meaning of quit. 50 years from now I'm sure of 3 things: 1) People will still think there was a conspiracy to kill JFK, 2)People will think there was a conspiracy and Bush was some how involved in 9/11, 3)People will still think Obama was really born in Kenya and not a citizen of the United States.

TOPICS: Constitution/Conservatism; Government; Politics/Elections
KEYWORDS: birthers; conspiracytheory; orly; orlytaitz; romney; romney4obama; romneyantitaitz; romneybots4obama; romneybotsantigop; romneybotsantitaitz; romneybotsassemble; romneyhateswomen; stenchofromney; truthers4romney; truthersantibirthers
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To: steve-b
Dr. Taitz is a patriot.

“Article in Nairobi Paper June 2004 - Barack born in Africa
An ongoing poll by AOL News currently shows that 58% of Americans have doubts
about Obama’s citizenship. The poll was started on July 28 and continues — you can go
here to vote. And lest you think that this survey is being conducted in a very anti-Obama
venue, the title of the article is Birthers, Beer and Stuck on ‘Stupidly’ — it is an
environment contemptuous of skeptics. So we can conclude that the results of their poll
are not what they were hoping for.

A scant five years ago, Barack Obama was a little known Illinois state politician, aspiring
to move up to the United States Senate. Undoubtedly, the Marxist handlers behind this
Manchurian candidate had long range plans to capture the US presidency since he was
groomed as a youth by Frank Marshall Davis. But the general public and the press were
not privy to this information.

At that time, there would have been no reason to fabricate a story about Obama’s birth
that would disqualify him for the highest US office. This would be especially true for an
African paper that was simply proud of their native son. So it is reasonable to take the
press clippings of the day at face value. The following item has been on the web all
along, but apparently did not get much attention. It is a June 2004 article from the online
version of the East African Standard, an English-language paper published in Nairobi,
Kenya, titled Kenyan-born Obama all set for US Senate.“

“D.C. Tech Official Is Accused of Bribery(Birth Certificate Forgery)
A D.C. government official and a business executive were arrested yesterday on bribery
charges involving city technology contracts that included "ghost" workers and
kickbacks, federal authorities said. Until recently, the technology office was headed
by Vivek Kundra, who has taken a job as President Obama's chief information officer.
A White House official confirmed last night that Kundra has taken a leave of absence.
“Yusuf Acar, 40, who has worked in the technology office since 2004, was charged with
bribery, conspiracy, money laundering and conflict of interest.
Assistant U.S. Attorney Thomas Hibarger told a federal judge that Acar is a flight risk because agents
seized $70,000 in cash in his house and because in recorded conversations, he boasted that he could easily flee to his native Turkey.
Acar also told the informant that he could use
computers to create fake D.C. birth certificates
, Hibarger said. “

21 posted on 10/15/2009 8:59:39 AM PDT by Diogenesis ("Those who go below the surface do so at their peril" - Oscar Wilde)
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To: steve-b

I was skeptical at first, but given how inexplicably secretive the Annointed One is and the cost of the fight to keep all of his records sealed you have to wonder what they are hiding.

The kids I coach have to provide a bc to prove their ages even...

I hope that the other judge allows discovery to proceed.

22 posted on 10/15/2009 9:00:46 AM PDT by monkeypants (It's a Republic, if you can keep it.)
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To: Diogenesis
Dr. Taitz is a patriot.

She's also a really bad lawyer, unfortunately. Too many people get wrapped up in a cult mentality about her, and that's when it starts to go downhill.

23 posted on 10/15/2009 9:01:14 AM PDT by dirtboy
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To: dirtboy

Is it more or less painful and or insane than reading the Cap and Tax Bill, or the Stimulus Bills, or any one of the manifold Health Care bills? Or any speech by Obama, or regulation issued out of his offices?

Just how should a Judge decide — on style points, or truth?

24 posted on 10/15/2009 9:02:58 AM PDT by bvw
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To: PubliusMM

“The difference is that we’ll be right...he’s an illegal.”

based upon the fact that you birthers have a lot of suspicions....

parsy, who don’t believe it sometimes

25 posted on 10/15/2009 9:05:13 AM PDT by parsifal (Abatis: Rubbish in front of a fort, to prevent the rubbish outside from molesting the rubbish inside)
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To: bvw
With all due respect, that has no relevance here.

Would you want a demonstrably bad mechanic working on your car? You really need to look at Orly with a critical eye. I'm neutral on this matter, I'm not pro nor anti birther, but Orly transcends that - in the wrong way. It is too easy for spin doctors to trash your cause with someone like Orly as its face.

BTW, just about every profession has basic guidelines for submitting documents. And the more you deviate from those guidelines, the worse off you are. Throw in the overall weakness of Orly's arguments (such as the claim that Judge Carter had a conflict of interest because of two stocks that he owned), and she has neither style nor substance. That's the entire problem here.

26 posted on 10/15/2009 9:07:30 AM PDT by dirtboy
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To: E. Pluribus Unum
Just an instinctive response to Birther twaddle:

27 posted on 10/15/2009 9:08:15 AM PDT by steve-b (Intelligent Design -- "A Wizard Did It")
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To: dirtboy
dirtboy: "She's also a really bad lawyer, unfortunately.
Too many people get wrapped up in a cult mentality about her, and that's when it starts to go downhill.

What did you do to help her?

28 posted on 10/15/2009 9:08:44 AM PDT by Diogenesis ("Those who go below the surface do so at their peril" - Oscar Wilde)
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To: dirtboy

I’ve read many briefs. I’ve read many decisions. I’ve seen judges take up frivolous with alarming regularity. I’ve seen grotesque politics from the bench. I’ve noticed that most lawyers are as stupid as a box of rocks. I’ve seen the SCOTUS make irrational, unconstitutional decisions over and over. I’ve seen political correctness trump state constitutions. I’ve seen activist lawyers with NO BUSINESS being promoted to the SCOTUS and federal bench. I’ve read up on tainted trials, corrupt judges, judges masturbating under their cloaks. I’ve seen slimy liberal power lawyers lie through their teeth.

And I’ve seen a marxist quisling lawyer obfuscate his entire past so he could pretend to be President.

29 posted on 10/15/2009 9:08:49 AM PDT by pissant (THE Conservative party:
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To: Non-Sequitur

As far as I know, there are only three cases where Natural Born citizenship has been called into question.

In Chester Arthur’s case, I haven’t done enough reading to understand whether or not his birth place and date were lies or mistakes. I just don’t know.

In Mcain’s case, he was examined as a candidate with Congress ruling in his favor.

In Obama’s case, there is no objective verifyable evidence of his US Natural Born citizenship yet there is substantial doubt to it.

I am not aware of any other candidate who’s citizenship status was even in doubt or would have had difficulty providing documentation if requested. Many of them had their citizenship status verified upon elistment or commissioning in the the US military.

Doesn’t the Constitution require the elected president to prove his eligibility?

Obama can make this all go away by simply holding a press conference with an official actual birth certificate.

I have to provide credentials for my employment, he is no better and must as well.

30 posted on 10/15/2009 9:10:36 AM PDT by Eagle Eye (3%)
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To: Diogenesis
What did you do to help her?

Why would I help a bad lawyer? What kind of question is that?

Like I said earlier, I'm neutral here, I'm not pro or anti - I think a more relevant issue is to hit on Obama's lack of transparency about his entire past. But regarding someone who is at the forefront of the birther movement, I've giving what I consider to be frank, neutral advice about Orly. You may do with it as you wish.

31 posted on 10/15/2009 9:10:55 AM PDT by dirtboy
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To: steve-b
Here's the thing, basically the first thing they taught us in law school was Rule 11 of the Rules of Civil Procedure. Under Rule 11 lawyers may not engage in frivolous actions, waste the courts time or mis- use legal proceedings simply to annoy people.

Gee! Yeah! How “annoying”! We the people would like to know if our emperor is indeed a natural born citizen.

32 posted on 10/15/2009 9:11:39 AM PDT by wintertime (People are not stupid! Good ideas win!)
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To: Eagle Eye
Obama can make this all go away by simply holding a press conference

The Birthers are going around making themselves look like idiots, and making other Obama critics look like idiots by association. Why the hell would he WANT that to go away?

33 posted on 10/15/2009 9:12:01 AM PDT by steve-b (Intelligent Design -- "A Wizard Did It")
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To: steve-b

If you think your own thread has so little value, then I’ll go look for an old Revski post, or maybe something crevo.

34 posted on 10/15/2009 9:12:09 AM PDT by tumblindice (One note stevie strikes again)
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To: dirtboy

I haven’t centered on any of the individual cases. I just keep an interested eye on all of them.

One of the more interesting stories I’ve seen was one that was pulled from FR due to copywrite issues this morning. It was a Honolulu paper story from 06 that described Obama as an indonesian immigrant done good.

I think those interested and digging on the BC issue should take a lesson from O’Keefe, Giles, and the writers of “Muslim Mafia”. Do the digging, collect and archive the info, then get together to combine relevant info and drop it all like a bomb.

There has been a lot of scrubbing being done and I doubt it would happen if Obozo and pals didn’t take a lead from us “birthers” on what needs to disappear.

35 posted on 10/15/2009 9:12:50 AM PDT by cripplecreek (Seniors, the new shovel ready project under socialized medicine.)
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To: steve-b
My my, this turd sounds like one of our daily obamanoid poster apologists for the criminal bastard in the Oval Office: "Hey ... You can't go around accusing Presidents of not being citizens without some real proof, and that's exactly what you have, a lack of proof."

When so called journalists/ACORN fungi demand the search for the truth about a lying bastard sitting in the White House be instantly dropped because the forgeries must be accepted as valid and nothing else will be examined for authenticity, it's a sure bet the fraud the journo worships is starting to sweat.

Barry's kneepad sycophants are even shrugging of the numerous lies told by their obamessiah, as if his continuous lying and deception is nothing to consider as evidence he is a fraud. Echoes of fascist Germany as the Weimar Republic was being rolled up come to mind. Obamascum are making such a stinky floating around Freerepublic ...

'Hunting season' after the criminals destroy the Republic also comes to mind, because no one seems to know how to build the needed guillotine which could shut down the domestic enemedia working so hard to destroy we the people sovereignty via lies and misdirection like this idiot piece heading this thread.

36 posted on 10/15/2009 9:13:27 AM PDT by MHGinTN (Dems, believing they cannot be deceived, it is impossible to convince them when they are deceived.)
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To: cripplecreek

My critique here is entirely about Orly, who has managed to put herself forth as a spokeperson for the cause. IMO she’s a really bad one.

37 posted on 10/15/2009 9:13:58 AM PDT by dirtboy
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To: Eagle Eye
I have to provide credentials for my employment, he is no better and must as well.

Gee! But... according to the author of this editorial to ask that Obama do that would be “annoying”, you see.

38 posted on 10/15/2009 9:14:55 AM PDT by wintertime (People are not stupid! Good ideas win!)
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To: dirtboy
Would you want a demonstrably bad mechanic working on your car?

Understood and can't defend her on technical merits.

However, she is a citizen, she has a cause, she has courage and tenacity, something the professionally qualified lawyers seem to lack.

Yeah, it would be great if someone could guide her a bit (assuming she'd accept it) but who? When?

At what point do we resign ourselves to tilting at windmills and subsequently resign ourselves to lives of subjugation?

39 posted on 10/15/2009 9:16:22 AM PDT by Eagle Eye (3%)
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To: dirtboy

Look, that may be, that her pleadings are not good. I do not know. I haven’t seen enough of a mix of legal pleadings as a layman in occasional contact with various layers of the legal system. I do know I have read some really crazy court transcripts in criminal cases (and watched a few actual cases too)— and not just the criminals, but the attorneys on both sides. And sometimes the magistrates.

Orly’s pleadings fall within the bounds of those I have seen, in as much as I have read a few as a layman.

Yet what is a Judge to do? Should not a Judge make the best case for all parties at these early stages, especially in cases where the public trust is at risk, or in the case of hard case criminals when the DA messes up, or on the side of a normal citizen in good standing when the defense attorney messes up? I mean strictly at the early stages — the discovery phases in this particular situation?

And what is a commentator like you or I to do? Should we weaken those on our own side by hectoring, complaining or lamenting? What good to any of those? Stay silent if the comment is unhelpful, and just a complaint — isn’t that a better way?

40 posted on 10/15/2009 9:19:45 AM PDT by bvw
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