NAACP leader thought that a statue of George Washington just didn't seem to fit in with Martin Luther King day celebrations in Columbia, South Carolina.

NAACP leaders thought that a statue of George Washington just didn't seem to fit in with Martin Luther King day celebrations in Columbia, South Carolina.

The NAACP decided to cover up a statue of George Washington during a Martin Luther King day event outside the Columbia, S.C. statue house because they thought the statue didn’t look good as a back drop for speakers on stage.

The father of the United States was covered up by a coffin like, wooden box.

The NAACP has unsuccessfully tried to cover the statue in the past, but this time they suceeded.

Tea Party activist Lloyd Marcus wrote to the NAACP expressing his displeasure over the decision to cover the former president

“I thought, you know, this is just totally absurd, totally ridiculous,” Marcus told “I don’t know if George Washington had slaves or whatever but … George Washington was our first president.”

Marcus is black and thinks that the NAACP should spend more time fixing problems in the black community.

“These are things the NAACP should be dealing with rather than running around covering up statues of dead white guys,” Marcus said.

The NAACP said that the reason George was covered up was because the structure covering the statue was to be used as a backdrop for speakers with graphics, which was not finished in time for the rally, so they just left it where it was.