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The Ugly Truth -- A Diagnosis
WSB Radio ^ | July 7, 2014 | Neal Boortz

Posted on 07/14/2014 9:48:51 AM PDT by COUNTrecount


Sometimes reality slaps us in the face. Reality arrives, stands before you, grabs you by the throat and shakes you around a bit ..and still you can’t believe it. Can’t absorb it. The reality is just so foreign to everything you’ve ever thought or believed all your life. When that moment comes denial will inevitably be your first response. Anger soon follows … often directed at the person or persons who brought the dangerous, destructive reality to your attention.

Maybe an unexpected cancer diagnosis could illustrate this. First .. Denial. “No. It just can’t be true. Not for me.” Then anger at the doctor who brought you the bad news. I know a doctor who had his nose broken by a patient to whom he broke the devastating news.

Now in a sense, whatever the tragedy or crisis, this denial may be helpful. It might slow you down enough to fashion an appropriate first response based on good information rather than a panicked response that could possibly make the situation worse. Sooner or later, though, you have to accept the reality that you have cancer; and sooner rather than later you must move denial and anger to determination … determination to do whatever you need to do; undergo whatever therapies and treatments you need to endure; in order to beat the disease.

OK. Sit down. I have a diagnosis for you. This reality is going to be hard to accept. You may have first heard this diagnosis a few years ago, and totally rejected it. New tests – more modern tests -- have been run. Better research has been performed. I’m sorry, but the diagnosis has been confirmed. Many of you who are just now studying the issue are going to embrace the denial stage immediately. If you read on, if you pay attention, if you have even a semblance of an open mind, you’re going to see that this diagnosis is pretty much accurate.

Diagnosis: America is currently being ruled by a man who came to this country in 1979 determined to destroy America as we know it, and who is well on his way to realizing that goal.

There! There’s the denial, right? That Boortz guy is just a hater. Barack Obama cares so much for people. It’s those Republicans and their obstructionism that have made him look so bad. Go ahead … go with that response for a while, but I’m going to give you some facts to digest. Call them dots. Connect them yourself. See where they lead you.


I’ve blogged about Obama’s history – his upbringing – many times. If you’re reading this you’ve probably read my previous thoughts on the subject. I do have a different and more concise way to express to you the reality of 0bama’s formative years. Let’s try this:

With one exception, every single person involved in bringing Obama into this world, nurturing him, educating him and escorting him into adulthood literally despised America. From the time he was born until the time he left home in Hawaii to attend Occidental College in California, every single person involved in raising Obama thought America was a blight on the world.

Now I did say that there was one exception. That would be a man named Lolo Soetoro. Soetoro was the second husband to Obama’s mother, Stanley Ann Dunham. Soetoro was an Indonesian businessman, and when he started doing business with American businessmen he made the mistake of expressing positive thoughts about America in front of young Barack and his mother. According to researchers this resulted in Obama being shipped out of the house to Hawaii to live with his maternal grandparents.

So there’s your first dot. The people who taught Obama as a child and as a young adult harbored a deep dislike of The United States and they did what they could to make sure Obama grew up with the same attitude.

You only have to read Obama’s books to find the second dot. When Obama arrived at Occidental he felt that he didn’t really belong. It wasn’t until he found some Marxist student groups and professors, the people he admits to being drawn to, that he felt welcomed and accepted. Another dot.

While at Occidental one of Obama’s friends was a student named John Drew. At that time Drew was a Marxist. That’s also the way he described Obama as a new student; a Marxist-Leninist. That’s a polite way of saying “communist.” Head to Google and enter “John Drew Occidental” and start reading. You’ll learn that it was Drew, now a PhD political scientist, who convinced Obama that a violent communist revolution just wasn’t going to happen in the United States. If Obama, as was his stated wish, wanted to bring America to Marxism it was going to have to be through political means, not violence. Another dot.

Not much is known about Obama’s educational journey after he left Occidental for Columbia. The records are pretty much sealed. It is rather strange that not one person of note has surfaced who claims to have known and been close to Obama at Columbia. Ditto for Harvard. We do know that Obama became the president of the Harvard Law Review without ever writing one single law review article. That hasn’t happened before or since. No … not exactly a dot. A smudge perhaps, but not a dot.

But what about the people Obama associated with when he moved to Chicago after Harvard? I told you above that virtually all of the people involved in raising Obama had a strong dislike – bordering on hatred – for America. Then in college he gravitated toward Marxist students and professors .. more people you don’t exactly hear saying the Pledge of Allegiance every morning. Well … once he arrived back in Chicago he was right back at it. Obama decided that he was going to need a church to join .. part of his credentials as a Christian he felt were necessary for political advancement. What church did he join? Jeremiah Wright’s church of “God Damn America.” Doesn’t that qualify for a dot?

And then there’s Obama’s friends Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn. Terrorists. Marxist terrorists. These are people who planted bombs in government buildings as part of the Weather Underground movement. And just how close a friend to Obama was Bill Ayers? There’s some pretty convincing research, research that I accept, that it was Ayers who ghost-wrote Obama’s “Dreams from My Father.”

But to really define the closeness of the relationship between Obama and Ayers (a closeness Obama denies) you have to look at that moment when Obama decided it was time to announce his entry into politics. Obama was going to run for the Illinois State Senate. He wanted his announcement to be as meaningful as possible, and to do that he would have to carefully chose just where that announcement would be made? His decision? The living room of Bill Ayers. Are you absorbing this? Obama announces his entry into the world of politics – his journey that would lead to the White House – from the living room of a convicted Marxist domestic terrorist. And you thought that Lewinsky and Clinton in that room off the Oval Office was bad! Another dot.


Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven. Names you should know. They were sociologists and political activists in the ‘60s. They were professors at Columbia University … Obama’s alma mater. Cloward and Piven set a goal to end poverty. They developed a strategy to do just that, called the Cloward-Piven strategy, and outlined that strategy in a May 1966 article in the liberal magazine The Nation entitled "The Weight of the Poor: A Strategy to End Poverty". Here – in their words – was the plan:

“The ultimate objective of this strategy—to wipe out poverty by establishing a guaranteed annual income—will be questioned by some. Because the ideal of individual social and economic mobility has deep roots, even activists seem reluctant to call for national programs to eliminate poverty by the outright redistribution of income.”

Sound familiar? A guaranteed annual income and income redistribution are liberal goals to this day, and Obama speaks of income redistribution often. In a 2008 interview with Charlie Rose Obama was questioned on his plans to raise capital gains taxes. Rose told Obama that when these taxes had been raised in the past it had only resulted in lowered tax revenues. Obama’s response? “I would look at raising capital gains taxes for the purpose of fairness.”

What? You raise taxes NOT to get revenue for the operation of government, but because it’s just not fair that those people who invested and earned those capital gains be allowed to keep that money? There’s your income redistribution for you. Only in the case of capital gains taxes, it’s wealth redistribution, not income redistribution. Do you remember any other president advocating a tax increase solely for the purpose of denying a person the money they have legally earned?

The Cloward-Piven strategy for achieving this goal was simple. You overwhelm the federal government with entitlement payments; welfare payments, disability payments and other social entitlement benefits to the point that chaos erupts and the congress simply has to step in to stop the bleeding, and the only real way to do that would be through a massive wealth and income seizure and redistribution program known as a Guaranteed Annual Income.

OK .. there’s Cloward-Piven. Once again, Google that phrase and do some reading. You’re going to recognize what’s happening here today.

So, since he took office what has Obama been doing to implement the Cloward-Piven strategy? •Through an Executive Order he removes the welfare work requirement. This requirement was put into place during the Clinton presidency. Clinton was forced into it by a GOP congress. Immediately the welfare roles began to diminish and the income levels for those in the lowest income quintile began to climb. As soon as Obama eliminated the work requirement the welfare rolls started to expand again .. as did the expense of the program. Another dot. • •The rules on Social Security disability were softened. Today the numbers of people claiming and receiving Social Security disability checks has exploded. I recently read of one Democrat administrative judge who overturned virtually ALL decisions by Social Security hearing officers to deny disability benefits. Yet another dot. • •Obamacare. Perhaps you haven’t noticed, but Obamacare is a massive wealth seizure and redistribution plot. Younger and healthier Americans are being forced to pay huge premiums for insurance policies with far more coverage than they need in order to subsidize the insurance policies for older and poorer Americans. The cost of Obama will overwhelm the federal government and the cry for “single payer, i.e. socialized medicine, will eventually win the day. Another dot. • •The Hispanic invasion. Since pretty much day one Obama has steadfastly refused to secure our borders. He has repeatedly made public utterances that have been interpreted by Central Americans as an open invitation to come to America, without permission, to sit and wait for the eventual amnesty. Our social welfare systems in the border states are being overwhelmed by the costs of the hundreds of thousands of so-called “immigrants” swarming across the border. Another dot. By the way, don’t buy this Obama Bolshoi about how his administration has been deporting record numbers of illegals. It’s nonsense. It’s all in what you call a “deportation.” Obama has ordered that when a Latino shows up at a border crossing without proper documentation, and is turned back, that should count as a deportation. Uhhhhh ….. right. •Unemployment insurance. Under Obama we’ve seen endless expansions and extensions of unemployment insurance. Unemployment insurance costs have gone up for employers and for the federal and state governments. The cost is quickly becoming unsustainable. Another dot.

Every one of these actions promoted and undertaken by Obama has led to exactly the type of chaos Cloward and Piven outlined in their article. The system is being overwhelmed. America simply cannot sustain the costs of the millions of people being put on the government dole at Obama's behest. We are at the point where over 50% of all American households are receiving some type of unearned government entitlement check, and the percentage grows every passing day. We're headed to destruction, my friends, and you're not going to like what Obama and his fellow travelers have planned to save the day.

Ignore the diagnosis if you will. Denial is common. Get angry if you will. Call me a racist, a hater … anything you want. It doesn’t change the diagnosis.

Whistle past the graveyard! Maybe that will work. Know, however, that governments are not forever. Constitutional Republics like ours based on the rule of law and property rights generally destroy themselves after about 230 years. Ignore that though. Couldn’t happen here, right?

Before you go … something else. America is the only nation in the world that has seen a decrease in economic freedom for seven years in a row. Another dot?

Connect them, ignore them. Sooner or later, though, you’re going to have to fight. You’re going to have to undergo the therapies and treatments that will restore our body politic – our country – to health. Are you going to do that now when victory is possible? Or are you going to wait until the situation is so far along – the Cloward-Piven Strategy and Obama’s destructive plans – that victory is doubtful .. but you fight because your back is against the wall.

Your choice.


Sometimes reality slaps us in the face. Reality arrives, stands before you, grabs you by the throat and shakes you around a bit ..and still you can’t believe it. Can’t absorb it. The reality is just so foreign to everything you’ve ever thought or believed all your life. When that moment comes denial will inevitably be your first response. Anger soon follows … often directed at the person or persons who brought the dangerous, destructive reality to your attention.

Maybe an unexpected cancer diagnosis could illustrate this. First .. Denial. “No. It just can’t be true. Not for me.” Then anger at the doctor who brought you the bad news. I know a doctor who had his nose broken by a patient to whom he broke the devastating news.

Now in a sense, whatever the tragedy or crisis, this denial may be helpful. It might slow you down enough to fashion an appropriate first response based on good information rather than a panicked response that could possibly make the situation worse. Sooner or later, though, you have to accept the reality that you have cancer; and sooner rather than later you must move denial and anger to determination … determination to do whatever you need to do; undergo whatever therapies and treatments you need to endure; in order to beat the disease.

OK. Sit down. I have a diagnosis for you. This reality is going to be hard to accept. You may have first heard this diagnosis a few years ago, and totally rejected it. New tests – more modern tests -- have been run. Better research has been performed. I’m sorry, but the diagnosis has been confirmed. Many of you who are just now studying the issue are going to embrace the denial stage immediately. If you read on, if you pay attention, if you have even a semblance of an open mind, you’re going to see that this diagnosis is pretty much accurate.

Diagnosis: America is currently being ruled by a man who came to this country in 1979 determined to destroy America as we know it, and who is well on his way to realizing that goal.

There! There’s the denial, right? That Boortz guy is just a hater. Barack Obama cares so much for people. It’s those Republicans and their obstructionism that have made him look so bad. Go ahead … go with that response for a while, but I’m going to give you some facts to digest. Call them dots. Connect them yourself. See where they lead you.


I’ve blogged about Obama’s history – his upbringing – many times. If you’re reading this you’ve probably read my previous thoughts on the subject. I do have a different and more concise way to express to you the reality of 0bama’s formative years. Let’s try this:

With one exception, every single person involved in bringing Obama into this world, nurturing him, educating him and escorting him into adulthood literally despised America. From the time he was born until the time he left home in Hawaii to attend Occidental College in California, every single person involved in raising Obama thought America was a blight on the world.

Now I did say that there was one exception. That would be a man named Lolo Soetoro. Soetoro was the second husband to Obama’s mother, Stanley Ann Dunham. Soetoro was an Indonesian businessman, and when he started doing business with American businessmen he made the mistake of expressing positive thoughts about America in front of young Barack and his mother. According to researchers this resulted in Obama being shipped out of the house to Hawaii to live with his maternal grandparents.

So there’s your first dot. The people who taught Obama as a child and as a young adult harbored a deep dislike of The United States and they did what they could to make sure Obama grew up with the same attitude.

You only have to read Obama’s books to find the second dot. When Obama arrived at Occidental he felt that he didn’t really belong. It wasn’t until he found some Marxist student groups and professors, the people he admits to being drawn to, that he felt welcomed and accepted. Another dot.

While at Occidental one of Obama’s friends was a student named John Drew. At that time Drew was a Marxist. That’s also the way he described Obama as a new student; a Marxist-Leninist. That’s a polite way of saying “communist.” Head to Google and enter “John Drew Occidental” and start reading. You’ll learn that it was Drew, now a PhD political scientist, who convinced Obama that a violent communist revolution just wasn’t going to happen in the United States. If Obama, as was his stated wish, wanted to bring America to Marxism it was going to have to be through political means, not violence. Another dot.

Not much is known about Obama’s educational journey after he left Occidental for Columbia. The records are pretty much sealed. It is rather strange that not one person of note has surfaced who claims to have known and been close to Obama at Columbia. Ditto for Harvard. We do know that Obama became the president of the Harvard Law Review without ever writing one single law review article. That hasn’t happened before or since. No … not exactly a dot. A smudge perhaps, but not a dot.

But what about the people Obama associated with when he moved to Chicago after Harvard? I told you above that virtually all of the people involved in raising Obama had a strong dislike – bordering on hatred – for America. Then in college he gravitated toward Marxist students and professors .. more people you don’t exactly hear saying the Pledge of Allegiance every morning. Well … once he arrived back in Chicago he was right back at it. Obama decided that he was going to need a church to join .. part of his credentials as a Christian he felt were necessary for political advancement. What church did he join? Jeremiah Wright’s church of “God Damn America.” Doesn’t that qualify for a dot?

And then there’s Obama’s friends Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn. Terrorists. Marxist terrorists. These are people who planted bombs in government buildings as part of the Weather Underground movement. And just how close a friend to Obama was Bill Ayers? There’s some pretty convincing research, research that I accept, that it was Ayers who ghost-wrote Obama’s “Dreams from My Father.”

But to really define the closeness of the relationship between Obama and Ayers (a closeness Obama denies) you have to look at that moment when Obama decided it was time to announce his entry into politics. Obama was going to run for the Illinois State Senate. He wanted his announcement to be as meaningful as possible, and to do that he would have to carefully chose just where that announcement would be made? His decision? The living room of Bill Ayers. Are you absorbing this? Obama announces his entry into the world of politics – his journey that would lead to the White House – from the living room of a convicted Marxist domestic terrorist. And you thought that Lewinsky and Clinton in that room off the Oval Office was bad! Another dot.


Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven. Names you should know. They were sociologists and political activists in the ‘60s. They were professors at Columbia University … Obama’s alma mater. Cloward and Piven set a goal to end poverty. They developed a strategy to do just that, called the Cloward-Piven strategy, and outlined that strategy in a May 1966 article in the liberal magazine The Nation entitled "The Weight of the Poor: A Strategy to End Poverty". Here – in their words – was the plan:

“The ultimate objective of this strategy—to wipe out poverty by establishing a guaranteed annual income—will be questioned by some. Because the ideal of individual social and economic mobility has deep roots, even activists seem reluctant to call for national programs to eliminate poverty by the outright redistribution of income.”

Sound familiar? A guaranteed annual income and income redistribution are liberal goals to this day, and Obama speaks of income redistribution often. In a 2008 interview with Charlie Rose Obama was questioned on his plans to raise capital gains taxes. Rose told Obama that when these taxes had been raised in the past it had only resulted in lowered tax revenues. Obama’s response? “I would look at raising capital gains taxes for the purpose of fairness.”

What? You raise taxes NOT to get revenue for the operation of government, but because it’s just not fair that those people who invested and earned those capital gains be allowed to keep that money? There’s your income redistribution for you. Only in the case of capital gains taxes, it’s wealth redistribution, not income redistribution. Do you remember any other president advocating a tax increase solely for the purpose of denying a person the money they have legally earned?

The Cloward-Piven strategy for achieving this goal was simple. You overwhelm the federal government with entitlement payments; welfare payments, disability payments and other social entitlement benefits to the point that chaos erupts and the congress simply has to step in to stop the bleeding, and the only real way to do that would be through a massive wealth and income seizure and redistribution program known as a Guaranteed Annual Income.

OK .. there’s Cloward-Piven. Once again, Google that phrase and do some reading. You’re going to recognize what’s happening here today.

So, since he took office what has Obama been doing to implement the Cloward-Piven strategy? •Through an Executive Order he removes the welfare work requirement. This requirement was put into place during the Clinton presidency. Clinton was forced into it by a GOP congress. Immediately the welfare roles began to diminish and the income levels for those in the lowest income quintile began to climb. As soon as Obama eliminated the work requirement the welfare rolls started to expand again .. as did the expense of the program. Another dot. • •The rules on Social Security disability were softened. Today the numbers of people claiming and receiving Social Security disability checks has exploded. I recently read of one Democrat administrative judge who overturned virtually ALL decisions by Social Security hearing officers to deny disability benefits. Yet another dot. • •Obamacare. Perhaps you haven’t noticed, but Obamacare is a massive wealth seizure and redistribution plot. Younger and healthier Americans are being forced to pay huge premiums for insurance policies with far more coverage than they need in order to subsidize the insurance policies for older and poorer Americans. The cost of Obama will overwhelm the federal government and the cry for “single payer, i.e. socialized medicine, will eventually win the day. Another dot. • •The Hispanic invasion. Since pretty much day one Obama has steadfastly refused to secure our borders. He has repeatedly made public utterances that have been interpreted by Central Americans as an open invitation to come to America, without permission, to sit and wait for the eventual amnesty. Our social welfare systems in the border states are being overwhelmed by the costs of the hundreds of thousands of so-called “immigrants” swarming across the border. Another dot. By the way, don’t buy this Obama Bolshoi about how his administration has been deporting record numbers of illegals. It’s nonsense. It’s all in what you call a “deportation.” Obama has ordered that when a Latino shows up at a border crossing without proper documentation, and is turned back, that should count as a deportation. Uhhhhh ….. right. •Unemployment insurance. Under Obama we’ve seen endless expansions and extensions of unemployment insurance. Unemployment insurance costs have gone up for employers and for the federal and state governments. The cost is quickly becoming unsustainable. Another dot.

Every one of these actions promoted and undertaken by Obama has led to exactly the type of chaos Cloward and Piven outlined in their article. The system is being overwhelmed. America simply cannot sustain the costs of the millions of people being put on the government dole at Obama's behest. We are at the point where over 50% of all American households are receiving some type of unearned government entitlement check, and the percentage grows every passing day. We're headed to destruction, my friends, and you're not going to like what Obama and his fellow travelers have planned to save the day.

Ignore the diagnosis if you will. Denial is common. Get angry if you will. Call me a racist, a hater … anything you want. It doesn’t change the diagnosis.

Whistle past the graveyard! Maybe that will work. Know, however, that governments are not forever. Constitutional Republics like ours based on the rule of law and property rights generally destroy themselves after about 230 years. Ignore that though. Couldn’t happen here, right?

Before you go … something else. America is the only nation in the world that has seen a decrease in economic freedom for seven years in a row. Another dot?

Connect them, ignore them. Sooner or later, though, you’re going to have to fight. You’re going to have to undergo the therapies and treatments that will restore our body politic – our country – to health. Are you going to do that now when victory is possible? Or are you going to wait until the situation is so far along – the Cloward-Piven Strategy and Obama’s destructive plans – that victory is doubtful .. but you fight because your back is against the wall.

Your choice.

TOPICS: News/Current Events

1 posted on 07/14/2014 9:48:51 AM PDT by COUNTrecount
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To: COUNTrecount
Obama contract nannies for the illegal alien children in January. He knew long ago what was coming and is using this to break our social systems and our constitution.

It is the Saul Alinsky method.

2 posted on 07/14/2014 9:54:59 AM PDT by sr4402
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To: COUNTrecount

Revolt is coming.

3 posted on 07/14/2014 10:17:10 AM PDT by Biggirl (“Go, do not be afraid, and serve”-Pope Francis)
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To: COUNTrecount

Communism/Socialism/Marxism, as an economic theory, has proven to be a bust. The evidence of the failure of communism is just too great. But, there has been no substitute economic theory. This means that the people in a country who want wealth and power, and feel that they can’t get it in their country’s current political and economic situations, only have communism to rally people to them. These imposters know that socialism doesn’t work economically, but they think it might work politically to give them power and wealth. That means that all communist/socialist/Marxist leaders devolve into dictators.
The Democrat Party and their leaders want wealth and power. They don’t want themselves and their families working at the cabbage commune. They throw out just enough of this socialist bilge to get elected. Can anyone imagine Nancy Pelosi or Barack Obama or Harry Reid putting on the old farming coveralls and weeding turnips? They aren’t ever going to do something like that.
So, they feign socialism to draw attention away from their greed.

4 posted on 07/14/2014 10:23:02 AM PDT by blueunicorn6 ("A crack shot and a good dancer")
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To: Biggirl

When? We’ve been saying this for years now.

Revolt isn’t coming and if it does come it will be too late. I fear it is already too late. The only way it is not too late is to dramatically reverse what has already taken place.

We are sick at my house. Sick of what we are seeing and what has happened.

5 posted on 07/14/2014 10:28:14 AM PDT by Sequoyah101
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To: sr4402
Obama contract nannies for the illegal alien children in January. He knew long ago what was coming and is using this to break our social systems and our constitution.

Perhaps this is only the first step of his plan.

Step 2: Terrorists are now free to cross the border at will and blow up American power plants. . .

The big question: Will Obama and the terrorists wait until 9/11/14 to do the evil deed?

6 posted on 07/14/2014 10:28:14 AM PDT by donna (Pray for revival.)
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To: tsowellfan

“Connect them, ignore them. Sooner or later, though, you’re going to have to fight. You’re going to have to undergo the therapies and treatments that will restore our body politic – our country – to health. Are you going to do that now when victory is possible? Or are you going to wait until the situation is so far along – the Cloward-Piven Strategy and Obama’s destructive plans – that victory is doubtful .. but you fight because your back is against the wall.

Your choice.”

7 posted on 07/14/2014 10:35:17 AM PDT by B4Ranch (Name your illness, do a Google & YouTube search with "hydrogen peroxide". Do it and be surprised.)
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To: COUNTrecount

Of course, this has been obvious to me for over a decade. It is the Fabian plan which actually got implemented one hundred years ago. John Dewey was in on it in 1930 (Father of “Modern” education).

Yes, it is hard to come out of Plato’s Cave. It is hard to “think” that your “thinking” was totally wrong. It is hard to “think” your perceptions of Reality are totally wrong. That is “cognitive dissonance” which prevents most people from even coming OUT of the cave——because it is so painful, so troubling.

It was like finding Jesus for me-—when I read “Closing of the American Mind” which spells it all out.

They have been using Hollywood and public schools and AP sources to flip Good and Evil-—to erase God and Christianity from the minds of children—to destroy Wisdom and the profound understanding of human nature—to reduce us all to base instincts-—dogs-—who “think” with emotions-—programmed emotions which was done in childhood (really submerged) so they are irrational emotions.

The trick was to get mothers away from young children-—put them in daycares and institutions where “group think” includes peer pressures which become the deciding “morality” of “right and wrong”. You eliminate Reason-—and only emotions determine what you like and do-—(herd instinct—kids want to be liked by others).

Approval-—is done only if you are a degenerate and promote Vice and destruction....that has been working since the courts unconstitutionally changed obscenity laws in the 60s (to allow children to be corrupted and warped like in the Weimar Republic) and they took “Public Virtue” out of our “Just” Laws-—which is unconstitutional. Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. did it—with the help of Fabians-—to destroy Rule of Law for Rule of Man. Cicero stated that when laws become arbitrary and unequal (which they have been for over 50 years which killed God and Objective Truth for moral relativism, with the censoring of God and Jesus Christ from the public square ( to erase and marginalize Christianity in schools, etc—while Satanic religions and Atheism/Paganism was promoted and embedded in children in the public schools).

The only reason for education is to habituate Virtue (excellence, Wisdom, etc).
Since the 60s, they have been doing exactly the opposite. It was hidden then but by 1990 it became blatant because parents were so dumb and programmed, and distracted with materialism/taxes and they allowed strangers to shape the minds of their children. Their character had been destroyed by their “education”.

All Justice Systems have to promote “Public Virtue” so we remain a Free Republic (Montesquieu). Vice creates slaves always and chaos and destroys the emotional development (virtue) of the next generation.

Cultural Marxists (Gramsci, Lukacs) devised a method (like Sex Ed) to warp and destroy the minds of our children by curricula etc. Worldview is formed in childhood——and cognitive dissonance occurs when they are finally given Truth-—since their whole childhood was given lies and Satanic ethics. Hollywood has been helping to destroy Christian Ethics 24/7. Images are powerful for children especially to form “perceptions” and that is the game: Control the perceptions of the masses. (To do that they have to have total control of information and marginalize anyone who dares to give the Truth).

That is why it is like talking to mentally ill people when talking with a Marxist or a Liberal because that dissonance creates anger-—emotions which rule their minds. It is like talking to 4 year olds.

They can’t be critical thinkers-—it is impossible—because emotions determine their Worldview and their foundation is all lies and misinformation, so they have nothing for the use of Logic and Reason. Classical Education which includes the Bible, is what gives the ability to “think” and understand at a profound level-—not like a tribal person who is actually smarter than current graduates because they at least have some common sense because they understand the Laws of Nature to an extent.

Get your kids/grandkids OUT of public schools. The Marxists (Fabians) were brilliant (like George Bernard Shaw) and their Fichte “thinking” is to destroy Free Will in all children and actually make them believe “snow is black”. And they can do exactly that-—you see it now with kids taking Pride in sodomizing others and thinking it is “good” to kill babies (abortion) and good to deny a child a biological parent. Pure evil like divorce which is nothing now. Destroying emotional development of children is essential for Marxism; the destruction of the nurturing mother and father collapses culture and creates a bunch of loyal slaves for the state.

They have to destroy Christianity because it is based on Reason—the Laws of Nature, (and Marxism is totally irrational (fairy tale utopia)) .

The underlying philosophy of the US Constitution is Natural Law and Christian Ethics—nothing else will work for Individuality and Natural Rights from God, which can’t exist in a NWO of Collective rights and radical egalitarianism where individuality can’t exist. Not even sexual identity. All humans have to be interchangeable-—drones/slaves for the state.

And children have to grow up to believe this insanity (that Slavery is Freedom) and they absolutely will when the Common Core gets through destroying critical thinking and exciting the Limbic area 24/7 which is what the curricula is designed to do: Destroy critical thinking (that is why Math is being REALLY confusing now-—so children know they are dumb and know only what their masters tell them. They will be totally irrational, like all good Marxist slaves who are devoid of Virtue (Reason/Wisdom/Escellence).

8 posted on 07/14/2014 10:45:41 AM PDT by savagesusie (Right Reason According to Nature = Just Law)
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To: COUNTrecount

I actually did what was suggested and did a google search on Cloward Piven. It was very enlightening.

I guess the question to ask would be who’s going to pick up the mantle to further these goals after 2016?

9 posted on 07/14/2014 11:01:46 AM PDT by Rich21IE
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To: COUNTrecount

Boortz is responsible for beginning my transformation from bleeding heart Lib in Gainesville, FL, to a Skeptic of nearly everything — listened to him on my hour commute home and wow, did he ever blow my mind. He is a hard-core libertarian, and I had turn him off whenever he went off on abortion, gay marriage, and the natural born status of Barry Soetoro/Obama. Had Boortz stuck to his legal knowledge and his appreciation of the ‘Rule of Law’, he should have made a bigger deal about Soeotoro/Obama - alas, it was radioactive for him, Coulter and others who didn’t want us to be distracted because they might want to support their own ineligible guy some day. Everything Boortz writes about today was ALL KNOWN before Obama ran for POTUS.

10 posted on 07/14/2014 11:09:15 AM PDT by Sioux-san
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To: COUNTrecount

Bump for later reading.

11 posted on 07/14/2014 12:06:51 PM PDT by carton253
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To: Biggirl

No it’s not.

12 posted on 07/14/2014 3:35:46 PM PDT by stellaluna
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13 posted on 07/26/2014 5:58:32 PM PDT by AllAmericanGirl44
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