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The Deep State’s Original Purpose Was to Rein In Trump
Rush ^ | December 7, 2018 | Rush Limbaugh

Posted on 12/07/2018 4:02:13 PM PST by Kaslin

RUSH: Things are starting to come into a little bit more focus, and for some of you it may have already been in focus. We’ll find out. … What is coming into focus is the Mueller investigation and what its real purpose is. And we have learned this because CNN, of all places — on their website — has revealed that there was a pre-Mueller investigation that was launched by the FBI and Andrew McCabe, and we know now the actual reason for it. And I’m gonna give you the big news and then work backwards on this.

Apparently, if we can trust what’s out there today and if we can believe it — and I think there’s something to this, simply because there isn’t any evidence of Trump colluding with Russia at all. It just didn’t happen. The upshot of everything is that all of this has been not to find Trump guilty, not to find… Maybe as a bonus, maybe some impeachable offenses. But the real purpose has been to just rein Trump in and stop him, to keep him sidetracked, to keep him obstructed, to keep him confused, to keep him unable to advance his agenda, to keep his staff in constant turmoil.

It has basically been a deep state plot to prevent Donald Trump from being Donald Trump, to prevent Donald Trump from having any kind of success with his agenda at all, with the added bonus being that along the way they can create the idea that Trump stole something like an election or is a thug-criminal and bad guy. But all of it — and it’s an important distinction, because they started all this knowing full well there wasn’t any crime here. There wasn’t any crime mentioned when Mueller was appointed, which violates Justice Department regulations.

There has to be a special crime given to the special prosecutor to look into, and Mueller wasn’t given one. Now, this has been leaked to CNN, which would be qualified as friendly media. Mollie Hemingway at The Federalist has read it and seen it. I have it here soon to be in my formerly nicotine-stained fingers. And Mollie Hemingway’s tweet: “Leakers now saying to friendly media that probe was about reining Trump in, not uncovering collusion with Russia (which they knew was [without] evidence).

“Their purpose: constrain Trump. Yet is anyone even investigating this years-long scandal, much less holding people to account?” No! Nobody is. And at the heart of this, do you remember the story that was feverishly denied by Rosenstein and other FBI aficionados that Rosenstein had offered to wear a wire in a conversation or two with Trump in order to, quote, unquote, “get the goods”? Not on conclusion, and not even on obstruction. Just wear a wire so they can get a recording of, in their minds, how literally stupid and incompetent Trump is and have that be provable using Trump’s own words.

It looks like that absolutely happened. It looks like — and I didn’t doubt, by the way. When I first heard that Rosenstein volunteered to wear a wire, I didn’t doubt it at all. (big sigh) You know, I say frequently that I know these people. But I’ve never really told you how or why. So I’m kind of hanging out there when I say it. By “these people,” I mean the Washington establishment, these elites, this club, the ruling class, however we designate them. I know them.

Some of them personally, but not many. But, I mean, I know who they are; I know how they think. I know how they operate. I know what their psychology is. I know what their arrogance is. And the reason is I’ve encountered it for the entire length of time this program has been on the air. So none of this is a surprise to me, that these people simply would not accept the results of the election. They simply would not accept somebody like Donald Trump, no matter what the election results are, no matter what the will of the American people.

And so there’s nothing that will not be done to either get rid of Trump or to make sure that, if they can’t get rid of him, that he can’t accomplish anything — and, furthermore, that he cannot damage what they have established. And that probably is primary in their minds, that Trump… They will not sit idly by, acknowledge that they lost with Hillary and that Trump won, and then wait for Trump, bide their time for four years, and hope to beat him at the next election.

Their point from the get-go has been to deny Donald Trump his presidential powers, constitutional powers. It has been to deny Donald Trump his agenda, to deny Donald Trump the staff that he wants to put together, to make sure that there are constant people around Trump that will leak back to them. And, as I say, the primary source for this today is a very lengthy CNN piece. Now, you might be saying, “Come on, Rush! CNN?

“Don’t tell me all of a sudden you’re gonna start believing CNN.” It’s not that I believe CNN. It’s that I believe this story and that I believe that people at CNN would be in the leak chain to get this story, and the whole point of this story is that a Trump investigation began long before Mueller’s did! And that’s what this story is about. “The Frantic Scramble Before Mueller Got the Job.” It’s by Pamela Brown and Jeremy Herb “(he might pronounce it ‘erb) and it’s published today.


RUSH: Here’s the beginning of the CNN story: “In the hectic eight days after President Donald Trump fired FBI Director James Comey, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and top FBI officials viewed Trump as a leader who needed to be reined in, according to two sources describing the sentiment at the time.” Eight days before Trump fired Comey, which is what triggered the appointment of Mueller by Rosenstein, who had written Trump a memo suggesting that Comey be fired! It looks like all of this was an orchestrated setup that needed Comey to be fired for it to happen.

Rosenstein suggests it. Trump wanted to get rid of the guy anyway. So Trump thinks he’s got the imprimatur of the attorney general, deputy attorney general over at the Department of Justice, and he fired Comey, and that gave us Mueller. Rosenstein appointing Mueller. And here we are. “In the hectic eight days after … Trump fired [Comey], Rosenstein and top FBI officials viewed Trump as a leader who needed to be reined in … They discussed a range of options, including the idea of Rosenstein wearing a wire while speaking with Trump, which Rosenstein later denied.

The Deep State’s Original Purpose Was to Rein In Trump

Dec 7, 2018

RUSH: Things are starting to come into a little bit more focus, and for some of you it may have already been in focus. We’ll find out. … What is coming into focus is the Mueller investigation and what its real purpose is. And we have learned this because CNN, of all places — on their website — has revealed that there was a pre-Mueller investigation that was launched by the FBI and Andrew McCabe, and we know now the actual reason for it. And I’m gonna give you the big news and then work backwards on this.

Apparently, if we can trust what’s out there today and if we can believe it — and I think there’s something to this, simply because there isn’t any evidence of Trump colluding with Russia at all. It just didn’t happen. The upshot of everything is that all of this has been not to find Trump guilty, not to find… Maybe as a bonus, maybe some impeachable offenses. But the real purpose has been to just rein Trump in and stop him, to keep him sidetracked, to keep him obstructed, to keep him confused, to keep him unable to advance his agenda, to keep his staff in constant turmoil.

It has basically been a deep state plot to prevent Donald Trump from being Donald Trump, to prevent Donald Trump from having any kind of success with his agenda at all, with the added bonus being that along the way they can create the idea that Trump stole something like an election or is a thug-criminal and bad guy. But all of it — and it’s an important distinction, because they started all this knowing full well there wasn’t any crime here. There wasn’t any crime mentioned when Mueller was appointed, which violates Justice Department regulations.

There has to be a special crime given to the special prosecutor to look into, and Mueller wasn’t given one. Now, this has been leaked to CNN, which would be qualified as friendly media. Mollie Hemingway at The Federalist has read it and seen it. I have it here soon to be in my formerly nicotine-stained fingers. And Mollie Hemingway’s tweet: “Leakers now saying to friendly media that probe was about reining Trump in, not uncovering collusion with Russia (which they knew was [without] evidence).

“Their purpose: constrain Trump. Yet is anyone even investigating this years-long scandal, much less holding people to account?” No! Nobody is. And at the heart of this, do you remember the story that was feverishly denied by Rosenstein and other FBI aficionados that Rosenstein had offered to wear a wire in a conversation or two with Trump in order to, quote, unquote, “get the goods”? Not on conclusion, and not even on obstruction. Just wear a wire so they can get a recording of, in their minds, how literally stupid and incompetent Trump is and have that be provable using Trump’s own words.

It looks like that absolutely happened. It looks like — and I didn’t doubt, by the way. When I first heard that Rosenstein volunteered to wear a wire, I didn’t doubt it at all. (big sigh) You know, I say frequently that I know these people. But I’ve never really told you how or why. So I’m kind of hanging out there when I say it. By “these people,” I mean the Washington establishment, these elites, this club, the ruling class, however we designate them. I know them.

Some of them personally, but not many. But, I mean, I know who they are; I know how they think. I know how they operate. I know what their psychology is. I know what their arrogance is. And the reason is I’ve encountered it for the entire length of time this program has been on the air. So none of this is a surprise to me, that these people simply would not accept the results of the election. They simply would not accept somebody like Donald Trump, no matter what the election results are, no matter what the will of the American people.

And so there’s nothing that will not be done to either get rid of Trump or to make sure that, if they can’t get rid of him, that he can’t accomplish anything — and, furthermore, that he cannot damage what they have established. And that probably is primary in their minds, that Trump… They will not sit idly by, acknowledge that they lost with Hillary and that Trump won, and then wait for Trump, bide their time for four years, and hope to beat him at the next election.

Their point from the get-go has been to deny Donald Trump his presidential powers, constitutional powers. It has been to deny Donald Trump his agenda, to deny Donald Trump the staff that he wants to put together, to make sure that there are constant people around Trump that will leak back to them. And, as I say, the primary source for this today is a very lengthy CNN piece. Now, you might be saying, “Come on, Rush! CNN?

“Don’t tell me all of a sudden you’re gonna start believing CNN.” It’s not that I believe CNN. It’s that I believe this story and that I believe that people at CNN would be in the leak chain to get this story, and the whole point of this story is that a Trump investigation began long before Mueller’s did! And that’s what this story is about. “The Frantic Scramble Before Mueller Got the Job.” It’s by Pamela Brown and Jeremy Herb “(he might pronounce it ‘erb) and it’s published today.


RUSH: Here’s the beginning of the CNN story: “In the hectic eight days after President Donald Trump fired FBI Director James Comey, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and top FBI officials viewed Trump as a leader who needed to be reined in, according to two sources describing the sentiment at the time.” Eight days before Trump fired Comey, which is what triggered the appointment of Mueller by Rosenstein, who had written Trump a memo suggesting that Comey be fired! It looks like all of this was an orchestrated setup that needed Comey to be fired for it to happen.

Rosenstein suggests it. Trump wanted to get rid of the guy anyway. So Trump thinks he’s got the imprimatur of the attorney general, deputy attorney general over at the Department of Justice, and he fired Comey, and that gave us Mueller. Rosenstein appointing Mueller. And here we are. “In the hectic eight days after … Trump fired [Comey], Rosenstein and top FBI officials viewed Trump as a leader who needed to be reined in … They discussed a range of options, including the idea of Rosenstein wearing a wire while speaking with Trump, which Rosenstein later denied.

“Ultimately, then-acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe took the extraordinary step of opening an obstruction of justice investigation even before … Mueller was appointed… The obstruction probe was an idea the FBI had previously considered, but it didn’t start until after Comey was fired. The justification went beyond Trump’s firing of Comey, according to the sources, and also included the president’s conversation with Comey in the Oval Office asking him to drop the investigation into his former national security adviser Michael Flynn.”

Now, I don’t know what you remember about all this, but these are instances that did happen, that the people in the FBI and DOJ were able to feign (as in fake) shock, outrage, disbelief. (impression) “A president asking the Department of Justice to go easy on one of his guys? Why, that’s never happened before! This has put us in an untenable situation. This man must be stopped!” We are seriously here to believe the deep state doesn’t take care of its own? By the way, Trump was not asking for Flynn to be exempted from justice.

The bottom line: We now know that Flynn didn’t do anything, and even the people that interviewed Flynn, including Peter Strzok, never thought that Flynn had lied. “The new details about the genesis of the obstruction case into Trump that became a key element of the Mueller probe shed light on the chaotic week following Comey’s firing and the scramble to decide how best to respond. They also help to explain the origins of the Mueller investigation that has stretched across 19 months, consumed Trump’s presidency and is building toward a dramatic day of courtroom filings [today].

“A Justice Department official strongly disputed Rosenstein sought to curb the president, emphasizing that his conversations with McCabe were simply about talking through ways to conduct the investigation. ‘He never said anything like that,’ the source added. Other sources said that the FBI would only take such dramatic action if officials suspected a crime had been committed. But Rosenstein and other senior FBI officials also had deep concerns about Trump’s behavior and thought he needed to be checked” and reined in. “A spokeswoman for McCabe did not provide comment for this story.”

Rudy Giuliani said, “It’s shocking that the FBI would open up an obstruction case for the president exercising his authority under Article II,” meaning he’s got the right to fire Comey.” Anyway, it should not come as a surprise. We find out that this whole thing was just to retard Trump’s presidency, to rein him in, to keep him from doing anything, to keep him from harming the deep state, to keep him from winning anything — and there was an added bonus. If they could find a crime along the way, then that would be great, and they gave Mueller the latitude to do just that.


RUSH: Here is another take on the CNN story today about what actually has been going on here. “FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe reportedly launched an obstruction of justice investigation into President Donald Trump prior to the appointment of special counsel Robert Mueller. CNN reported Thursday evening that in the days following Comey’s ouster in May 2017, McCabe, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, and other leading FBI officials met to discuss how to curb [Trump] from future actions they thought would add to the turmoil at the FBI.

“Among the options discussed was Rosenstein [wearing] a wire during meetings with President Trump in an attempt to capture what he believed was manic behavior demonstrated by the president that could potentially be used to convince cabinet members to invoke the 25th Amendment.” I don’t doubt that for a minute! I don’t doubt that that was discussed for a minute — and if somebody were to tell me later that Rosenstein wore the wire, I would not be surprised for a minute.

As much as people think they understand what’s going on here, I don’t think most people have the capacity to understand just how much the Washington establishment — whatever it encompasses — just totally despises everything there is about Donald Trump including the people that voted for him and people that work for him. It’s impossible to aptly describe the level of animosity and sheer hatred and fear that has dominated official Washington since election night 2016.

There has never been and there never will be even a split-second moment of discussion on the part of these people of standing down, of maybe finding a way to work with Trump, of maybe realizing the American people spoke and we have to listen. Not a split second of recognition of any of that or acknowledgment of any of that or acceptance of any of that. In fact, I think what we’re learning here is that there was an attempt to derail the Trump campaign long before anybody really… I mean, before the mainstream thought that Trump had a chance of winning the nomination.

I think who he is and where he comes from has instilled — or did instill — a degree of panic in official Washington that you and I were unaware of and could only guess about. But with me, it isn’t a guess. I understand totally how Trump affects these people — or anybody like Trump, any outsider that would dare attempt what Trump has done and succeed at it. This is a different breed of cat, if you will. The idea that Rosenstein would wear a wire to try to entrap Trump, to collect evidence to demonstrate what they think of him?

That he’s a nincompoop, that he’s an idiot, dangerous, that he’s unsuitable, that he’s nowhere near intellectually/emotionally qualified, that he poses a great threat to everything these people have devoted their lives to. So anything they could do to collect evidence to then go to people they thought would be friends of theirs in the cabinet and say, “Look, this guy is not fit. This guy cannot serve! It’s too great a chance.” I have no doubt that all of that and more was not just contemplated, but in fact happened and was acted on.

Rudy says, “It’s shocking that the FBI would open up an obstruction case for the president exercising his authority under Article II.” No, it’s not. Not if you know these people — and Rudy knows them, by the way. Rudy, at some point, might have thought he was one of them, and he may have been until all this. It’s not shocking at all that they’ve done anything that they’ve done. That’s the whole point! What they’ve done is far more than any of us realize, and we learn it trickle by trickle.

They had spied embedded in the Trump campaign. They were attempting to entrap Trump on this phony collusion with Russia business. They wanted to create it. They wanted to get hired. There were six people that were implanted in the campaign, one of them Felix Sater, who Trump had worked with in his international division building buildings around the world. What they wanted to do is they wanted to get these people embedded in a campaign.

And they wanted these people to reach out and start making deals or talking with Russians about the campaign so that they could then say, “Look! The Trump campaign is colluding with Russia!” They weren’t gonna wait for it to happen. They were gonna make it happen. Anyway, let me grab a quick call on this. Somebody wants to weigh in from Camas, Washington. Dale, I’m glad you called, sir. You’re up first today on Open Line Friday. Hi.

TOPICS: Culture/Society; Editorial
KEYWORDS: coup; deepstate; doj; fbi; mueller; rush
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To: Lurkinanloomin

I wont ever forget that look.The start of the eight long years of nightmare from those bastards.He knew.

21 posted on 12/07/2018 5:31:07 PM PST by HANG THE EXPENSE (Life's tough.It's tougher when you're stupid.)
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To: null and void

Designed to bring in the NWO.

22 posted on 12/07/2018 5:33:56 PM PST by cowboyusa (America Cowboy Up)
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To: Boomer

Our government is badly broken and I have no real idea how to fix it with such corrupt actors on all sides in key high level positions.


Yep, its broken beyond repair. The government is DEEPLY infested with corrupt bureaucrats. Its like when termites destroy and weaken the structural timbers in a house. And then there’s the changing demographics which have altered our culture in profound and irreversible ways.

Despite Trump’s best efforts, the political will in the body politic is lacking to hold people accountable and clean up the mess.

23 posted on 12/07/2018 5:55:18 PM PST by Starboard
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To: Kaslin

Oh most exalted one; most magnificent Maha-Rushie; America’s Doctor of Democracy, I must in all humility report the “Deep State” has been around for much longer than Mr. Trump’s ascendance upon the political scene.

24 posted on 12/07/2018 7:11:10 PM PST by ImpBill (Conservative little "l" libertarian)
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To: Starboard

Truth of the matter is the Republic has been circling the drain for a few decades and our descent into dust heap of civilizations is increasing exponentially. I am in my 7th decade and had believed I wouldn’t be around to see the final death knell, but I begin to wonder, unless I am to kick off in the next few months, which is also increasing exponentially with each passing day.

25 posted on 12/07/2018 7:16:05 PM PST by ImpBill (Conservative little "l" libertarian)
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To: Lurkinanloomin

“Everything leads back to Usurpation Day when both parties cooperated to violate the Constitution.”

Yes, and as I recall el gordo de oxycontino never said much about the fact that O’muslim was never eligible to hold the ‘job’ he did for 8 years.

Idiot talking heads on our side hitting with the flat of the sword while O’muslim and his treason gang of marxists, maoists and muslims fundamentally farked America.

26 posted on 12/07/2018 7:58:27 PM PST by Electric Graffiti (Cocked, locked and ready to ROCK!)
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To: Kaslin

Mueller, Comey, Hillary, Rosenstein, McCabe, Holder and other deep state actors are up to their asses in corruption with the Uranium One deal. When Trump won the election I surmise they decided to take Trump out least their corruption send them to jail.

Link to great article on Uranium One from “The Hill.”

Link showing the relationship of Comey with the Clinton Foundation is below.

27 posted on 12/07/2018 8:43:38 PM PST by cpdiii (Cane Cutter, Deckhand,Roughneck, Geologist, Pilot, Pharmacist: THE CONSTITUTION IS WORTH DYING FOR!)
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To: Boomer

From CTH: “When the institutions are corrupt; and the officials within the institutions are corrupt; and there is inquiry into the corrupt activity of the officials within the institutions; then retaining the institutions is the priority. It’s that simple. If you take down the institution you run the risk of exposing the corruption…. So anyone associated simply demands another coat of paint.”

Billy Jack: You’re a liar.
Mr. Posner: We got the law here, Billy Jack.
Billy Jack: When policemen break the law, then there isn’t any law - just a fight for survival.

28 posted on 12/08/2018 1:21:16 AM PST by combat_boots (God bless Israel and all who protect and defend her! Merry Christmas! In God We Trust!)
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To: All

Thanks Uncle Teddy----for endorsing Obama----calling the Halfrican a "new generation of leadership."

29 posted on 12/08/2018 4:08:11 AM PST by Liz (Our side has 8 trillion bullets; the other side doesn't know which bathroom to use.)
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To: Mr. Jeeves

I actually pray for a military coup to take over the government.

30 posted on 12/08/2018 5:35:37 AM PST by Dont tread and Live (waso)
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To: Dont tread and Live

That’s why Obama filed the top ranks with progressives and seditionists - to forestall the possibility of any such action.

31 posted on 12/08/2018 6:21:52 AM PST by Mr. Jeeves ([CTRL]-[GALT]-[DELETE])
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To: Boomer
I have no real idea how to fix it with such corrupt actors on all sides

The break down in society is from the churches to the schools. Take those back and there is your start.

32 posted on 12/08/2018 9:07:12 AM PST by dragonblustar (I love reading Trump tweets in the morning.)
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To: Kaslin

But reining him in included stopping him from exposing their own systemic, egregious corruption and criminality during Obama’s Rain [sic] of Terror.

33 posted on 12/08/2018 2:30:14 PM PST by YogicCowboy ("I am not entirely on anyone's side, because no one is entirely on mine." - J. R. R. Tolkien)
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