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COVID-19 Was CCP ‘Biological Warfare,’ New Research Group Says
epoch times ^ | 5 August A.D. 2022 | Jackson Elliott

Posted on 08/05/2022 6:53:39 PM PDT by lightman

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) used COVID-19 for biological warfare, according to a new report by nine experts with the Center for Security Policy (CSP).

Generals, medical experts, and foreign policy experts including former House Intelligence Committee Chairman Pete Hoekstra and former Deputy Under Secretary of Defense Lieutenant General William “Jerry” Boykin contributed to the report, which is available in book form on Amazon.

The report, titled “The CCP is at War with America,” stated that there is no evidence COVID-19 was a natural virus, arguing that there is significant evidence it came from a CCP lab. It also stated that the CCP deliberately allowed the virus to spread worldwide by allowing international flights while locking down movement within China.

The CSP describes the report as an “exercise in competitive analysis that strongly challenges the Director of National Intelligence’s September 2021 conclusion.” The Plague War

U.S. intelligence experts in 2021 concluded that they might never know for certain where COVID-19 came from. But the CSP put the blame squarely on the Chinese communist regime.

“The preponderance of evidence indicates that SARS-CoV-2 was lab-manufactured,” the report stated. “In any event, Beijing acted with murderous intent in spreading the disease beyond China’s borders.”

As proof of these claims, the report pointed to genetic features of COVID-19 not found in natural viruses. It noted that China’s military has a biological warfare program.

Finally, it highlighted that the Chinese regime restricted internal travel to stop the spread of COVID-19 but kept its international borders open. At the same time, it bought up global supplies of personal protective gear.

Even if the original release of the virus was an accident, its worldwide spread was intentional, the report stated. The likely motive was to ensure that the rest of the world would be set back economically by the virus to the same degree China would be. Epoch Times Photo The cover of The CCP is at War with America report on Amazon. Screenshot taken Aug. 5, 2022. (Jackson Elliott/The Epoch Times)

“Xi’s regime clearly saw the imperative need to ensure that it would not suffer economic privation alone, to the advantage of its enemies, especially the United States,” the report read. “Actively spreading the virus was, thus, a means of waging economic warfare, and the Chinese Communists applied themselves to doing so with a vengeance.”

According to the report, the CCP worked to spread its COVID-19 quarantine policies around the world so it could weather the pandemic at an advantage. The damage COVID-19 measures did to America’s economy put the CCP ahead.

“A principal beneficiary of such economic trauma would be the Chinese Communist Party,” the report read. Weapons of Choice

The report also stated that the Chinese regime has a history of biological warfare. In the early 1990s, Chinese general Chi Haotian told China’s biological weapons program that it should depopulate America so China could take it over, according to the report. But China kept these plans secret.

“Right now, it is not the time to openly break with [America],” the general said. “Our reform and opening to the outside world still rely on their capital and technology.”

Biological weapons could be China’s road to world domination, the report stated. Chinese military journals have openly published articles about genetically-targeted biological warfare. China has collected genetic profiles of foreigners while keeping a close guard on the genetic profiles of Chinese people, it added.

“If Chinese scientists succeed in designing pathogens targeting only foreigners, the next germ, virus, or microbe from China could end non-Chinese societies,” the report stated.

“Xi will be the first supremo to possess a weapon making worldwide Chinese rule possible,” it read.

The report suggested that COVID-19 fatalities outside China should be considered “murder victims.”

The paper offered several conclusions. These include that the CCP and any who colluded with it must be held accountable for the pandemic’s results; the government shouldn’t impose vaccine mandates on the vulnerable; the United States should develop deterrents against Chinese bioweapons; and future medical health measures shouldn’t follow Chinese totalitarian lockdown advice.

“We must never again allow our constitutional freedoms to be denied on the pretext of a public health emergency, especially at the insistence of foreign powers, let alone our mortal enemy,” the report stated.

TOPICS: Culture/Society; Foreign Affairs; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: 202109; biowarfare; bioweapon; boykin; ccp; chihaotian; chinavirus; coronavirus; covid1984; csp; dni; genetics; hoekstra; wuhanvirus
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“We must never again allow our constitutional freedoms to be denied on the pretext of a public health emergency, especially at the insistence of foreign powers, let alone our mortal enemy,”
1 posted on 08/05/2022 6:53:39 PM PDT by lightman
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To: lightman
The likely motive was to ensure that the rest of the world would be set back economically by the virus to the same degree China would be


China gambled that it would recover before the rest of the world (or before the rest of the world realized that they had been bamboozeled and shut down for sniffles) and thus would have a 6 - 12 month kickstart.

2 posted on 08/05/2022 6:56:27 PM PDT by lightman (I am a binary Trinitarian. Deal with it!)
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To: lightman

>China gambled that it would recover before the rest of the world (or before the rest of the world realized that they had been bamboozeled and shut down for sniffles) and thus would have a 6 - 12 month kickstart.

Before Covid China’s annual GDP was 15% of global GDP.
After Covid China’s annual GDP is 25%, equal to that of the U.S.

3 posted on 08/05/2022 7:05:11 PM PDT by thepoodlebites (and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.)
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To: lightman

They bought up as much of the world as it could, when it went down with covid.

I heard the process was explained like this.
Human cells were infected with covid.
The most successful variants were then harvested and used to re-infect cells.
The most successful of those variants were then harvested and used to re-infect cells.
They did this hundreds of times to get as close to compatibility with the human genome as possible.

Then they released it into the world

4 posted on 08/05/2022 7:06:09 PM PDT by Jonty30 (Some men want to watch the world burn. It is they that want you to buy an electric car.)
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To: lightman

put a cork in it

5 posted on 08/05/2022 7:06:16 PM PDT by changeitback440
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To: changeitback440

ooops, wrong thread

6 posted on 08/05/2022 7:07:12 PM PDT by changeitback440
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To: lightman

(The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) used COVID-19 for biological warfare)

I think so too. Thanks, Fauci!


7 posted on 08/05/2022 7:08:04 PM PDT by SaveFerris (The Lord, The Christ and The Messiah: Jesus Christ of Nazareth - http://www.BiblicalJesusChrist.Com/)
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To: lightman

(The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) used COVID-19 for biological warfare)

I think so too. Thanks, Fauci!


8 posted on 08/05/2022 7:08:05 PM PDT by SaveFerris (The Lord, The Christ and The Messiah: Jesus Christ of Nazareth - http://www.BiblicalJesusChrist.Com/)
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To: lightman

I’m not ruling out China having an antidote either.

We just don’t know. It may have been an error, but we don’t
have to just sign off on that. I think we should look at
things with a jaundiced eye. Study it.

The truth will out.

9 posted on 08/05/2022 7:08:11 PM PDT by DoughtyOne (I pledge allegiance the flag of the U S of A, and to the REPUBLIC for which stands.)
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To: SaveFerris

I can say that twice!

In fact, I did!

10 posted on 08/05/2022 7:09:04 PM PDT by SaveFerris (The Lord, The Christ and The Messiah: Jesus Christ of Nazareth - http://www.BiblicalJesusChrist.Com/)
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To: lightman

Parts of our government was helping them develop it over there. I’m guessing the Chinese people weren’t the intended target when all is said and done.

11 posted on 08/05/2022 7:09:41 PM PDT by Rurudyne (Standup Philosopher)
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To: lightman

Except it’s a USA product.

12 posted on 08/05/2022 7:10:47 PM PDT by Jim Noble (I’ve stumbled on the side of twelve misty mountains)
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To: lightman

Perfect Marxism tactics. Sure worked!

And the greed and hubris, maybe with some fame chasing, of the west jumped right on the suicide train.

The narcissistic Control Freaks rubbed their hands with glee and grabbed as much power as the scardy cats allowed. Which was all of it.

Giant power shift. The free world killed itself in 2 years.

We should have shot them all early.

13 posted on 08/05/2022 7:11:28 PM PDT by Basket_of_Deplorables (Putin is behaving rationally.The war is on Biden and Obama. )
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To: lightman

Old news……

14 posted on 08/05/2022 7:12:26 PM PDT by wardamneagle
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To: lightman

Time for war crime trials to start. It doesn’t matter if the guilty are there or not. They can be put on the kill on sight list.

15 posted on 08/05/2022 7:17:17 PM PDT by Boomer ( George Orwell: “During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.” )
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To: lightman kidding?

16 posted on 08/05/2022 7:17:48 PM PDT by Jane Long (What we were told was a “conspiracy theory” in 2020 is now fact. 🙏🏻 Ps 33:12)
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To: lightman

Here’s the best account I have found of how and why SARS-CoV-2 was leaked from that leaky Wuhan lab. Long, but worth the read:

More here:

17 posted on 08/05/2022 7:17:48 PM PDT by CatHerd (Whoever said "All's fair in love and war" probably never participated in either.)
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To: lightman

with a 99.8 % chance of survival, it’s kind of a shitty weapon.

The real weapon is the clot shots.

18 posted on 08/05/2022 7:18:33 PM PDT by Safrguns
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To: lightman

They never did explain the furin cleavage site of this Coronavirus that has never been found in nature

I think many question the Chinese reaction and search for motives, but maybe they thought it would just go away, as it was obviously circulating much earlier than previous thought…

19 posted on 08/05/2022 7:20:43 PM PDT by ALX
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To: Safrguns
"The real weapon is the clot shots."

Winner, Winner. Avian flu dinner.

Real X-Files kinda genetic altering Bullshittery. 2/3 of the country has mutated DNA sorting itself into various organs and tissues as we speak. You know, to trigger an "immune response".

Immune response to reproduction, age status, brain function, blood cell production, or replicated material distribution thru saliva, sweat, waste tract, or other bodily fluids.

Prometheus kinda mechanisms on human life.

20 posted on 08/05/2022 7:31:48 PM PDT by blackdog (Cooler King Joe, killing a winning nation every day. )
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