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Rescuing Our Lives from the Cesspool of the Left
Private Archives ^ | April 5, 2003 | Reynaldo Mahatma Smith

Posted on 04/05/2003 1:56:27 PM PST by attiladhun2


Reynaldo Mahatma Smith

A manager once saw his fighter lose a close bout by only a few points. He felt that the fix was in; the judges had unfairly awarded the bout to his boy's opponent. "We was robbed!" the manager shouted to the audience. I feel just like that manager. Liberal judges and politicians, leftwing lawyers, professional bleeding hearts, and an army of poverty pimps have by stealth and downright trickery seized an inordinate amount of power in this nation. More and more of us are, like that boxing manager, crying out, "We was robbed!"

They have seized this power by a couple of means. First of all, a horde of sociopathic attorneys have deceitfully used the courts to give us such travesties as abortion on demand, the Miranda decision, jury nullification, the tobacco and gun industry shakedowns, etc. They will use false affidavits, spurious testimony, and absolute falsehood to bring about a favorable courtroom decision. If you think trial lawyers do not stoop to unethical and even illegal means to get a client off or to win a case you'd better wake up a get a whiff of the java, Jack. The consequences of many of these decisions have serious societal ramifications. Sympathetic and soft-headed judges have aided these legal jackals in their destructive agenda.

Secondarily, they use the power of regulatory agencies, both state and Federal, to push along their agenda. These agencies have the power to restrict and compel a host of activities by mere writ. These regulatory agencies are quite beyond the control of legislative oversight in many cases. That is quite in keeping with the Liberal ideal. After all, they know better than you or I what is best for this nation. They feel they have some kind of divine right to force their poisonous broth composed of noxious ingredients down our throats.

The Left has over the course of time developed a large and effective propaganda apparatus. The basic assumptions of this propaganda have until quite recently gone unchallenged. The propaganda apparatus had two separate but complimentary wings--the education establishment and the major media. Much like the legal jackals mentioned above, the edu-crats and their media allies often use falsehood to indoctrinate both young and impressionable minds and the general public.

One of the most pernicious falsehoods disseminated is the idea that America is great because of its diversity, as though diversity in itself has been the means of this nation's success. The old Soviet Union and the former nation of Yugoslavia had diversity, yet are now on the junkpile of history. Their successor states are all political and economic basket cases with a veneer of democracy but underneath are ruled by warlords and gangs of thugs. Freedom and the rule of law are the reason America is great. This nation is diverse because these two principles have made it great. America is a beacon to every nation on this globe because it is a free and just society. That it remains so even after a concerted effort by the Left to pervert it is testimony to the strength of its basic foundation.

We can tick off some other falsehoods propagated by the education and media establishments one by one:

1. That Big Business is BAD

2. That Liberals are the saviors of oppressed minorities

3. That Liberalism equals progress

4. That people need Liberals to save them from themselves

5. That high taxation equals prosperity

6. That MORE government equals greater freedom

7. That EQUALITY is a good greater than LIBERTY

8. That the COLLECTIVE has priority over the INDIVIDUAL

9. That private gun ownership is EVIL

10. That private property rights only exist to serve the COLLECTIVE

11. That strict heterosexuality is a narrow and outdated concept

This list is by no means the complete creed of Left-Liberalism, and it is certainly not necessary to refute these premises one by one. They are referentially self-refuting. However, we find those who parrot these ideas, as if they were chiseled in stone by some divinely inspired prophet.

If those of us who are committed to the Constitution and the concepts of individual liberty do not begin to stand up to this Leftwing Alliance, we will eventually be overcome completely by it. What do you think the Left has in mind for us? Do you think they will just leave us alone, once they have seized power completely? Make no mistake about it, they aim to exercise complete political power, and will use any means to finally attain it. After that, you and I may be candidates for the re-education GULAG they will, no doubt, set up.

Let's look again at the education establishment. Remember the time when going to school meant learning certain facts for a few hours a day for a certain limited number of days a year. Now learning the facts is no longer important. It is the process of learning that is now important. So Johnny and Jane can now graduate from high school not knowing how to read or do math properly, because the process of learning will continue in college. If Johnny and Jane do not learn these skills there, they have a chance to continue the learning process in graduate school. Eventually, according to the edu-crats, the process will have taught them how to read, write, and cipher.

Couple this process with the fact that schools are slowly becoming a substitute for the family. Schools are now offering both before and after school programs. Students are spending a longer part of the day on campus. I can guarantee they are not learning free-market economics and the U.S. Constitution in these increasingly mandatory extra-curricular activities. Eventually, students will be bunking down at school, maybe coming home only on weekends and holidays. You can bet that by then they will be thoroughly indoctrinated in all the principles of the Left.

Learning facts helps one develop critical-thinking skills. It takes mental discipline to learn facts. It helps one to become a rational thinker to learn facts. These facts become an antidote to the falsehoods and emotional propaganda spewed out by the Left. Have you ever tried to rationally discuss an issue with a Liberal? It is an exercise in futility. They will almost always resort to the argumentum ad hominem—that’s name-calling for you folks in West Palm Beach.

So how can we counter this deluge of leftist propaganda? For one thing, you can find out what they are teaching your kids. Read their schoolbooks. Go to school and sit in on a class. Find out about the school’s curriculum. If you have to, tell your kid that the teacher is full of crap. Go to school board meetings and pitch a bitch about any liberal psychobabble you discover being taught.

If you have the time and inclination, home school your kids. If you can afford it, send them to a decent private school where God and country are honored. If you are in a hopelessly liberal big city school system, move out to an area with better schools. Work two jobs if you have to in order to make the move!

Support the alternative media whenever you can. Buy products advertised on these media. Write radio stations and encourage them to host conservative talk shows. Support FOX news on television. DO NOT watch or support the sponsors of programs like Phil Donohue or the Oprah Windbag Show.

Put your money where your mouth is. How many of you are still giving money to the United Way? Don’t you know that is an umbrella organization that funnels money to all kinds of Liberal causes, including the ACLU and People for the American Way, two scurrilous leftwing groups? Instead, support organizations such as the NRA and Second Amendment Foundation. Give generously to alternative civil rights organizations such as the ACLJ and Rutheford Institute. Get off your butts and do some volunteer work for some of these organizations.

How about your voting pattern? I’ll bet some of you just pull the lever at the voting booth without finding out about certain candidates or ballot initiatives. Do some research before you vote. If an initiative raises taxes, nix it! Shoot down bond issues, they are stealth tax increases. Find out about your elected representative’s voting record. Write your elected officials and tell them how you want them to vote. Vote against judges and magistrates who are soft on crime. Hell! Run for office yourself if you think you’d do a better job.

If we are going to take this great country back from the abyss, we have a lot of work to do. The most important thing we can do is to educate ourselves. Read the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Study the writings of the Founders. Study the history of this great nation. Some of you still have your heads planted. Dummy up!

Get together with like-minded people once in while. There are all kinds of conservative groups meeting around the country. These groups can act as your extended eyes and ears for what the local lefties might be trying to pull in your community.

We are seeing a little progress in rescuing this country from the cesspool the Left has created for it. Remember how they tried to steal the 2000 election. It was sweet to hear them bellow, "We was robbed!"



TOPICS: Constitution/Conservatism
KEYWORDS: activism; conservatism; left
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1 posted on 04/05/2003 1:56:27 PM PST by attiladhun2
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To: attiladhun2
GREAT read. Thanks for the post!
2 posted on 04/05/2003 2:01:01 PM PST by friendly
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To: friendly
3 posted on 04/05/2003 2:09:43 PM PST by attiladhun2
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To: attiladhun2
sociopathic attorneys

I like it. :-)

4 posted on 04/05/2003 2:10:39 PM PST by AlienCrossfirePlayer (proud of our brave warriors)
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To: attiladhun2
Freedom and the rule of law are the reason America is great.

Hopefully this statement is not correct, as we kinda threw that whole "rule of law" thing into the trash bin when we invaded Iraq and replaced it with "the rule of the law of the jungle" (aka "hit them before they hit us").

5 posted on 04/05/2003 2:12:23 PM PST by The Duke
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To: attiladhun2
I hope and pray that many people are waking up to the emptiness and the lie of liberalism. It looks like many are. News and information sources such as FOX News and talk radio such as Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity and others. Add to that the Internet news such as World Net Daily, CNS news, Drudge National Review and others. Forums such as this one and some others taken together are burning through the fog and exposing the liberal lies and hypocrisy.

Look at the recent exposure of Daschle, Hillary and Kerry and the others to their hypocrisy. Their roadblocking of the judicial nominees and rejection of legislation that would help fix ecconomy is not going unoticed.

People are becoming less tolerant of these lise and hypocrisy and are letting them know by calls, e-mails and letters. They can't ignore the polls. People want lower taxes and smaller government. People want school choice and energy self-suffiiciency. I think (and hope) November 2004 will see a bigger change than 2002 brought.

Perhaps, if we need a super majority of 60 votes to get anything passed, then maybe we'll get one.

6 posted on 04/05/2003 2:26:55 PM PST by KriegerGeist ("The weapons of our warefare are not carnal, but mighty though God for pulling down of strongholds")
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To: The Duke
Hopefully this statement is not correct, as we kinda threw that whole "rule of law" thing into the trash bin when we invaded Iraq and replaced it with "the rule of the law of the jungle" (aka "hit them before they hit us").

Baloney. Until just recently a country had to have an incredibly large industrial base to attack, let alone defeat the US. Build, man and support a Navy; man, train, equip and transport an army, that sort of thing.

Now, some tinpot dictator with a valuable commodity under his feet can simply buy WMD and with relative ease release a devastating attack on the US. This is unsat.

We are doing the right thing for the US and western civilization.

7 posted on 04/05/2003 2:37:47 PM PST by roderick
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To: The Duke
You mistakenly believe they did not hit us first. The only problem with this war is that Congress did not have the guts to declare war and instead opted for a resolution. As much as I would have preferred a declaration I'll take the resolution because Saddam had to go.
8 posted on 04/05/2003 2:37:49 PM PST by Robert DeLong
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To: attiladhun2
If this subject is of interest, you may want to read this...
9 posted on 04/05/2003 2:50:55 PM PST by Davis
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To: attiladhun2
Liberalism is the result of a dumbing down in philosophy --

See what I mean, while reading a (not too well transcribed) Speech to the 1974 West Point graduation class.

The website transcription has typos in it -- don't let them bother you.

10 posted on 04/05/2003 2:53:23 PM PST by thinktwice
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To: attiladhun2
My only fear is that we have short memories. I fear that once this is over, like sheep we will be lulled by the stupid liberal arguments. I pray we won't.....But history has a bad way of repeating itself.
11 posted on 04/05/2003 2:56:49 PM PST by StoneColdTaxHater
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To: AlienCrossfirePlayer
sociopathic attorneys

A major redundancy. Think lawyer scum Bill and Hillary Clinton.

12 posted on 04/05/2003 8:35:40 PM PST by friendly
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To: The Duke
You are absolutely incorrect. We had the backing of numerous UN resolutions, plus the Iraqis violated the 1991 ceasefire. You sound like a typically ill informed Democrat.
13 posted on 04/06/2003 1:26:32 PM PDT by attiladhun2
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To: Davis
That was a great article. Socialism = coersion, thus socilists end up being killers. That is why they must be stopped in this country. Make no mistake about it, once they have failed at re-educating us, the benign lefties of this country will turn to the firing squads as the "final solution."
14 posted on 04/06/2003 2:11:35 PM PDT by attiladhun2
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To: attiladhun2
You are absolutely incorrect. We had the backing of numerous UN resolutions, plus the Iraqis violated the 1991 ceasefire. You sound like a typically ill informed Democrat.

Actually, I'm probably the most "rabid conservative" you'll meet in these parts. However, I'm one of those apparently rare conservatives who can't seem to put critical thinking processes on the shelf when a Republican is in the White House.

It is against the UN Charter to change a government. Meanwhile, back in the good ol' USA, a declaration of war is required from Congress to do what we're doing today.

And, I must say, I found the rather amateurish attempt that was made by the Bush administration to link Iraq to 9/11 to be an embarrassment.

Maybe I'm just a bit cynical after seeing nobody held accountable for the criminal activities of the 90's that trashed the US economy? Or maybe it was the image of Bush kowtow'ing to a Chinese dictator that brought me around. But probably, more than anything else, it was Bush's allegiance to Nafta that pushed me over the edge.

Interesting, isn't it, how evil the French are for opposing the war in Iraq, and how we hear no criticism of Mexico?

15 posted on 04/06/2003 6:24:28 PM PDT by The Duke
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To: The Duke
You are a fool. Do you think that Ouday, Qusay, Chemical Ali, and the rest of the 40 Theives are such humanitarians that they wouldn't sell all the mustard gas, ricin, sarin, and anthrax spores to anyone with the right amount of $. Ouday would turn his own mother out if the price was right. It is about time we treated all states that sponsor terrorism as equally culpable. Of course, we cannot be perpetually at war, so it was wise to take out two of the worst offenders first--Afghanistan and Iraq.
16 posted on 04/07/2003 7:18:47 PM PDT by attiladhun2
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To: attiladhun2
A good read. The libs really do think strict heterosexuality is narrow minded, and want to teach sexual diverstity in elementary schools. Up until 2000 they really did have the deck stacked against us. Now I believe the tide is turning...
17 posted on 04/07/2003 7:21:29 PM PDT by cardinal4 (The Senate Armed Services Comm; the Chinese pipeline into US secrets)
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To: The Duke
P.S. I doubt seriously you are remotely conservative. Harping about NAFTA gives your game away. You are probably voted for that raghead Nader. Everything you have said in your last post indicates you are a Pro-PLO Naderite. Go peddle your leftwing horsesh*t somewhere else.
18 posted on 04/07/2003 7:25:04 PM PDT by attiladhun2
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To: cardinal4
Yeah! Heather Has Two Mommies and Henry Has Two Dads.
19 posted on 04/07/2003 7:27:45 PM PDT by attiladhun2
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To: attiladhun2
P.S. I doubt seriously you are remotely conservative. Harping about NAFTA gives your game away. You are probably voted for that raghead Nader. Everything you have said in your last post indicates you are a Pro-PLO Naderite. Go peddle your leftwing horsesh*t somewhere else.

You're pretty good with the insults, but I suggest that you work on your critical thinking. With regard to my conservative credentials, I strangely feel very little need to prove myself to you.

Are you one of those people I've heard termed "Bush-bot"s?

20 posted on 04/08/2003 8:28:47 PM PDT by The Duke
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