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FOX news | April 2, 2005

Posted on 04/02/2005 11:57:08 AM PST by CitizenM

Edited on 04/03/2005 6:40:57 AM PDT by Admin Moderator. [history]

(Saturday) Vatican City, Rome Italy - The official Vatican announcement by Cardinal Ruini, is expected momentarily. Media is standing by as we watch and wait.

Synopsis of the Worldwide Two Day Vigil: Image Hosted by "The Pilgrim Pope" - Since Thursday, March 31 and the announcement of the Pope’s critical condition, high fever, and urinary tract infection, and subsequent septic shock there has been a constant vigil of the faithful while media coverage has been continually providing updates along with stories, and historical information on this holiest of holy men. Image Hosted by ImageShack.usEarly in the afternoon of Friday, April 1, international media and the people throughout the world were sent into frenzy that began immediately after the noontime Mass (where special prayers had just been offered for The Pontiff’s health and peace). While Mass was still being held, word somehow spread that the Pope had lost consciousness; and then the announcement that he had also suffered kidney failure. Shortly, a (false) broadcast on networks every proclaimed that The Pontiff had died. Image Hosted by ImageShack.usThe world held its breath and waited for the “official” notification, while all over the mourning began, and people dropped to their knees in St. Peter's Square. People stopped working, televisions and radio commentators spoke in solemn tones. But, no "official” word came and well over fifteen minutes had passed. Finally a Vatican spokesperson announced that the Holy See was, indeed, still alive! Contrary to all announcements, his heart was beating and his brain was still functioning. Image Hosted by Hours passed, and no news of any change in the Pope's condition was presented while people continued to pray and wonder. It was being assumed that the many procedures and preparations were being made within the Vatican. In the streets of Vatican City people noted the obvious security measures taking place: more barricades were erected, and more significant crowd control procedures were implemented in preparation for the expected rise in the vigilant. An additional number of streets were closed to motor traffic; a number of ambulances were placed on the immediate grounds for any required emergency assistance for the people. At approximately 5:00 p.m. (US EST) another announcement was made that John Paul, II was conscious and had never lost consciousness. Image Hosted by Sorrowful, vigilant crowds have filled St. Peter’ Square rising to about 70,000 during the day Thursday. During that time hymns rang out spontaneously and a Rosary Ceremony was held. Churches filled with the prayerful around the world. In Poland, especially, people gathered in the streets and outside the building in Krakow where the Pope stayed when he visited what he always called “home.” Luminary candles were placed all over the grounds. Pilgrimages from all over Europe to Vatican City were announced underway and included Catholics and those of all faiths whose love, respect, and admiration of this Holy man transcends all religious and ethnic lines. The crows are expected to swell to over 100,000 in the Vatican. Image Hosted by ImageShack.usAt 11:00 A.M (Rome time) Saturday, the Vatican , spokesman, Navarro-Fellas, made a statement that the Pope's condition remained “very grave” but basically unchanged. He was not in a coma, although there had been periods of unconsciousness ( medical commentators told us that was most likely due to the toxins that built up in his system). However, he would awaken and even interact and be alert. The spokesman related the Pope's love of the children. Note: He was so loved by them they nicknamed him “Papa,” and “JPII.”. A huge “World Youth Day” has been in the planning for years and was scheduled for Aug. 20, 2005, Cologne, Germany.( Message of the Holy Father To the Youth of the world on the Occasion of the 20th World Youth Day ) Navarro-Fellas related how the Holy Father had been told that mostly young people had been vigilant in the square the night before. That seemed to please him and he spoke, difficult to understand, but he said:

Image Hosted by "I have looked for you, now you have come to me. Now I thank you."Image Hosted by
Later in the day it was reported that, although seriously ill, he had completed some official duties and assigned a few more bishops. Mentally, when he was awake, it was related, he was able to remain focused. So, from his bed he was still handling some unfinished business he wanted to finalize, it was said. His bedroom was described at one point (giving us a beautiful mental picture). We were told it was all white with white fluffy bedding, and John Paul, II was propped up in a semi-sitting position. It was described as serene and peaceful and His Eminence was receiving constant attention, particularly from the three nuns who have regularly cared for him. Saturday evening, dusk came again to Rome, and a candlelight vigil was renewed by the faithful around 6:00 PM. A respectful silence fell over the crowds as they awaited news. It was said that, again, that the crowd of approximately 60,000 contained a significant number of young people who, although respectful in their attendance, had become quite boisterous. Media personnel reported there was an air of reverence punctuated with jubilation for His Holiness, as they celebrated his coming passage into Heaven. It was not one bit an unruly crowd, and quite well-mannered. Finally around 7:00 PM (Rome) another update came from the chief spokesman, Navarro-Fallas, who presented the media with a written statement that read: “ The Pontiff had developed a high fever in the late morning. His physical condition is still quite serious. He is responding to household aides.” The message appeared somewhat terse but was, evidently, meant to dispel rumors that had arisen that he was in a complete coma. It was also noted on the broadcasts that the Holy See could have been experiencing periods of ecstasy/rapture that he has oft slipped into when in fervent prayer, and, perhaps, was not just “unconscious.” Since that is somewhat misunderstood by the majority of people, it was not openly discussed by the Vatican spokesperson.
Image Hosted by ImageShack.usImage Hosted by ImageShack.usImage Hosted by
At the time of his death, and once it has been ascertained to be definite, and he has been removed from his bedroom, the Camerlengo of the Vatican locks and seals the private apartment of the Pontiff. The pope’s Fisherman’s ring with his unique seal are smashed with a silver hammer to symbolize the end of his reign and to prevent forgeries. No autopsy is performed. Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger will then speak to the people. The Bronze Door, a massive portal beneath a portico off St. Peter's Square is closed and is kept shut until a new pontiff is elected
When the dramatic closing of the shutters on the windows of the Pontiff's apartment takes place that serves as another traditional symbol to the world that Pope John Paul, II, (born Karol Wojtyla, May 18, 1920, Wadowice, Poland) the world’s first Polish pope, has completed his work and extraordinary reign of 26 years. He will have left his earthly bonds to take his well-deserved place of honor among the highest of angels.
Peace, my dear Holy Father. May the love of the people you served so unselfishly surround and lift you as you rise, effortlessly, through the clouds. We rejoice. You are no longer suffering pain or discomfort, your journey is over and you will be rewarded with God's waiting embrace, and the open arms of Our Lady of Fatima for whom you had such special devotion.
Pope John Paul, The Great
Image Hosted by ImageShack.usPope John Paul, II - May 18, 1920-April 2, 2005 Image Hosted by
Holy Father, you led us in life. You left us your love.

TOPICS: Breaking News; Business/Economy; Culture/Society; Foreign Affairs; Government; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections
KEYWORDS: announcement; catholic; death; deceased; dies; holyfather; holysee; italy; johnpaulii; newerabegins; official; passes; passing; pontiff; pope; popejohnpaul; popejohnpaulii; requiescatinpace; restinpeace; statement; vatican
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To: anonymoussierra; Siobhan

On EWTN, they just played a clip from 1995 when Pope John Paul II was at the presidential podium, with Clinton at his side, under an umbrella in a driving rain, saying that there is a need for the strong to protect the weak. The crowd cheered, and Clinton was forced to clap politely. :-D

861 posted on 04/02/2005 5:49:22 PM PST by Pyro7480 ("All my own perception of beauty both in majesty and simplicity is founded upon Our Lady." - Tolkien)
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To: Augusto
Anybody else have the displeasure of reading Hitchen's latest anti-Catholic bile?

I wish I hadn't read that ...

862 posted on 04/02/2005 5:49:22 PM PST by Mo1
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To: Pyro7480

That's our Papa!!!!

863 posted on 04/02/2005 5:50:33 PM PST by Siobhan (Theresa Marie Schindler, Martyr for the Gospel of Life, pray for us.)
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To: CitizenM

Vaya con Dios.

864 posted on 04/02/2005 5:54:41 PM PST by Tench_Coxe
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To: Siobhan

Joy and sorrow, RIP

865 posted on 04/02/2005 5:55:06 PM PST by paulsy
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As I said earlier, I think both designations are proper and pregnant with meaning, something akin to a liturgical Rorschach Test. God bless.

866 posted on 04/02/2005 5:58:46 PM PST by eastsider
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To: Mo1; Hand em their arse
Thank you. It's sounds beautful. I found a web site with your prayer. Midi sound, but no lyrics. Check it out.

Be not afraid
867 posted on 04/02/2005 6:00:55 PM PST by Smartass (Si vis pacem, para bellum - Por el dedo de Dios se escribió)
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To: CitizenM

Thank you for the countless hours you have devoted to this thread, CitizenM. I think I may have spent almost as many hours reading all the comments :) What glorious tributes!

868 posted on 04/02/2005 6:01:29 PM PST by GoldwaterChick
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To: Smartass

If I was to say it is remarkably moving, it's selling it short... If you have access to Napster, Kazaa, Itunes or anything like that, I whole-heartedly recommend checking it out...

869 posted on 04/02/2005 6:04:40 PM PST by Hand em their arse
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OHH rack ittt

You know what I just realize Pope John Paul 11 is only pope that I know off in my lifetime there hasn't been another Pope
I was too young to remember passing of previous Pope

870 posted on 04/02/2005 6:05:29 PM PST by SevenofNine (Not everybody in, it for truth, justice, and the American way,"=Det Lennie Briscoe)
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To: mitchbert

You're welcome!

871 posted on 04/02/2005 6:07:54 PM PST by texasbluebell
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To: CitizenM

Thanks for the tribute. What a sad yet glorious day!

872 posted on 04/02/2005 6:09:02 PM PST by oldvike
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To: Mo1

I'm checking on something now and I'll let you know if I'm able to get my hands on this, but Mo1, I have two words for you...... Ronan Tynan!!! It'll bring you to tears, not sure if you are a fan of him or not or if you even know who he is, but he is one of the Irish Tenors....

He may have the most powerful voice I've ever heard... Anyway, I'll let you know...


873 posted on 04/02/2005 6:10:27 PM PST by Hand em their arse
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To: SevenofNine

I keep hearing story after story about priests almost breaking down at mass over the Eucharistic prayer no longer containing "John Paul our Pope".

874 posted on 04/02/2005 6:10:52 PM PST by jbarkley
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To: GoldwaterChick
Yes, aren't they All wonderful? I have to find a way to write alllll these people via FReepmail. That will probably take a year!

Oh, thank you for your compliment also. I started doing it early this AM and had it ready when the news broke. I just had to do a tribute to Our Beloved Holy Father, Pope John Paul,II. It was my way of working out the sorrow. Besides, I figured many people did not know the progression of the past two days and reading all the different threads to "catch up," would be impossible.

But, unfortunately because of all the "hits" I was notified by the host server for my .gifs and .jpegs that I was using up too much bandwidth. LOL And they allerted me they might remove all the html's to those.

I am working on a revision, with fewer "goodies," and hope that will ease things a bit for the host. I used one of those free ones as I do not have my own webpage. The mod was kind enough to just post my words without the graphics so they are not lost. We will see what happens.

Any other ideas out there what to do?

875 posted on 04/02/2005 6:10:57 PM PST by CitizenM (An excuse is worse and more terrible than a lie, for an excuse is a lie guarded. Pope John Paul II)
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To: backhoe

Two great men gone.

I have much sadness for all of the Catholic faith.

They were so lucky to have a good and fair man of God leading their church for so long.

My prayers are with all of you.

876 posted on 04/02/2005 6:11:04 PM PST by OKIEDOC (LL THE)
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To: ELS; eastsider; Pyro7480; sandyeggo; NYer
The Pope's death transcends one time zone. Surely we will all learn that in time. It was Sunday, literally for me, and a literal First Saturday for sandyeggo. For my sister in Rome at the Italo-Greek Catholic Cathedral the liturgical time was an unusual combination before she made her way back to the Vatican.

My point is that Pope John Paul the Great died on Planet Earth and not just in one time zone or interpretation of Latin-rite liturgical law. He died in such a way that the Church experienced 2 events dear to the Holy Father that point us to the 2 most important devotional elements in his pontificate namely Our Lady of Fatima and the Divine Mercy.

O Kairos!

877 posted on 04/02/2005 6:12:46 PM PST by Siobhan
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To: anonymoussierra

Love to you Sierra!
I have prayed for you today!!!
God Bless you, Dear!

))))))))))))))))))))))))))HUGS TO YOU(((((((((((((((((((((((((

878 posted on 04/02/2005 6:12:55 PM PST by LadyPilgrim (Sealed my Pardon with HIS BLOOD!!! Hallelujah!!! What a Savior)
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To: All
Not much else I can say that hasn't been said already. Some really moving posts. I have taken the liverty of lifting the pics from these posts and made a page for them here.. John Paul II Pictorial
879 posted on 04/02/2005 6:13:29 PM PST by HRJames (Philippine Branch of FR)
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To: Hand em their arse
but Mo1, I have two words for you...... Ronan Tynan!!! It'll bring you to tears, not sure if you are a fan of him or not or if you even know who he is, but he is one of the Irish Tenors....

But of course I know who he is .. I have his CD's .. what a beautiful voice

He also sang Ava Maria at President Reagan's funeral ..

Ava Maria is another one of my favorite hymns.

880 posted on 04/02/2005 6:17:10 PM PST by Mo1
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