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To: Arizona Carolyn

"and I can read enough Spanish that it pretty much validates what has been reported."

Can you post the relevant passages that you've gleaned off the site, so I can run it through babelfish translation?

322 posted on 05/09/2006 3:51:43 PM PDT by RegulatorCountry
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To: RegulatorCountry
This is rough -- but you can understand most of it:

It says this is the third report on "vigilante activities

1. Activities of the Minuteman project

2. The Department of National Security of the United States reiterates that it corresponds to the authorities to make the patrolling functions in the border

3. Pursuit of activities and actions by state (May-July 2005)



Beginning of Activities of the group Border Watch

Incidents in the regi?cercana to the city of Field???



New Mexico





Third Report on vigilante activities

The Government of Mexico has showed repeatedly his sentence to the activities of vigilanties that citizens of the United States make, adem?de to give precise pursuit this situaci?y to undertake concrete actions to guarantee, in first instance, the total respect to the rights of Mexican nationals who cross the border.

On the matter, two reports on pursuit and actions have been done p?icos undertaken: the first 11 of April and the second the 4 of May.

1. Activities of the project Minuteman

Before the increase of the activities of the Minuteman project, as?omo of its expansi?territorial, the past 24 of June the Government of Mexico presentend the Department of State of the United States a new Diplomatic Note[ 1 ], in which solicit?ue the subject is reviewed by the corresponding authorities and that are adopted measures to prevent nobody violactions the rights with our connacionales.

Also, the Government of preocupaci?por M?co reiter?u repercusi?de difusi?de these ideas and actions.

In that same date, the Secretar?de Outer Relations to give instructions to all the consulates of Mexico in the United States, following the shipments in April and May the border consulates, so that they stay alert, fortify the channels of comunication with the local and state authorities, and so that monitoree any activity of groups of vigilantes, or that est? tie or not to the call Minuteman project, that can attempt against of the rights of our connacionales.

2. The Department of Internal Security of the United States reiterates that it corresponds to the authorities to make the patrolling functions in the border Andlast l 21 of July, diverse means of comunications to know the declarations made by the Commissioner the Department of Customs and Protecci?Fronteriza of the United States, Robert Bonner, relative to possible inclusion de voluntary civilians to the activities of the Border Patrol.

That same date the Government of Mexico, to trav?de our Embassy in Washington, entreg?na m?al Diplom?ca Note Department of State of the United States in which manifest?ue the possibility of having volunteers cooperating with the authorities of the Department of border Internal Security in subjects of inmigraci?y, of affecting? severely our capacity for the future development of cooperaci? on these subjects and to solicit?ealizar the corresponding explanations.

Equally, the Government of preocupaci?por Mexico reiterates the repercussions of difusi?de the ideas and actions of the groups of watchmen on the fundamental rights of the Mexican nationals, and enfatiz?ue the presence of these groups aggravates the disquiet climate and tensi?que prevails in the border.

Like answer, afternoon of own the 21 of July the Department of Internal Security of the United States expres?a trav?de a press official notice, that the declarations of Bonner Commissioner did not represent a posici?oficial.

3. Pursuit of activities and actions by state (May-July 2005)

3,1 Arizona >{? The past 13 of May, volunteers of the Minuteman project reinitiated activities in the County of Cochise, Arizona. This new presence of volunteers responds to the call of organizaci? in order to participate in which it is known like la operaci?sorpresa of May (Operation May Surpise), that had one duraci?de s? a d?

Organizaci?ha maintained its position of not having contact with the immigrants and limiting themselves to report its presence to the Border Patrol.

The General Consulate of M?co in Phoenix has stayed in contact with the Border Patrol to ratify petici?de to be notified in case that alg?voluntario it stops undocumented people, as?omo the request to interview the immigrants while they are under safekeeping of the Border Patrol.

Haab Case

As Report of Activities is described in the Second on the Minuteman Project, published by Secretar?de Relaciones Exteriores (SRE) the past 11 of April, the American citizen Patrick Haab stopped a group of connacionales that crossed of undocumented way the border between Mexico and the state of Arizona.

The followed Canciller?ha of constant way the development of the case and has lent legal and consular aid to the affected connacionales. The 11 of May, the Department of Inmigraci?y Ciudadan?de the United States entreg?l General Consulate of Mexico in Phoenix the safekeeping of six of the connacionales (s?imo was processed like dealer of people), despu?del American payment of a guarantee of $5.000 d?res by each one of them. The SRE, in coordinaci?con a group of consulting attorneys and the involved consulates of Mexico, est?poyando to the connacionales to regularize his situaci?migratoria in as much concludes the legal process. 3,2 California

The organizers of the Minuteman project announced the 6 of May that to initiate? training activities in the border zone between Mexico and the state of California as of June, and that in August to make? one operaci?de monitoring in the zone.

The organizaci?.Amigos of the Border Patrol inform?n a first moment that for unfolding? volunteers from the 1 of August in 100 kil?tros of the border of the County of San Diego with M?co (from the east of the city of San Diego to the Imperial Valley), and that to initiate? activities d?18 of the same month. Nevertheless, recently they presented that the date beginning of activities pospondr?ara the 16 of September.

This group has declared that has 750 volunteers, that they glide to establish a camping bases on?a of Pungent Rough Ranch in the Valley of McCain and that during operaci?construir?una platform of observaci?en mounts them. Se?ado Tambi?han that mantendr? the principle of not having contact with the immigrants and vigilar?la?camente border to give warning to the Border Patrol in case of discovering crossing them by California.

The 6 of June, the General Council of Mexico in San Diego reuni?on local authorities of the National Institute of Migraci? the Groups Beta in Tijuana and Mexicali and organizaci?Rural California Legal Assistance Foundation to coordinate actions as opposed to the presumed beginning of monitoring activities in the state of California.

The 24 of June, during the reuni?mensual of the Meeting of Directors of the Asociaci?de Governments of San Diego, integrated by the mayors of 18 cities of the County of San Diego, the C?ul de Mexico manifest?a oposici?del government of M?co to the monitoring activities and reiter?ue that representaci?mantiene narrow colaboraci?con the agencies of procuraci?de justice of the County, to follow the actions of this type of groups and to make sure that the respect to the rights of the migrantes is guaranteed.

Beginning of Activities of the group Border Watch

The 13 of July, organizaci?Border Watch manifest?nte average of comunicaci?del been of California that realizar?labores of monitoring in the border between Mexico and California, particularly in the zone near the city of Field, in the County of San Diego, from the 16 of July, and that to count? with 300 volunteers.

Before this, the Border Patrol installed sentry post outside of estaci?Campo. Agents of this corporaci?expresaron their preocupaci?por to have to use their resources to rescue volunteers of the group who can have problems by the high temperatures or the so rough land.

Also, the office of the Sheriff in the city of Field enfatiz?ue mantendr? to the slope of which the laws of the state are not violated relative to portaci?de arms.

The 15 of July, asociaci?de Heads of Polic?y Sheriff of the County of San Diego public?n communicated of titled press Border Protocol in which, among other things, he exposes the necessity to reasignar resources and personnel to maintain the security of the residents and the activists, as much to favor as against monitoring actions, to the light of the activities of Border Watch. Tambi?invita to the people related to the beginning of these activities to avoid any violent event and affirms that under no circumstance tolerar?cr?nes of hatred or nobody violaci?a the law.

The 16 of July, date of beginning of activities of the group Border Watch, the office of the Sheriff inform?ue did not appear violent acts and the average premises affirmed that n?ro of volunteers was not greater to 30 people.

Incidents in the regi?cercana to the city of Field

The weekend of 23 and 24 of July four incidents in the border between the states of Baja California, Mexico were reported, and California, the United States.

In two of these cases informaci?con the one that account is indicated that there was participaci?de voluntary of the no group Border Watch. The first incident registr?n American territory and the second in Mexican territory. In both events two wounded connacionales were registered. On the matter, the informative part of the Group Beta in Tecate (National Institute of Migraci? concluy?ue these facts do not have relaci?con the groups of cazamigrantes. and that in both cases was involved groups of criminals who dedicate themselves to assault to migrantes.

The P?ico Ministry of the Com?tom?onocimiento Law of both cases and est?ealizando the corresponding investigations. Tambi?la office of the Sheriff of the County of San Diego est?levando to end one investigaci?de the facts.

There were two incidents m?en those that the Border Patrol stopped to three connacionales like answer to the warning made by volunteers of the group Border Watch.

First detenci?fue of a pair of connacionales in the zone near the city of Field, California, that declar?n interview with civil employees of the General Consulate of M?co in San Diego who one of the volunteers of the group, to petici?de they themselves, gave avent them? and that despu?los moments entreg? the Border Patrol.

In the second case, the Border Patrol stopped to a Mexican national despu?de to have received notificaci?de part of a volunteer of the group, that entertained it while they arrived.

The Government of M?co est?levando to end the corresponding investigations and consultations to make sure that the rights of the connacionales have not been done violence to and, in case that he comes, utilizar?odos the legal resources that are necessary against who is responsible.

In this sense, by instructions of the Secretary of Outer Relations, the Undersecretary for Am?ca of the North, Ger?mo Guti?ez, viaj? the 28 from July to San Diego to coordinate directly the actions that being est?esarrollando the General Consulate of M?co. During his stay in that city he maintained meetings with:

Claudia Smith, leader of Rural California Legal Assistance Foundation, with that dialog?obre the operative ones of vigilantismo. registered in San Diego in?imas weeks and on the work of legal attendance that his makes organizaci?

Darryl Griffen, Head of the Border Patrol of the Sector San Diego, who ratific?ue the Border Patrol not permitir?inguna violaci?a the pending law and that est?l of the operative ones which they make these groups. Mr. Griffen reiter?l Undersecretary its commitment to opportunely notify the General Consulate, in case that the vigilant calls stop or take part in detenci?de Mexican undocumented people.

He is possible to emphasize that in the first week of August to tendr?ugar one reuni? of coordinaci?con c?ules border, in which the 13 c?ules of M?co based on the discutir?este border subject with authorities of the Secretar?de Outer Relations, evaluar?la followed strategy and definir?las pr?mas actions.


The 11 of May, l?res of the call Minuteman project declared that the date probable to initiate monitoring activities in Texas is October. These activities to be made? throughout the R? Bravo.

The main organizers of the activities in Texas belong to the group for Americans Zero Population Growth.

The Mayor of probable Brownsville declar?ue es that the presence of Minuteman causes m?problemas of which can solve.

The C?ul de Mexico in Military prison reuni?on of the Head of the Marfa Sector of the Border Patrol to ask for his colaboraci?para that in case that alg?tipo of monitoring activity is detected, report immediately to that Consulate.


Is had knowledge of which some volunteers who participated in the activities of the call Minuteman project in Arizona, initiated organizaci?Utah Minuteman Project.

The 18 of June, this group llev? end protests in front of diverse banking branches to show its oposici?al use of matr?la consular in est?instituciones, with the argument of which the banks helped to the undocumented people accepting matr?la.

New Mexico

The group New Mexico Minuteman anunci?ue the 10 of June iniciar?actividades of monitoring in the Counties of Do?Ana and Moon in the South border of the state again M?co. Nevertheless, despu?de to have made a route of observaci? the Consulate of M?co in the Step registr?resencia some of volunteers or individuals not making monitoring activities in that regi? Also, agents of the Border Patrol, Sector the Step, did not have incidents that to report.

The 26 of June realiz?na reuni?en the city of Columbus, which they attended near 100 people. In agreement with reports of the average premises, most of the people was not of Columbus. As opposed to these activities, the Mayoress of the city, Martha Skinner, to declar? that est?e agreement with the presence of the group and that their activities are adapted.

In relaci?con the activities made by the consulate, the 28 of June civil employees of the Consulate of M?co in Alburquerque met with Bill Hume, Head of Pol?cos Advisers of Bill Governor Richardson. In this reuni?se exposed that the government of the state insistir?ue soluci?a inmigraci? as?omo aplicaci? of the migratory laws, it is a subject of car?er federal and nonstate. Explic?ambi?que in case that a volunteer breaks the state laws, the state actuar?e forms opportune dr?ica and.

Bill governor Richardson declar?ue no requires itself of the presence of volunteers of the Minuteman group in New Mexico because authorities in charge of aplicaci already exist? of the law in the South border of the state. Nevada

From the 27 to the 29 of May, the organizaci?antiinmigrante Wake up America llev? end, in Fertile valleys, Nevada, reuni? national United to Fight against Illegal Immigration., with the objective to reunite to all the people and organizations involved in which they call la he fights against invasi?de the undocumented immigrants to the United States. and to manage with this to know themselves, to plan and dise? directed strategies to reach the goal com? A?cuando anunci?ue podr? to arrive up to 1.000 assistants, s? 200 participated.

In agreement with the program, the main orador was the Representative Tom Tancredo. Tambi?participaron l?res of groups antiimmigrants like Jim Gilchrist and Chris Simcox, founders of the Minuteman project; Jan and William Herron, l?res of Defend Colorado Now; Glen Spencer, l?r of American Border Patrol; Sharrar flash, founder of Arizona Patriots, organizaci?de vigilantes. that operates in Yuma; Andy Ram?z, l?r of Friends of the Border Patrol, organizaci?que operates in California; Rick Oltman, representative of FAIR; Barbara Coe, of California for Coalition Immigration Reform and coauthor of proposal 187; Lupe Moreno and Angie Morfin, members of the Republican Hispanic Assembly, among others.


A group of residents of Chicago that particip?n the activities made by Minuteman in April in the state of Arizona initiated cap?lo of this organizaci? in Illinois. They glide to direct its activities towards pol?cos that approve or est?a please inmigraci?y towards employers that they contract undocumented people.

To d?de today this group presumably counts on around 50 volunteers and at the moment limitar?a activities of p?icas relations.


In agreement with informaci?recabada by the Consulate of M?co in Boston, recently cre?a organizaci?New England Minuteman Association, whose misi?ser?esguardar the borders with Canada


The 18 of July, local means presented creaci?del group The Tennessee Volunteer Minutemen with seat in the city of Morristown, Tennessee.

* * *

It is possible to reiterate that in the first week of August to tendr?ugar one reuni? of coordinaci?con border c?ules, in which 13 c?ules of Mexico based on the border discutir?el subject of the vigilantismo, among other subjects, with authorities of the Secretar?de Outer Relations. In reuni?se evaluar?a followed strategy and definir?las pr?mas actions.


[ 1 ] This Diplom?ca Note sum? emitted the past the 10 of February, of that details in the report published in the month of April occur.

358 posted on 05/09/2006 4:19:11 PM PDT by Arizona Carolyn
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